Rebirth of Coiling Dragon

C371 To do this, you must do it

C371 To do this, you must do it

"They came out. The Patriarch and the others came out." The Elders all immediately stopped speaking and stood respectfully. Gai Sileisen wore a faint smile on his face as he walked to the great hall and sat down. Lin Feng, on the other hand, stood below with the elders.    


"The Patriarch actually laughed." "This is unbelievable."    


"Yeah, ever since the fall of the Old Ancestor tens of thousands of years ago, we haven't seen the Patriarch smile again." Today, the Patriarch is actually smiling again. "    


"It might be related to Lin Feng. Now that the clan has gained a new elder, the Patriarch will naturally be happy. "    


"It's not quite possible. Over the last ten thousand years, the clan has also produced a few elders, but I've never seen the clan leader smile before. They all have the same dignified, unsmiling expression."    


The change in Gai Sileisen's expression immediately caused the various elders to guess. Of course, they did not dare discuss about him in front of Gai Sileisen.    


"I have already tested Lin Feng's strength and he has indeed reached the level of Seven Star Fiend. Everyone also knows that according to the clan rules, once a clan member reaches the Seven Star Fiend realm, they are bestowed the position of elder. " Gai Sileisen's voice sounded.    


"Elder?" Although the elders below were surprised, no one dared to retort. This was something that they had expected.    


With a wave of his hand, a set of neatly stacked capes, a set of cyan colored armor, and many other fragmented items flew towards Lin Feng.    


But of course, this azure armor was different from the azure armor of the ordinary azure warriors of the clan. Lin Feng also knew that these clothes belonged to the clan elders, and represented their identity as elders.    


Lin Feng immediately waved his hand and kept the things.    


"From today onwards, Lin Feng will be the thirty-sixth elder of the Assembly of Elders!" Gai Sileisen announced.    


Quite a few Elders nodded in goodwill towards Linley.    


Elder Garvey immediately transmitted his voice back, "Lin Feng, congratulations. But now, you should put on your clothes. Generally speaking, the clan had to wear the uniform of an Elder. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. "    


Lin Feng immediately dripped blood on it to confirm his ownership. Lin Feng's body shone with a bright light as he donned the complex golden pattern of the cyan armor. He put on the cape, which was glowing with all sorts of colors.    


The way he was dressed was the same as the rest of the Elders in the palace.    


"Other than that, there's one more thing I want to announce." Gai Sileisen's voice sounded once again.    


"Is there something else?" The group of elders was immediately puzzled.    


"Although there are still hundreds of years until the thousand year meeting of elders, Clan Elder Lin Feng will head to Bloodbath Gorge tomorrow to fight for the clan." Gai Sileisen said.    


"Bloodbath Gorge? Tomorrow? "    


The elders immediately went into an uproar.    


Within the clan, including the new Lin Feng, there were a total of thirty-six elders. However, twenty of them were at Bloodbath Gorge, fighting and killing for the clan and the eight great clans.    


But generally speaking, every thousand years, the clan would hold a meeting of Elders. At that time, several Elders would be sent to Bloodbath Gorge to replace the Elders who had perished or fought in Bloodbath Gorge for too long.    


This was already the custom of the clan. It had been the same for the past ten thousand years.    


But now ?    


"Clan leader, Lin Feng has just become an Elder and going to Bloodbath Gorge is probably a bit inappropriate. Moreover, the thousand year meeting of elders has not yet come. Elder Lin Feng going to Bloodbath Gorge now is also against the rules. " The silver-haired elder, who had great authority, immediately raised an objection.    


This silver-haired old man was the Second Elder of the Assembly of Elders and also Gai Sileisen's son. Amongst all the elders present, only he had the guts to object to Gai Sileisen's words.    


"There is nothing wrong with that. What I say is rules. " Gai Sileisen glanced at his son, and continued to speak: "Going to Bloodbath Gorge to fight for the clan was Lin Feng's own request, approved by me. Alright, this matter is decided. Everyone can leave now. "    


What authority, what dictatorship, Gai Sileisen was a living example!    


Lin Feng sighed in his heart. He had experienced Gai Sileisen's tyranny in the clan since the beginning, but now that he had personally experienced it, he knew that Gai Sileisen was just too despotic.    


The united opinion of all the elders would not even compare to a single word that Gai Sileisen had said.    


"Yes, Patriarch."    


The group of Elders bowed and prepared to leave.    


Lin Feng bade farewell to the elders, and then flew towards the ravine where he resided.    


The dragon path snaked as Lin Feng flew at top speed.    


Looking at the teams of clan warriors patrolling below, Lin Feng suddenly felt a sense of responsibility. This sense of responsibility was something Lin Feng had never felt before.    


"Previously, when I came here, my heart was only on the road to the Ancestral Baptism. Other than that, I only felt gratitude towards the The Four Divine Beasts clan. But now, Lin Feng looked at the green armor with golden patterns on his body, and could not help but sigh, "After becoming a clan elder, I suddenly feel like I am part of a clan, and on my shoulders, I shoulder the responsibility of the clan's rise and fall."    


"The changes in the world are indeed strange." Lin Feng sighed.    


"Elder!" When the many patrolling warriors on Dragon Avenue saw Lin Feng flying over, they all respectfully bowed.    


Lin Feng glanced at the patrolling warriors and nodded slightly.    


Amidst the respectful salutes of the patrolling soldiers, Lin Feng flew past them.    


Looking at Lin Feng's leaving figure, a patrolling warrior frowned: "That elder just now was a stranger, I have never seen him before. Could it be that a new clan elder has appeared? "    


"Perhaps. Don't worry about it so much. Anyway, it's not right to take out the exclusive Elder's uniform." The captain of the patrol said.    


"We're here." Lin Feng looked at the Great Canyon in front of him. His body drew an arc, then dived into the interior.    


Lin Feng immediately flew towards the Yulan branch, in mid air, Lin Feng saw that a group of people were gathered at the entrance of his residence. Ba Luke, Ta Luosha, Di Liya and dozens of others were gathered there.    


"What do you think the clan suddenly summoned Lin Feng for?" Hazard sighed, "I hope something happens to Lin Feng." Unknowingly, the people of the Yulan branch all saw Lin Feng as their clan's banner.    


Although the gorge which the Yulan branch resided in was very large, it wasn't too large for Deities. Anyone would soon know what was going on.    


Lin Feng was summoned by the blue armored warriors sent by the family, so Ba Luke and the others knew about it very quickly. They didn't know why the family summoned Lin Feng, but it was because they didn't know that they were worried.    


After all, Lin Feng was of their Yulan branch, and had become the banner of the Yulan branch.    


"The boss is here." At the same time, he raised his head to stare upwards.    


"Lin Feng is here?" The group of people immediately followed Bebe's gaze, raising their heads to stare upwards. In the faint mist above, a swift figure descended from the sky, Ba Luke and the rest could only vaguely make out the various colored halos of light.    


Shadow landed on the ground, it was Lin Feng!    


Ba Luke, Ta Luosha and the rest were all dumbstruck as they looked at Lin Feng.    


Lin Feng's entire body was covered in green armor, on it there were complex golden marks, looking simple and noble. The cloak was wrapped around his shoulders. The complex and profound magic engravings on it were unfathomable. All kinds of faint light flowed about within it.    


It was the attire of an elder!    


"Lin, Lin Feng?" Ba Luke, Ryan, Dylin and the others all stared at Lin Feng in astonishment.    


"Patriarch." Lin Feng laughed as he looked at them.    


"Lin Feng, have you grown old?" Hazard's eyes were wide open.    


Within the Azure Dragon clan, the elders were the true elites of their family. Every single elder was a Seven Star Fiend expert, enough to make countless clansmen worship them and look up to them. They knew that Lin Feng was strong, but they never expected him to be ?    


Lin Feng had grown older!    


"Everyone, don't stand outside. Let's talk inside." Lin Feng laughed.    


"Yes, into the hall." Ba Luke woke up from his stupor and said hurriedly, "Lin Feng, you were summoned by the family. Later on, you have to make it clear that I am very confused right now. "    


"Patriarch ?" Linley was just about to speak.    


"Just call me Ba Luke." Ba Luke looked at the attire of an elder on Lin Feng's body, "Lin Feng, you are an elder now. There is only one person who can make you call him Clan Chief, Lin Feng. "    


Lin Feng understood what Ba Luke was thinking, and laughed: "In this valley, I still have to call you Clan Leader."    


Seeing Lin Feng's expression, Ba Luke knew that it was impossible to refute, and could only accept.    


The important members of the Yulan branch were gathered together. They also heard Lin Feng's narration. But of course, Linley only gave a brief summary, skipping over some secrets. During the narration, everyone was proud of Lin Feng.    


Lin Feng, the thirty-sixth elder of the Assembly of Elders!    


The Yulan branch had a very low status in the Azure Dragon clan, but their branch now had an Elder. The status of the Yulan branch was completely different. After all, the entire clan only had so many Elders.    


There were elders in his bloodline, and his clansmen were very confident in the Skyrite Mountains.    


The morning of the second day, in Lin Feng's room.    


"Di Liya, I'll be going to Bloodbath Gorge tomorrow to fight against the eight great clans. I probably won't be able to live a peaceful life for a long time." Lin Feng said apologetically as he hugged Di Liya.    


Di Liya smiled, raised her head and looked at Lin Feng: "You don't need to apologize to me."    


"Do what you have to do. No matter what, I will always support you. " Di Liya said thoughtfully: "As long as you promise me, no matter what you do, you have to think about it first. You still have Little Sister Zhan Ni, Suo Suo, Baby, Tai Le, and me. "Don't let yourself be taken lightly."    


Although Di Liya knew that with Lin Feng's current strength, aside from the God, almost no one else could harm him. However, Di Liya knew that her husband was very ambitious and had dealings with the God. She could not help but worry for Lin Feng's safety.    


"Alright, I agree." Lin Feng kissed the corner of Di Liya's lips and said softly.    


"If I get a wife like this, what else do I need!" This sentence suddenly appeared in Lin Feng's mind. More than once, he had thought of living in Yulan continent with Di Liya and Zhan Ni, living a life that even a deity couple would envy and hate.    


However, Lin Feng was unable to do it.    


He had a lot to do, and he had to do it.    


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