Rebirth of Coiling Dragon

C427 Four Chiefs

C427 Four Chiefs

Hogg and Wo Dun were not the only happy ones with Lina. Dragonblood Castle, which had been silent for a long time, was now filled with joy at Lina's return. All of the disciples of the Ba Luke Family were brimming with smiles.    


As Lin Feng's mother, Lina was worthy of being called the most senior member of the Ba Luke Family in the Yulan continent.    


Regarding his mother's return, Lin Feng did not intentionally conceal it, so in a short period of time, this news had spread throughout the entire Yulan continent. A few days later, even the Bluefire Continent and Dragon Blood Continent who were looking across the ocean learned of this news.    


Who is Lin Feng?    


It was a legend. Whether it was Magician, warriors, or ordinary mortals, almost everyone knew about Lin Feng.    


Lin Feng's achievements had long ago been compiled into a book and spread to every corner of Yulan plane.    


Lin Feng's fans were even more numerous.    


Basically all the cultivators in Yulan plane had Lin Feng as their goal in cultivation, hoping that one day, they would be able to reach a height that could even surpass Lin Feng.    


Lin Feng's popularity was incomparable in the Yulan plane.    


Those who were related to Lin Feng were also well-known in the Yulan plane.    


Lin Feng's wife, Lin Feng's children, and Lin Feng's father were all like this.    


However, the people of the entire Yulan plane knew very little about Lin Feng's mother.    


Some people said that Lin Feng's mother had died when Lin Feng was very young, and some people said that Lin Feng's mother had gone to the Higher Planes.    


Now that Lin Feng, this mysterious mother, had suddenly returned, it naturally attracted many people's attention.    


Despite being in Dragonblood Castle, Lina wasn't in the mood to pay attention to the outside world.    


On this day, Lin Feng, Zhan Ni, Dragon Blood Castle's rear garden.    


"Zhan Ni, Mother just came back not long ago. If you have time, accompany her more." Lin Feng casually plucked a rose and personally placed it on top of Zhan Ni's head.    


Zhan Ni stroked the La Mei on her hair and said with a tender smile, "Mother is currently with Father everyday, so she doesn't need me to accompany her anymore!"    


After Lin Feng heard this, his face revealed a smile. When he thought of his father, who rarely smiled in the past, the smile almost never left his mother's face. If Lin Feng hadn't known about the relationship between his father Hogg and mother Lina, he probably would have thought that his father Hogg was infatuated with women.    


"Zhan Ni, I heard that Ji En is getting married again?" Lin Feng suddenly asked.    


"Alright." Zhan Ni nodded and revealed a pampered smile, "That stinking brat Ji En ran out to play a few days after he returned from the Underworld. He has even gotten along well with a girl called Wen Lina recently."    


Although Ji En's first wife was also from Magician, in the end, like Ji En, he did not reach the Saint realm and eventually died of old age.    


"Wenina?" Lin Feng was startled, and asked doubtfully: "I seem to have heard of this name somewhere before."    


"You, truly, noble people forget many things." Zhan Ni rolled his eyes at Lin Feng, "Wen Lina is the last disciple of Big Sister Di Liya's older brother. The last time she came here, the girl she brought was Wen Lina. You even said that she had good talent and that if you work hard, you will have hope of becoming a Deity within a thousand years. "    


"So it's her." Lin Feng laughed, "If it's her, matching Ji En would be pretty good. Oh right, when is Ji En planning to hold the wedding ceremony? "    


"Next year's Yulan Festival." Zhan Ni said.    


"Yulan Festival, huh?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.    


"What's wrong?" Zhan Ni asked doubtfully.    


"Someone has come to the Yulan plane." Lin Feng laughed, "They are our people."    


Far to the north of Yulan plane, where the Arctic Icecap was located, at the tallest teleportation formation on the icy mountain.    


A hazy light shone, and four figures gradually appeared.    


"Greetings, milords." The current overseer of the Yulan plane, Camilla, had already reached the Highgod realm after refining the Highgod grimoire given to her by Lin Feng.    


"Right." The leader of the four glanced at her, "Let's go."    


Four figures immediately flew into the air, heading towards the south.    


"Big brother, do you think what the Chief Sovereign of Destruction said was true? Or is it a lie?" The only female out of the four spoke. This person was the Vermillion Bird clan leader of the The Four Divine Beasts clan.    


"What sort of status does the Chief Sovereign of Destruction have? How could he possibly deceive us?" The White Tiger Patriarch said with a smile.    


"No, even now, I still don't dare to believe it." The Vermillion Bird Matriarch said hurriedly.    


"Even we can't believe it, much less you." Gai Sileisen sighed, "However, it's impossible for the Chief Sovereign of Destruction to lie, but for Lin Feng to become a Sovereign? "This is too ?"    


"Enough of that. You'll know soon enough whether or not you become a Sovereign." A deep voice rang out. The one who spoke was the Black Tortoise Patriarch.    


"Did your divine senses find Lin Feng?" "I searched through those three continents, but didn't find any trace of Lin Feng. Instead, I found many of Lin Feng's relatives and friends."    


"Can it be that I can't even find him? Did this Lin Feng really become a Sovereign?" Gai Sileisen and the other three looked at each other, still in a daze.    


After all, this news was simply too shocking. Otherwise, the four clan leaders would not have rushed to Yulan plane at the same time.    


The four clan leaders were extremely fast, and they quickly flew into the borders of the Yulan continent.    


"There are many experts in the castle up ahead, and quite a few of them are disciples of my clan. That should be Dragonblood Castle." Gai Sileisen said, and then the four of them transformed into four blurs, charging towards Dragonblood Castle.    


Dragonblood Castle was heavily guarded, with squads of guards patrolling around. The weakest were at the ninth rank, and Saints could be seen everywhere.    


However, the guards did not sense Gai Sileisen's arrival.    


Within the western courtyard of Dragonblood Castle. The quiet courtyard.    


"Rustle, rustle ~"    


The leaves swayed in the wind. Under a big tree, Tai Le who was dressed in a yellow robe sat crossed legged quietly. Although Tai Le's talent was not as good as Suo Suo's and not as good as baby's, but he was still called a genius among his peers. Now, he was at the level of Mid God.    


Suddenly, Tai Le raised his head and realized that there were four people standing shoulder to shoulder not far away from him.    


"Lord Patriarch." Tai Le was shocked, and immediately stood up.    


"Tai Le, we only came to ask you a question." Gai Sileisen smiled, "Do you know where Lin Feng is now?" Previously, Gai Sileisen and the other three had swooped down, using their divine sense to search Dragonblood Castle. They also found a lot of people they recognized, but the first person they came to look for was Tai Le.    


"Father? This should be Dragonblood Castle. Tai Le guessed.    


"Milords." Suddenly, a voice rang out.    


Gai Sileisen and the other three could not help but turn their heads. A maid walked in from outside the courtyard. The maid said respectfully: "The master of the castle has asked me to invite the four of you to the back garden."    


"Master of the castle?" Gai Sileisen and the other three were startled.    


"The master of the castle is my father." Tai Le explained. Over the course of countless years, Dragonblood Castle had become a place where those in power constantly swapped places. However, the position of Castle Master would always belong to Lin Feng.    


The Vermillion Bird Matriarch's eyes lit up. She was somewhat stunned. "Lin Feng, is he really in Dragonblood Castle?"    


"It seems as though the Chief Sovereign of Destruction's information was indeed correct." The white robed Patriarch of the White Tiger Clan took a deep breath and said.    


Lin Feng was in Dragonblood Castle, but their divine senses weren't able to detect him. Lin Feng had definitely surpassed the level of gods. That person could only be a Sovereign!    


The four clan leaders of The Four Divine Beasts clan followed the maid and headed towards the backyard. The four of them were currently feeling extremely complicated and nervous. After all, Lin Feng's identity was different. Sovereigns and Deities were on completely different levels. The Sovereigns stood there in the air, staring down at the countless worlds of the countless planes which were battling and killing.    


As for Planar Wars, they could only be considered a game for Sovereigns.    


Deities, even Paragons, felt a sense of powerlessness when facing Sovereigns.    


"Four clan leaders, come in." A clear voice came from the back garden.    


"It's Lin Feng."    


Gai Sileisen and the other two looked at each other and entered the backyard. The rear garden was rather wide, Gai Sileisen and the other two entered and looked around, only to see Lin Feng at the center of the grass patch. Lin Feng and Zhan Ni were drinking wine and chatting.    


Realizing that the four of them had entered, Lin Feng turned his head to glance at them, and said with a faint smile: "Four Clan Chiefs, please take a seat."    


When he had reached the great complete realm, in The Four Divine Beasts clan, Lin Feng's position had already surpassed the four clan leaders. And now, Lin Feng was a Sovereign.    


"Even though he was right in front of me, I felt as though there was nothing in front of me." Gai Sileisen said to the other three, "Just like when we met father. They did not use a Sovereign's Might, and instead completely retracted their auras. " At this moment, Gai Sileisen no longer doubted him.    


"Sovereign. He really is a Sovereign!"    


The eyes of the other three clan leaders lit up.    


Gai Sileisen looked at Lin Feng, and immediately bowed: "God, we!"    


In Gai Sileisen's opinion, in terms of relationship, Lin Feng and him could not be considered to be that close. Firstly, Lin Feng had only joined the The Four Divine Beasts clan halfway; secondly, the Yulan branch family that Lin Feng belonged to was often oppressed by other branches within the The Four Divine Beasts clan. Although it improved later on, it was all because of Lin Feng's strength.    


And now, Lin Feng was a Sovereign ?    


Deities and Sovereigns were completely different worlds. There was an insurmountable chasm between them. Of course they had to be respectful.    


"Four clan leaders, there's no need to address me as' Sovereign '." Lin Feng interrupted his and laughed: "Just like back then, just call me Lin Feng."    


"This ?" The four of them looked at each other.    


"I'm very curious. How did you know I became a Sovereign?" Lin Feng asked with a faint smile. Although he asked with his mouth, Lin Feng still had a guess.    


The Vermillion Bird Clan Patriarch smiled sweetly and bowed respectfully, "Lin Feng, the news of you becoming a Sovereign King was actually told to us by the Chief Sovereign of Destruction. We didn't dare believe it at first, but after discussion with the four of us, we decided to come to Yulan plane to check it out. Now it would seem that this is indeed the truth. "    


Although Lin Feng chatted and laughed with them, the four clan leaders still couldn't help but feel pressured.    


After all, no matter how much Lin Feng restrained his aura, the four clan leaders would still subconsciously remind themselves that Lin Feng was a Sovereign.    


"Chief Sovereign of Destruction?" Lin Feng raised his brows, "So it's like that."    


Upon hearing that the Chief Sovereign of Destruction had informed the four clan leaders about how he had become a Sovereign, Lin Feng understood the purpose of Gai Sileisen's trip.    


Gai Sileisen stared at Lin Feng, and went straight to the point, "Lin Feng, the reason we came here this time, is to check if you are really a Sovereign. Second, he wanted to know the cause of death of the four ancestors! Lin Feng, since you are a member of the clan, tell us. "    


The four clan leaders looked at Lin Feng with anticipation.    


Because the fall of the Four Divine Beasts had implicated the decline of the The Four Divine Beasts clan. Even in his dreams, the The Four Divine Beasts clan wanted to know the true cause of death of the four ancestors.    


Lin Feng frowned, he hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "That's fine, I will tell you guys. For some reason, the four ancestors began to battle and battle against the Chief Sovereign of Light. "    


"The Chief Sovereign of Light?" The eyes of Gai Sileisen and the other three lit up.    


"A battle between Sovereigns. The scope of this battle is simply too great. And then, they charged straight into chaotic space. The four ancestors continued to flee as they battled, while the Chief Sovereign of Light pursued them. And then, the four ancestors used their ultimate attack, their innate divine ability, but the Chief Sovereign of Light managed to survive. Since their most powerful technique had failed, the four ancestors lost all will to fight. But the Chief Sovereign of Light took the chance to rely on his Highgod artefact to kill. Relying on your speed, you killed the four ancestors. " Lin Feng's voice was calm, but Gai Sileisen and the other three listened until their bodies were trembling.    


"Chief Sovereign of Light!" Tears appeared in Gai Sileisen's eyes.    


"How can the Chief Sovereign of Light block this?" The Vermillion Bird Matriarch shook her head. "Impossible." When my mother was alive, she had said that their ultimate attack was the Chief Sovereign of Light. Those who were able to block it could be counted on one hand, and the Chief Sovereign of Light was not one of them. "    


"But the truth is that the Chief Sovereign of Light was able to block it." Lin Feng sighed. The Chief Sovereign of Light and the Chief Sovereign of Fate were the same person. The Chief Sovereign of Light naturally could use the Chief Sovereign of Fate's soul-protecting Highgod artefact as well. No matter how strong the Four Divine Beasts' combined innate divine ability was, it still wouldn't be able to break through the defense of the Highgod artefact. Of course, Lin Feng would never tell this secret to the four clan leaders.    


Gai Sileisen and the other three could not accept that. After all, the Four Divine Beasts were their parents.    


"Lin Feng," Gai Sileisen hesitated for a moment and suddenly said.    


"Eh?" Lin Feng looked at him.    


Gai Sileisen looked at the other three, and in the end, turned to Lin Feng and asked, "Lin Feng, I, I would like to ask, did the Sovereign lattice you used to become a Sovereign belong to the four ancestors?" To become a Sovereign, there was only one way ? to fuse with Sovereign lattice, which were fixed at 77.    


Only after a Sovereign died would a new one be born.    


Lin Feng glanced at the four of them.    


"Yes." Lin Feng nodded.    


"This Sovereign lattice, why?" The Vermillion Bird Matriarch opened her mouth halfway, but hesitated and didn't say anything.    


"Shouldn't the Chief Sovereign of Light have these four Sovereign lattice? "How did you get it, this Sovereign lattice should have four in total, you used one, and" Gai Sileisen also looked at Lin Feng.    


Lin Feng smiled slightly.    


He could guess that these four clan leaders also wanted to obtain the Sovereign lattice. Perhaps, in the eyes of these four clan leaders, the four Sovereign lattice were their parents' remnants and treasures, and they should have obtained them. However, they could not speak, nor did they have the guts to say such words.    


But Lin Feng didn't think so.    


The seventy-seven Sovereign lattice were born from the heavens and the earth. If you have the ability, you can seize it. Back then, the Four Divine Beasts had relied on their own power to seize it. And Bei Lute, relying on his bravery, had risked his life to obtain these four Sovereign lattice.    


"If this Sovereign lattice fell into the hands of the Chief Sovereign of Light, how could it possibly be given to me?" Lin Feng said indifferently, "To tell you the truth, these four Sovereign lattice were obtained by Bei Lute at the cost of his life. And now, these four Sovereign lattice have been separately refined. "    


"Bei Lute?" The four were shocked.    


"He was able to steal it from the Chief Sovereign of Light?" The Vermillion Bird Matriarch was shocked.    


Although they said all of these, the four clan leaders were still disappointed when Lin Feng mentioned that the four Sovereign lattice were being refined. But they didn't dare to say anything.    


"You do not need to doubt this." Lin Feng laughed faintly.    


"Lin Feng." Gai Sileisen said solemnly, "We still have one more thing to ask of you."    


"Speak." Lin Feng glanced at him.    


Gai Sileisen took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Lin Feng, the four ancestors are ancestors of our The Four Divine Beasts clan. We The Four Divine Beasts clan cannot pretend that we don't know about their death. The four ancestors had been killed by the Chief Sovereign of Light! We hope that you, Lin Feng, will if, I say if! If it's possible in the future, I hope that you can take revenge for our four ancestors! "    


"Lin Feng." "We know that this request is a bit excessive, but we are only asking you to help us out when there is hope."    


"Please." The big sized Black Turtle clan leader also stared at Lin Feng.    


Lin Feng looked at the four clan leaders in front of him and felt their pleading.    


"I promise you." Lin Feng solemnly nodded his head, "If I have the confidence, I will not be lenient."    


"Thank you." The four of them said gratefully.    


"You must be tired from rushing all the way here. Rest here first." We'll talk about it later at dinner. " Lin Feng laughed faintly.    


"Sure." Gai Sileisen and the other three did not stay any longer. Under the guidance of the maid, they immediately left the backyard.    


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