Rebirth of Coiling Dragon

C456 The Hegemon was the Hegemon, and he was the Hegemon as well.

C456 The Hegemon was the Hegemon, and he was the Hegemon as well.

Along with the increase of his cultivation, Lin Feng started to gain an understanding of the Time Laws. He divided the Time Laws into the Profound Truths of Life and Destruction.    


With life and taking control of fate, that was life. Death and destruction represented the end of all things, which meant destruction. Life and Death Samsara was time.    


Now, Lin Feng's avatar had fused the two major rules of life and fate. Which was to say, Lin Feng had already grasped the profound mysteries of the Time Laws.    


Although he still wasn't able to control time, he could still affect the flow of time around him.    


If one's speed reached a certain point, then time would stop. On the other hand, if time stopped, then one's speed would reach its limit.    


Before, when Lin Feng rushed over from his fusion plane, he was only able to travel a trillion kilometers and reach here in a short amount of time by affecting the time and space around him and allowing his speed to reach his limit.    


It was because Lin Feng had affected the flow of time around his body that caused the divine senses of the various Sovereigns to warp. Although they could see a silhouette rushing towards them, they were unable to discern the appearance of the person. It was also because the space and time around Lin Feng had become distorted that Lin Feng's figure became faintly discernable, giving the other Sovereigns the feeling of a floating god.    


Ao Fu looked at Lin Feng's avatar, his face becoming serious. He had a feeling that Lin Feng's newly arrived doppelganger might be stronger than him. At the very least, in terms of speed, it had already far surpassed him.    


The way Lin Feng travelled, like a floating god, had deeply shocked him.    


"Why do I not sense any water-type or wind-type aura from your body? Instead, I sense a kind of ethereal, fateful and life-type aura from you?" Ao Fu asked.    


Ao Fu's question also raised the doubts of the various Sovereigns.    


In chaotic space, other than Sovereigns, even experts with great perfection in Highgod would be lost in endless chaotic space. This was common knowledge which had been acknowledged by all Sovereigns over the course of countless years.    


Lin Feng originally had two divine clones of the Earth and Water element, but he had killed Te Leixiya this time as well and obtained his Sovereign lattice. Naturally, he must have already been refined, which meant that Lin Feng now had three divine clones of the Earth, Water and Wind.    


Initially, the Sovereigns thought that Lin Feng's water or wind clone had rushed over, but the reality was different from what they had expected.    


Lin Feng looked around at the various Sovereigns, and in the end, his gaze landed on the red clothed person. He smiled at him and said loudly, "Because this is not my wind or water clone, but my fate and life clone."    


Ao Fu became even more confused when he heard this. "At this time, seven Life Sovereigns and seven Fate Sovereigns are all here, and you do not have any extra Sovereign lattice. Which is to say, your Fate and Life Clone is not a Sovereign. Furthermore, your previous speed was something that even I could not match. "    


"Because I'm a Soul Mutate, and I've already mastered the two great laws of life and destiny, and I've completely fused them." Lin Feng said casually.    


This was an explanation that Lin Feng had already come up with long ago. Although he wasn't a Soul Mutate, other than being unable to fuse with God Power, it was more or less the same as a Soul Mutate.    


The Sovereigns in the distance, hearing this, were completely stunned.    


Oh my god!    


This Lin Feng was simply too heaven-defying. A Soul Mutate, and even a Perfect Soul Mutate. What was even more heaven defying was that he had completely fused the two Laws together.    


The fusion of the divine power of the two would allow his strength to increase by at least a hundred times. When the profound mysteries of the different types were fused, it would still be able to completely fuse together, and his strength would increase by at least a hundred times, or even a thousand times. In addition to the amplification given to him by the Will Power given to him by the other Paragons and Sovereign bodies, Lin Feng's power would be at least at the Chief Sovereign level.    


Thinking of this, all of the Sovereigns sucked in a breath of cold air. The Chief Sovereign ? was yet again the Chief Sovereign.    


Now it was known that Lin Feng had five clones: Earth, Water, Wind, Life and Fate. These five clones were all Chief Sovereigns. Furthermore, according to Bei Di'er, this Lin Feng had a light clone, but how strong was this light clone? Could it be another Chief Sovereign level of strength?    


Also, Lin Feng said that he is a Soul Mutate. Then, is he a Soul Mutate of Fate and Life, or a Soul Mutate of the Six Elements? If the six types of soul mutation were to occur, the Sovereigns wouldn't dare to think too deeply about it. They had the feeling that perhaps in the future, the four Chief Sovereigns of the Edicts would change their way of commanding the Sovereigns to become five.    


Just as the various Sovereigns were deeply shaken by the powerful strength displayed by Lin Feng, Lin Feng once again made their hearts tremble.    


A green sword gradually appeared in Lin Feng's hands after he merged with his clone, the handle of the sword had beautiful flower marks on it. Only, right now, all of the Sovereigns weren't attracted by these flower patterns.    


"Is this a Highgod artefact? New Highgod artefact? "    


The Sovereigns naturally would not recognize the Highgod artefact. The aura that belonged to Highgod was something that could not be imitated.    


Furthermore, they had also recognized that this Highgod artefact was not the Highgod artefact in the hands of the four Chief Sovereigns of the Edicts, but instead a new Highgod artefact.    


Let alone the other Sovereigns, even Ao Fu had a short moment of astonishment when he saw Lin Feng taking out a Highgod artefact.    


"Lin Feng, you've completed the Highgod mission?" Ao Fu could not help but ask. As the number one person among the Sovereigns, he naturally understood that there was no other way than completing the Highgod mission in order to obtain three Highgod artefact.    


"That's right. Ever since the creation of this world, the seventh Highgod mission was completed by me." Lin Feng's mouth curved up, revealing a slight smile, "Of course, I have to thank the Wind Sovereign Di Ya to complete this Highgod mission."    


After saying that, Lin Feng looked in Di Ya's direction, "Di Ya, if it wasn't for that tattered crown, I wouldn't have been able to complete the Highgod mission this time. "Many thanks!"    


Although he expressed his thanks, his face did not reveal the slightest bit of gratitude. It was obvious that Lin Feng was teasing Di Ya.    


"Is that tattered crown the keepsake of the Highgod mission?" Di Ya gritted his teeth and asked.    


Lin Feng didn't need to think to know that Di Ya would definitely regret until his intestines turned green. He had obtained the Highgod mission keepsake for countless years, but for some unknown reason, in the end, it had actually helped someone else, and was a gift.    


"That's right, the original name of that tattered crown is the Emperor's Crown, and it's one of the three keepsakes for the Highgod mission." Lin Feng was very frank. Since he had already completed the mission, there was no need for him to hide it anymore.    


One by one, they began to recall whether or not they had ever offended Lin Feng in the past. According to the current situation, this Lin Feng would definitely become an existence that was on par with the other four Chief Sovereigns of the Edicts.    


Most Sovereigns rejoiced in their hearts. In the past, Lin Feng was just a newly advanced Lesser God, there was no need for them to befriend each other, so he did not confess his crimes. Furthermore, Lin Feng was from the Yulan plane. If they made friends with each other, the Chief Sovereign of Light would probably hate Lin Feng. Thus, at most, they were able to get to know each other briefly. Therefore, even if Lin Feng were to become an existence that stood side by side with the four Chief Sovereigns of the Edicts in the future, it would not have much of an impact on them.    


Of course, there were those who were lucky, and naturally those who were regretful. The ones who were regretting it were naturally the Lesser Sovereign of Fire, Borte, and the Lesser Sovereign of Earth, Manlu, who had had conflicts with Lin Feng. However, the two of them belonged to the same camp as Ao Fu. With Ao Fu protecting them, there was no need for them to be afraid of Lin Feng.    


Seeing the expressions of the various Sovereigns, Bei Lute and Bluefire were naturally extremely happy in their hearts. Bei Lute couldn't help but say to Bluefire: "Bluefire, look at the expressions of these usually lofty Sovereigns. If not for being afraid of offending Ao Fu, these Sovereigns would probably have directly approached Lin Feng to befriend him. "    


"In the future, you don't need to be stuck in Yulan plane and hell anymore. You can go explore other planes."    


In the past, after being exposed to the Chief Sovereign of Light, Bluefire and Bei Lute had only dared to stay in Yulan plane or hell. After all, although Lin Feng had the strength, he did not expose it, and did not act as a deterrent. But now it was different.    


"Haha, in the future, let's see who dares to offend a Sovereign of my Yulan branch." "After waiting for nearly twenty thousand years, I can finally get my wish."    


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