Rebirth of Coiling Dragon

C355 Gone home

C355 Gone home

"Who is it!" A shout came from far above.    


Ten of the patrolling warriors on the wide land dragon path immediately flew over. The captain of the squadron even scolded them, "This is an important place of our Azure Dragon clan. Leave quickly."    


Lin Feng smiled as he welcomed them. Pointing to Suo Suo and Baby, he said, "Everyone, the three of us are members of a branch of the Azure Dragon clan. We have been in hell for a long time.    


"Quick, someone is coming to receive us." The baby said in an unladylike manner, "It's been so long, it's been hard on you."    


"You are members of the Redding family's branch family?" "Kid, members of the branch family of my clan came back a long time ago." The other patrolling squad members didn't quite believe him.    


As for why Lin Feng was called a brat, then it was Lin Feng's fault for completely concealing his own Highgod aura. He actively released the aura of his Mid God. With Lin Feng's current soul power, it would be hard to hide his cultivation level unless he had an extremely strong Seven Star Fiend. Although these patrolling warriors were Highgod, they were only around the strength of four or five star demons. Naturally, they could not discover Lin Feng's true strength.    


"You should know that my Azure Dragon clan can transform into a dragon." One of the patrolling warriors said.    


Lin Feng laughed.    


"Chi chi ~" Immediately, green gold dragon scales appeared on the surface of Lin Feng's body, as sharp spikes emerged from his forehead. Lin Feng stared at the leader with his dark golden eyes, and laughed: "Now, you should believe me right?"    


The patrolling squad laughed.    


The captain's face was full of smiles as he said, "So it is." Looking at your aura, it seems that you have the pure bloodline of a clan. But why do you have spikes on your back? However, there's no mistake about it. "    


With Dragonform, it was easy to determine whether one was a member of the Azure Dragon clan or not.    


The Beastmen Draconians and the Azure Dragon clan's Dragonform were completely different. Whether it was strength or aura, there was a huge difference. It was just that their appearances were similar.    


Lin Feng's Divine Wind Avatar had merged with eight drops of Azure Dragon blood essence, so its bloodline was naturally incomparably pure, and it was even purer than the first generation members of the The Four Divine Beasts clan and the sons of the Azure Dragon, Gai Sileisen and Gaia. After all, the Azure Dragon only had a total of close to a thousand drops of blood essence, and it was impossible for everyone to give birth to ten or more drops of blood essence. Of course, this' spirit 'was the essence of blood essence.    


Therefore, although Gai Sileisen and Gaia were both descendants of the Azure Dragon, the amount of blood essence that the Azure Dragon had in its body was at most four to five drops.    


To a God Beast, blood essence was their foundation. If they lost their blood essence, they would be reduced to the ranks of ordinary magical beasts. And the more noble a divine beast was, the rarer and rarer its blood essence was. And once lost, it's hard to make up for it.    


This was also the reason why the more powerful a divine beast was, the rarer its children would be.    


The Azure Dragon only had Gai Sileisen and Gaia, the two children. Redbud Sovereign was an amethyst divine beast, and he only had Lei Sijing as its only son. Bei Lute was a Godeater Rat, and only Harry, Hart, and Harvey, the three children were there.    


After all, they couldn't afford to do so.    


"Haha, brother, you've worked hard." "Back then, when our clan retreated from the various planes, we were in too much of a hurry. You probably didn't have time to return with the rest of the group. "    


The captain sighed repeatedly.    


"When our army returned, it was quite miserable. Many of my brothers died in battle when we were retreating." The captain's eyes were filled with tears, "Let's go home!" Once we get home, we'll be safe. "    


The word "go home" caused Lin Feng's heart to throb. At this moment, Lin Feng thought about his home on Earth, his own parents, and his younger sister, Lin Ruo.    


"Mom, dad, little Ruo, how are you doing on Earth?" Lin Feng felt bitter in his heart as tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.    


Although Lin Feng was an Asura in this world, and was considered a first-rate expert. Everywhere he went, he would be revered by billions of Divine level experts, and he was an existence that could cover the sky and call upon the wind and rain in Yulan continent. At home, there was a pair of beautiful and gentle wives, Grandpa Doehring, and his parents who were waiting for him to save them. One son and two daughters were having fun.    


But while Lin Feng enjoyed this lifestyle, he never forgot that he still had a pair of parents on Earth that would allow him to read books while facing the sky every day.    


His parents' waists became more and more bent, and his education also became higher and higher. Finally, when he graduated from university and was able to repay the kindness of his parents' upbringing, the heavens teased him, saying that he had been transported to another world.    


He had no choice but to be smashed into this world by a meteorite.    


Going back home, going back to Earth to see his parents and sister, this was Lin Feng's only goal after coming to this world. This was also Lin Feng's initial motivation for cultivation. Lin Feng, on the other hand, had always strived for his goal without hesitation. Although the motivation had changed since then, this goal had never changed.    


In the past, Lin Feng could always suppress this kind of emotion within his heart, preventing them from showing it. But now, he was being reminded of all sorts of things from the past with a single sentence, 'Go home'.    


"Father, you're crying." Suo Suo whispered into Lin Feng's ear.    


had never seen or thought about this before. In Suo Suo's impression, her own father was strong. No matter what situation she faced, she could always laugh and chat, calm and collected. Even if an empire were to be destroyed and tens of millions of people were to die, Lin Feng would not feel any pain, nor would she shed a single tear.    


But now, Lin Feng was crying.    


"Crying with joy, yes, crying with joy." Lin Feng hurriedly activated his God Power and dried the tears at the corners of his eyes. He forced a smile and said: "Suo Suo, baby, let's go home.    


The following matter was much simpler. When Lin Feng and the others reported that they had rushed over from the Yulan continent, they did not receive the same doubts as in the original books. Because, luckily, this captain was familiar with Ba Luke and knew of the Yulan branch.    


The leader called Yeer told the others to keep patrolling while he brought Lin Feng and the other three to rush to the inner parts of Skyrite Mountains.    


Along the way, Lin Feng also learned a lot about the current situation of the The Four Divine Beasts clan from the captain. Speaking of the future of the clan, Lin Feng saw deep worry and helplessness on this captain's face.    


Of course, the captain had also instructed Lin Feng and the others on some rules, such as only being able to fly on Dragon Avenue and not fly to other regions, etc. Although Lin Feng knew about this, he still smiled and nodded, showing that he was taught a lesson.    


While talking, Lin Feng and the others, under the guidance of Isol, followed Dragon Avenue and arrived at a normal two-story building built on the mountainside. At the entrance of this two-story building, there was a white-haired old man who was cozily lying on a chair with his eyes squinted.    


"Hanuman." Yeer laughed.    


The white-haired elder opened his eyes, standing up with a laugh. "Oh, it's you, Yeer. "Why did you come here today?"    


"We have just met three members who have the blood of our clan. We ask for your help to go and take down the records." Isol explained.    


"Which three?" The white-haired old man turned to look at Lin Feng and the other two.    


"It's him, and the two women behind him." "Mr. Hanuman, my name is Lin Feng. The two of them are my daughters from the Ba Luke family in the material plane of the Yulan continent."    


"Oh, Ba Luke family? I know about the bloodline of Yulan continent. " "Our Azure Dragon clan is also a member of the Redding clan. Virtually all of the branches believed themselves to be from the Redding clan. Only a few branches didn't know the name of their clan. Just name any one of them, and your Ba Luke Family is one of them. "    


Lin Feng could only smile.    


"You can report the name of the Ba Luke Family. I believe that you are now a member of our family. " Hanuman shook his head helplessly. "However, the clan has a rule that requires strict inspection, which is why I want to go with you to meet with the seniors of your clan."    


"Meet the clan elder?" Lin Feng was secretly looking forward to it.    


"Mm. Right, I need to go through them in order to completely ascertain your background." Hanuman then looked at Yeer. "Yeer, this is none of your business. Go ahead." I'll go with them. "    


Yeer nodded, then left.    


"Even in a thousand years, you will rarely encounter a single member of the clan who has returned from exile." "Let's go. Follow me to meet with the seniors of your branch."    


Lin Feng and the rest immediately followed.    


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