Rebirth of Coiling Dragon

C259 The Redbud Sovereign descended.

C259 The Redbud Sovereign descended.

"Emissary?" Sovereign artifact? Sovereign power? " He had followed his older brother Salomon through the Infernal Realm for hundreds of thousands of years. Unlike Bebe and Di Liya, he knew nothing about the world of experts. Furthermore, her brother had a drop of Sovereign power in his possession, so she naturally understood this very well. Only, she never would have thought that her own Big Brother Lin Feng would send someone as soon as he became a Sovereign's Emissary.    


Only, in Ni Si's heart, Big Brother Lin Feng was conflicted again.    


Promise him to become the Sovereign's Emissary of the Redbud Sovereign?    


This way, not only would he be able to obtain the Sovereign artifact, the Sovereign power, he, Bei Bei and the others would definitely be able to safely leave the Amethyst Mountains.    


But this way, his freedom would undoubtedly be restricted.    


If he did not agree, would Redbud Sovereign be angry? Even if he doesn't kill me, not letting him and the others leave Amethyst Mountains is unacceptable.    


How conflicted!    


After thinking for a moment, Lin Feng asked, "Mr. Lei Sijing, if I agree to let you become the Sovereign's Emissary of the Redbud Sovereign, you don't need to stay in the Amethyst Mountains normally, do you?"    


Although Lin Feng knew that Sovereigns did not have many restrictions on Emissaries, he would only look for when there were matters for him to take care of. Under normal circumstances, he would not need to wait on their side. However, Lin Feng still felt that it was better to ask things clearly. After all, the descriptions of Emissaries in the original books weren't very detailed.    


"Naturally. Becoming an Emissary isn't like becoming a servant to a Sovereign. I just say that you have become the spokesperson for the Sovereign." Lei Sijing laughed: "Only when the Sovereign needs you to do something will he look for you."    


"Then can the Sovereign artifact that the Sovereign bestowed to me be used by others?" Lin Feng looked at Di Liya and suddenly asked.    


"For others to use?" Lei Sijing said in shock. He had lived for so many years, but she had never encountered such a thing. There was actually a Sovereign's Emissary who didn't want to use the Sovereign artifact, and instead gave it to someone else.    


"Yes, I want to give the Sovereign artifact to my wife to use. Is that possible?" Lin Feng said.    


"Lin Feng!" Di Liya wanted to say something, but felt that she was unable to say it. She understood Lin Feng's personality very well. He would usually do whatever he wanted, but if he decided on something, even if she disagreed, it wouldn't be very effective.    


"This should work!" Lei Sijing said with uncertainty. Since the Sovereign had bestowed upon a Sovereign's Emissary a Sovereign artifact, it didn't seem as though there was a requirement for a Sovereign's Emissary to use it on its own. Giving it to others shouldn't be against the rules, right?    


"Have you considered it?" Lei Sijing asked.    


Lin Feng thought for a moment, then asked: "Can I just use my divine earth clone to become a Sovereign's Emissary, and not include my other divine clones?"    


"This time," Lei Sijing didn't know how to reply. Ever since the Sovereign's Emissary profession had appeared, had any Emissary ever made such a request to a Sovereign? Maybe not!    


But right at this moment, he said, "What an interesting fellow." A warm voice rang out and a blurry purple energy slowly gathered, forming a human figure. It was a beautiful woman wearing a loose, light purple robe.    


"Mother, why have you come?" Seeing the beautiful woman, Lei Sijing immediately shouted.    


So the beautiful woman who suddenly came was Redbud Sovereign.    


"Sovereign!" Lin Feng did not expect that the Sovereign would suddenly descend, and immediately bowed.    


Bei Bei, Ni Si, and Di Liya also bowed.    


The beautiful woman glanced at Lei Sijing, but did not say anything. Instead, she turned to Lin Feng and smiled: "I heard your request just now. But your request, ever since I became a Sovereign, has never been mentioned by anyone. "    


The beautiful woman spoke very amiably without any arrogance. She had a domineering aura, as if she was not a God but the big sister next door.    


Lin Feng had a pretty good impression of the Redbud Sovereign. If not for the spirit stone Redbud Sovereign gave to Lin Feng in the original book, Lin Feng would probably have been killed by Maggs long ago.    


"There's always a first time." Lin Feng raised his head, looked at Redbud Sovereign's beautiful face and said.    


Towards Sovereigns, Lin Feng did not have much respect for them. Sovereigns were humans as well, just a bit more powerful than him. And Redbud Sovereign was only a beauty in Lin Feng's eyes.    


"But we Sovereigns have an agreement." The beautiful woman's eyes seemed to possess a breathtaking charm that would cause one's heart to quiver whenever it is opened. "The Sovereign only allows a Sovereign's Emissary to be bestowed with a single Sovereign artifact. "If you just become my Sovereign's Emissary with your divine earth clone, then in the future, if your other divine clones become the Sovereign's Emissaries of other Sovereigns and acquire another Sovereign artifact, won't you be breaking this agreement?"    


Although the beautiful woman spoke, the smile on her face did not diminish.    


"Sovereign, I can guarantee that my other divine clones won't become the Sovereign's Emissaries of the other Sovereigns." Lin Feng said.    


In truth, Lin Feng was somewhat disgusted by becoming a Sovereign's Emissary. Although the relationship between a Sovereign and an Emissary wasn't that of a master and a slave. But for Lin Feng who came from Earth and received an equal and free education since childhood, this was also unacceptable.    


However, after being in the Coiling Dragon World for so long, Lin Feng's thoughts had also changed subtly. The thought of the law of the jungle had also affected him more or less. He was no longer as resistant to becoming a Sovereign's Emissary as he had been in the past.    


But of course, becoming an Emissary depended on who the Sovereign was. If it was the Chief Sovereign of Destruction, the Chief Sovereign of Light, the Chief Sovereign of Fate, or any of the other lower, middle, or even upper Sovereigns, Lin Feng would definitely refuse it without hesitation.    


Lin Feng did not have a good impression of these Sovereigns. The Chief Sovereign of Light and the Chief Sovereign of Fate were targets he would definitely kill in the future. Naturally, he wasn't willing to be their Emissary, someone who condescended to be a noble.    


But if it was Si Wangzhuzai, the Chief Sovereign of Life, or the Redbud Sovereign in front of him, it would be a completely different story. Lin Feng had a pretty good impression of the three Sovereigns. Of course, it wasn't because they were beautiful, but rather, it was more accurate to say that they weren't.    


"In that case, what's the difference between having your divine clone as my emissary and having all your divine clones as my emissaries?" The Redbud Sovereign smiled and looked at Lin Feng, not showing any arrogance at all.    


Lin Feng rubbed his nose, and said a little embarrassedly: "Asking me to be subservient to a woman, is something that I can't quite accept in my heart. If it's just a divine clone, I can just barely accept it. "    


"Haha" Lei Sijing, who was standing to the side, immediately laughed without caring about her image after hearing Lin Feng's shocking words, "Lin Feng, you are really interesting. Fortunately, you were facing my mother. If it had been any other Sovereign with a slightly larger temper, just those words of yours would have been enough to sentence you to death. "    


Redbud Sovereign was also shocked quite badly by Lin Feng's words, "Woman? I haven't heard anyone talk about me like that in years. " Redbud Sovereign sighed lightly.    


As a Sovereign who was high above him, even though he was extremely powerful, with just a thought, he could decide the life and death of anyone with Highgod at the Shura level. It seemed limitless, but who would know how depressing the Sovereigns were?    


As the saying goes, gain is gain and loss. It was because they, the Sovereigns, were so high up that their circle of friends was very narrow. Aside from the other Sovereigns, it was almost impossible to be friends or confidants with God. There were a total of seventy-seven Sovereign lattice in the world, and less than seventy true Sovereigns. Aside from the solitary, eccentric Sovereigns, there were very few who were able to become friends with each other.    


It was the same for Redbud Sovereign.    


Therefore, even though she was a woman, who would dare to call her a woman in front of her face? Ordinary Deities didn't dare to do so, while the other Sovereigns didn't either. Countless millions of years had passed, and even she herself had probably forgotten the fact that she was a woman.    


But now that Lin Feng, who only had the strength of his Highgod, had said it in front of her, not only was she not angry, she even had a strange, sentimental feeling.    


Not only Redbud Sovereign and Lei Sijing, even Di Liya, Bei Bei and Ni Si were shocked by Lin Feng's words. Although the Redbud Sovereign was a woman, and this was a fact, he couldn't say it out in front of her, could he? Sovereigns required face.    


"What a kind word for a woman!" Redbud Sovereign let out a soft sigh once more, looked at Lin Feng, pursed his lips and laughed: "What an interesting little fellow. Alright, in order to make your heart accept it a little more, I, this woman, will agree to your little man's request. "    


"Woman? Little man? Agree to the request? " Hearing these words, Lin Feng felt a strange feeling in his heart, "Why does this sound like it's being taken care of? Um ? becoming her Emissary isn't much different from being taken in by her, right? " Lin Feng could not help but think wrongly.    


"Earth Lin Feng greets you, Sovereign." Lin Feng respectfully called out, as if he had officially become her Sovereign's Emissary. It was just that Lin Feng had specifically emphasized that it was Great Earth Lin Feng, not Lin Feng.    


"Alright, I understand. You don't need to emphasize it again and again." It was as if Redbud Sovereign had really become the big sister next door. He didn't have the slightest feeling of being aloof and aloof from the world. Instead, he said in a friendly tone, "Speak, what kind of Sovereign artifact do you want?"    


"What type of Sovereign artifact?" Lin Feng muttered to himself.    


Lin Feng had his own Dragonform, so his material defense wasn't weak. He also had her broken Sovereign artifact s as well, so his soul defense wasn't weak either. Therefore, Lin Feng had never even thought about using this Sovereign artifact for himself.    


In Lin Feng's opinion, giving a material defense Sovereign artifact or a soul defense Sovereign artifact to Di Liya was more valuable than using it on himself.    


"Should I choose material defense Sovereign artifact or soul defense Sovereign artifact?" Lin Feng was at a loss again. "Di Liya refined a divine spark to become a god, and he himself isn't some divine beast. He also cultivates a Wind Elemental Laws that emphasizes speed, so his soul defense and material defense are both weak points. Sigh, if only I can choose two Sovereign artifact s, one for physical defense and one for soul defense. " Lin Feng thought, unsatisfied. However, he only thought about it. After all, it was impossible. Even if he was like Lei Sijing, and the son of the Redbud Sovereign, there was no room for negotiation.    


"A soul protecting Sovereign artifact." After pondering for a while, Lin Feng finally made his decision.    


The soul was the foundation of a cultivator. The injury to the body could be quickly healed with divine power, but if the soul was damaged, it would be very difficult to recover. Thinking about how Di Liya's soul was injured in the original, and almost died in the end, Lin Feng made his choice.    


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