Rebirth: Colorful Divine Body

C3 Chaos Origin Immortal Abode

C3 Chaos Origin Immortal Abode

The Chaos Immortal Abode.    


Muh Feng, who had suffered a great deal of pain, was facing a huge test. If he persisted, he would obtain unexpected benefits, and if he couldn't, he would fall into a deep sleep forever, until he died.    


The energy contained in the fruit rampaged through Muh Feng's body. One by one, his meridians couldn't withstand the surging energy, causing them to rupture. The energy continued to advance, gathering around his heart, and crushing it with a single strike.    


When all the energy of the fruit gathered around his heart, it was as if it had received an order, and it quickly attacked his heart.    


At this moment, Muh Feng's heart was flickering with a dazzling Rainbow Divine Light. The fruit's ability stopped its attack. It began to tremble, and turned around to flee in all directions. The Rainbow Divine Light instantly covered Muh Feng's Whole Meridian and quickly devoured the fruit's energy. Muh Feng's meridians were also rapidly recovering.    


When the last bit of energy was devoured, Muh Feng's meridians were also completely restored. It was only a few dozen times wider than before, and abundant spirit energy was flowing through his meridians. Looking at the heart again, there was no change from before. The Rainbow Divine Light also disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared...    


After the baptism of the Rainbow Divine Light, Muh Feng's meridians had become tougher. If the meridians before were like a small stream, then... It went without saying that the current meridians were like a great river. The size of the meridians determined the speed of cultivation and the strength to break through. At the same time, the Rainbow Divine Light also changed Muh Feng's physique. At this moment, Muh Feng was no longer a useless person who could not cultivate. Instead, he was a useless person. It was just that Muh Feng didn't know about a genius who cultivated.    


Muh Feng's face started to turn red, and his skin started to turn from dark to white at a speed visible to the naked eye.    


"Don't eat me, don't, don't..."    


Muh Feng sat up in shock and looked around.    


"How can there be a tiger here? So it was a nightmare!"    


Muh Feng patted the dirt off his body and stood up. That's not right. I clearly ate the fruit on the tree, then, yes, I rolled around in pain. Later, later? Muh Feng's head hurt so much. He hugged his head and shook it.    


Didn't I die from the poison? Forget it, I don't want to think about that anymore. I should go and take a look at the treasure in the cave.    


Muh Feng pushed aside the weeds in the cave and carefully crawled into the cave. He leaned against the wall and slowly walked into the cave. It was extremely gloomy and dark inside. He could not see his own fingers. The inside of the cave was full of twists and turns.    


"Treasures, haha!"    


Muh Feng excitedly squatted down to grab the thing that was blocking his feet. Muh Feng touched the thing under his feet. It was not gold, silver, or jewelry. It was round and full of bumps and hollows. It looked like... like the head of a dead person.    


Muh Feng quickly shook his head and took a few steps back. He said, Amitabha, Buddha bless me.    


There were corpses here too? Could it be that those outside really have something to do with this cave? The thought of this made Muh Feng even more determined. There must be some treasures here. At the same time, he became even more cautious. There were a lot of corpses here, so there must be a lot of danger.    


After walking for a few hours, more and more corpses appeared. The spatial zone in the cave began to open up. Luckily, Muh Feng didn't encounter any danger except for the corpses.    


Half a day later, a bright light appeared in front of him. Muh Feng quickened his pace. Perhaps the treasure was right in front of him.    


Muh Feng walked out of the cave and was instantly stunned. This place was too beautiful. There were mountains surrounding it, and birds were singing and flowers were blooming.    


There was a palace in the middle of the cave, presumably the treasure was there. Muh Feng rushed over and carefully examined it. This palace had a magnificent aura. It was about a thousand meters wide and dozens of meters tall. It had an exquisite appearance and gave off an ancient aura. It seemed like it didn't belong to this world. At least, Muh Feng had never seen such a palace before. Perhaps even the craftsmen wouldn't be able to build such a huge palace.    


There were a few vivid and powerful words on the front gate of the palace. "Chaos Origin Immortal Abode." Muh Feng looked at it for a long time before he pushed open the gate.    


It was empty except for the gate. Muh Feng went into the palace and searched everywhere. There didn't seem to be any mechanism. How could such a large palace only require such a large space? There must be at least some stairs or something like that, right? But there was clearly no one here.    


After searching for a long time, Muh Feng was sure that there was indeed no shut down in this place.    


"Hum -"    


Muh Feng turned around when he heard the sound. A water-patterned painting appeared out of thin air above the palace.    


"Those who enter Primordius Immortal Palace must first bow three times and kowtow nine times. If not, not even their bones and bones will be left behind."    


The painting continued for several dozen breaths before dissipating, as if it had never appeared. However, Muh Feng clearly knew that it had indeed appeared before, but it was just too much of a hassle. As the saying went, Kneel to the heavens, kneel to the earth, and kneel to your parents. Muh Feng pondered for a while. Sigh, forget it. Since he had chosen to enter the palace, he could only do as he was told. The most important thing was to live. What was the use of dignity when one had no life?    


With a thump, Muh Feng knelt down and started kowtowing three times.    


After the ceremony, Muh Feng felt dizzy. When he opened his eyes again, he had entered an unfamiliar space. It was as if he was in a star in the universe. The surroundings were pitch black. Only the stars were extremely dazzling, and from time to time, meteors would fly over his head.    


"Son, what is the meaning of this child, Muh Feng? I am the Chaotic Origin Immortal Lord."    


Suddenly, the old man's strange voice startled Muh Feng. After that, Muh Feng looked around. Hmm? There was no one around. Could it be an illusion?    


"Child, you can't see it anymore. You can't recognize me, but you can listen to me. I don't have much time left."    


"Who? Who was talking there? I don't understand what you're saying at all. "    


Muh Feng kept turning around and looked around vigilantly.    


"Child, don't be afraid. I'm just a Divine Sense now. That's why you can't see me. I'm going to disappear soon. Just listen to me and don't ask too much. I won't harm you. On the contrary, I'll give you some good fortune." A deep and aged voice sounded again.    


" Child, listen carefully. You happened to eat those seven Yin Yang Fruits. Furthermore, you managed to survive. This is the will of the heavens. The Yin Yang Fruits have given you unparalleled potential and power, and it is enough for you to directly ascend to the Immortal Realm. It's just that you haven't activated it yet."    


Yin Yang Fruit? Immortal Realm? Why can't I understand? Although Muh Feng had a lot of questions, he didn't interrupt. Knowing that this mysterious old man didn't have any ill intentions towards him, he perked up his ears and listened attentively.    


"I am the Chaos Origin Immortal Lord of Upper Realm. I am someone who has attracted poison and is struggling to survive in this place. If it wasn't for the Net Heaven Ring, my life would have ended long ago."    


"I am unwilling to accept this. My Primordial Spirit is about to disappear. It is fate that I am able to meet you. Previously, there were many cultivators who broke into this place. However, they were high and mighty, and refused to lower their heads and kowtow three times or nine times. That's why they're all dead. I won't let any of the secrets of this place get out. I see that you have a pure heart and a firm mind, so I decided to give you all of my treasures. If you have the chance to come to Upper Realm, please kick me for revenge. You just need to find someone called Elder Hwa, he will tell you everything. Child, do you remember everything?"    


Muh Feng nodded. Although he didn't understand what Muh Feng said, he understood that he wanted to take revenge for him. He wanted to find a person called Elder Hwa in Upper Realm.    


After he finished speaking, a golden ring appeared on Muh Feng's hand. Muh Feng looked at the void with a puzzled look, hoping that the mysterious elder could explain what this thing was used for.    


"Child, the thing in your hand is the Net Heaven Ring. This old man was also killed because of this item. You only need to drip a drop of blood onto the Net Heaven Ring. When you drip a drop of blood and acknowledge it as your master, the Net Heaven Ring will become one with you. It will transmit a message to you on how to use it. "    


"Alright, child. Remember not to let anyone know that you have the Net Heaven Ring. Even if it's your closest kin, take care!"    


"Hey! Hey, don't go, how am I going to get out?" Muh Feng shouted. He didn't want to stay in this dark place forever.    


After another bout of dizziness, Muh Feng returned to the palace!    




Muh Feng slapped his thigh. Why did he forget to ask how he got out of this damn cliff just now?    


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