Martial God of the Highest Heaven

C46 The Small Cauldron Guided Him to Break the Formation

C46 The Small Cauldron Guided Him to Break the Formation

The Three-legged Small Caldron flew a circle above Wu Di's head, then flew to the corner of the wall and stopped there.    


Wu Di was too lazy to care about it when he saw this. He immediately found a place to meditate and rest. He did not say that there were any fatal injuries on his body, but it was not an exaggeration to say that there was almost no intact skin.    


He was afraid that the declaration would chase him to the bottom of the lake, so he thought that he had to recover his strength quickly in case he didn't even have the strength to run when his opponent appeared.    


Just as Wu Di found a place to sit down cross-legged, a dot of light flew towards him quickly. Then, a metal hit his head.    


"Bang, bang, bang!" Before Wu Di could clearly see who was trying to kill him, he received a series of knocks.    


"Stop... stop! You want to smash me to death!" Wu Di did not need to look to know that the Three-legged Small Caldron was using his head as a living target.    


The Three-legged Small Caldron flew in front of Wu Di on purpose, swaying back and forth as if it was mocking Wu Di. Wu Di was angry and reached out to grab the small caldron.    


However, the small caldron quickly dodged. Wu Di did not even touch the small caldron, let alone grab it. The Three-legged Small Caldron flew to where Wu Di could touch it arrogantly. It immediately flew away when Wu Di grabbed it.    


In short, when Wu Di finally stopped and faced the uneven wall, the Three-legged Small Caldron actually stopped obediently on the ground, as if it had been forced into a corner.    


"Little thing, let's see where you can run to." Wu Di said as he threw his hands down.    


However, Wu Di felt his hands touch the ground, and then he fell to the ground. He was in a sorry state.    


"Aiyo!" He howled and lay on the ground, not moving at all.    


The medicinal Three-legged Small Caldron was currently floating above his head. Wu Di originally intended to give up the idea of grabbing that gluttonous small caldron and ravaging it, but the place where his hand touched caught his attention.    


It turned out that the bluestone floor that his hand touched was actually a little different from the other stone slabs. A light touch from him actually caused some activity.    


Wu Di immediately sat up and used his dagger to pry open the stone floor. Just as he expected, it was hollow inside. However, there was a black square wooden box in the small hole.    


Out of curiosity and desire for treasures, Wu Di opened the lid. A surge of spirit energy immediately spread out and rushed into Wu Di's body. It made his qi and blood unstable, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.    


The blood splashed onto the thing inside the box. Immediately, the ground began to shake and shake.    


Wu Di immediately stood up to check what was going on. He did not expect that the box in his hand was emitting a red blood light.    


The light was so strong that Wu Di subconsciously extended his arm to block the light. However, at this moment, he fell to the ground and saw the red light reflected in his eyes in front of the cave.    


Judging from the distance, Wu Di should be at the Inhibition very soon. The red light refracted into the invisible Inhibition and formed a red wall. Only then did Wu Di see that there was really a Inhibition without any gap in front of the cave.    


Just as he was amazed by what he saw, another thing happened. The red light turned into countless tiny red lines, interweaving into the shape of a fishing net. After a flash, it completely disappeared.    


When Wu Di saw this, he subconsciously looked into the box and found that it was actually a very ordinary jade turtle.    


This jade turtle was carved very delicately. Wu Di could not help but take it out of the box and play with it curiously. Only then did he realize that the blood on the jade turtle's body had disappeared by itself.    


He did not take it to heart. He looked at the jade turtle several times. He felt that there was really no value in looking at it, so he threw it back into the box.    


When Wu Di threw the box on the ground, he was thinking about how he should find a way out for himself. The Three-legged Small Caldron had come to attack him from the back of his head. After hitting him, it flew into the cave.    


"Heh! Don't think that you'll be fine just because you ran away. If you have the guts, don't ever return to my sea of consciousness." Wu Di roared in exasperation.    


He was the only person in this place. Even if he shouted loudly, it would not affect the others. However, when he calmed down, he noticed a very strange detail.    


The small caldron was gone. Moreover, the small caldron flew directly into the cave. What did this mean? Could it be...    


Wu Di's heart was stirred. Could it be that the Inhibition was broken so easily? No way. Was his luck really that good?    


Wu Di, who had always been unlucky, rarely encountered a good thing. At this moment, he couldn't believe that God really loved him.    


However, he still tried very quickly. He did not expect that with a push of his hand, he actually missed. The invisible barrier really disappeared. He staggered directly to the stone cave entrance.    


Just as he was extremely happy, that Three-legged Small Caldron drifted out again. It even deliberately circled in front of Wu Di, as if it wanted to take credit.    


Wu Di didn't care if this gluttonous small caldron was suddenly epileptic. He immediately rushed into the cave, hoping to find the treasure immediately.    


But just as Wu Di was anxiously rushing towards the treasures he had imagined, he stepped into the air and fell into a tunnel.    


This tunnel was a slope. After Wu Di lost his footing, he fell down. If he had not stabilized his body in a hurry and used the sliding method to fall down, he would have been dead by now.    


Wu Di fell to the ground along with some broken stones. When he rubbed his butt and stood up, he found himself in a place where he couldn't even see his own fingers.    


"Gluttonous Ghost, come out. I'll serve you well, but you brought me into a trap. " Are you f * cking tired of living? " Wu Di covered his butt and grimaced in pain.    


He was in an extremely bad mood right now, so he did not plan to keep his mouth shut. He scolded the Three-legged Small Caldron directly.    


Suddenly, a ball of flame appeared in the air, temporarily lighting up the surroundings. Only at this time did Wu Di discover that there was a fire coming out from inside the small caldron.    


"Humph! Don't think that I will forgive you just because you helped me light it up." Unrivaled said discontentedly.    


However, in an unfamiliar environment, it still made people feel somewhat unsafe. Wu Di immediately started to check the surroundings to ensure that his safety was not threatened.    


This was a natural cave. It was very big. But there are rocks everywhere. Wu Di even saw a lot of stalactites, but this kind of natural stone cave was not strange. It was as if the Three-legged Small Caldron wanted to guide him somewhere, and it slowly drifted in one direction.    


The Three-legged Small Caldron was the only illumination tool now. It was easy for people to feel fear in the dark. Wu Di subconsciously followed the Three-legged Small Caldron.    


He turned left and right in the cave until he finally arrived at a small natural cave. Wu Di was shocked when he arrived inside.    


On top of a stone bed sat a severely decomposed skeleton. What Wu Di cared about was not this skeleton that was worthless to him, but a white robe worn by the skeleton.    


This robe looked no different from an ordinary robe, but judging from its new appearance and its clean and clean appearance, it looked no different than an ordinary robe. It was definitely no ordinary dress, otherwise it would have rotted faster than the skeleton.    


Wu Di looked at the spotless clothes and his heart skipped a beat. Could this be the legendary protective immortal clothing?    


Protective immortal clothing was just a general name. As a cultivator sect, there were a few different names. If this was an ancient martial artist senior, the clothes he was wearing should have become a battle robe. The clothes worn by cultivators were not made of ordinary fabric.    


Most of them were made from some demonic skin bags and other materials. These clothes had the ability to protect one's body. When necessary, they could block attacks of the same grade as this Demonic Beast.    


Therefore, the more powerful a cultivator was, the more powerful the cultivator would be. If they were lucky enough to kill powerful demons and use their skins to create protective immortal clothes, then the next time they encountered a Demonic Beast of the same grade, all physical attacks wouldn't be able to deal any damage to it.    


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