Martial God of the Highest Heaven

C101 They Killed Each Other

C101 They Killed Each Other

After the reminder from the small caldron, Wu Di recalled that he was now able to freely transform into a demonic devil. Since Wang Jin was a lackey of the demonic devil, he wouldn't dare to kill a demonic devil.    


It was just a waste of time. In the time it took to waste time, Wang Jin had already caught up to him. He looked a little disheveled, his clothes were a little tattered, his hair was a little messy, and there were some traces of black on his face.    


"Stinking brat, you're dead for sure." He pulled out his long sword and prepared to kill Wu Di.    


Wu Di immediately shouted, "Wait a minute, you can't kill me. Do you know who I am?"    


"Humph! Today, even if you are the emperor's father, I will kill you." Wang Jin thought Wu Di was playing tricks again, so he didn't fall for it and thrust his sword at Wu Di.    


Wu Di immediately took out his token and said, "Open your dog eyes and see who I am."    


"The Demon Token of the Thousand Monster Sect. Where did you get it?" When Wang Jin saw the thing in Wu Di's hand, he immediately stopped and his expression changed.    


"Humph! You will know who I am very soon." Wu Di started to chant the spell as he spoke. Soon, he turned from a human into a demon. With such a powerful Devil Qi and the devil token in his hand, Wang Jin's legs went limp and he knelt down for Wu Di.    


"How is it? Do you know who I am now?"    


"Lord Devil Guard, I have eyes but no eyes. I hope you don't take offense. Actually, all of this is for the sake of the Thousand Monster Sect. It's definitely not selfish. "    


Wu Di nodded and said, "I know. Otherwise, I would have directly killed you just now. I am only doing this to test you. Are you really loyal to the Pantheon of Demons?"    


"Yes, I know. Lord Devil Guard is truly wise and mighty. This lowly one is inferior to him." That Wang Jin always chose to be obedient. Wu Di felt incomparably comfortable listening to him.    


He walked over and kicked Wang Jin to the ground. Then he stepped on his chest and said," Although you did a good job, I have to pay you back for your rude behavior. Do you have any objections? "    


"No... No objections. But I hope that Lord Devil Guard will show mercy." This guy was clearly worried that Wu Di would take revenge and kill him, but his mouth was still like honey. He spoke as if he really liked being beaten up.    


Wu Di did not care about these things. Just now, he was so angry that he ran away in a sorry state, plus the small caldron's mocking words. Now, he had accumulated quite a bit of anger in his stomach. He was worried that there was no place to vent it.    


Now, this Wang Jin, even if he was unlucky, if he didn't beat him up, he wouldn't be able to live up to his acting all the way here.    


Wu Di chuckled. In an instant, his fist landed on Wang Jin's body like raindrops. This time, Wu Di didn't kill Wang Jin. Instead, he beat him until he was a pig's head.    


Seeing his swollen face, Wu Di finally let go of his hand.    


"Thank you, Lord Devil Guard, for showing mercy. Thank you for sparing this lowly one's life." Wang Jin originally thought that he would not be able to keep his life. Thinking that if Wu Di really wanted to kill him, he was not polite and prepared to resist. However, he did not expect that Wu Di would only give him a beating. He immediately suppressed the killing intent that was about to burst out.    


"I only let you live temporarily, but it does not mean that I will let you go." Wu Di smiled coldly. It seemed like he still had other tricks up his sleeve.    


Wang Jin swallowed his saliva and asked, "I wonder if Lord Devil Guard has any other orders."    


"No. Don't you still have proper business to attend to? I also have something important to do, let's part here. I hope you can be more tactful when you see me next time, otherwise... hmph!"    


Wu Di deliberately smiled a little sinisterly, making the other party feel afraid. Only after Wang Jin rolled and rolled to escape did the small caldron's voice sound.    


"It's really strange. I thought you would kill him or find a way to save those cultivators. Why didn't you do that?"    


"What a joke. I am not a savior. The lives of those people have nothing to do with me, but I have more important things to do."    


Wu Di was not a good person, but he did not know right from wrong. He did not care about the lives of those cultivators, and he did not have the ability to do so. Since he had reminded them, they would be stupid if they stayed where they were and waited to be caught. It had nothing to do with Wu Di.    


After Wu Di left this place, only the people on the mountain knew what had happened on the mountain. Wu Di had completely forgotten about this matter.    


He bought a horse in a small town and sped towards Seven Star Mountain. Counting the days, he had already wasted almost ten days outside. If he didn't go back, even if the sect didn't know what he had done, Ling Qun and Yu Qing would be suspicious.    


After three days of traveling, Wu Di finally arrived at the Spirit Medicine Garden of Seven Star Sect safely. He avoided all the people of Spirit Medicine Garden and arrived at the waterfall.    


After a while, Wu Di entered the cave behind the waterfall. As soon as he came out of the water, he heard a loud shout.    


"He's back!"    


Wu Di was speechless. There was only one person who could shout like that, Yu Qing. However, he did not shout because he was happy. He was afraid that he had prepared another big move for him.    


Sure enough, after Wu Di shouted, the three demonic devils and Ling Qun walked out of the cave. When Wu Di turned around, he found Yu Qing standing a few meters away from him.    


There was a strange smile on Yu Qing's face. It was obvious that he was not a good person. However, Wu Di still maintained his composure and waited for Ling Qun and the three demons to appear. "The Seven Star Sect's search has stopped. I have already thought of a countermeasure. They won't pursue us for the time being."    


"In that case, we can go back and report to them." One of the demons said.    


Wu Di shook his head. "No. About what I said before, there are spies among the three of you. I investigated through the information you gave me and found out that two of them have become traitors."    


As soon as these words were spoken, the three demons looked at each other. At this moment, they were full of hostility towards their companions. One look and one could tell that they mistakenly thought that the other two were traitors.    


The three demons all thought that the other two were traitors. So, without Wu Di's explanation, the three of them had already started fighting.    


From this point of view, the intelligence of these demonic devils was pitifully low. When the three demonic devils fought each other, Yu Qing and Ling Han immediately gathered around Wu Di.    


At this time, only Yu Qing asked in a low voice, "After leaving for so long, what exactly did you do? Do you know that our identities were almost exposed?"    


"Senior Brother Yu, don't be too nervous. Right now, it's impossible for our identities to be suspected. As for what I did, I naturally have other arrangements with the sect. " As long as we don't forget our final mission, it'll be fine. Just what are you in a hurry for? "    


"It's best if that's the case. If I find out that you have other intentions, I'll definitely not forgive you." Yu Qing had an unfriendly expression on his face.    


Wu Di found that aside from Yu Qing's complaints, Ling Qun did not react at all. He did not even know how to greet him.    


Compared to these two, Wu Di felt that Yu Qing was the last person he should leave alive. When he got back to the school, he didn't know what to say. Therefore, after much thought, Wu Di's only solution was to use the demonic devils to get rid of the thorn in Yu Qing's side.    


At this moment, Wu Di had never thought that there was still the Yu Family behind Yu Qing. His personal grudge had almost caused him to lose his life.    


The three demons fought against each other. The last three were seriously injured, but Wu Di just watched from the side and didn't interfere.    


The three demons all wanted to kill the other two traitors, so they didn't show any mercy. In the end, one of them survived and killed the other two.    


Wu Di recognized this demon. It was the Devil Guard that knelt down to him first. His victory was actually within Wu Di's expectations, because this demon was the most powerful one among the three of them.    


"The injured demonic devil was kneeling on one knee, looking very embarrassed. Wu Di walked over and said," You have successfully killed these two traitors. I will definitely report back to the higher-ups and let them reward you well. "    


"Thank you, my lord." This demonic devil had no idea that he was being used by someone. He was actually thanking Wu Di.    


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