Martial God of the Highest Heaven

C149 Punish the Wicked

C149 Punish the Wicked

Wu Di let out a cold laugh. It seemed like this man really had committed all kinds of evil deeds. This was the perfect way to kill this man and get rid of the scum of Cultivation World. Wu Di secretly concentrated his spiritual energy on his right fist. Currently, he had confidence in his own strength. Therefore, in order not to hurt the innocent, Wu Di didn't use his full strength. Moreover, he believed that as long as he punched the man in front of him, he would be knocked down on the ground and unable to get up. Therefore, he used the gentlest way to punch with the Azure Dragon Divine Fist.    


That man swung his fist, thinking that Wu Di would die without a burial. Who would have thought that Wu Di would also throw a punch at the same time? That cultivator revealed a smile. Just as he thought that he was about to obtain victory, he suddenly felt a numbness in his arm and his entire body was sent flying. Wu Di was still standing on the same spot without moving at all.    




"Master Liu, are you alright?" Seeing that the cultivator was easily knocked down by Wu Di, the County Magistrate of Wu County immediately went forward and asked.    


Master Liu sat up. Before he could say anything, he spat out a mouthful of blood. He looked at Wu Di in disbelief and asked, "Impossible. You are also a cultivator? You must be a cultivator. I was wrong."    


Wu Di said calmly, "Don't be so excited. I am just an ordinary person. I just can't stand seeing a cultivator like you who dares to help an ordinary person harm an area. A person like you deserves to die."    


"Impossible! If you weren't a cultivator, how could I have lost to you? I am..."    


It doesn't matter. When you see injustice, you have to pull out your knife to help. Since you have already confessed to your actions, then I don't need to show mercy. Let me help you end your life. " Wu Di smiled and walked step by step towards Master Liu.    


Master Liu probably did not expect to meet someone more powerful than him. Seeing that Wu Di was really going to kill him, he suddenly waved his sleeve. A black fog suddenly appeared. Wu Di thought that it was bad, but the fog had blocked his vision. By the time the fog dissipated, Master Liu had already disappeared.    


Wu Di felt a little regretful, but he didn't chase after him. His punch just now had shattered his opponent's important meridians. Although he could move freely, he was no different from a cripple. He wouldn't let him cultivate anymore.    


"Idiot Wu, this is the first time I've found out that you're actually quite black-hearted. You don't want his life, but you've turned him into a cripple. He can no longer set foot in Cultivation World."    


"Thank you for your praise, but I don't think it's enough. I should still kill this kind of person." Wu Di replied in dissatisfaction.    


At this time, the small caldron obediently disappeared. Idiot Wu was not an idiot. He was a terrifying person.    


"How is it? Do you have any reinforcements? "Then let's call them together. "I don't mind teaching these people a lesson." Wu Di looked at the scared Wu County Magistrate and asked in a gentle tone.    


"Hero, I don't dare. We don't dare anymore. Please spare our lives, Hero." This County Magistrate Wu was a man of his own accord. Even a master like Master Liu was no match for this kid. It was obvious that if he wanted to kill everyone here, it would be as easy as crushing an ant.    


Just thinking about it, this County Magistrate Wu was so scared that he almost peed his pants. How could he dare to oppose Wu Di?    


Wu Di sneered and said, "Write down a document now. Write down all the evidence of how you bullied the common people and violated the law. Then hand it over to the Imperial Court and resign. Get out of Cangshan County. Otherwise, I will make sure your Wu family will not see the sun tomorrow."    


"This... Hero, we all know that we are wrong. We will definitely turn over a new leaf and never do those things again. Please let us go this time." The Wu County Magistrate had been an official for many years. He definitely wouldn't want him to take off his official uniform all of a sudden.    


The reason why he spoke in a low voice was to make Wu Di soften his heart and let them go. However, Wu Di was not a kind person. He wanted to kill these two scum even more when he encountered such a situation. However, he was a cultivator, so he didn't want to offend them.    


"Hurry up and write if you want to. My patience is limited. If you don't do as I say, I will..." Wu Di raised his fist. The County Magistrate Wu was probably too scared. He actually fainted in an instant.    


Wu Di sneered and walked in front of Wu Youwei. "Your father is unconscious, so I will have to use you as an incision. I heard that you have bullied a lot of women in Cangshan County and forced many innocent women to death. " People like you are a scourge. Why don't you let me break your descendants' roots and let you never insult women again in your life? How about it? "    


When Wu Youwei heard this, he immediately peed his pants in fright. Smells of water flowed out from his crotch. Just like that, he still tightly covered his crotch with his hands and said with tears streaming down his face," Hero, please spare me. I know I was wrong. I'm a bastard, I'm a beast. Please spare my life, Hero."    


Wu Di ignored him and said to the unconscious County Magistrate Wu, "What? Why are you still pretending to be dead? Then I won't be polite. When your son becomes a eunuch, you will still have to write me your confession."    


"Father! Help! "You can't let the Wu family lose their children." That Wu Youwei was clearly a seven foot tall man, yet he was crying for his parents with snot and tears all over his face. This was truly a disgrace to his grandma's house.    


At this time, that County Magistrate Wu was too embarrassed to continue pretending to be unconscious. Compared to his position, it was more important to pass on his family name. Therefore, under Wu Di's supervision, the County Magistrate Wu wrote down his crimes. Not only that, Wu Di also forced him to write two copies, and even took out all his corrupt books.    


Wu Di handed all the books to the people of Cangshan County. Of course, he gave another explanation to the Wu County Magistrate. "You'd better not play any tricks or hire assassins to destroy the entire county. I will hide the accounts in a safe place. As long as you make any moves, I will let you know. Or if you don't do as I say, your corrupt books and your own crimes will be delivered directly to the Emperor's hands. Then we'll see how you'll do it. "    


"I don't dare, I don't dare. As long as the Hero is willing to let us live, we definitely won't dare to do such a thing." The County Magistrate of Wu County didn't doubt Wu Di's ability at all. Master Liu was a cultivator, and he wasn't a match for this young man. Without a doubt, this young man was also a cultivator.    


If ordinary people wanted to become enemies with cultivators, even ten lives wouldn't be enough. Therefore, this County Magistrate Wu followed Wu Di's instructions and didn't dare to be vague.    


After the Wu family moved out of Cangshan County, It took less than a day. Although it didn't take much time, Wu Di had already decided to leave. After all, he had more important things to do.    


Lan Er helped her blind mother send Wu Di off. The other villagers were also very grateful that Wu Di had helped them so much. They all wanted to keep Wu Di, but unfortunately, Wu Di was determined to leave, so they naturally wouldn't agree.    


"Your mother can't move, so don't send her off. By the way, I have a bottle of medicinal powder here. It might be useful for her eyes. Why don't you give it a try? Maybe she can see something again."    


In fact, Wu Di only used a stalk of spirit grass. This kind of spirit grass was picked by Wu Di when he was in Spirit Beast Mountain. There were no alchemists in the Spirit Beast Mountain. Of course, they didn't cultivate any herbs. However, wherever there was sufficient spirit energy, there would be many spirit herbs and herbs.    


The vegetation in the Spirit Beast Mountain was lush. There were some common spiritual herbs and herbs in the middle that no one paid attention to. Wu Di happened to have some knowledge about this. After asking Huo Yan'er if these things could be picked, he picked some spirit herbs that he could use.    


In fact, most of these spiritual herbs were used to feed the greedy small caldron. This guy would eat these things as snacks from time to time, so he had to prepare them at all times.    


"Damn it, who asked you to use my food as a good person? This is too much." The small caldron said unhappily.    


Wu Di immediately comforted him," Don't lose your temper? I heard that the python mountain is too dangerous, so there are a lot of spirit medicine and spirit grasss that no one picked. When we get there, I'll take some to apologize."    


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