Martial God of the Highest Heaven

C150 The Tiny Cauldron will be Translated

C150 The Tiny Cauldron will be Translated

"Hmph! That's more like it. However, don't do this kind of thing next time. Otherwise, I'll take revenge on you." The small caldron threatened.    


Wu Di did not take the small caldron's threat to heart at all. After being together for so long, he knew that this little fellow only had a loud voice. He had never seen it really do anything excessive.    


"Thank you, benefactor. I don't even know how to repay benefactor's kindness to our family." As the old woman spoke, tears flowed out of her eyes.    


"What kind of kindness is that? "This is what I have to do because I can't stand it. It has nothing to do with you. Alright, I still have some matters to attend to. After I finish my business, I will come back to make sure that the County Magistrate Wu won't come back to harm you guys again."    


"Benefactor, this is some dried food that I made. If you don't mind, bring it along and eat it on the road." Lan Er was a good girl. Knowing that Wu Di was leaving, she immediately made some biscuits and snacks.    


Wu Di looked at the small bag of food. Apart from some snacks and dried food, there was also some dried meat. It seemed that this girl was very careful. She did not take out all the food stored in her house and gave it to him.    


Thinking for a while, Wu Di took out an ingot of silver and handed it to Lan Er. He said, "I don't think you orphans and widows will have a good life. Take this silver. Although it's not much, it should be enough for a small business."    


Hearing this, Lan Er was moved to tears. She quickly pushed the silver back and said. "No, benefactor has already shown great kindness to my family. How can I still ask for benefactor's silver? This is absolutely not something that can be done."    


Wu Di said with a smile, "Although I am not a rich and noble person, this bit of silver is still rich. Take it. Take it as my investment. If you feel bad about it, just do a small business and return the money to me. "    


In the end, Wu Di persuaded Lan Er to accept the money. After everything was settled, he got on the horse and left without any worries.    


Wu Di did not see Lan Er staring at him, but when the small caldron saw it, it teased Wu Di, "I can't tell. Although you are useless, your ability to seduce girls is top-notch. I think that girl Lan Er has already been stolen by you."    


"Don't talk nonsense, I am a cultivator She is just a mortal woman, what can she do? Besides, she probably doesn't even look 15 years old, so she knows what love is." Wu Di did not take this matter to heart at all.    


This time, Wu Di did not encounter any trouble on the road. After a whole day of travelling, he finally arrived at the boundary of Python Mountain before the horse ran out of breath.    


After coming out of Cangshan County, Wu Di could no longer see any signs of human habitation. When he arrived at Python Mountain, he could no longer see humans. Not to mention humans, he could not even see many animals.    


Wu Di got off the horse and patted its butt, leaving it to fend for itself. In any case, if it was tied somewhere, it would probably just be food for medicinal Demonic Beasts or something. It would be better to let the horse run freely. At any rate, it would have a chance to escape if it encountered danger.    


Without a mount, Wu Di could only walk forward on foot. However, this did not pose any difficulty to him. Instead, he walked very quickly. As long as he thought of how he could see a lot of Demonic Beasts quickly and let him slaughter them, he was incomparably excited.    


"I say, can you calm down a little? It's just Demonic Beasts, right? No matter how excited you are, it's still not too late." The small caldron was very ashamed of Wu Di's lack of experience.    


Wu Di pretended not to hear it. In any case, he was as thick-skinned as the city wall. In the past, as long as someone said something that was not pleasant to hear, he would be furious to death. However, ever since the small caldron was able to speak, Wu Di realized that his composure had improved a lot. Anyone with a poisonous tongue would be furious. This fellow would always know where his weakness was.    


However, he was used to being attacked by the small caldron's poisonous tongue. Wu Di's endurance increased. Not only would he not get angry often, he was even so thick-skinned that he could turn a blind eye to it.    


"Strange. I have already reached the Python Mountain. It has been almost four hours since I left. It looks like the sky is about to turn dark. Why can't I see even half a Demonic Beast? Could it be that this place has been cleaned up by someone?"    


The small caldron flew out and circled around. Finally, it said, "What's the point of asking me? Open the Spirit Beast Bag and let your Blue Eyed Mink out. When the time comes, it will naturally tell us what's going on."    


Wu Di thought about it and agreed. This Blue Eyed Mink was the most sensitive to Demonic Qis. Whether or not there were Demonic Qis in the vicinity, as long as the Blue Eyed Mink ran around once, it would know everything.    


The moment the Spirit Beast Bag opened, the Blue Eyed Mink impatiently ran out of the Spirit Beast Bag. Wu Di did not bring any food for the Blue Eyed Mink to eat. If it wasn't for the jade slip that he had in his possession, he would have been able to feed the Blue Eyed Mink. He knew that Wu Dis were very resistant to hunger. They wouldn't give him food for ten days to half a month. It wouldn't starve to death in the Spirit Beast Bag, at most to preserve its strength and fall into deep sleep. But it definitely wouldn't starve to death.    


The moment the Blue Eyed Mink ran out, it sniffed around on the ground. In the end, it ran away like a wisp of smoke. This time, Wu Di was very anxious, "What should we do? If we lose it, we'll lose it. That wouldn't be a pity for a good spirit beast."    


"Are you a fool? I heard that it was a high-level spirit beast. It was born with the Spiritual Wisdom, but it went out to hunt for food. It will naturally return to your side later. "    


As if it had verified the small caldron's words, the Blue Eyed Mink returned. Seeing that it was still holding a large mouse in its mouth, it knew that this fellow had indeed gone to hunt for food.    


Wu Di did not carry the Blue Eyed Mink either. Instead, he said to it, "You are allowed to eat food, but when you are full, you have to work for me. Help me find if there are any rank 3 and above medicinal Demonic Beasts around here."    


"Chirp chirp..." The Blue Eyed Mink called out to Wu Di a few times. Wu Di had a confused look on his face.    


There was absolutely no common language between humans and animals. As expected, he and this Blue Eyed Mink were not related to the owner or the pet.    


"Chirp! Chirp!" That medicinal small mink seemed to be not very satisfied. It called out to Wu Di twice more.    


The medicinal small caldron said from the side, "What are you fussing over with this little bastard for? I'm not happy."    


Wu Di was very surprised. He asked directly, "What is it? Do you understand what this little fellow is saying?"    


At this moment, Wu Di's eyes lit up. He treated the small caldron as a rare treasure. The small caldron had never been stared at by such a terrifying gaze before. It immediately felt uneasy. It coughed and asked, "So... so what if you understand?"    


"That's great!" Wu Di shouted. If there was no one else around, he would have scared a few people to death.    


The small caldron was also shocked. It said discontentedly, "What are you shouting for? I don't know how scary people are."    


"You are not human." Wu Di told him the truth.    


The small caldron coughed. "Even if I'm not a human," he said. Then you can't scare me. " But explain it to me. Why are you so excited? "    


"Of course it's for the sake of you being able to communicate with the small mink. I don't seem to have any common language with it. If you can understand its words, I'll leave the task of communicating with it to you in the future." Wu Di said generously.    


Originally, the small caldron had hoped that Wu Di would say something useful, but it did not expect it to be another topic that made people laugh or cry.    


"No, I am the Artifact Spirit. I will speak. Only you can hear me. If I don't reveal my true body, no one will be able to see me. The most important thing is that it is your Spiritual Pet. It is not suitable for me to communicate with it."    


"But I don't understand what it is saying."    


"What's so difficult about it? It can understand the meaning of your master, and I can figure out its thoughts. Isn't there no problem in communicating with it?" The small caldron said in a disdainful tone.    


Wu Di thought about it and agreed. However, he felt a little embarrassed after hearing what small caldron said.    


At this time, the Blue Eyed Mink had already finished eating. This little guy loved to clean himself. After eating, he even added all the hair to the ground. It did not look like he had eaten a mouse at all.    


The Blue Eyed Mink called out to Wu Di twice. Then, it started to sniff around. Needless to say, it knew that it was following Wu Di's orders to help find the Demonic Beast.    


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