Martial God of the Highest Heaven

C381 A Friend from the Same Sect Died a Tragic Death

C381 A Friend from the Same Sect Died a Tragic Death

Qiu Ren still took out the small wooden boat. When the boat grew bigger, all of them jumped onto the deck. Qiu Ren controlled the boat and flew towards the Seven Star Sect.    


Wu Di stood beside Qiu Ren and asked curiously, "Master, this boat is quite impressive. I wonder what kind of magic treasure it is?"    


"This is called the Ten Thousand Mile Boat. It can travel ten thousand miles in a day."    


Wu Di didn't expect that there would be such a magical treasure in this world. He had already thought about it. When he returned to Central State Region, he would definitely find a way to go to the Myriad Treasure Store to see if they had such a boat to sell. If he had one, it would be much easier for him to go anywhere in the future.    


After five days of travel, he finally returned to the familiar Heavenly Heart Region. In the blink of an eye, the grand Seven Star Peak had appeared in front of him.    


When Qiu Ren arrived at the square above the Alkaid Peak, he had driven everyone off the boat. Then, he put away the boat and left.    


Wu Di and the others were confused for a while, but soon, they realized that something was not right. No matter how quiet the Alkaid Peak was, they couldn't miss a disciple for a long time. This situation was obviously a lot more strange.    


"Something happened!" Qing Shuchou and Hee Qingshan immediately reacted and went to check on the situation.    


Meng Bingyao also went to Green Rock Peak immediately. As for Bai Ze, he naturally went to Rock Building Peak.    


Wu Di looked at the empty square. There was almost no human Qi here. What exactly happened during the time they left?    


The others had gone to check on the situation. Wu Di felt that he couldn't just stay here, so he decided to go to main hall to take a look.    


No matter what, the Seven Star Sect was a big sect with many Later Period of the Dragon Transformation Stage and Martial King Stage Sect Master. It was impossible for anything to happen.    


However, there were usually disciples guarding the entrance of the hall. Now that there were no disciples around, Wu Di immediately felt that something was wrong. He patted the Spirit Beast Bag and released the Blue Eyed Mink. The Blue Eyed Mink had a very sensitive sense of smell, so it was naturally better to find someone than them.    


"small mink, look everywhere for me. Where is Mu Lee and the others?"    


The small mink chirped twice and immediately turned around to help Wu Di find someone. If one were to say that the Blue Eyed Mink was most familiar with someone's aura, it was naturally Wu Di's good friends.    


It was just that this Blue Eyed Mink seemed to be gone forever. Wu Di waited for a long time but still did not see the Blue Eyed Mink return.    


But during this period of waiting, Qiu Ren came back first. Then, Qing Shuchou and the others all gathered in the square. Wu Di saw their serious expressions and knew that things were going to be terrible.    


"Is there no one?" After Wu Di opened his mouth, he found that his voice was dry.    


Qiu Ren frowned and said, "There are at least a few thousand people in a big sect, from servants at the foot of the mountain to the outer sect and then the inner sect. It is impossible for them to disappear into thin air. But what exactly happened? "    


Everyone was silent. Although no one said anything, they had a bad feeling about this. They were afraid that something big had happened to the Seven Star Sect while they were away.    


Just as everyone was at a loss, the Blue Eyed Mink finally returned. But when Wu Di saw that the four legs of the Blue Eyed Mink were stained red, his heart immediately lifted. Was this blood?    


The others also noticed the Blue Eyed Mink. At this time, the Blue Eyed Mink spat out something from its mouth. Wu Di was stunned on the spot when he saw it. The Blue Eyed Mink had a wooden pendant in its mouth.    


This pendant belonged to Zhao Tiehniu. Zhao Tiehniu was a burly man. However, there was a wooden pendant hanging around his neck. It was engraved with a strange round mark.    


Wu Di had seen it before and could not tell what it was. However, Zhao Tiehniu was very precious and had never taken it off his neck. Now that the small mink had brought it here, Wu Di almost felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground.    


Luckily, Hee Qingshan helped him up in time. Wu Di immediately calmed down and bent down to pick up the pendant. It was indeed Zhao Tiehniu's. There were some dark red blood stains on it. Wu Di grabbed the pendant and became extremely angry.    


"small mink, bring me to the place where this thing fell." Wu Di's voice trembled uncontrollably. If his good brothers died, he would definitely get revenge.    


The Blue Eyed Mink understood Wu Di's words. With a twist of its body, it ran in a certain direction. Wu Di and the others all followed behind the Blue Eyed Mink.    


The Blue Eyed Mink went to the Back Hill. The Back Hill was very big. Just now, even Qing Shuchou and Hee Qingshan had wandered around the area, but they did not find anything unusual.    


However, as the Blue Eyed Mink turned left and right, Qiu Ren's expression became uglier and uglier.    


"There is a hiding place here. It is used to hide when the Seven Star Sect is facing a disaster. Could it be that someone really took advantage of our absence to massacre the Seven Star Sect? " Who is it? "    


Qiu Ren had always been very idle and didn't seem to care much about anything, but now his expression was very ferocious. This was probably because he had touched the reverse scale.    


Everyone had a reverse scale. Even the most good-tempered people would get angry when they encountered something they couldn't bear.    


Wu Di's reverse scale was his good brothers and the people he cared about. He did not care about the lives of others, but if the people he cared about died, he would not rest until they died.    


As the road became more and more rugged and hidden, everyone's faces turned ugly. Because from the beginning, there were many corpses of Seven Star Sect disciples along the way.    


Most of these corpses were outer circle disciples and some disciples with low cultivation bases.    


In fact, this kind of situation was foreseeable. When faced with danger, the sect would always choose to leave behind a small portion of the disciples with excellent qualifications to revive the Seven Star Sect. As for the others, they were all sacrificed.    


The further they walked, the more corpses piled up. In the end, there were many corpses piled up on the ground. Even the soil was dyed a dark red color.    


The smell of blood here was so strong that it made several people clench their fists tightly. They could not accept this kind of extermination at all.    


Wu Di walked at the front expressionlessly. He could already imagine it. Zhao Tiehniu and Mu Lee were afraid that their fates were already in danger. According to this situation, it was very likely that even the ancestors and the elders...    


The further they went, the higher the cultivation base of the dead cultivators. After that, almost all of them were inner sect disciples. Later on, the bodies of the seven great guardians were also lying on the ground.    


"Ah! Who wants to destroy my Seven Star Sect?" Qiu Ren let out a furious roar. With a wave of his sleeve, he shattered a huge rock beside him.    


Wu Di did not have the mood to comfort his master. He continued walking forward, because the Blue Eyed Mink was still moving forward. In the end, the Blue Eyed Mink finally stopped in front of a pile of corpses.    


Wu Di's footsteps also stopped. He was too far away. He was still more than ten meters away from the Blue Eyed Mink, but he could not take a step to look.    


At this time, Meng Bingyao quietly walked to Wu Di's side and reached out her hand to hold Wu Di's hand. Even though her hand was trembling slightly, she still comforted Wu Di, "Don't worry. Maybe things aren't as bad as this."    


Was it really that bad? When Wu Di walked towards the group of corpses, he finally saw the scene that he did not want to see the most. Zhao Tiehniu's corpse was lying there, pressed down by other corpses.    


His head had been separated from his body. He rolled to the side with his eyes wide open.    


Wu Di's hand was tightly clenched. His joints made cracking sounds. Then, he saw a few familiar faces a few meters away. It had to be said that this battle was very intense. Many people had their heads and bodies separated.    


"Wu Di!" Meng Bingyao was also a little surprised when she saw Zhao Tiehniu's body. She was subconsciously worried that Wu Di would run away.    


Wu Di did not run away because he was still searching for the others.    


"small mink, help me find Mu Lee and Ling Qun."    


The small mink jumped around in the pile of corpses, and finally stopped in front of a big fallen tree.    


Seeing this situation, Wu Di's heart turned cold again. He actually hoped that the small mink could not find anything. This would at least be good news. But now it seemed that he still had to continue losing his companions.    


After walking a few steps, Wu Di saw that the one under the big tree was Ling Qun. Luckily, Ling Qun's body was still in good condition, but it seemed like he had experienced a fierce battle.    


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