Martial God of the Highest Heaven

C355 Join the Team

C355 Join the Team

Wu Di said, "They are all from all over China. I don't think they will know each other even if I told them. What brings you here?"    


"We are here to participate in the trial according to our family's wishes. However, we don't plan to participate in the trial of the Spiritual Martial Assembly. We just want to get some benefits in the trial and leave." The other party said so.    


"I'm asking why you are here." This guy obviously didn't understand what he was saying.    


The man was surprised for a second and then understood what Wu Di was asking. He said quickly, "I saw a fight here from afar. I know you are strong. I don't know if you can bring us with you. Don't worry, we only need a small amount of materials. We will not be greedy."    


Wu Di didn't say anything. At this moment, another group of people came from the other side. The clothes of these people all had an unknown flower pattern. They should belong to the sect.    


These people were slightly stronger than the people from the Yun Family. Most of them were Later Period of the Earth Fiend Stage warriors, and two of them were Early Period of the Heavenly Strong Stage warriors.    


When they saw that Wu Di was actually a Later Period of the Heavenly Strong Stage warrior, their attitude became more respectful.    


"You all want to travel with us?" Wu Di went straight to the point.    


The man was startled and immediately said, "Yes, we may encounter danger in this secret realm at any time. It will be much safer if we can rely on an expert to accompany us."    


Wu Di nodded and said, "Since all of you have this intention, I will tell you my request."    


Everyone looked puzzled, not knowing what Wu Di wanted to do. Wu Di had already stood up and said. "I can take you guys with me, but it doesn't mean I can guarantee your safety by myself. " Since you want to join, "You have to make some rules first. If you're not satisfied, you can quit. We do things according to your wishes, don't we? "    


Those people did not understand what Wu Di meant, but Wu Di was not angry. He just smiled and said, "It's very simple. If we encounter something good in the secret realm, we have to take the lead first. You guys can split the rest. Of course, I will not bully you. If there is only one good thing... If I want it again, then it's mine. But afterwards, I will find something else to compensate you. "What do you think?"    


The expressions of these two groups of people didn't look too good. However, the power of the Yun Family was relatively strong. The leader looked at Wu Di's group. Three Heavenly Strong Stage and two Earth Fiend Stage were stronger than them. All they wanted now was to safely retrieve some resources and bring them back to their families. Naturally, they didn't want to bother about anything else.    


"We agree."    


The other side was a little hesitant. However, Wu Di's strength was also much stronger than theirs. Adding the scene in the sky, they had at least acknowledged Wu Di and the others' strength.    




"You all agreed readily, but there is still a second request. When you are in danger, you all have to go first. " We will only attack if we are unable to do so. But don't worry, since I promise to protect you all, As long as you try your best when you're in danger, We will protect you. But on the contrary... hmph...    


Wu Di's smile suddenly became gloomy, causing these people to unconsciously show some respect. They did not dare to be too rude in front of Wu Di.    


In fact, this condition was a little unfair. However, humans were social animals. If they knew that there were many dangers ahead but didn't know how to find a powerful being to rely on, Even if one did not die in the danger of the secret realm, they would die in the hands of other cultivators.    


Every time the secret realm trial opened, there would definitely be people dying. Moreover, most of them would be wiped out. If ten thousand people entered, it would already be incredible if one or two thousand people came out.    


Of course, most of the people who died would die here. There was also a portion that gave up on the trial and left safely.    


The cruelty of reality forced these people to gather their courage and seek protection. Wu Di's conditions were not harsh. In the past, when they encountered this kind of situation, most of the good things belonged to the strongest team. The other things could only be obtained that they did not like.    


When Wu Di promised them that if they met the good stuff they wanted, he would find other ways to compensate them. This was an unexpected good thing.    


The five-man team suddenly turned into fifteen people. They thought they were going to move forward, but Wu Di said with a smile, "Don't worry. There are still people coming, but it is hard to tell whether it is good or evil."    


Hearing these words, Meng Bingyao and the others did not react. Anyway, no matter who it was, they should have a way to deal with it.    


However, when the others heard Wu Di's ambiguous words, they immediately felt that Wu Di might have sensed danger, which was why he said so. They immediately formed a circle and surrounded Wu Di and the others.    


Wu Di raised his eyebrows slightly. He did not expect these people to be so tactful. They knew what to do so soon.    


Not long after, a few people came. When they appeared, Wu Di's eyes turned cold. There were at least 30 people in this team. They must have planned to recruit people to work for them from the beginning.    


However, the five people who were leading the group wore gray robes with a crescent moon embroidered on their collars. All of them were above Early Period of the Heavenly Strong Stage realm, and the leader of the group was an early stage Hua Long.    


When they saw the early stage Hua Long, the people who had agreed to follow Wu Di immediately hesitated. It was obvious that the group they joined was weak, and they didn't know if they could protect them or not.    


Wu Di saw all of them, but he just pursed his lips and smiled. He didn't say anything and just stayed here. Just to see if these people were worth his company.    


"It seems like if we meet a few fat sheep, after we kill them, everyone will get a share. When the time comes, we will distribute the merit points." That early stage Hua Long cultivator was a man with an evil appearance. He clearly looked to be in his twenties, but the coldness in his eyes was not inferior to some old monsters.    


Wu Di only met his eyes by chance, and immediately had a bad feeling. At that time, he felt as if someone had seen through him. He felt very uncomfortable.    


The small caldron said vigilantly, "This person is not right."    


"You have also sensed it. This proves that my feeling is correct. Looks like there is really something wrong with this person."    


If there was something wrong with him, he couldn't just leave it alone. Therefore, most of Wu Di's attention was on that evil young man.    


The battle was about to start, but Wu Di stood up and said, "Let's go." You all still have the right to choose a new camp. If you regret going there, you can do it. I won't stop you."    


These words seemed to be a temptation, causing the hearts of the ten people to start wavering.    


Wu Di didn't look at them. To him, those who betrayed him weren't his companions. If those people still attacked him, he would kill them mercilessly. Killing people was nothing to cultivators.    


Regardless of whether it was the righteous path or the demonic path, killing had become the best solution for survival and personal benefit.    


Ever since Wu Di had experienced the thrill of killing people, he would often have thoughts of killing and killing people. He had once discussed this matter with the small caldron. The small caldron only said that this was a path that one had to take in order to refine one's heart. Wu Di had to comprehend it himself, and no one else could help him.    


The Yun Family was the first one to give up. However, they were quickly berated back by the leader. "If someone wants to leave, then he isn't a disciple of the Yun Family. All of you are so useless, so it's meaningless for the Yun Family to come."    


Even so, there were still two cowards from the Yun Family who went to the side where there were more people to seek protection. To them, seeking a strong backer was more important than staying in the Yun Family.    


The leader of the Yun Family was flustered and exasperated, but he didn't dare to do anything to those two traitors.    


At this time, the group of disciples from the Cultivation Sect took out their natal artifacts. They were going to fight with all their might. This action surprised Wu Di. Judging from the situation at the scene, it seemed like they were going to fight with their lives on the line. The number of people on their side was pitifully small. In terms of cultivation base and ability, it was a pity that they didn't have many people on their side. They really didn't have much chance of winning. In the end, there was still someone who firmly defended the position. It was quite interesting.    


"Wu Di, what should we do?" Meng Bingyao walked to Wu Di's side and asked him what his plan was.    


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