Beauty-accompanying Manual

C40 Take me home

C40 Take me home

< p > "Hehe ?" This idiot didn't even know how to dodge, and still wanted to imitate the other party in saving the beauty! It looks like I have to make him stay in the hospital for a few months! "    


When Brother Zha saw that Yun Long still had not made any move, not even knowing how to dodge, he thought he had been scared silly.    


However, the result in the next second was out of everyone's expectations!    


That bastard Ah Gou's right leg drew an arc in the air, and quickly smashed down towards Yun Long's head.'s body slightly shifted to the left, following this movement, Yun Long's right foot suddenly moved, and raised it!    


< p > "Pa!"    


A muffled sound rang out.    


< p > "Wow ?"    


The lackey felt as if he had been struck by a high voltage electric shock. His right leg was stuck in midair, and then he suddenly threw himself onto the ground in front of him, letting out a miserable howl like a pig being butchered. He covered his crotch with both hands and started rolling and wailing!    


< p > "Err..." "What's going on?"    


What happened?" No one present, including Brother San, had a clear view of what was going on. All of their eyes were wide open, revealing a blank expression ? However, the Cloud Dragon was still standing on the same spot, even pointing his index finger at the other hoodlum, giving him a provocative hook with a disdainful sneer on his face.    


Damn it, I'll smash your head to pieces!    


Seeing that, Ah Cheng was enraged, he immediately rushed towards Yun Long and waved his fist, a ferocious right fist struck towards Yun Long's temple!    


Yun Long lowered his head while his right foot moved upwards ?    


Another muffled sound!    


< p > "Ah!"    


gangster Ah Cheng screamed miserably and fell to the ground. He was rolling around like a dog on the floor, wailing in pain as his hands covered his crotch and his body spasmed violently. Lifting her legs! "You little rascal, you are truly treacherous!    


Yun Long lowered his head while his right foot moved upwards ?    


It turned out to be an incomparably vicious and vicious move ? Lifting her legs!    


< p > Lift your leg up, also known as "Jue Hu Lift your leg up"    


It was a technique that used the tip of the foot to strike the crotch of the opponent, causing heavy injuries to the opponent!    


< p > The characteristic is that the kick is extremely fast, has no warning or sign, is low angle, is difficult to defend or dodge, and the kick position is vital because the crotch... "Especially for Eggy, when she was hit, she would be in excruciating pain, losing her ability to fight or losing her life.    


< p > The most abominable part of shaving is that if you get injured in the crotch area, it can easily cause damage to your organs, causing you to be unable to reproduce.    


In traditional Chinese martial arts, "stop at where you want to stop"    


Under the concept of martial arts, such moves were generally despised by people of the righteous path!    


However, for a scum like Ah Gou or Ah Cheng, using this shady kick on someone didn't have any psychological burden at all. Yun Long even felt that the feeling of kicking a bad guy's balls gave off an indescribable feeling of pleasure.    


< p > "Hmph!" "The two of them are idiots, scum whose fighting strength is not even 5. How could they have the nerve to become hoodlums? They're simply disgracing themselves ?"    


After taking down the two hoodlums, Yun Long shook his right leg and said loudly on purpose.    


Oh, right." Canghai Mingyue and Huoyun Liu-Li both looked at each other, and their eyes lit up. "What's going on?    


This kind of despicable and shameless move was truly too unfair!    


Now that he heard Yun Long's words again, he felt that it was extremely ear-piercing. It was like he had slapped Yun Long's face in public!    


As a result, Brother Zha became angry, very angry!    


He wanted to take action himself, and teach Yun Long a ruthless lesson!    


With an angry snort, the Brother Zha pushed Liang Xiaoxia to the side with all her might, causing her to stagger and crash into the corner of the table. Her entire body fell to the ground and an incomparable pain came from her right thigh!    


The Brother Zha did not care about Liang Xiaoxia right now. He suddenly stood up, but he did not immediately rush forward. Instead, he quickly reached out with his right hand and grabbed a glass ashtray on a table nearby. With a sudden raise of his hand, he directly smashed it towards Yun Long's head!    


< p > "Hu!"    


The glass ashtray carried a strong wind as it flew towards Yun Long's face. The cigarette butts, mixed with the smoke and dust, flew about in the air in an instant, adding to its ferocity!    


Yun Long was startled, and quickly tilted his head, barely dodging the dangerous blow.    


However, before he could even raise his head, Brother Zha had already jumped out. Like a crazy bull, he pounced towards Yun Long with an extremely fast speed.    


The Brother Zha who had a rich amount of fighting experience knew that to deal with Yun Long's shady kick, he had to make sure that Yun Long didn't have any chance to kick him, and had to strike first!    


Thus, he decided to use this tactic!    


Moreover, this strategy seemed to be very useful, because when Brother Zha arrived in front of Yun Long, he had not yet raised his head ?    


Brother Zha roared, he raised his right elbow and smashed it fiercely towards Yun Long's head. This move 'Explosive Elbow Strike'.    


It was Brother Zha who got "inspiration" after watching a movie about Tai Chi.    


Furthermore, it had been trained through countless battles of different sizes and possessed an extremely strong killing ability. It was comparable to the proficient Muay Thai punching hand of a professional!    


< p > "Ah!"    


The spectators in the arena, including Liang Xiaoxia whose entire body was aching from the impact, immediately cried out in alarm and fear when they saw the situation, because they could see that Brother Zha's attack was extremely violent and powerful, and Yun Long did not even have the time to react to it. Seeing that such a tragedy was about to happen, the more timid ones even closed their eyes, not wanting to see the scene of the blood light flying in all directions.    


< p > Strange changes occurred again all of a sudden ? Yun Long did not raise his head, but instead, rolled towards the foot of Brother Zha, and avoided his fierce 'explosive elbow' attack.    


Before he could recover from his shock, Cloud Dragon's right leg had already been lifted up and he was peeing like a yellow dog.    


It ruthlessly kicked towards his crotch position in a strange posture!    


< p > "Pa!"    


A dull sound came out from Brother Zha's crotch.    


< p > "Wow!" "Ahhh!"    


Brother Zha rolled to the ground, his body bent like a roasted lobster, and let out the most painful scream he had ever let out. He covered his crotch with his hands, and was in incomparable pain, twitching and convulsing ? A dark red blood seeped out from between his fingers, mixed with the stench of urine. He could clearly feel that his two eggs seemed to have cracked!    


< p > Chuckling his legs again!    


How shameless and despicable he was!    


Yun Long had only unleashed three Yin kicks from the front and back, but each one was more vicious and sinister than the last. Not only did they send Brother Zha and his two subordinates down, they also caused them to feel immense pain and humiliation!    


Because they all felt like their balls had shattered!    


Yes, egg shards ?

< p > You have to know, 'egg shards'.    


To a man, this word was more vicious than a curse. This meant that if he wanted to do something to a woman in the future, he would be powerless, or even lose the ability to do so!    


This was a physical and psychological blow to a man!    


< p > "Phew..."    


Yun Long heaved a sigh of relief, he did not expect the system to give him such a "beginner".    


Fighting techniques were so practical!    


However, Yun Long knew that he shouldn't stay here any longer after killing the three hoodlums. He quickly walked over to Liang Xiaoxiao who was lying on the ground and helped her up before asking with concern, "Teacher Liang, are you alright?    


< p > "Eh?" You, how do you know me? "    


Liang Xiaoxia didn't recognize Yun Long for a moment and asked him hurriedly in shock.    


"I, I am Yun Long, a student of Hua Long County Middle School. I used to buy fruits at your home ?"    


Yun Long hurriedly said to her.    


< p > "Oh..." Yun Long from Hua Long County Middle School ? I, I seem to have some impression of it! "So it's you ?"    


Liang Xiaoxia realized that as soon as she became agitated, his body moved and an intense pain spread throughout his entire body from the inside of her right thigh.    


< p > "Aiya..." "It hurts!"    


Liang Xiaoxia couldn't help but let out a painful scream. Her body slanted and she actually wanted to fall down and sit down, but luckily Yun Long reached out and wrapped his arms around her slender waist to steady her, so she didn't fall again.    


However, Liang Xiaoxia knew that after being pushed by Brother Zha just now, her thigh had already been injured. It was difficult for her to even walk ? "You're hurt!"    


Yun Long hurriedly asked her with concern.    


< p > "Um..." "My, my legs are hurting, I probably can't walk anymore ?" Can I trouble you to send me back? "    


Liang Xiaoxia frowned from the pain and asked pitifully.    


< p > "Err..." Fine! Where do you live? "    


Yun Long could only nod his head.    


< p > "Me, Me now..." Living in the Grand Duke Village in the western suburbs of Naiming City ? "    


Liang Xiaoxia lowered her head and said somewhat embarrassedly.    


< p > "Err..." That place... It's quite far away! "    


Yun Long did not expect her to live in the outskirts of the city. He thought for a while, then said: "How about this, I'll find a taxi to take you back!"    


< p > "Thank you..." But you... Can you send me back out of the car? I have to walk for a while, I ? "It's inconvenient for me to be alone ?"    


Liang Xiaoxia asked Yun Long with a red face.    


Liang Xiaoxiao's whole body was aching so much that she didn't even have the slightest bit of strength to move. The Cloud Dragon had no other choice but to place one of her hands on her shoulder and the other on Liang Xiaoxiao's slender waist. Only then could she stand ? "So it's like that ?    


Yun Long turned around and glanced at the Beautiful Domineering Lady, but that Beautiful Domineering Lady actually took the initiative to come over and smiled to Yun Long: "Looks like we won't be able to settle our matters tonight, haha ?"    


< p > "Err..." Indeed... "There's no other way ?"    


Yun Long laughed bitterly, it seemed that he would not be able to complete tonight's mission, he had to bring Liang Xiaoxian back.    


< p > "That..." Sorry ? Tonight, it's definitely not going to work. "    


Yun Long said apologetically to the Beautiful Domineering Lady.    


< p > "Heh heh..." It's fine. Next time! There's a chance... I'll give you my cell number... "    


Beautiful Domineering Lady seemed to be getting more and more interested in Yun Long, and he said with a teasing tone.    


Then, he took out a piece of paper and a pen from her alligator skin bag and wrote down a cell phone number on the paper. Maybe she had done it on purpose, however, she did not leave any information or her name behind ?..    


The Beautiful Goddess glanced at Liang Xiaoxiao before giving Yun Long a meaningful look. Smiling, she said, "If you have time, remember to contact me.    


< p > "Oh!" "Alright!"    


Yun Long quickly nodded his head and replied. Coincidentally, outside the pub, a taxi stopped in front of him.    


Yun Long quickly stopped them and opened the car door, helping Liang Xiaoxia to get in.    


As the gorgeous imperial sister watched the taxi leave, she mumbled to herself with a smile, "Hehe ?    


"I can't do it." You are really interesting! "    


As she spoke, she walked to the side of the street and pulled up in front of a woman's Beetle. She took out her keys.    


Yun Long brought Liang Xiaoxia into a taxi, and headed towards the Great Duke Village in the western suburbs. Along the way, Liang Xiaoxia just leaned on Yun Long, sneaking glances at Yun Long, then looking at the driver, she wanted to say something but stopped herself from doing so. It was obvious that she didn't want to talk about her own matters in the taxi.    


After around forty minutes, they finally reached the western suburbs. Yun Long paid for the car, opened the car door and helped Liang Xiaoxia out.    


< p >    


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