Beauty-accompanying Manual

C256 Crazy fan

C256 Crazy fan

"Hehe, you better relax!" After all, you're going to sing! If you eat too much barbecue, it will affect your throat ? "    


Yun Long kindly reminded her.    


< p > "Do you know!"    


Wen Xiaoying took off her sunglasses and rolled her eyes at him.    


Not long later, the items that Yun Long had ordered for ? "It's moving!    


Wen Xiaoying immediately let out an excited scream, quickly grabbed the two rows of fat cows and stuffed them into her mouth. She even picked up a bottle of beer and gulped down a mouthful of it ?    


and "pure"    




Yun Long looked at her in astonishment. However, he felt that the current Wen Xiaoying was the most adorable ?    


Surprisingly, she quickly finished a bottle of beer. Still, she felt that it was not enough and took the initiative to wave at her boss, "Boss, give me two more bottles of beer!"    


< p > "Okay!"    


Fat Boss replied happily as he took two bottles of beer and personally sent them over.    


However, when the owner placed the two bottles of beer on the table and looked up to see Wen Xiaoying, he was startled. Then his eyes widened, and then ? Am I seeing things? You, you, you... It's Wen Xiaoying! "    


The Fat Boss screamed in excitement.    


< p > "Err..."    


Wen Xiaoying was shocked by his expression, but she was used to this kind of scene. She immediately put on the sunglasses that was placed on the table, covering half of her face, and continuously shook her head.    


< p > "Wahaha..." You must be Wen Xiaoying! "    


When the Fat Boss saw her actions, he was even more sure of her identity.    


Then the Fat Boss started shouting incoherently, "Oh my god! Elder sister Xiao Ying ? I've heard all your songs, seen all your scenes, you, you're my favorite idol! You... You have to give me an autograph! "    


< p > "Ah..." "Signature..."    


Wen Xiaoying was shocked, she never thought that Fat Boss was her own fan, and a crazy one at that. Give me an autograph! "I beg of you, it's rare to get such a chance ?"    


The Fat Boss pleaded.    


< p > "All right ?"    


Wen Xiaoying was shocked by his enthusiasm.    


He could only nod and ask, "Where do you want me to sign?"    


The Fat Boss was stunned for a moment. Then, he realized that he had not prepared anything, but this was not difficult for him at all. He immediately turned around and ran towards a shop to the side.    


The Fat Boss passed the charcoal pen to Wen Xiaoying and then pulled his clothes, pointing at his chest, he said excitedly: "Sister Xiao Ying, I'll have to trouble you to sign your name here!"    


< p > "Oh, okay!"    


Wen Xiaoying was clearly used to this method, she casually signed her name on the Fat Boss's chest.    


Unexpectedly, Fat Boss still felt that this was not enough, since he had turned around, he pointed at his own back and excitedly smiled: "Sister Xiao Ying, I'll trouble you to sign one behind me! Good things go together! "    


< p > "Good things come in pairs..." "Fine!"    


Wen Xiaoying was a bit speechless, but she still politely went forward and signed her name behind him.    


After Wen Xiaoying signed her name, the Fat Boss was still in high spirits. He glanced at Yun Long at the side, and then asked Wen Xiaoying in a gossipy tone: "Sister Xiao Ying ? This handsome guy, is she your boyfriend? "    


Wen Xiaoying was startled when she heard this. She immediately shook her head vigilantly and replied immediately. "No, he's not my boyfriend. He's my ? "A personal assistant!"    


< p > "Oh, so it's a personal assistant ?"    


Fat Boss nodded his head, his expression suddenly changed and he exclaimed: "Eh? Sister Xiao Ying, wasn't your original personal assistant another man? Why did you change people? "    


< p > "Err..."    


Wen Xiaoying never thought that this guy would be so familiar with him. She felt embarrassed and thought for a moment before immediately replying, "Oh, so that guy had already left. This is a new one!"    


"Oh, so it's a new assistant!"    


Fat Boss looked at Yun Long with envy: "Wah, brother, I really envy you. A man is handsome, but he's different! "    


< p > "Err..."    


Yun Long looked at Wen Xiaoying gloomily, and saw that she was giving him meaningful glances, so he could only nod his head and say: "Yes, I was indeed lucky to get this chance!"    


"I envy you so much, really ?    


The fat boss was shouting excitedly while waving his arms in an exaggerated manner. His excitement was typical of his fans when they saw their idol.    


Because the fat boss was shouting excitedly, he soon attracted the attention of the customers around him, causing them to focus their attention on him ?    


Below, she was still recognized by quite a few people!    


< p > "Oh!" That female really seems to be Wen Xiaoying! "    


"That's right, it's Wen Xiaoying! Her star aura is so dazzling, even if she's wearing sunglasses, I can still recognize that it's her."    


< p > > Right, it's really Wen Xiaoying! I like her very much! "    


"Yeah, she's also my idol."    


< p > "No, I want to get an autograph from her..."    


< p > "I want it too, I want to sign it on my pants and then not take a bath for three days!"    


< p > "Holy sh * t, you really have a heavy taste!"    


< p > "What do you know, this is true love ?"    


In an instant, a commotion broke out among the customers and they all rushed over. Among them, there was a lot of loyal fans of Wen Xiaoying, fans who were even crazier than the Fat Boss!    


Seeing this scene, Wen Xiaoying panicked. After all, there were no guards or guards to protect her in this place, so facing this many passionate fans who rushed up, she immediately grabbed Yun Long's arm and stood up.    


< p > "Quick, bring me away from here!"    


Wen Xiaoying said nervously to Yun Long.    


< p > "Oh..." "Alright!"    


Seeing this situation, Yun Long knew that it would be even more troublesome if he did not leave now. Hence, he took out a hundred dollar bill from his pocket and stuffed it into Fat Boss's pocket. Then, he pulled Wen Xiaoying and turned to run ? You... "Slow down ?"    


After running a few meters, Wen Xiaoying suddenly let out a scream.    


< p > "Err..." What's the matter with you? "    


Yun Long hurriedly asked her.    


Wen Xiaoying bent her body, and with a painful expression, she rubbed her right leg, and said: "I, I sprained my ankle!"    


< p > "Ah ?"    


Yun Long was startled, and hurriedly looked down, only to discover that she was wearing a pair of high heels, and his right ankle was already swollen red.    


"It hurts, I, I can't run anymore!"    


Wen Xiaoying said pitifully.    


< p > "Err..."    


Looking at the group of fans chasing after him, Yun Long hesitated for a moment. Then, he suddenly crouched down and picked Wen Xiaoying up by the waist.    


"Ah, you, what are you going to do?"    


Wen Xiaoying screamed in shock. She had thought that Yun Long was trying to find something.    


Yun Long didn't answer her question. He simply hugged her tightly and ran forward ? Yun Long's speed was extremely fast. It only took him a short while to get rid of the fans behind him before he stopped.    


< p > "Heh heh..." "I didn't expect you to have so many fans ?"    


Yun Long said to Wen Xiaoying after she stopped.    


Well, that's the trouble about being famous. It's not possible to be free.    


Wen Xiaoying sighed.    


"Hur hur, in the entertainment circle, the more famous you are, the better. There's bound to be gains and losses!"    


Yun Long comforted her.    


"Hmm, that's the only thing I can think of now ?"    


Wen Xiaoying nodded, suddenly she found out that she was still in Yun Long's embrace, and Yun Long's body was releasing a strong masculine scent, rushing straight to her nose.    


< p > "They're not chasing us anymore, you..." Why don't you put me down first! "If we are to be discovered by those reporters, you and I will be going on the entertainment news ?"    


Wen Xiaoying whispered to Yun Long with a flushed face.    


< p > "Oh, okay..."    


Yun Long was also aware of this problem and immediately put Wen Xiaoying down.    


Not long later, the items that Cloud Dragon had ordered were brought over ? It's started!    


She then withdrew back into Yun Long's embrace.    


Yun Long was startled and hurriedly looked down. It was only then that he realized that the place where her right leg had twisted was already red and swollen, and had actually become even more severe.    


You've got a bad sprained foot. I think I'll find a place to massage it for you.    


Yun Long said to her.    


< p > "Oh?" You even know how to treat this? "    


Wen Xiaoying curiously asked him.    


< p > "It should be fine."    


Yun Long said. His massage technique, had already had the effect of promoting blood circulation to the palace, and had already reached an extraordinary level. With a situation like ankle sprinting, it was simply a small problem, so Yun Long was naturally very confident.    


< p > "There's a chair over there. Let's go over there!"    


Wen Xiaoying pointed to a street not far away, at the entrance of which was a bench for pedestrians to rest on.    


< p > "Oh, okay!"    


Yun Long nodded and walked towards the bench while carrying Wen Xiaoying.    


Just as they wanted to place Wen Xiaoying on the bench, at this moment, behind them, they suddenly heard the sound of an engine.    


Yun Long was startled, he immediately turned his head to look, only to see that there were a dozen or so black Toyota minivans speeding towards them, quickly surrounding the two of them, blocking the entire street.    


Moreover, these several Toyota vans opened their doors at almost the same time. A large group of black-clothed men with machetes rushed out of their vans. There were at least a hundred of them!    


Once this group of black-clothed men appeared, they immediately surrounded Yun Long and Wen Xiaoying ? "What's going on?    


Yun Long was shocked, but he was not afraid, rather, he could not figure out, at that moment, who exactly he had offended.    


Just as Yun Long was curious about this, another luxurious Golden Porsche arrived at the street in front of him at a fast speed. The sports car stopped at the opposite end of the street and the window slowly rolled down, revealing a young and handsome face with a dark expression.    


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