Beauty-accompanying Manual

C288 Different amorous feelings are more tempting

C288 Different amorous feelings are more tempting

"Oh, Aunt Xiang, we're all good kids, we didn't do anything!"    


Ye Zishan's beautiful face flushed red as she hurriedly explained.    


< p > "Yeah!" Hehe ? Seeing that you're dressed so beautifully, are you going out to play? "    


Aunt Xiang asked again.    


< p > "Yeah, we're going out to eat later ?    


Ye Zishan replied.    


"It's time to eat. Are you not coming back tonight?"    


Aunt Xiang asked her again.    


< p > "Err..." He shouldn't be coming back ? Maybe go sing or bungee jumping or something... "    


Ye Zishan said.    


< p > "Hehe, it's good to be young ?" Then you guys can go, it's so fun! "    


Aunt Xiang laughed.    


< p > "Mmm..." "Goodbye, Aunt Xiang ?"    


Ye Zishan waved goodbye to Aunt Xiang, then pulled Yun Long out of the dormitory door.    


Remember to take care of that thing. Don't let anything happen to it!    


Aunt Xiang, who was standing behind them, reminded them with a gossipy smile.    


< p > "Got it ?"    


Ye Zishan's face flushed red as she replied shyly. She hurriedly pulled Yun Long and left the Dancing Department's dormitory.    


Only after walking quite a distance away did Yun Long finally heave a sigh of relief. His first sentence was, "Wah ? Ye, you guys ? The people from the art school... "Even the aunty at the dorm can speak so boldly ?"    


< p > "Heh heh..." In fact, Aunt Xiang is actually quite nice and usually takes care of us, especially girls like us from the arts school. There are many girls who have boyfriends, and there are also some girls who have been taken care of by rich bosses outside, and there are even some girls who do not know how to protect themselves, so pregnancy and abortion happens from time to time. Aunt Xiang is an experienced person, so she knows that this society is very chaotic, so she often reminds us that no matter how we play, we must protect our bodies. "    


Ye Zishan explained.    


< p > "Oh!" This Aunt Xiang is a kind-hearted person! "    


Yun Long finally understood.    


"Yun Long, didn't your sworn sister want you to call her?"    


Ye Zishan suddenly reminded Yun Long.    


"Oh, got it. I'll call her now!"    


Yun Long nodded his head and took out his phone from his pocket, preparing to call Liang Yingxue.    


"No need to fight, I'll wait here for you guys for a while!"    


At this moment, a melodious voice sounded from behind the two of them.    


Yun Long and Ye Shan hurriedly turned around at the same time to take a look, but then they were both startled ? It turned out that Liang Yingxue had indeed arrived. Furthermore, Liang Yingxue's current attire was simply too eye-catching!    


What Liang Yingxue had changed into was actually a set of extremely cool, black, filial-shaped, skin-tight clothes. Those round, smooth, pearl shoulders exposed made her look as if she was wearing a whole new set of clothes.    


There were two slender arms as white as lotus roots hanging down on her slender waist. There was a belt on her waist that was covered in shiny silver pieces.    


The most astonishing thing was that her two long, snow-white legs were so beautiful that they were dazzling. Because she was wearing a short black skirt, her whole body was exposed, causing one's mouth to be filled with thirst.    


Her long, black hair that was as soft as water cascaded down in a torrential downpour, spreading onto her shoulders. At her feet was a pair of glass sandals with transparent silk laces. Her ankles were round and graceful, and her ten toes were red with cardamom, which made her look very eye-catching and fashionable.    


This was Yun Long's first time seeing Liang Yingxue in this sort of outfit. It was too fresh, too beautiful. Yun Long's eyes stared straight ahead, his eyes were already blazing with flames ?    


Liang Yingxue immediately reached out and pulled down her skirt, trying to cover her legs a little more. Unexpectedly, when she pulled down, she even revealed the navel of her upper body, revealing her fair and tender waist and her flat belly that didn't have a trace of fat. Her belly button that was cute like little red beans was exposed, as if telling everyone else ? Not all girls are eligible to wear a midriff!    


Liang Yingxue's outfit was completely different from her usual pure and innocent appearance of a young girl with long hair and white skirt!    


On the other hand, the magic Beautiful Girl who had turned into a sexy and sexy, seductive, and incomparably seductive magic had turned into ? She hadn't thought that school belle Liang's attire would be so refreshing! "Not bad, not bad at all ?"    


After a short moment of surprise, Ye Zishan then praised her without holding back.    


Liang Yingxue's charming face reddened, but her eyes glanced at Yun Long, and then asked him. "Big Brother Yun Long, this way I'll ? It shouldn't be a problem for me to follow you out, right? "    


< p > "No..." No problem! Very good! "Very good ?"    


Yun Long hurriedly replied.    


Yun Long suddenly realized that today's Liang Yingxue and Ye Zishan had both changed their style of dressing at the same time. Not only did it give people a fresh feeling, he also realised that beautiful women were still beautiful women, no matter how they changed, they could always find a perfect place to fit together ?

< p > Like this, the two women displayed a completely different kind of charm, but it was even more enticing and magical!    


"Big Brother Yun Long, why do you invite us to dinner?"    


Liang Yingxue asked Yun Long.    


Oh, I'm not sure either. Why don't we go outside and look for a better restaurant!    


Yun Long said.    


< p > "Wow!" "Let's go ?"    


Liang Yingxue laughed happily and pulled Yun Long up, wanting to walk to the school gate.    


< p > Wait...    


Ye Zishan suddenly said.    


< p > "What happened to you?"    


Liang Yingxue frowned and asked her.    


< p > "I'm fine..."    


Ye Zishan said: "Just now, Yun Long offended Xu Shaofeng! I was worried that guy would cause trouble for Yun Long ? For the sake of safety, let's go through the back door of the school! "    


< p > "Err..." It's that good-for-nothing Xu Shaofeng from your Dance Department? "    


Liang Yingxue froze upon hearing this. She knew Xu Shaofeng, and naturally knew that this was a rather troublesome matter.    


"Yes, that guy just went out of the school in a huff. Xu Shaofeng is a narrow-minded person, and he also has a father that's the Deputy Chief of Public Security Bureau protecting him, so he doesn't care about the consequences when doing things, so it's very likely that he's calling people to wait for Yun Long at the school gate. So we have to go through the back door ?"    


Ye Zishan said.    


< p > "Heh heh..." Yeah, I'd like to see what kind of character this kid has for us! "    


Yun Long was not worried about this problem at all.    


It had to be known, last night, he had just fought a battle against the almighty Crown Prince of Shang Jing, An Tianming, as well as his over a hundred fighters and a top-notch expert. In the end, they were all taken care of by him, while people like Xu Shaofeng were not even close to An Tianming, so Yun Long was not worried about him at all.    


"Aiya, Big Brother Yun Long, don't try to be brave. Even if you can deal with Xu Shaofeng and the people he called over, this guy is just a local tyrant. If you play with him, you might suffer a loss ?"    


Seeing that Yun Long was eager to give it a try, Liang Yingxue tried to persuade him.    


< p > "Yeah!" Xu Shaofeng is indeed a local tyrant. We can't fight him head on, so let's just go through the back door! Safety first! Don't let him spoil our fun! "    


It was a rare occasion that Ye Zishan and Ye Zishan had the same opinion.    


After the two women expressed the same opinion, without further ado, they grabbed Yun Long's arms from the left and right, walking towards the back gate of the Academy of Arts.    


The man was tall, handsome, and had an extraordinary temperament. The woman was beautiful and delicate, and her figure was moving. When they walked through the back door, it naturally aroused the admiration and admiration of many passers-by ? However, the three of them didn't bother with their surprised gazes and walked straight to the back door of the art institute.    


Outside the back door of the art institute was not the main road, but a long alley that circled around the academy's walls and led to the road outside. There were a few old-fashioned residential buildings in front of them, and not far away, a large area was developing a construction site.    


It was because of this that there were very few people coming in and out of the back door. There were only a few scattered people, as well as a couple dating at the back door, hiding in a corner of the construction site not too far away, hugging each other intimately, even kissing or something ? "Alright, let's walk along this alley, then we can leave the road outside."    


Ye Zishan pointed to the alleyway and said.    


The three of them were preparing to walk along the alleyway towards the outside, but at this moment, a van suddenly sped towards them from the end of the alleyway.    


The car door opened, and they saw that it was actually Xu Shaofeng. He wore a pair of sunglasses on his face, and with a gloomy expression, he walked out.    


Following closely were five to six kids. They were all wearing a pair of sunglasses, the style of the season, and had cigarettes in their mouths. Their hair was of all colors, and on their tight clothes, there were all kinds of strange and malevolent patterns and decorative nails. One or two of them were even wearing a nose ring.    


< p > However, these "Killing Matt Style"    


The young man was holding a switchblade, a wooden stick, a steel pipe and other weapons. However, everyone was holding a small black plastic bag in their hands. No one knew what was inside it.    


< p > "Hmph!" "I knew you guys would come out the back door, so I brought some people to wait here. I really caught you guys, you didn't think of it, did you ?"    


Xu Shaofeng smiled sinisterly.    


Oh, I didn't expect you to be so smart!    


Yun Long said to him with a smile.    


"Cut the crap, brat. You dare to pick up a woman that laozi has taken a fancy to!" "You are simply too tired of living ?"    


Xu Shaofeng said to Yun Long fiercely.    


"Yeah, but that doesn't seem to be the case!"    


Yun Long laughed with a teasing tone.    


"Xu Shaofeng, do you feel nauseous!?" I don't like you at all. Do you find it very interesting that you are pestering me like this? "    


Ye Zishan said angrily.    


< p > "Hmph!" I don't care about that. Whatever I, Xu Shaofeng, can't get, no one else can get! "    


Xu Shaofeng said with a twisted expression, then waved his hand. "Hack that kid, don't hurt the woman yet!"    


The young man immediately rushed towards Yun Long.    


Yun Long sneered, and just as he was about to teach these reckless people a lesson ?    


Unexpectedly, those "Killing Matt Style"    


The young man only rushed to within a meter of Yun Long before stopping. He then raised the small black plastic bag in his hand and threw it towards Yun Long.    


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