Beauty-accompanying Manual

C289 Brick crash

C289 Brick crash

< p > "Err..." "Damn it!"    


Yun Long was startled, and realizing that it was a trick of theirs, he quickly pulled Ye Zishan and Liang Yingxue back.    


< p > "Pu!" "Pu!" "Puff ?"    


The small black plastic bags flew in and out of the air, and a cloud of white powder flew out. In an instant, the alley was dyed white, and a pungent smell filled the air.    


Yun Long immediately recognized the origins of these things. In order to prevent Ye Zishan and Liang Yingxue from being smothered by these two women, he hurriedly grabbed onto their slender waists at the same time and quickly retreated backwards, returning to the construction site in an instant.    


The young man immediately swung the weapon in his hand and chattered as he chased after them. The young man and the woman who were originally dating at the construction site had already fled towards the school in fright, hugging each other as they fled ? On the contrary, Yun Long did not return to the school. Instead, he went over to a pile of bricks at the construction site and placed the two girls down, saying to them, "You guys wait here, it'll be done soon!"    


After speaking, Yun Long picked up two of the bricks and moved to meet them.    


The young man had already charged up. Yun Long smiled, showed him two bricks in his hand, and suddenly swung his right hand ?    


The fellow who was charging at the front and wielding a blade was directly smashed to the ground by the flying Brick.    


There were a total of five to six opponents, but only one of them was smashed down. The other five continued to charge towards Yun Long with no regard for their lives.    


Yun Long let out a strange laugh, went up to meet them, and rushed into the midst of them, slapping them with the brick a few times.    


After a few rounds, the two fellows were smacked into smithereens as they fell to the ground. The remaining three were also smacked in their waists and rolled onto the ground, groaning and wailing in pain!    


From the time he attacked to the time he took care of all six of them, Yun Long only took half a minute to scare Xu Shaofeng so much that he did not dare to move anymore ? Isn't Yun Long too fierce?    


Aren't you being too ruthless?    


Yun Long stood there holding a brick in his hand, looking very much like a general as he arrogantly said to Xu Shaofeng, "You useless fellow, if you don't want to come up and try, then hurry up and f * ck off."    


Xu Shaofeng didn't say a word. His face was full of anger, but he didn't dare to charge forward. He just stood there, frozen in place.    


< p > "How boring ?"    


Yun Long muttered, and suddenly sneered at Xu Shaofeng: This is your reward! "I'll let you have a long memory..."    




With a sound, he flew towards Xu Shaofeng.    


< p > "Peng!"    


Xu Shaofeng simply couldn't dodge this attack and was directly smashed into his face. He immediately let out a miserable scream as his face blossomed and he fell to the ground. Blood splashed out from his nose, and his nose immediately caved in.    


< p > "Pui!" With just this capability, you dare to find trouble with me! Stupid! "    


Yun Long unrestrainedly spat at him and then returned. He pulled the dumbstruck Ye Zishan and Liang Yingxue, crossed over the struggling Xu Shaofeng and left quickly ? When the three of them left the small alley, Xu Shaofeng struggled to get up from the ground while trembling in pain. He looked at the three's figures that were walking far away and fiercely said, "F * ck ? I won't let it go like this! "You just f * cking wait and see ?"    


Ignoring the tragic Xu Shaofeng's malicious curses, Yun Long carried Ye Zishan and Liang Yingxue and walked along the long alley, all the way out onto the main street.    


"Yun Long, you beat Xu Shaofeng so badly this time, he will definitely not let this go!"    


Ye Zishan said worriedly when she stopped.    


< p > "Heh heh..." Don't worry about that useless guy. With his character, there's no need to worry! "    


Yun Long said casually as he took out his phone. It was almost 3 in the afternoon.    


"Big Brother Yun Long, where are you going to take us?"    


Liang Yingxue asked him.    


He brought along two Beautiful Girl s who were as beautiful as flowers and they were here in broad daylight. At that moment, Yun Long really didn't know where he was going to take them, so he asked them: "Are you two hungry? Do you want to go eat something? "    


< p > "I'm not hungry!"    


Ye Zishan shook her head.    


< p > "I'm not hungry either..." We've already eaten at noon, so it's still early. "    


Liang Yingxue said.    


< p > "Err..." If he wasn't hungry, then ? "Then I really don't know where to take you guys!"    


Yun Long said in embarrassment, then suggested: "Then, do you want to go shopping?    


Ye Zishan looked up at the sky, then shook her head and said: "The sun is too bright now, I don't want to go shopping, it's not good to get tanned!"    


"Yeah, and no matter how hot the weather is, even if it's downtown, it won't be very lively!"    


Liang Yingxue said.    


< p > 'That... Do you have any suggestions?    




Yun Long asked somewhat helplessly.    


< p > "I think there's a good place..."    


Ye Zishan suddenly said.    


< p > "Where?"    


Yun Long hurriedly asked her.    


"Hehe, we'll know once we get there. However, that place is a bit far from here. Let's take a taxi!"    


Ye Zishan laughed.    


< p > "Oh, okay!"    


Yun Long nodded his head, then stopped a taxi on the street and the three of them got in.    


Ye Zishan said to the driver, "Master, I'll have to trouble you to send us to the Gold Tun Bar on the Folk Music Road."    


< p > "Okay!"    


The driver nodded and stepped on the accelerator.    


Twenty minutes later, they arrived outside a bar with a unique decorative design. The sign on the door was an exaggerated and gorgeous golden wine bottle. Beside it was a huge beer keg with the words "Jin Quan Bar" written on it.    


Yun Long paid the driver and the three of them got out of the car.    


In front of the door, he looked around, and then, Ye Zishan led them in.    


After they entered, Yun Long and Liang Yingxue realized that they were in an extremely high-end bar that could drink and sing at the same time.    


It wasn't the peak season yet, so the bar was deserted. There were barely any customers, only a few waiters tidying up the tables.    


Just as she was wondering, Ye Zishan called out to them once again, and walked inside ? A black wooden door appeared in front of him, and there was a security guard at the bar watching from the entrance. When Ye Zishan walked over, she only called out to the security guard, who opened the black wooden door with a smile.    



Thus, Yunlong and Liang Yingxue followed Ye Shan into the gate. They immediately realized that this was a completely different place from the outside world ? First of all, the decorations and decorations here were very special, deliberately making the lighting very dim. It was just like at night.    


The three of them first passed through a special partition that looked like a rolled curtain, then went to another place. Only then did Yun Long realize to his surprise that this place looked like a separate bar.    


In the middle of the stage, there was also an independent stage. On the stage, there was a young woman with a pretty good figure who was holding a microphone and singing a slow rhythm love song. However, her singing was average and not too bad.    


And in that bar, there were a few unique leather sofas scattered throughout. On those sofas, there were actually quite a few customers!    


The light was dim and hazy, and there was a rolling laser ball that flipped over the ceiling, casting dreamy patches of blue light, which made it seem like it had a blurry aura ? The dragon's eyesight was well-developed, so he secretly observed that there were quite a few men and women in the hall, and most of them were dressed up as successful people, and they were quite young, and well-dressed, and all of them had good looks.    


In fact, most of them were ordinary looks. There were even some women who were at least thirty or forty years old, but they were all dressed in expensive and sexy clothes, exposing their white jade back and thighs. This caused Yun Long to feel dizzy just by looking at them.    


However, what made Yun Long even more surprised, were that many of those young men who were dressed neatly were sitting next to those old ladies and drinking and chatting with them. From time to time, they would even emit sounds of laughter while eating.    


< p > "What kind of tempo is this?"    


Yun Long was puzzled. He could not understand why those young and handsome men would accompany those old women and not those younger and prettier women.    


Seeing Yun Long's doubtful look, Ye Zishan secretly giggled, but she did not explain anything. Instead, she brought Yun Long and him to a concealed seat at the side and sat down.    


After Yushan sat down, she lifted her thumb and middle finger and made a loud snap. A waiter quickly came over.    


She said to the waiter, "Give us a few fruit plates, a few bottles of beer, and a bunch of flowers."    


The waiter nodded and left. Not long later, he brought up a few plates of fruits. They were all ready-made snacks and fruit beer, but they were also of the kind that could be found in small bottles.    


Come on, let's each have a bottle. Cheers!    


Ye Zishan picked up the beer and passed it over to Yun Long and Liang Yingxue.    


The three of them touched each other at the same time, and then Yun Long and Ye Zishan drank with their heads raised. Liang Yingxue, on the other hand, was sipping on their wine, while frowning, because she had never touched any alcohol before. If it wasn't for Yun Long, she wouldn't have drank at all, and seeing Liang Yingxue's current state, she couldn't help but chuckle, and say to: "Xiao Xue, since you don't know how to drink, don't force yourself! Anyway, there's only Yun Long and I here, it's okay! "    


< p > "No, I..." I want to drink... I've always wanted to learn to drink! "    


Liang Yingxue did not appreciate it.    


< p > "Oh, yeah!"    


"Alright then ?" Ye Zishan shrugged her shoulders helplessly.    


At this moment, the female singer on the stage had finished her song. There was sparse applause from the audience, and the female singer left the stage after giving her thanks.    


" Soon, another singer walked onto the stage. He was a handsome young man, who picked up a microphone and started singing loudly. This fellow's singing skills were truly unflattering, especially in the high-pitched part, which made him look like a dead mother ?



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