Beauty-accompanying Manual

C290 Other bars

C290 Other bars

Finally, when the guy had finished shouting, there was a warm round of applause. The strangest thing was that an old woman in bright clothes, holding a bouquet of flowers in her hand, walked onto the stage and offered it to the young man. She even gave him a kiss on the cheek.    


The young man put down the microphone and proudly embraced the old woman as he walked off the stage. Soon, another young man walked on stage, but this one wasn't singing, instead, he let the DJ play a kind of music with an ambiguous rhythm, and then he danced along with the music...

What was even worse was that the fellow didn't dance a normal dance, but a flamboyant one!    


"Moreover, the young man was bold and unrestrained. While twisting his body, he unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his chest, closed his eyes and touched it. Then, he simply took off his clothes to expose his upper body!    


Suddenly, there was another wave of cheers and screams. The young man was "encouraged" by this.    


He even began to pull open his belt, as if he were taking off his pants... "Ah!" What ? what was going on? That guy, could it be that he's really going to take off his pants?    


Yun Long was stunned.    


< p > "Mmm..." He really will take it off! "    


Ye Zishan laughed.    


< p > "Ah?" Why? He ? Would he really do that? "    


Liang Yingxue also widely opened her eyes.    


< p > "Hee hee..." That's right! "Because this place, is a duck bar ?"    


Ye Zishan suddenly giggled. "Duck Bar!" You mean... The man on the stage ? What are you doing? "    


Yun Long and Liang Yingxue were both shocked at the same time.    


"Yeah, not only is that guy on the stage a duck maker, most of the men here do this ?" "Hehe!"    


Ye Zishan said while chuckling.    


< p > "Aiya..." This ? this is too ? You must be sick! "    


Yun Long said awkwardly.    


After all, he was just here to play, he didn't want to be treated as a duck by others ?

Liang Yingxue agreed with Yun Long's thoughts, so she said: "Ye, you shouldn't have brought me and Big Brother Yun Long here, right!?"    


< p > "Then what are you worried about!" We're playing with us, don't make a fuss! "    


Ye Zishan said very calmly, and asked: "Do you know why I brought you two here?"    


"Of course not!"    


Liang Yingxue said.    


"Because the environment here is good, moreover, I know the owner of this bar, his bar's audio system and stage are all really good, investing millions of yuan!" It was at least one or two of the best levels in the entire Naiming City! Also, don't underestimate those duck men. Although they don't sing or dance well, they have all received professional training from Japanese bulls! "    


Ye Zishan said.    


< p > "Training for Japanese Cowherd..." "What does it look like?"    


Yun Long could not help but ask curiously.    


"They do everything they can to make women happy, so they've been trained in many areas, including talking skills, language, art, and social etiquette. And their level of real art appreciation is actually quite high!"    


Ye Zishan said.    


< p > "Oh..." It looks like I want to be a good duck... You still need to have real ability! "    


Liang Yingxue opened her eyes wide and muttered.    


< p > "That's a must, and the elimination rate is very high!" All that remained were elites ? Duck! "    


Ye Zishan laughed, then said: "And those old women, they are all rich people, some are old women, some are rich people's three children, and many are in the business, in short, all of them have quite the history!"    


< p > "Err..." "This is truly an eye-opener ?"    


Yun Long lamented.    


There's nothing I can do about it. A female teacher from an art school once told me that if I don't want to be completely contaminated by this evil society, I must adapt to its rules ?" and learn how to protect yourself!    


Ye Zishan said these words that would cause people to be deeply worried.    


< p > "Oh!" "Ye-zi, who is this female teacher?"    


Liang Yingxue hurriedly asked her.    


That's the same teacher from our Dancing Department, Huang Xin ?    


Ye Zishan said.    


Oh, I know her. She's a very beautiful female teacher!" I even learned to dance from her, and she was kind to me... But she doesn't seem to be a teacher at the Arts Academy anymore!    


Liang Yingxue said.    


Ye Zishan actually let out a sigh. "Yes, she actually... They were dismissed! "    


< p > "Ah?"    




"Liang Yingxue asked.    


< p > "She..." She was sleeping with a bad man and she was pregnant... Then there was the city's leader. That leader had a family and a public image. She initially wanted to cause trouble, but because that man had a lot of power, she forced the school to dismiss her ? "Right now, I don't know where she went. In short, her entire life has been ruined by that man ?    


Ye Zishan said, and then sighed: "In this dark society, there are too many men and women robbing in the open. We women must know how to protect ourselves! "    


< p > "Mmm..." Yes, Ye-zi was right! "    


Yun Long expressed his agreement.    


< p > "Oh my god..." I didn't expect Teacher Huang to ? She actually had such an encounter ? "Too unfortunate ?"    


Liang Yingxue felt that her mood had suddenly become extremely bad.    


"That's why I came to this kind of place. One reason is to play with women, and the second reason is to see how men always dupe women!"    


As Ye Zishan spoke, she glanced at Yun Long, and smiled coquettishly: "I'm willing to be tricked by you, don't count in!"    


< p > "Err..."    


Yun Long blushed. Ye Zishan's maturity and strangeness made him a little speechless.    


At this moment, the young man on the stage was stripped to his underwear, and the crowd was cheering non-stop ? Suddenly, an old woman, holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a collar in the other, walked onto the stage. She was dragging a leather belt.    


The old woman walked up to the duck, put her hand under his chin, and then "lovingly    


He stuffed the bunch of fresh flowers into his underwear and put the necklace around his neck. Then, he stretched out his hand and pulled the belt on his hand, pulling it towards that fellow's thigh!    


< p > "Pa!"    


< p > "Wow!"    


The guy let out an exhilarated moo, then took the initiative to hug the old woman and give her a big kiss on the cheek.    


The old woman did not want to be outdone, so she also raised her head and kissed him back. The two of them actually started kissing on the stage!    


For a time, following the intimate actions of this adulterous couple, the atmosphere in the venue boiled up to the highest point. This scene caused Yun Long to be dumbstruck, while Liang Yingxue lowered hisherad, unwilling to watch such a large-scale scene.    


< p > "This is crazy..."    


Ye Zishan's beautiful face flushed red again. She giggled, then sat back down on her seat and said: "Ignore them, let's just drink!"    


< p > "Alright!" "Let's drink ?"    


Yun Long also did not want to see such an unbearable scene anymore. He picked up the beer, touched it with Ye Zishan's will, and drank it up.    


Liang Yingxue lowered her head, trying her best to digest the crazy scene she just witnessed. After a long while, she suddenly raised her head, took out a bottle of beer, and said: "I want to drink too!"    


For a time, following the intimate actions of this adulterous couple, the atmosphere in the venue boiled up to the highest point. This scene caused Yun Long to be dumbstruck, while Liang Yingxue lowered hisherad, unwilling to watch such a large-scale scene.    


After drinking that bottle of beer, she immediately picked up the other bottle and was about to drink another. Just then, Yun Long realized that something was wrong and quickly pulled her hand, saying, "Xiao Xue, you don't know how to drink, so stop drinking so much!    




"No, I want to drink!" I want to taste the taste of drunkenness! "    


Liang Yingxue willfully flung Yun Long's hand away, continued to raise her head, and drank another bottle of beer.    


< p > "Err..."    


Yun Long was worried that something would happen to her, and immediately wanted to stop her. However, Ye Zishan pulled Yun Long and said: "Let her be. We'll take care of her if he gets drunk! "    


< p > "Err..." "Fine!"    


Yun Long sighed, he did not want to stop Liang Yingxue.    


Thus, after drinking the third bottle of beer, the drunk Liang Yingxue softly lied down into the Cloud Dragon's embrace ? "Oh, she's drunk ?    


Ye Zishan said.    


"Yeah, what do we do now?"    


Yun Long asked.    


< p > "Let her sleep here for a while!" "Let's continue drinking ?"    


Ye Zishan said.    


< p > "Leaves, you..." You still want to continue drinking? "    


Yun Long asked her in a daze.    


"Yeah, today I brought you guys here to have fun, but unfortunately, your little sister Xiao Xue doesn't have enough alcohol!" "Haha ?"    


Ye Zishan laughed.    


Afterwards, she moved her delicate body and took the initiative to sit beside Yun Long. She picked up two bottles of beer from the table, passed one to Yun Long and touched it: "Come! "Drink with me!"    


< p > "Okay..." "But, Ye-zi, don't drink too much, you'll get drunk."    


Yun Long reminded her.    


< p > "Heh heh..." I'm a good drinker, even if you're drunk, I might not be drunk! "    


Ye Zishan said to Yun Long confidently.    


In fact, Ye Zishan was not bragging. Her alcohol tolerance was not bad, but it was a pity that she had just met a "World Class Wine Tyrant".    


Skills: Yun Long!    


< p > "Heh heh..." "Ye-zi, you can't win against me!"    


Yun Long reminded her with a smile.    


"What a joke, I, Ye Zishan, am born with a huge amount of alcohol. Many boys can't drink it all, and even you can't!"    


Ye Zishan said proudly.    


< p > "I can't?"    


Hehe ? I was afraid you'd get drunk!    


Yun Long laughed and said.    


< p > "I'm not going to get drunk! "Come, let's have a drink!"    


Ye Zishan was provoked by Yun Long's competitive spirit, she immediately snapped her fingers and said: "Waiter, bring me a dozen more beers!"    


Soon, the waiter brought over a dozen beers as well.    


< p > "Come on!" Yun Long, let's compete to see who drinks more! "Drink quickly!"    


Ye Zishan was very "straightforward".    


He picked up a bottle of beer and started to challenge Yun Long.    


< p > "Heh heh..." Great!    


"Yun Long smiled again, and casually picked up two bottles of beer.    


< p > "Done!"    


< p > "Gulp, gulp!"    


Ye Zishan said as she raised her head and drank it all.    


< p >    


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