Beauty-accompanying Manual

C285 Double loveliness

C285 Double loveliness

Because from the tit for tat situation between Ye Zishan and Liang Yingxue, Yun Long could vaguely guess ? They had known each other for a long time, but there must have been some kind of misunderstanding between them.    




< p > "Err..."    


Liang Yingxue blushed and quickly glanced at Ye Zishan. She lowered her head and pursed her lips, not saying a word, but looking at her expression, Yun Long knew that her guess was correct ? "It must have been a conflict ?"    


< p > "Oh, what the hell is going on? "You all have become like enemies ?"    


Yun Long frowned and asked.    


< p > "Yes..."    


Ye Zishan didn't try to hide it, and directly revealed the contradiction between him and Liang Yingxue ? Originally, Ye Zishan and Liang Yingxue were the two girls, and they were also known as the two great "top quality school beauties" of the Provincial Arts Academy.    


Furthermore, since they were both in the same grade and had trained together in the same dance class, they had already known each other for a long time. Furthermore, even though they had just met, their relationship was still quite good.    


< p > However, this situation didn't last long, because the relationship between the two women had been estranged during a large public service event ?

< p > Since that large public service event was organized by the provincial government to respond to the call of the Ministry of Culture, a very large public service event was organized.    


Due to this special request, which was a shortcut to expand their influence and fame, all the universities in the province chose female candidates that met the requirements ? The Provincial Academy of Arts was originally a specialized school in this area, so it won one of these places.    




In the end, Ye Zishan and Liang Yingxue were both chosen.    


Contradictions arose when they were selected. Since the two girls were beauties, their auras and appearances were different. One was passionate and beautiful, while the other was pure and beautiful. They were inseparable.    


< p > And they each have their own "fans" who support them    


These "fans"    


Not only were there girls, but more of them were boys. Because of this internal competition, both sides had 'fans'.    


Thus, this internal selection turned into a farce. Many fans of both sides were punished, and due to the effects of that incident, Ye Zishan and Liang Yingxue were not selected. Although the school board knew that it was not directly related to the two of them, in order to prevent that kind of thing from happening again, they chose a girl with outstanding knowledge and good looks, and directly took over the only spot.    


Due to this special request, which was a shortcut to increase their influence and fame, all the universities and colleges in the province chose female candidates that met the requirements ? The Provincial Academy of Arts was originally a specialized institute in this field, so he had obtained a spot in this field.    


As time passed, under the instigation of some people, the conflict between the two women grew deeper and deeper. Thus, when Yunlong entered the provincial art academy to look for Liang Yingxue, he met Ye Shan. In the end, Ye Shan, who had an opinion towards Liang Yingxue, took advantage of this opportunity to snatch Yunlong from Liang Yingxue's grasp ? Moreover, Yunlong's own tall and extraordinary temperament made Ye Shan have this thought, which was why she was pestered by Yunshan.    


Moreover, it was only at this time that Yun Long finally understood why Ye Zishan was so "enthusiastic" about him right after knowing him.    


Even "bold and unrestrained"    


It turned out that she was holding in her breath ? And after Liang Yingxue found out what had happened, she had first looked at Ye Zishan while pursing his lips and puffing in anger, before suddenly asking her: "Is this really fun?"    


< p > "It's fun!" "Of course it's fun ?"    


Ye Zishan also looked at her, then said: "I just like Yun Long, and I really like him, is that not okay?"    


< p > "Err..." "I can ?"    


Therefore, she took the initiative to change the topic and asked Yun Long: "Big Brother Yun Long, why did you come to school to find me this time?"    


Oh, it's about the sorority ?    


Yun Long immediately told her about this matter. He even told his and the other three horny girls to "bring a few more beautiful girls from an art school".    


< p > "Oh!" Oh, so it's like this. Alright then, you guys will have a good day, I'll definitely attend! However, my classmates have already gone to participate in the performance. As for the others, I can't guarantee that they'll be willing to go with me! "    


Liang Yingxue said somewhat helplessly.    


At this time, Ye Zishan suddenly interrupted from the side: "Yun Long, I'm going too! I want to go to such a lively party! "Also, I can help you find a few more beautiful girls to go with you ?"    


< p > "Oh?" "Really?"    


Yun Long's interest was piqued. If it was really like this, he could explain his situation to Chu Nan and the others.    


"Of course it's true!" "I never brag ?"    


Ye Zishan said with full of confidence.    


< p > "Oh, that's great! Welcome!" "Welcome!"    


Yun Long became excited.    


"However, you have to come back to my dorm with me ?"    


Ye Zishan suddenly said.    


< p > "Go back to your dorm?" This... Isn't that a little inappropriate? That's a female dorm room, how can I have the nerve to go in! "    


Yun Long immediately said.    


< p > "What's there to be afraid of? I'll just say a few words to the guard at the door ?" In order to show your sincerity, you have to come with me and invite them! "    


Ye Zishan said.    


< p > "Oh, alright then!"    


Yun Long felt that what she said made sense, and agreed to it.    


Liang Yingxue had been listening at the side the entire time, and did not express any objections. After Yun Long agreed to his request, she stood up and said to Yun Long: "Big Brother Yun Long, I want to go back first ?"    


What are you in such a hurry for, Snowy?    


Yun Long hurriedly asked her.    


If you go with her and ask for help, I don't want to go with you ?    


Although Liang Yingxue appeared to be speaking peacefully with her, the estrangement in her heart that had already arisen was not something that could be removed in a moment, so she did not wish to follow Ye Zishan to her dorm.    


Yun Long had also guessed what Liang Yingxue was thinking, but he didn't force her, so he said to her: "Xiao Xue, then go back to your dorm and wait for me. I don't have any classes today, so I'll treat you two to a big meal since I have time!"    


< p > "Eating a big meal?"    


Liang Yingxue was startled.    


< p > "Yeah, I recently..." I won the lottery and won a lot of money. It's not a problem for me to treat you guys to a big meal! "    


Yun Long laughed, then said: "Then it's decided, I will come back to see you when I get back to Leaves' dormitory!"    


< p > "Oh, okay!" Call me when you're done ? My number is 135XX0416, so you must remember this! "    


Liang Yingxue said.    


< p > "Mmm..." Remember, I'll call you in a while! "Wait for us ?"    


Yun Long waved goodbye to her, and then followed Ye Zishan towards her dormitory.    


Liang Yingxue watched as the two of them left and sighed softly. At this moment, she was actually extremely envious of Ye Zishan, who had the guts to express his love for her ? To actually hide his feelings, no wonder he could not win against Ye Zishan!    


"Liang Yingxue, you have to work hard, you can't lose to Ye Zishan!"    


When Liang Yingxue thought of this, she clenched her little fists and encouraged herself. Then, she turned around and walked towards her own dormitory.    


brought Yun Long along and did not immediately head towards her dormitory. Instead, they turned around and went into a dance classroom, took out a large bag of stuff from the locker, and handed it over to Yun Long.    


"Ye-zi, what's this?"    


Yun Long reached out his hands to take it, feeling that it was a bit heavy, thus he asked her curiously.    


Oh, it's full of snacks.    


Ye Zishan replied.    


< p > "Oh, you girls just like to eat snacks ?    


Yun Long lamented.    


"Hehe, we're not the only ones who are used to eating it, there are other uses to it as well."    


Ye Zishan laughed.    


< p > "Other uses?"    


Yun Long was startled.    


< p > "Let's go, you'll know in a while ?"    


Ye Zishan smiled mysteriously as she grabbed Yun Long's arm and started walking out.    


Not long later, they arrived outside the female dancers' dormitory.    


Only now did Yun Long realize that at the entrance of the female dormitory's first floor, there was actually a "Male stop".    


There were four eye-catching slogans, next to which was an aunt on duty, about forty years old, chubby, and sitting there reading a newspaper. At this time, it was just lunch time, so many pretty girls from the dance department went in and out of the door like butterflies. However, whenever they went in or out, they would pass in front of the aunt on duty and she would also look up at them.    


Yun Long finally understood that this female dormitory was forbidden to men. This was no wonder, since it was filled with young and beautiful girls, when men go in, it was very easy for misunderstandings to arise ? Ye Zishan stopped, and in the bag that Yun Long was holding, he took out a packet of Five Fragrant Seeds, a bag of beef jerky, and a can of cola. He once again put them into a small bag, and walked in front of the aunt on duty.    


< p > "Hello Aunt Xiang ?"    


Ye Zishan sweetly greeted the aunt on duty.    


< p > "Oh, it's Leaves, how about you ?"    


The aunt called Aunt Xiang, who was on duty, also smiled and greeted Ye Zishan. It was obvious that the two were quite familiar with each other.    


Aunt Xiang, you've worked hard at work. Here, this is for your amusement ?    


Ye Zishan took the initiative to place the snack in her hand on Aunt Xiang's table.    


< p > "Aiya..." Ye, you're too polite ? "Don't be like that ?"    


Aunt Xiang was startled. As she spoke, she quickly stuffed the snacks into the drawer of the table and then glanced at Yun Long who was behind Ye Zishan. She smiled widely.    


< p >    


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