Beauty-accompanying Manual



Not long after, a rolling, jade-green prairie appeared in front of them. Faintly, one could see a few scattered "Earth Room".    


As well as the mushroom like tents, these tents were divided into two types: cloth and cow hair. They were square and oval in shape, and were the main residences of the nomadic areas. They were easy to move around and durable.    


" Dawa Yangzhen, who was running in front, suddenly raised her head and let out a long whistle towards the sky. As soon as her whistle fell, a snow-white figure suddenly appeared on the horizon in the direction of the village not far away and dashed towards them at a breakneck speed. Harry and Lina were unable to clearly see what it was.    


Yun Long's eyesight was also the strongest. He focused his attention and immediately saw the snow-white figure clearly … It was actually a strong and vigorous dog!    


The fierce dog rushed to Dawa Yangzhen's horse in one breath, surrounded her, and let out a happy howl. It then ran a few steps back and stopped under Yun Long and Lina's horses.    


Yun Long saw its snow-white body nimbly walking in the biting cold wind of the prairie, blending in with the blue sky and white clouds. A word suddenly flashed in his mind — "valiant and formidable".    


" Dawa Yangzhen, who was running in front, suddenly raised her head and let out a long whistle towards the sky. As soon as her whistle fell, a snow-white figure suddenly appeared on the horizon in the direction of the village not far away and dashed towards them at a breakneck speed. Harry and Lina were unable to clearly see what it was.    


That's right, she was valiant and valiant!    


At this moment, the fierce and tall dog, with its majestic stature of a lion, its silver fur flashing with a satin luster, tightly wrapped its streamlined body, bathed in sunlight, just like the clouds in the sky, gently gliding across the prairie.    


The fierce dog jumped back and forth around the four of them. Its light footsteps were like the footwork of an aristocratic horse, and it was also like a Tibetan youth holding a weapon proudly dancing on the prairie.    


What a fellow!    


Lina was stunned when she saw Yun Long and Harry.    


Dawa Yangzhen glanced at the three of them with a complacent expression. She smiled and asked, "Is it pretty?"    


/p p "Mhmm!" I never thought that there would be such a god-like dog in this world. It is really an eye-opener! "    


Yun Long nodded and exclaimed.    


"Hehe, he's no ordinary dog, he's a mastiff!"    


Dawa Yangzhen said with a smile.    


/p p "Oh!" This was the legendary mastiff! The world's fiercest dog! "    


Yun Long was surprised, he felt a little surprised.    


/p p "That's right!"    


It was called "Silver Leopard."    


It was a true snow-white Tibetan mastiff, the king of Tibetan mastiffs!    




Dawa Yangzhen introduced proudly.    


/p p "Oh!" It's so handsome! "    


Yun Long was amazed. Although he didn't know much about mastiffs, he could guess that just from its appearance, it was called "Silver Leopard".    


The Tibetan mastiff was definitely an extremely expensive and rare type of Tibetan mastiff!    


The color of Tibetan mastiffs was divided into black, brown, iron-clad gold, gray and pure white, and snow-white Tibetan mastiffs were extremely rare in the Tibetan mastiff population. It would take more than ten years of effort to cultivate a pure snow-white Tibetan mastiff, so the white Tibetan mastiff was also known as the Snow Mastiff.    


A title!    


" Dawa Yangzhen, who was running in front, suddenly raised her head and let out a long whistle towards the sky. As soon as her whistle fell, a snow-white figure suddenly appeared on the horizon in the direction of the village not far away and dashed towards them at a breakneck speed. Harry and Lina were unable to clearly see what it was.    


It was even more powerful than the Snow Mastiff. It already belonged to the category of priceless treasures. Its divinity, agility, and mightiness had all far surpassed that of ordinary Tibetan mastiffs!    


/p p "Oh!" This mastiff was so cool! If he could get his hands on the Mi Country, it would at least be worth millions of dollars! Raising this kind of guy, you must be getting rich! "    


Seeing this, Harry's eyes couldn't help but light up as he immediately shouted.    


" Dawa Yangzhen, who was running in front, suddenly raised her head and let out a long whistle towards the sky. As soon as her whistle fell, a snow-white figure suddenly appeared on the horizon in the direction of the village not far away and dashed towards them at a breakneck speed. Harry and Lina were unable to clearly see what it was.    


However, as if he understood what Harry meant, he immediately roared at him and leaped into the air. Like a bolt of white lightning, he jumped onto the back of the horse and bit onto Harry's collar.    


Harry let out a strange cry after being thrown by it. He was pulled up into the air by a huge force and fell down from the back of the horse, making him dizzy from the fall.    


/p p The "Silver Leopard"    


He didn't stop his actions, but landed right on top of Harry. The claws were pressing down on his body, and the mouth was less than a few centimeters away from his throat... "Don't kill me …"    


Harry was so scared that his face turned pale. He immediately shouted for help.    


/p p "Oh!" Oh my god! "Please don't do it …"    


Lina was also scared out of her wits. As a biologist, she knew perfectly well that the mastiff had a powerful killing ability!    


The Tibetan mastiff had a resolute and fierce personality. It was very wild and fearsome. It was the only dog that was not afraid of beasts. It was known as the king among dogs.    


/p p And during certain periods, Tibetan mastiffs can be irritable and difficult to control in the presence of strangers.    


The Tibetan mastiff was also extremely loyal to its master, but extremely fierce and aggressive to strangers. It was the protector dog of the nomads, and in ancient times, it was also recognized as the guardian dog of the Tibetan vassal lords and tribal chiefs.    


/p p On the other hand, this "Silver Leopard"    


This sort of top-grade mastiff was considered one of the best ones among them. Its intelligence and combat prowess were much stronger than ordinary mastiffs.    


Silver Leopard?" Lina even made a judgment.    


He must have heard the mockery in Harry's words. He, who had a violent and arrogant personality, attacked a stranger like Harry … "Alright, Silver Leopard."    


"Stop playing with him, he didn't do it on purpose …"    


At this moment, Dawa Yangzhen spoke up to stop him.    


/p p The "Silver Leopard"    


After hearing Dawa Yangzhen's words, she stopped her actions and smacked Harry's face with her paw. This smack made Harry cry and left a shallow paw print on his face … Lina hurriedly jumped off the horse and ran forward. She pulled Harry up and reminded him, "Phew …" It's a good thing you're fine now! "Harry, don't you dare speak ill of it in the future!"    


My God, I'm just talking. I didn't know how it could understand human speech!" "Unbelievable …    


Harry muttered with fear still lingering in his heart.    


/p p "Gee, haven't you read the scientist's analysis?" An ordinary adult pet dog could have the IQ of a three or four year old human child, and a large dog like mastiff or wolfhound could also have the IQ of a six or seven year old human child. If trained, they could reach the IQ of a child between the ages of eleven and twelve. What don't you think a child of twelve or thirteen understand? Especially this kind of supreme mastiff, whose intelligence is even higher! "    


Lina explained.    


/p p "Err..." So powerful! But no matter how powerful it is, it can understand English? "    


Harry couldn't quite believe it.    


/p "For a highly intelligent mastiff, it doesn't need to understand simple words or commands. For example, it doesn't need to use its ears to listen to normal speech, but rather to observe your movements, expression, and speed of speech. Also, it can smell the pheromones emitting from your body when you speak!" Capture your heart rate and sweat gland secretion, like a polygraph, it can observe your true feelings and thoughts, you despise it, praise it, like it, or hate it, it can feel it... So, you'd better show your good intentions! "    


Lina explained in detail to Harry.    


Lina was worried that her big tongue brother might say something wrong and provoke that "Silver Leopard."    


So powerful, then... "Then I'll have to be polite with him …    


Harry quickly looked at the arrogant "Silver Leopard".    


Then he carefully said, "Then …" "Silver Leopard."    


"Bro, I was in the wrong just now. I've offended you, please don't take it to heart. Your excellency doesn't remember this lowly person …"    


" Dawa Yangzhen, who was running in front, suddenly raised her head and let out a long whistle towards the sky. As soon as her whistle fell, a snow-white figure suddenly appeared on the horizon in the direction of the village not far away and dashed towards them at a breakneck speed. Harry and Lina were unable to clearly see what it was.    


"Ahh!" Suddenly, he straightened his body and let out a thunderous roar at Harry... This... "What is this … I-I didn't offend it this time right …    


Harry was so scared that his face turned green again.    


At this moment, Dawa Yangzhen chuckled and said to Yun Long: "My family's" Silver Leopard ".    


It was a girl!    




/p p "Oh!" "So that's how it is!"    


Yun Long came to a realization and immediately said to Harry in English, "Harry, it's a girl, it's a beauty, you're mistaken about its gender!"    


/p p "Ah!"    


That... I'm sorry!    


The beautiful "Silver Leopard"    


Young miss, please forgive my ignorance. You are the most beautiful and kindest female Tibetan mastiff from Tibetan Plateau … "    


Harry immediately changed his tone and praised loudly.    


/p p "Silver Leopard"    


Only then did he grit his teeth towards Harry, turned his head away from Harry, and ran straight to Dawa Yangzhen's feet.    


Dawa Yangzhen jumped down from the horse's back and gently caressed its head. "Silver Leopard, where is my sister Zhuo Ma?"    


The Silver Leopard immediately turned around, stretched its neck and cried out in a distant direction … Crescent Lake! "Zhuo Ma should have gone there to gather medicinal herbs!    


Dawa Yangzhen looked in that direction and muttered to herself. Then she said to Yun Long and the others, "You guys come with me. I'll go get some food for you!"    


/p p "Oh, thank you!"    


Yun Long nodded. He picked up Harry, called Lina, and followed behind Dawa Yangzhen into the village.    


They walked all the way to the village. Dawa Yangzhen brought the three into an ox fur tent and arranged for the three to sit down. Then, they started to prepare food for them.    


/p p The "Silver Leopard"    


It followed him into the tent, but it seemed to be particularly interested in Yun Long. From time to time, it would gather around him, sniff his scent, and even curiously pull at his clothes … "Does he like dragons?    


Harry hurriedly asked Lina.    


Lina observed for a while before nodding. "Mmm …" It did like dragons! But I'm even more curious about him. "    


/p p "Curiosity?" Why isn't it curious about me? "    


Harry had a small opinion.    


"What are you curious about? You don't have such a strong aura like a dragon!"    


Lina rolled her eyes at her brother and said.    


/p p "Err..." Only strong men have a market, even dogs like them! "    


Harry sighed helplessly.    


/p p "Silver Leopard"    


Hearing his words, Harry pricked up his ears and glared at him. It scared Harry, causing him to praise it non-stop … Yun Long found it interesting and couldn't help but reach out his hands to caress the "Silver Leopard".    


Its head was actually quite strange, "Silver Leopard …"    


He didn't reject Yun Long's intimate actions. Instead, he rubbed his feet from time to time as if he liked Yun Long's actions.    


/p Even Dawa Yangzhen was surprised by this scene, because she was very clear on the behavior of Tibetan mastiffs. Basically, they would always be very alert to unfamiliar people or strangers!    


/p p     


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