Beauty-accompanying Manual

C184 Wolf pack

C184 Wolf pack

"Mother!" You demon, stop playing, alright? I... I'm about to wet my pants! "    


Harry immediately acted like Lina and started shouting.    


The Cloud Dragon, however, ignored his opinion and continued to frantically run ? In this way, under Harry's screams, the Cloud Dragon dragged him all the way to the foot of the mountain. It even took him less than twenty minutes!    


When Yun Long put down Ha Rui, the fellow immediately went limp like Lina and fell to the ground, vomiting ? Yun Long looked at him with a big grin.    


When the unlucky Harry finished vomiting his stomach, he collapsed onto the ground. He rolled his eyes, pointed at Yun Long and said with a trembling finger: "You ? You're a devil! "You're not human ?"    


< p > "Gaga..." Alright, you should be hungry by now, right? Let's call Lina up and have dinner with him! "    


Yun Long did not care about Harry's grumbling, and directly changed the topic with a smile.    


After he finished speaking, Yun Long began to turn around and call out Lina's name, "Lina, where are you?"    


The cloud dragon felt it was strange that Lina, who should have been waiting by the hill, didn't respond. She walked towards the hill, which was not far away from him... She searched around but didn't find any trace of Lina. This made him feel strange, but at the same time, she was worried.    


Although the snow mountain was not as dangerous as the ones above, there were still many uncertain dangers in this desolate place. Harry, who had originally vomited until the sky turned dark, saw that something was wrong with the Cloud Dragon's face, and immediately got up from the ground to scuttle to his front, urgently asking, "Where's my sister?    


Well, she was here before, but I don't know where she's gone now!    


Yun Long answered truthfully.    


< p > "Ah!" You, how could you leave her alone here! "    


Harry panicked.    


< p > "How would I know she's not here!" "I'll be gone for less than half an hour ?"    


Yun Long said gloomily.    


< p > "Oh my god!" Lina, she... If she disappears, how do you expect me to return to Mi Country? "    


Harry was anxious, and even a little exasperated.    


It just so happened that at this moment, from a faraway valley, a strange howl suddenly came. That sound was strange and mournful, carrying a deep and mumbling aura!    


< p > "Ah!" That... That seems to be... The howl of a wolf! [Oh my god ?] Lina, she couldn't have been taken away by a wild wolf, right? "    


Hearing this voice, Harry was even more frightened.    


< p > "Err..." Don't worry, there aren't any signs of a bite here. If the wild wolf were to take Lina away, she would definitely resist or cry for help! And we didn't see her backpack either, so she probably went somewhere for the time being! "    


Yun Long said after checking the situation around the small hill.    


< em > After hearing what Yun Long said, Harry finally calmed down a little, but he still searched the surroundings worriedly. He muttered to himself, "Lina, she ? Where did she go? "    


Yun Long followed Harry and searched the surroundings, but there was another mournful howl transmitted over along with the wind. Yun Long frowned, and immediately walked to the highest point of the small hill, gathering his attention and looking towards the valley a few kilometers away.    


Very quickly, he discovered a trace of clues wherever his eyes looked. He could faintly see a human figure in a rather secluded meadow outside the valley!    


Yun Long was surprised, and immediately turned his gaze over again. Because his vision was many times stronger than that of ordinary humans, with a single glance, he could immediately tell that the figure crawling in the grass, was actually Lina who had suddenly disappeared!    


< p > "Harry! There's no need to search, Lina is three kilometers away from here, in the valley! "    


Yun Long immediately turned and said to Harry.    


< p > "Ah?" Long, what did you say? "    


Harry couldn't react for a moment.    


"I saw Lina. Let's go over immediately and see what she's doing!"    


Yun Long told Harry, and immediately went down the hill, and ran towards the valley.    


It was because he thought it was rather odd that Lina should be hiding in that hidden meadow, as if she were deliberately avoiding something...

Harry had not yet figured out what was going on, but as soon as he heard the cloud dragon say he had seen Lina, he immediately followed her and hurried toward the valley three kilometers away.    


About ten minutes later, the two of them arrived at the entrance of the valley.    


As expected, when they arrived, the two saw Lina lying on the grass with a pair of binoculars in her hand. She was carefully looking into the valley, but they didn't know what she was doing.    


< p > "Lina! What are you doing here? "To suddenly be unable to find anyone, you really scared me to death."    


Harry took the lead and walked over quickly.    


< p > "Shhh!" Don't talk so loud! "Get down."    


Lina turned her head and said to the two of them nervously.    


< p > "Err..." What's wrong? Lina, what exactly are you looking at? "    


Harry was startled, he immediately squatted down, moved over and asked her curiously.    


< p > "Shhh!" Keep it as low as possible. I'm watching the wolves! "    


Lina booed.    


< p > "Hm?" "Wolf!"    


Harry and Yun Long were startled at the same time. They didn't expect Lina to come to this place, it was actually to do this!    


"But don't forget, I'm a biologist!" Being able to observe Highland Wolf s is not an easy matter! "    


Lina said softly before she continued to observe with the binoculars.    


At that moment, Yun Long and Harry also curiously laid down beside her, and just like her, looked down the valley.    


The ridge in front of the valley ran like a knife through the mountain clouds, and he wondered what lay behind it.    


Lina bent down and crawled along the edge of the meadow in a strange posture. At the same time, she swung her hands down with all her might, indicating Yun Long and Harry who were behind him to kneel down.    


The three of them were either crouching or lying down, and were moving up the ridge from the meadow. There were a few clumps of weeds at the top of the ridge where the wind blew, and Yun Long could make out a few clumps of red willow trees and some lagoon branches.    


"Try not to make any noise. We're very close to the wolves."    


Lina reminded her in a low voice.    


Harry carefully looked around and saw that behind the ridge of the mountain, there were huge deep trenches left by the erosion of the glaciers. The glaciers had melted later, and this place had become a bed of water filled with pebbles.    


Therefore, he whispered, "This hillside is so strange, with so many wrinkles."    


< p > "This is an ice terrain."    


Lina swept her hand across the well-defined mountain ridges, and explained, "These creases, are the blade ridges melted by the glaciers.    


It was just as Lina had said, from their position, the glacial ditches seemed to go down step by step like steps. Looking down, it looked like they were at the top of the stands at the Olympic stadium.    


's eyes widened, not to mention Highland Wolf, he couldn't even see a body as big as a yak, he suspected that there was something wrong with his vision, rubbed his eyes again, and still didn't see anything?    


However, there seemed to be faint howls coming from the direction of the wind.    


At this time, Lina opened his hand and extended it out from the ridge. Then she said, "Great, we are facing the wind now, so as long as we speak softly, we won't be exposed."    


Harry hurriedly asked, "Where are those wolves? Where are they? "    


Lina said to him, "Don't be anxious, look at it with this."    


As she said that, Lina handed over the binoculars in her hands to Harry. When Harry saw the logo of the binoculars, which was 30-80 times bigger, he continuously increased the magnification. He was immediately dumbfounded.    


If it was this magnification, the target would be at least five kilometers away. Even an animal as big as a yak probably wouldn't be much bigger than an ant in Lina's eyes. He even made them speak softly and move forward carefully, as if a wolf pack was right in front of him.    


After that, he raised his binoculars and looked into the distance. However, due to the distance and the fog in the valley, he could only see a few blurry black shadows in the distance.    


Therefore, Harry could not help but complain: "Lina, you're way too careful. We're so far away, how could we be discovered?"    


As he spoke, Harry stood up while holding the binoculars, but he was immediately held down by Lina.    


Lina reminded him with a serious expression, "Harry, don't move. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean that they can't see you! If you don't want to die, just obediently lie down and lower your voice! Also, do not get scratched by stones, because wolves can catch the smell of blood ten kilometers away. "    


< p > "Err..." "Fine!"    


Harry was startled, but he knew that his sister was a top student in biology with a bit of a reputation, so he did not feel threatened by Lina's words, hence he continued to squat down, holding his binoculars and continued to look into the distance.    


After observing for a while, Harry finally saw through the telescope that it was at the "U" level.    


The slope of the lower part of the trough was slightly slower. After a long period of scouring by the glacier river, the trough formed two deep pits, one big and one small. They were connected and looked like a gourd from a distance.    


There was a group of black dots the size of a sesame seed in the bottle gourd, which would occasionally show traces of movement. Surprisingly, it was a pack of yaks which were stuck inside the valley.    


However, even though Harry couldn't see the wolf pack, that didn't mean that others couldn't either.    


The Cloud Dragon at his side was able to observe the scene below the valley thoroughly with his extraordinary eyesight!    


Yun Long saw that the ground in the depths of the valley was actually extremely steep. It was hard to climb up the two sides of the cliff, and the mouth of the gourd was narrow and long.    


On a high ground in the valley, there was a group of yak that was formed by a dozen yaks of different sizes. They were huddled together in a circle, and the corners were pointed outwards. They looked very nervous.    


Amongst the wild yak, there were a few young wild yaks. Obviously, they were part of the group that was being protected.    


About a hundred meters away from the herd of wild yaks, there were a dozen or so wild wolves with sparse fur. They were lying on the grass in a sparse manner.    


< p >    


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