Beauty-accompanying Manual



Soon, Yun Long felt an incomparably powerful energy expanding in his body. He could even feel that every cell in his body was full of explosive power!    


/p p "Wow!" This thing is really powerful … My whole body is now filled with power, and I even feel like I want to fly! "    


Yun Long immediately exclaimed.    


/p p "Heh heh!" Master, this thing is at least 10 times more powerful than any high-energy food on Earth, of course it's powerful! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He started to laugh gleefully.    


/p p Originally, this' High Energy Oxygen Energy Liquid '    


It was the most special food, and it was the "Evil Spark".    


It was a special formula given to Yun Long!    


Yun Long purchased nearly a hundred different raw materials according to this formula. Only after cooking at a high temperature and pressure did he condense two small bottles of liquid!     


/p p High Energy Oxygen Energy Liquid made from this unique formula    


After drinking it, not only would it replenish his physical strength, it would also be able to react with the hemoglobin and replenish the oxygen that the human body needed. It could be called an "energy saint".    


Yun Long had purchased nearly a hundred different ingredients according to this recipe. Only after cooking at a high temperature and pressure did he manage to condense two small bottles of liquid!    


Yun Long had purchased nearly a hundred different ingredients according to this recipe. Only after cooking at a high temperature and pressure did he manage to condense two small bottles of liquid!    


It was only a very ordinary, low-grade supplement, but it was more than 10 times stronger than the most highly concentrated and refined energy liquid on earth!    


/p p "Wow, 10 times energy! This thing was really f * cking fierce! It really is a non-human product! "    


Yun Long was amazed once again.    


/p p "Heh heh!" Master, since you're ready, let's go immediately. We have to rush! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He immediately reminded him.    


Yun Long nodded and no longer spoke any nonsense. He immediately started walking towards the large rift in the valley!    


/p p Due to the existence of the "God Level Energy Refinement Liquid"    


"High Energy Oxygen Energy Liquid."    


Help, Yun Long's walking speed, could actually be described as jogging!    


It was as if he had taken an overdose of stimulants. Even if there were uneven pits ahead or rocks blocking his way, he could still climb over them easily!    


/p p And because of the "high-energy oxygen energy liquid"    


It provided an incomparably powerful energy, although Yun Long's speed could be said to be 'abnormal'.    


However, his stamina did not decrease by much. At such a high altitude, he could not even feel the tightness in his chest!    


Yun Long had purchased nearly a hundred different ingredients according to this recipe. Only after cooking at a high temperature and pressure did he manage to condense two small bottles of liquid!    


He walked from the afternoon until around 7am.    


More than half of the energy provided to his body had been depleted!    


Only then did Yun Long's body start to feel heavy. However, he was already very satisfied with the result. At least, he clearly knew his "mountain climbing result".    


It completely exceeded the record of any hero who had ascended the mountain!    


/p After walking forward for another mile, Yun Long temporarily stopped his steps. He planned to take a short rest to recover from his overloaded body.    


/p p After all, this was the time for 'High Energy Oxygen Energy Liquids'.    


His energy was running out. Under this situation, Yun Long could feel a huge pressure every few meters!    


After stopping, Yun Long took a few minutes to catch his breath. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew into his face, bringing with it a bone-chilling aura!    


Yun Long was shocked. He raised his head to look at the peak of the mountain, only to see a vast expanse of white clouds rolling towards the bottom of the mountain's rift valley like cotton being torn apart. "Ah!" Prepare for the gale! Damn, my speed is still too slow!     


Yun Long exclaimed and then quickly asked the "Evil Spark".    


"How far are we from the base's transition station?"    


"Master, we've already advanced 95 kilometers. We'll be able to reach the base's transition station if we persevere for about 3 more kilometers!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


Remind him.    


/p p "Three kilometers!" Damn, it's really not easy to leave! "    


Yun Long muttered to himself. Then, he gritted his teeth and continued to head out.    


It was because he knew that he could no longer stay here. The wind would soon blow in the snow-capped mountains, and at that time, he would not be able to bear the consequences!    


After all, with his current human body, even though it was a fairly powerful body, Yun Long did not have any confidence to resist the terrifying power of nature … In this rift, the morning chill was very heavy, and the air was very fresh and thin, so even though Yun Long tried his best to move forward, he did not feel any difficulty breathing.    


After another kilometer, Yun Long had used up a lot of energy. Only then did he feel that his legs were heavy, his breathing became rapid, his heart beat faster, his chest felt heavy, and he even heard the ringing in his ears.    


/p p In a situation like this, Yun Long was well aware that it would be best to take a break, replenish his stamina, and then continue with his journey.    


However, the wind above his head had started to blow stronger and stronger. Although Yun Long's face was covered by a mask, he still felt as uncomfortable as a knife scraping against him!    


"Damn, this astral wind is so frighteningly strong!" I have to leave immediately! "    


Yun Long realized that this was a critical moment. He mustered all his strength and sprinted towards the last two kilometers …" Yun Long realized that this was a crucial moment. He used all his strength and sprinted towards the last two kilometers … "Yun Long realized that this was a crucial moment.    


The transition station they mentioned was less than 700 meters away.    


At this moment, a terrifying gale covered the sky and covered the earth. It surged up from the base of the mountain, followed the mountain ridge, and rushed up the mountainside at a speed of nearly 100 meters per second …     


To the sky!    


Yun Long was shocked. He tried his best to stabilize his body before stretching out his limbs and using all the strength in his body to push himself to the ground. Only by doing this could he reduce the area of his body that was being blown by the wind as much as possible!    


It took a lot of effort for Yun Long to finally lie on the ground. His hands even grabbed onto the snow!    


This way, he would be able to stabilize his body.    


The strong gale blew violently and wreaked havoc, making a horrifying whistling sound like the wailing of ghosts and the howling of wolves. Yun Long laid on the ground like a giant earthworm and struggled to move his body forward.    


Every meter that he crawled on, he would consume a lot of strength, but he didn't dare to be careless. This was because he had already seen the rocks that weighed hundreds of jins, and even hundreds of jins, being blown about by the strong winds until they were like pieces of paper. They rolled around on the ground and even danced in the air, forming a terrifying "astral rain" in the air.    


Yun Long had purchased nearly a hundred different ingredients according to this recipe. Only after cooking at a high temperature and pressure did he manage to condense two small bottles of liquid!    


Yun Long crawled in fear, sticking close to the ground and trying to avoid the rain.    


From time to time, fist-sized, or even half-face-sized rocks would smash into his body.    


Fortunately, the strong wind was blowing horizontally, thus counteracting much of the force of the falling stone hitting Yun Long's body. Otherwise, Yun Long wouldn't even need to climb to his destination, and he wouldn't need to be blown away by the wind. These falling stones were enough to severely injure him!    


Even though it was such a bad situation, Yun Long still clenched his teeth and crawled forward, step by step. He knew that this was the most crucial moment, and it was also a great test of his willpower!    


/p p "We have to hold on!"    


Yun Long clenched his teeth, this was the only belief in his mind.    


"Master, you can do it!" "200 meters left..."    


/p "Come on master, there's still 100 meters left …    


"Hold on, Master. There's less than 30 meters left, I can already feel the signal!" "Hold on …"    


Yun Long had purchased nearly a hundred different ingredients according to this recipe. Only after cooking at a high temperature and pressure did he manage to condense two small bottles of liquid!    


The only thing he could do was to keep encouraging Yun Long, because he had no other choice. He had to help Yun Long walk this devilish path!    


/p p "Master, it's right in front of us, not ten meters away! As long as you enter, I can send out a signal to activate the pulse generator at the base's transition station! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


His voice became excited.    


Yun Long looked up and indeed, he saw a cove in the ground in front of them that was caved in. However, he couldn't tell anything different from the surrounding mountains.    


However, before he could think too much, the situation changed drastically. An especially violent gale suddenly rose, lifting up a huge rock that weighed hundreds of pounds. After circling in the air for a while, it smashed down towards Yun Long's body!    


Seeing that Yun Long was about to be crushed to death by this huge rock, he calmed down and quickly stretched out his right hand towards the cove ten meters away.    


/p p "Swoosh..."    


An Iceclaw steel rope shot out and quickly flew forward.    


/p p "Crack!"    


With a sound, the Iceclaw steel rope shot into a crack in the rock at the side of the col.    


Yun Long pressed the shrink switch, and his entire body flew past the Iceclaw steel wire!    


/p p "Peng!"    


The huge rock crashed down right where Yun Long was just a moment ago, creating a huge crater!    


Yun Long had already fallen into the depression along with the ice claw steel rope that was shot out. The moment he landed, he looked back and broke out in a cold sweat!    


However, Yun Long's attention shifted very quickly because he suddenly realized that the cove he was in was much more spacious than the one he saw from afar.    


Yun Long had purchased nearly a hundred different ingredients according to this recipe. Only after cooking at a high temperature and pressure did he manage to condense two small bottles of liquid!    


Surprisingly, there was no erosion at all. Instead, there were only a few slight gusts of wind that formed a strange convection, as if there was a layer of protection that could not be seen by the naked eye.    


However, what surprised him the most was that the Iceclaw Rope was stuck in a crack in the rock at the edge of the pit, and the rock was actually a pile of stones in the shape of a tower. On it, he could faintly see a rusted, very old metal handle.    


Moreover, one could faintly see some kind of red paint on the rocks. However, they were so weathered that if one did not look carefully, it was almost impossible to tell it was there.    


/p p "Eh?" What is this? It seems to be man-made! "    


Yun Long was surprised. He never thought that there would be man-made objects in such a place.    


/p p     


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