Beauty-accompanying Manual

C173 Gravity lift

C173 Gravity lift

"This is the Mani Pile from ancient times. These are just prayer stones."    


"Evil Spark!"    


Suddenly, he said.    


< p > "Oh!" Prayer Stone... The ancient Tibetan people were able to come to this place without advanced equipment. It's really impressive! "    


Yun Long exclaimed.    


Yun Long was very clear now that without advanced equipment and strength, skills and experience, it would be extremely difficult for anyone to enter this "Death's West Wind Belt".    


Not to mention being able to go so deep into the rift!    


"This should be a trace left behind by a hidden cultivator. Since I'm a Lama who cultivates a secret sect technique, it's possible that I'm able to come here!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


The introduction said.    


< p > "Oh?" Are secret arts cultivators really this kind of people? Furthermore, how can they possess such powerful skills? "    


Yun Long was extremely curious. He could be said to know nothing about the Hidden Secret Sect's cultivation.    


< p > "Heh heh..." Cultivators who specialize in secret cultivation can use special methods to stimulate the hidden potential in the human body after many years of cultivation. Therefore, this kind of person is considered a tyrannical adepts on Earth.    


"Evil Spark!"    


Ye Zichen smiled.    


Wow, according to what you said, isn't the strength of this kind of cultivator much stronger than mine?    


Yun Long asked.    


"Of course, Master, after going through the Second Level Gene Modification, your body can also completely reach or even surpass theirs! So Master, you don't have to worry about this at all! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


She comforted him.    


< p > "Oh!" Is that so! "    


Yun Long became excited, he yearned to possess such a miraculous power.    


< p > "Gaga..." Once you finish the Second Level Gene Modification project, you will naturally know! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He laughed strangely and said, "Master, the base's transition station is here!"    


< p > "Oh?" I... How could I not see it? "    


Yun Long was startled, he carefully looked around the cove but did not see any "high-tech equipment" at all.    


The clues were no different from an ordinary mountain.    


< p > "Gaga..." This is just a surface phenomenon, once I connect to the signal source, you will know! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


< p > "Oh!" Then hurry up! "    


Yun Long was impatient to know what had happened.    


"Okay, but I need to extract the energy from your biological magnetic field and condense it into an electromagnetic pulse before I can connect to the hub of the base's transition station."    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said again.    


< p > "Alright!" "No problem."    


Yun Long agreed immediately. The reason he came here was for this anyway.    


< p > "Um..." This process is a little painful, bear with it, Master! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


Saying that, a golden light burst out in Yun Long's mind.    


< p > "Chi..." CHI * "Swish ?"    


In that moment, Yun Long felt as if many sharp needles were randomly stabbing the depths of his forehead. It was extremely painful, to the point that he could only open his mouth and scream miserably.    


After the Cloud Dragon entered the cave, he heard a "kacha!    


Usually, his hands and feet would feel weak!    


However, this pain only lasted for a short period of time. In about two minutes, Yun Long felt a golden light flash before his eyes once again.    


A dazzling golden light shot out from Yun Long's forehead and stopped on the stone wall of the cove, scanning it over and over.    


< p > "Chi..." Squeak... "Creak ?"    


The rock wall gave off a strange cracking sound, and even emitted a light smoke!    


< p > "Crack..."    


Suddenly, the rock wall started spinning. In the middle of the wall, a cave with a diameter of three meters slowly appeared!    


On both sides of the cave, many stone fragments fell off, revealing two stone pillars. Strange hieroglyphs appeared on them, carved into the stone pillars as if they were heavenly books. "What kind of words are these?"    


When Yun Long recovered, he noticed the words immediately and asked.    


"This is Jiang Boxing's symbol, indicating that this is a gravity station."    


"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


< p > "Gravity ascent station?" What is so interesting? "    


Yun Long did not understand.    


"It's the key transition station to the base, because they don't want the humans to find out about this place and destroy and take away the things inside. Jiang Boxing's scientists made the necessary protective measures here, and without the specialized magnetic pulse signal, there's no way to open this gravity lift!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


< p > "Oh, so that's the case ?"    


Yun Long nodded, he realized that Jiang Boxing's technology was truly mystical, before the Primordial Era, he already possessed such a strong technology!    


Master, please enter the cave. I've used the gravity lift to take you into the depths of the glacier!    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said again.    


< p > "Oh, okay!"    


Yun Long immediately nodded and walked towards the cave with hope.    


As soon as he approached the cave, he felt an invisible force pulling him towards it.    


He entered!    


After the Cloud Dragon entered the cave, he heard a "kacha!    


He turned around and saw that the cave had sealed itself off.    


< p > "Err..." How are we going to go back? "    


Yun Long asked.    


"Hehe, after we finish the Second Level Gene Modification project, I will naturally lead Master back through another exit!" Now, Master, please get ready, we are going to sink! "    




"Evil Spark!"    


He laughed.    


< p > "Subsidence?" "What do you mean?"    


Yun Long still had not reacted.    


At this time, a blue light suddenly flashed in his surroundings. Yun Long then realised that he was standing in the middle of a metallic object that looked like a petal.    


Immediately after, the area around this strange metal object started to emit a gentle blue light, which quickly enveloped Yun Long's body, causing him to not feel bound at all, but his body was still floating.    


It started!    


< p > "Err..." This... What is this? "    


Yun Long exclaimed.    


"Hehe, this is a plasma cloud. It's also the protective equipment for the gravity lift. Master, we're starting to sink!"    




"Evil Spark!"    


He let out a strange cry.    


< p > "Hu!"    


Yun Long immediately discovered that his entire body had started to spin, and a dazzling blue light tunnel appeared below his feet. The cloud of plasma that was wrapping around his body, after receiving the blue light's response, generated a burst of energy, and pushed Yun Long down towards the ground.    


Through the plasma cloud, Yun Long could only see the extremely fast flickering blue light. It was as if they had entered a completely different world, but he couldn't hear anything, it was too quiet to listen!    


That strange traction force pulled Yun Long towards an unknown world. In such an environment, he had the illusion that time was flowing backwards.    


In this kind of surrounding with plasma clouds and special gravity, Yun Long felt his consciousness become dreamy as well. He couldn't even tell how much time had passed.    


Suddenly, he discovered that his body had stopped moving. Then, as if he was floating in water, he felt his body being lifted up by a force. The speed at which he was quickly sinking slowed down.    


Then, Yun Long felt that his feet had stepped on the floor. He wanted to clearly see where they were, but he was wrapped by that mass of plasma clouds and a blue light that was as bright as the stars flashed before his eyes. For a moment, he didn't know where he was.    


"Respected Master, we have reached the bottom of the cave!"    


< p > Sin Sparks suddenly rang in his ears.    


Immediately after the voice sounded, Yun Long saw the splendid blue light of the plasma cloud quickly dim and then disappear.    


Yun Long quickly opened his eyes and saw a scene he would never forget for the rest of his life ? This was an indescribably spacious space. All around him was actually a light blue transparent ice wall. It was like a crystal, glowing with a dreamlike luster.    


Sea-blue Icefall, ice bell milk, ice cones, ice flowers, frost, and ice hills were scattered all over the place, shining with a resplendent luster.    


In this wonderful place, the cloud dragon felt a strong sense of the vicissitudes of time and space brush against its face ? Here... Is it the inside of the base?    


Yun Long muttered to himself, stunned by the beautiful ice scenery in front of him.    


"No, we are in the underground glacier cave about 20,000 meters deep from Earth. This is just the base's energy fusion transfer station."    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


< p > "Energy fusion transfer station?"    


Yun Long did not understand.    


"The situation was like this. A hundred thousand years ago, Jiang Boxing's scientists detected a huge source of energy radiation in the crevices of the Earth's glaciers. As a result, they investigated this place scientifically, and in the depths of this karst cave, they discovered a piece of powerful meteoric ice!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


< p > "Falling Ice?" "What is it?"    


Yun Long asked.    


"Oh, it's a comet core that falls on Earth. Many comets themselves are huge ice bodies surrounded by dust, and comets travel through space with their own magnetic field. When the magnetic field is weakened, a planet with greater gravity is" captured. "    


Then fall down!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


"However, most of the meteorites don't seem to carry a large amount of energy!"    


Yun Long said using his limited knowledge of astronomy.    


"Yes, when most of the meteors fell onto Earth, they would have already combusted in the atmosphere. When they fell on the ground, there wouldn't be much energy left, but there are a few exceptions!" This comet is very huge, so the energy in its nucleus is very high. Even after death, it will still have enough energy. "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


< p > "Err..." A dead planet, will there still be energy? "    


Yun Long did not understand all of this.    


< p > "Of course there are, the planets in the universe also have life and death! For example, the sun of Earth's home planet, will become a white dwarf after death. In about 2 billion years, the dead sun will become a giant diamond shining within the solar system's orbit. There will still be powerful energy remaining in this kind of star! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


< p > "Oh!" So that's how it is. So that means, the piece of ice in the underground base is the base's energy source? "    


Yun Long finally started to understand.    


< p >    


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