Beauty-accompanying Manual

C156 Chapter 56 - shameless fatty huang mingde

C156 Chapter 56 - shameless fatty huang mingde

"Heh heh..." Because my Xiao Jie is very beautiful, of course those old men would think too much. With your brother-in-law's help to protect them, there will be less unnecessary trouble! "    


Zhou Mengjie explained.    


< p > "Oh..." "Really?"    


Zhou Bingjie didn't quite believe it.    


< p > "Heh heh..." Xiao Jie, you can test it right away! "Understood ?"    


Zhou Mengjie pursed her lips: "An old man came up to strike up a conversation with you, you will understand your elder sister's words very soon."    


Yun Long and Zhou Bingjie followed her gesture and looked over. Sure enough, they saw a fat middle-aged man who had combed his hair into a bun. He was walking towards them.    


Furthermore, this middle-aged fat man, with his small eyes staring straight at Zhou Bingjie, revealed an evil smile.    


< p > "Heh heh..." Yun Long, in order for Xiao Jie to gain more experience, let's watch from the side first!    


Zhou Mengjie laughed as she pulled Yun Long to a corner nearby, waiting to see a good show.    


The fat middle-aged man walked in front of Zhou Bingjie and sized her up without restraint. His eyes seemed to emit some kind of "beast" light.    


The radiance.    


< p > "Tsk tsk tsk..." So beautiful! "    


The fat middle-aged man praised as he started to recite a poem while shaking his head, "One point more would make one feel bloated and one point less would make one feel weak." "Her slender waist is so delicate that it can be grasped. Her snowy neck is like a white jade, her eyes are bright and her body is like a divine light. She is truly a beautiful lady, a noble lady!"    


< p > "En..." Mister, I don't know you, do I? "    


Zhou Bingjie felt goosebumps all over her body due to the middle-aged fatty's gaze, and immediately said to him with a frown.    


< p > "Oh!" I am truly sorry, beautiful lady. I was so engrossed in admiring your beautiful appearance and intoxicating temperament that I forgot to introduce myself ? Hello, my name is Huang Mingde! "    


As the fat middle-aged man spoke, he took the initiative to extend his hand, "Beautiful young lady, I'm sure you've heard of my name before, right?"    


Zhou Bingjie frowned, and did not shake hands with him, but shook her head and said: "I'm sorry, Sir. I ? I've never heard of you! "    


< p > "Oh..." Really! Hehe ? Beautiful lady, you are so funny! "Since you are able to attend tonight's banquet, how could you not know about me?"    


The fat middle-aged man did not expect Zhou Bingjie to have such a reaction. He was stunned for a moment, then flashed an awkward smile.    


< p > "I'm telling the truth. I've never heard your name before..."    


Zhou Bingjie blushed and said.    


< p > "This..." "Miss, you really know how to joke. Although I'm not talented, but I'm still quite famous in the beauty industry of southern China!"    


The middle-aged fatty, Huang Mingde, looked even more embarrassed.    


"Mister, don't misunderstand!"    


Zhou Bingjie explained: "I ? Actually, this is my first time attending a banquet like this. Furthermore, I am not a member of the beauty industry. I came here to play with others, so ? Sorry! I really don't know you! "    


< p > "Oh!" "So that's how it is!"    


Huang Mingde came to a sudden realization and his face immediately changed, revealing an excited smile: "That's great, beautiful young miss, looks like we really came here to meet by destiny! In the vast sea of people, we were actually able to meet each other here. It must be said that there is some fate between us! "    


< p > "Err..." I, I'm just here to join in the fun... It has nothing to do with your fate, right? "    


Zhou Bingjie was a little speechless. She realized that Huang Mingde really knew how to find a topic to talk about.    


< p > "Heh heh..." Of course it's related! "    


Huang Mingde's expression did not change as he continued to smile brilliantly: "In the countless banquets, we can all meet. Furthermore, beautiful young miss, this is your first time participating in a banquet like this, and you ran into me. I can't help but admit that we are fated to meet!"    


< p > "Hmph!" Who's going to bump into you! You, damn fatty, you were the one who brazenly came up to me to strike up a conversation! "    


Zhou Bingjie secretly despised Huang Mingde for a bit in her heart, and planned to not waste anymore time with this guy, and ran away.    


Therefore, she revealed a polite smile on her face, "I'm sorry, Mr. Huang. I'll go find my friend first!"    


As she spoke, Zhou Bingjie turned around, intending to leave. She didn't want to waste any more time with Huang Mingde, because that damn fatty's green eyes, which constantly wandered over her face and chest, gave off rays of light, always making her think of some kind of hungry beast ? She didn't think that Huang Mingde wouldn't give up on this opportunity. His fat body moved and he actually stopped in front of Zhou Bingjie, continuing to smile at her: "Beautiful miss, don't go yet!"    


< p > "Err..." Why can't I go? "    


Zhou Bingjie frowned and asked him again.    


< p > "Heh heh..." If you leave just like that, it won't be in line with your ladylike temperament! "Because you haven't told me your name yet!"    


Huang Mingde was still smiling brilliantly.    


< p > "Oh!" Really! Okay then... My name is Zhou Bingjie! "Alright, now that I've told you my name, can I leave?"    


Zhou Bingjie said in a cold voice. Then, without bothering with Huang Mingde anymore, she turned around and prepared to leave.    


What she never expected was that Huang Mingde that fellow would actually stop her once again, and continue to smile brilliantly. "Heh heh ? Miss Zhou, you are just like her name, pure and pure, and a little cold like ice! "But I like girls like you the most!"    


Mr. Huang, I'm sorry. I'm really going to find my friend. Please do as you please!    


Zhou Bingjie rolled her eyes and said directly.    


Facing Huang Mingde's pestering, Zhou Bingjie was depressed to the point of wanting to get angry. This damn fatty's skin is really thick!    


Now she somewhat understood why her sister Zhou Mengjie would say that kind of thing before ? "Miss Zhou, it's a rare opportunity in life to meet each other. We're having a nice chat right now, don't be in such a hurry to leave!"    


Huang Mingde's expression changed slightly, but he still "persevered on".    


he said.    


< p > "I can't be considered to be having a good time with you!"    


Zhou Bingjie glared at him bitterly. She really felt like she was defeated by this damn fatty, now she really wanted to kick him to the ground and throw this Huang Mingde into the sky!    


< p > "Heh heh..." Calculate! "Of course not!"    


Hearing Zhou Bingjie's words, Huang Mingde did not seem to be angry at all, even excitement could be seen on his face, and he actually opened his mouth to speak: "Miss Zhou, I have always believed that meeting again is fated! It just so happens that in my spare time, I am a literary enthusiast. I will recite an impromptu poem to the beautiful you! "    


< p > "You're going to recite a poem for me? "I'm dizzy ?"    


Zhou Bingjie really wanted to faint.    


< p > "Don't faint!" I will let you admire my literary talent! "    


As Huang Mingde spoke, he began reciting his "Unleashing Verses" right in front of Zhou Bingjie.    


"You, are just like the crescent moon in the sky, unreachable yet infinitely admirable... You, like fire, who, even though you know that touching it will hurt you, makes you look like a moth that has no regrets..." You, just like the wind, who, even though you know you're invisible, makes people lustful of the feeling of wanting to fly, and despite the lack of strength in your feet, you, like the clouds, who, despite knowing everything that has changed, stubbornly make people think that your beauty exists only for you, and in front of you, you are the most real side of yourself... " Oh, you are the goddess of my heart! "    


Huang Mingde squinted his eyes and used "love money".    


in a tone that shook his head and "improvised"    


A modern poem was recited.    


This surprised Zhou Bingjie, as she was a liberal arts student, her literary skills were not bad. To be honest, Huang Mingde's "impromptu creation" was not so bad.    


His poem, in terms of standard, was actually a pretty good work!    


< p > "Heh heh..." How about it? "Beautiful Miss Zhou, do you like the poem I wrote for you?"    


Huang Mingde asked as he opened his green eyes.    


< p > "Err..." This poem... "Not bad!"    


Zhou Bingjie spoke the truth, because she herself could also be considered a literary lover.    


I don't know why, the moment I saw the beautiful Miss Zhou, I felt the creative inspiration unceasingly surging up in my mind! "Could it be that you really are my destined goddess?    


Hearing Huang Mingde's words, Zhou Bingjie, who was originally a little surprised, immediately felt a little nauseous. She didn't expect that this damn fatty Huang Mingde, not only was his skin thick enough, he really had countless of tricks up his sleeves!    


He even planned to find Zhou Bingjie's "boyfriend".    


"Mr. Huang, your poems are really good, and your literary attainment is also very high!"    


Zhou Bingjie braced herself to praise him, and emphasized: "However, I really need to go find my friend. I'm sorry! I'll be leaving first! "    


As she spoke, Zhou Bingjie turned around, wanting to leave immediately and disappear from Huang Mingde's sight. She knew that if she continued to tangle with this damn fatty, she would really be tortured by him to the point that she wanted to vomit blood. However, she had underestimated Huang Mingde's shamelessness and shamelessness!    


When Huang Mingde saw that she was about to leave, he actually reached out and grabbed her arm, smiling as he said: "Miss Zhou, don't be like this! "Since you're going to find your friends, then I'll go with you. I'm familiar with this place, so I can help you find whoever you want!"    


"Mr. Huang, please let go!"    


Zhou Bingjie blushed, and her face revealed an angry expression: "I ? I'm looking for me... Boyfriend! Please don't do this, okay? If my boyfriend sees it, it will cause a misunderstanding! "    


< p > "Oh!" So he was in a hurry to find a boyfriend! "That's even better, I just want to get to know Miss Zhou's boyfriend and see if he has the ability to get a beauty like you, Miss Zhou!"    


Huang Mingde said, he did not have any intention of letting go, but emphasized: "Miss Zhou, where do you want to go to find him? I'll take you there! "    


< p > "You..." Can you let me go first? "    


Zhou Bingjie flustered and exasperated by this guy: "This is my problem, there's no need for you to worry about it!"    


< p > "Heh heh..." "Miss Zhou, please don't be like this. I'm just concerned about you!"    


Huang Mingde said shamelessly, even grabbing onto Zhou Bingjie's arm tightly.    


He even planned to find Zhou Bingjie's "boyfriend.    


and then use his own "rich experience of picking up girls."    


And a strong individual to defeat him!    


< p >    


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