Beauty-accompanying Manual

C299 Dry out!

C299 Dry out!

Mo Dandan immediately tightened her grip on both her legs and grabbed Old Fourth's right arm with both of her hands as she glared at him.    


The bandit leader thought that Mo Dandan was just an ordinary girl who was only slightly prettier, but he didn't know her true identity. When he saw Mo Dandan staring at him like that, he thought that she had reacted out of fear, so he laughed strangely and said: "Little beauty, quickly separate your legs.    


Mo Dandan was so angry that she almost broke her teeth. She suddenly saw that Yun Long was right beside her, being watched by the two robbers with guns. However, those two robbers looked at Bai Lanqiu and her excitedly, obviously wanting to watch a show.    


Therefore, the security around Yun Long wasn't strict.    


It just so happened that right at this moment, Yun Long turned his head around, his eyes made contact with Mo Dandan in the air, and then quickly shot her a meaningful glance ? Mo Dandan was startled, and for a moment, he didn't understand what Yun Long meant. And at this moment, Old Four, the bandit boss, had actually already put his evil hand under her waist, and was just about to give her a "Overlord's Bow".    


In a moment of desperation, Mo Dandan couldn't care so much anymore as she suddenly pressed both of her hands tightly onto the right wrist of bandit Old Four, who was resting on her shoulder. She twisted her body to the right and twisted violently.    


< p > "Crack!"    


< p > "Ah!"    


The fourth bandit's right wrist was suddenly dislocated by Mo Dandan's sudden attack and he let out a blood-curdling scream.    


This was a typical police anti-joint capture technique, but Mo Dandan's movements did not stop. She took the opportunity and raised her right knee, and fiercely smashed into the bulge under Old Fourth's crotch!    


< p > "Peng!"    


A sound.    


< p > "Wow!"    


The fourth bandit once again let out a miserable howl.    


He clutched his crotch as he let out a miserable wail. The dark red blood had already seeped out between his fingers, and a foul stench quickly filled the air ? It turned out that his pitiful little bird had been struck by Mo Dandan's ferocious strike, and had directly hit its target. The two stinky eggs beneath him were directly smashed apart, and the incomparably intense pain had already caused his lower body to be severely injured, even causing him to vomit feces!    


Everyone in the VIP lounge was stunned by this sudden turn of events!    


Especially the other three robbers, they never thought that the seemingly delicate Mo Dandan would actually use such a violent move. In an instant, they had knocked out the unsuspecting Ol 'Four on the ground, and even seemed to be seriously injured ? Eggy was broken!    


Even the feces were out!    


However, these robbers were indeed well-trained masters. After a brief moment of shock, they immediately reacted and moved into action, quickly aiming their guns at Mordane. Even the second robber, who was about to force hishery through Bai Lanqiu's defenses, stopped and pulled up hishernts.    


Feeling the bandit Lao Er's killing intent, Mo Dandan's scalp started to explode. Subconsciously, she wanted to turn around and dodge, but her speed was still too slow; the bandit Lao Er's muzzle was already aimed at her head, and ruthlessly pulled the trigger ? Mo Dandan's mind went blank, as she thought that she was about to be shot, and the scene of him shooting at her turned into a slow motion. However, Mo Dandan suddenly realized that she did not seem to have been hit by any bullets, nor did she feel any pain at all!    


She opened her eyes wide and saw the robber's finger on the trigger, but she couldn't pull it off. Suddenly, she heard a "Bang!"    


A gunshot rang out.    


Someone screamed miserably, and then she saw number two's massive head explode like a watermelon ? A bloody mist exploded in front of her, and the entire world turned an enchanting red.    


So, Yun Long had made his move. When the bandit boss' gun was pointed at Mo Dandan, Yun Long knew that he had to make his move, since Mo Dandan was a woman that he cared about, and was already facing danger, how could he not make her move!    


Therefore, just as the bandit second brother was about to pull the trigger, Yun Long's figure flashed and he pounced towards him.    


The bandit boss' reaction was extremely fast as well. He had actually noticed Yun Long's unusual movements and wanted to turn around to shoot him first, but he was too late. His speed could not compare to Yun Long's at all.    


In a flash, Yun Long had already rushed to the front of the bandit leader and twisted his wrist, removing the joint on his right wrist which was holding onto the gun as he quickly grabbed the five or four handgun and pulled the trigger on the bandit leader's head ? The bandit leader and the two remaining bandit brothers instantly perished on the spot, the remaining two bandit leader turned pale with fright as they turned their guns to shoot at Yun Long ? However, Yun Long had already taken the initiative, he did not shoot, but directly smashed the four handgun towards the bandit elder's waist instead. Then, his entire person suddenly exploded, and pounced on the bandit leader's head as well.    


< p > "Peng!"    


Fifth Bro was sent flying by this heavy punch, and he flew all the way to the opposite wall. His brain was ruptured, and he didn't even have time to scream before he died on the spot!    


Seeing that the situation was not good, the only bandit who had fighting strength left, Ol 'Three, quickly retreated a few steps. His body leaned against the wall and pointed the assault rifle at Yun Long, then pulled the trigger.    


< p > "Peng!" "Bam!"    


Two bullets flew towards Yun Long.    


However, these robbers were indeed well-trained masters. After a brief moment of shock, they immediately reacted and moved into action, quickly aiming their guns at Mordane. Even the second robber, who was about to force hishery through Bai Lanqiu's defenses, stopped and pulled up hishernts.    


After dodging the bullet, he rushed to the third bandit and pulled the trigger once more. However, the moment he pulled the trigger, Yun Long had already moved, grabbing the barrel of his assault rifle and pressing it against Old Third's body.    


< p > "Peng!"    


It turned out that the assault rifle in his hand was shot by Yun Long onto his own head. Furthermore, the high pressure produced by the bullet in the blink of an eye had squeezed his head until it exploded, causing blood to splash all over Yun Long's body.    


Without waiting for his corpse to fall, Yun Long had already snatched his assault rifle, and the muzzle had already turned towards the fallen bandit Ol 'Four!    


< p > "Papapa"    


Two gunshots rang out and a bullet pierced through the Fourth Bro's chest as a stream of blood shot out!    


It turned out that the bandit second brother, who was already suffering from the pain, picked up the double-barreled hunting rifle on the floor and shot towards Yun Long in the middle of the chaos. However, Yun Long also noticed his movements, which was why this scene happened.    


At such a close distance, being shot by a powerful double-barreled hunting rifle was a very scary thing. However, Yun Long's body had already been strengthened by the Second Level Gene, and he had dodged the attack the moment the bandit number two fired his gun.    


As a result, this extremely powerful double-barreled shotgun bullet did not directly hit his left arm, but simply grazed past his left arm. The bullet passed by Yun Long's left arm, and the terrifying energy and explosive force tore a cut on his clothes, and even tore a deep cut on his left arm. Although a lot of blood flowed out, it looked very frightening, but in reality, it did not really hurt his bones or muscles!    


From the moment their number two was about to fire his gun at Mo Dandan, to when Yun Long finished off the four robbers, the entire process had taken less than ten seconds. His speed was unimaginably fast!    


The blood and brains of the four originally vicious bandits instantly sprayed all over the ground, causing everyone to feel nauseous from the gush of blood. All of this was too sudden, and other than Mo Dandan, who did not completely lose her composure, Bai Lanqiu had already started to cry from fright, because a large portion of her body had been dyed red from the blood spilled by the bandits. Her pure white arm was also stained with some smelly brain matter.    


Especially when she saw that Yun Long had been shot in the left arm, herhisnd almost collapsed ?    


The Cloud Dragon, seeing this, hurried forward and helped her up into his arms. He wanted to comfort her, but when Bai Lanqiu saw that the Cloud Dragon wasn't dead, she couldn't help herself and threw herself into his arms, her arms around his waist. Tears welled up uncontrollably in her eyes!    


She felt that Yun Long was trying to save her so desperately to save her ? But at this moment, Mo Dandan, who was facing him, suddenly raised a 54 gun. With a cold expression, she quickly raised her right arm and pointed the black muzzle at Yun Long!    


< p > "Fuck, no way?" Mo Dandan must be crazy, to actually want to shoot herself, could she be jealous of Bai Lanqiu?! "    


This thought flashed through Yun Long's mind like a flash of lightning, causing him to be stunned for a moment.    


< p > "Peng!"    


The gun was fired, Yun Long could even see a bullet shooting out from the muzzle of the gun whistling towards him. He stopped breathing for a moment, thinking that he was going to be shot!    


< p > "Ah!"    


A miserable scream suddenly came out from behind Yun Long.    


Yun Long was shocked, and hurriedly turned around to look. At the entrance, he saw a tall figure falling down with a loud crash.    


Yun Long looked carefully and was shocked. It turned out that the bandit boss had heard the gunshots in the VIP room and immediately realized what had happened. He rushed over, and when he caught a glimpse of the scene in the VIP room, he was so furious that he did not lose his mind. Instead, he raised his gun and tried to sneak an attack on Yun Long!    


However, this bandit boss was really unlucky. His actions had coincidentally been seen by Mo Dandan, and this scene had therefore appeared ? "So dangerous ?"    


Mo Dandan put down the gun, exhaling a deep breath, and stared blankly at her, because she suddenly felt that everything that was happening in front of her was still unreal, like a dream!    


It was no wonder that Mo Dandan had such a feeling. Although she was a police officer, she was also just an ordinary patrolman, who usually dealt with civil disputes, maintenance of order, or dealing with Little Hooligan, such as dealing with such "big scenes" such as the brutal bank robbers.    


This was her first time experiencing such a thing, and it was also her first time killing someone!    


So it was no wonder that she reacted in this way ?    


It turned out that the female bank employee who had been beaten to death had already called the police, and the bank's alarm system had automatically alerted the Public Security Bureau. Coupled with the report from the patrolling police to the command center, the police force reinforcements had arrived ?    


In the face of this sudden bank robbery, the entire Naiming City Public Security System had been mobilized within a mere ten minutes. All the police cars in the nearby police station also sounded their sirens as they came to reinforce them.    


At this time, Yun Long realized that he shouldn't reveal his true strength too much, because he was very busy and had more important things to do. Once the police started questioning him, he would be very tired from handling these things, and furthermore, Mo Dandan herself was a police officer. Furthermore, Yun Long remembered that she had told him that he wanted to solve a big case that would allow him to "have a career".    


Adding luster.    


< p > Therefore, Yun Long decided to give this "opportunity to make a huge contribution"    


Giving it to Mo Dandan, they would have the best of both worlds, it was much more appropriate ? At that moment, Yun Long walked in front of Mo Dandan, and waved his hands in front of her: "Dandan, are you alright?"    


< p > "Err..." I, I'm fine! "    


Mo Dandan regained her senses, and when she saw that Yun Long's left arm was covered in blood, she immediately went over and asked Yun Long with concern, "Yun Long, how are you feeling? Does it matter? "    


< p > "No!" "It's only a superficial wound, I can endure it ?"    


Yun Long hurriedly said to her, and then said to her: "Dandan, there's something I want to tell you ?"    


< p > "Oh?" What is it?    


Mo Dandan immediately said.    




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