Beauty-accompanying Manual

C307 Galactic nebula map

C307 Galactic nebula map

After the two of them played around in the bathroom for awhile, it was already close to the afternoon. Since Bai Lanqiu still had a meeting with the company, the two of them got up and put on their clothes.    


After she was dressed, in order to avoid suspicion, Bai Lanqiu called her personal chauffeur to send him off.    


The car that came to pick Yun Long up was a low-key and luxurious Mercedes-Benz 600.    


However, what made Yun Long more surprised was that when he looked at Bai Lanqiu's chauffeur, he unexpectedly realised that it was a rather elegant, valiant and valiant looking young lady.    


It turned out that Bai Lanqiu's female chauffeur, who was also her bodyguard, was also her bodyguard. According to Bai Lanqiu, her bodyguard was once a martial arts athlete on the national team, and later on, he was trained by the professional bodyguards of the Israeli special forces.    


It was just that when Bai Lanqiu went to work at the commercial bank in the city center today, he did not bring her out on business, which was why a scene of Yun Long being the hero and saving the beauty had appeared.    


The female driver was very professional. Although she saw that Bai Lanqiu and Yun Long were holding hands, she didn't show any surprise and surprise on her face. She only carried out Bai Lanqiu's instructions very quickly.    


After Yun Long got on the car, the female driver asked him: "Where to?"    


< p > "Uh, just send me to Southern University."    


Yun Long replied.    


The female driver nodded her head and didn't speak anymore. After Yun Long and Bai Lanqiu bid their farewell, she immediately started the car and stepped on the gas pedal, the car quickly drove out of the Jade Origin Villa and headed towards the Southern University in the city.    


Along the way, the chauffeur remained silent. Yun Long wanted to chat with her, but he had to give up on the cold look on her face.    


Yun Long directly narrowed his eyes at the back of his seat, and closed them to meditate.    


However, just as Yun Long closed his eyes, a gold light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes. After that, his consciousness moved, and quickly entered into the "Ark world".    


In the middle!    


< p > What made Yun Long especially surprised was that once he entered the "Ark World"    


After that, the illusory images started to revolve around his body.    


As the blue colored light revolved, it entered the area around Yun Long's body, revealing many rings of indescribably gorgeous light.    


These ribbons surrounded Yun Long's body. The area around him was around a hundred meters in diameter, and looking at it, it seemed to be boundless. Moreover, it was filled with different colored scintillating spots and patterns of nebulae, and these scenes circled around Yun Long's head and body, continuously revolving.    


< p > "Oh!" This... What is this? "    


Yun Long was surprised, although he had entered the "Ark world"    


Many times, however, he had never encountered such a scene.    


< p > "This, is our Milky Way!"    


By Ark    


The energy inside was automatically generated. It wasn't easy.    




Suddenly, a "Evil Spark" came from the top of his head.    


His voice contained an aura of regret.    


< p > "Oh!" The star map of the Milky Way!    


Yun Long exclaimed in surprise, and then asked. Is it important? "    


"It's very important for scientists who study outer space on Earth!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He appeared in front of Yun Long and said, "That's because this Nebula Diagram has detailed records of all the planets in the Milky Way that are alive!"    


< p > "Ah!" Who's so powerful!? "    


Yun Long was shocked, "They even marked out the planets that have life in the Milky Way?"    


< p > "Yes, everything is marked, including the details of these different planetary species, their positions, evolution status, level of intelligence, technological level, and so on!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


To this day, most of the scientists on Earth are still arguing about the existence of aliens, and there are even a few who deny the existence of aliens. However, in Ark World ?    


The nebula diagram that was displayed in it had already marked out all the planets with life in the Milky Way, and there was even detailed information about them.    


< p > Yun Long clearly knew that if it was "Ark world"    


The Milky Way's nebula diagram, if published in the human world, would definitely cause an earth-shattering change in human society!    


< p > "Herald!" In the Milky Way, only the pioneer race has this ability! Because they are the creator's ancestors! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


< p > "Oh!" This was the pioneer race! How great! "    


Yun Long was amazed.    


< p > "Yes!" The great pioneer race is the origin and creator of all life in the Milky Way! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


After saying that, he suddenly turned to Yun Long and said, "Master, you sure are lucky to have the chance to inherit the legacy of the pioneer clan!"    


< p > "Oh!" You mean... I, I've already reached the stage of gene enhancement for the third stage? "    


Yun Long was excited.    


< p > "Yes!" Because you have just conquered an extremely good woman: Bai Lanqiu! Her total skill points are as high as 50! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


His tone became excited. "So, master, you already have 130 skill points. Not only that, you already have the conditions to undergo rank 3 genetic enhancement!"    


Moreover, it could also activate "Ark world".    


the indexer!    




< p > "Hm?"    


Activate Ark World    


What does an indexer mean?    




Yun Long was startled.    


< p > "Actually, the" Ark of the Ark "in your mind    


It is a virtual mirror created by the indexer. Because your system's skill points have broken through the 100 mark, the biomagnetic pulse in your body will be greatly enhanced. The gravitational field formed activates the energy of the indexer, causing it to activate and project light waves before diffracting out this nebula diagram!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


< p > "Oh, and then?"    


Yun Long only heard a little bit.    


< p > "After the nebula diagram is created, the indexer will once again verify your DNA, allowing you to enter the third order genetic enhancement project. After completing this final genetic enhancement project, the real Ark world will begin."    


You will be able to enter it all the time and inherit the legacy of the pioneer clan!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He then added, "After that, you will surpass the boundaries of humans!"    


< p > "Ah?" Beyond humanity... "Then what will become of me?"    


Yun Long was shocked.    


< p > "The forerunner!" You will be the first to become a human! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


< p > "Forerunner?" "What does that mean?"    


Yun Long asked.    


< p > "On this topic, entering Ark World."    


I can tell you later!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He then reminded him, "Master, you have reached your destination! "Let's get out of the car first!"    


< p >    


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