Beauty-accompanying Manual

C310 Ling yueyue's madness

C310 Ling yueyue's madness

Eight thirty in the evening. The northern ring of the Naiming City, Southern Lake Barbecue City.    


This Southern Lake Barbecue City was located outside the city's outer ring road. It was near the beautiful Southern Lake Park, and it took up an area of several thousand square meters. There was also a special parking lot, so it was spacious enough.    


Due to the fact that the location of the Nanhu Barbecue City wasn't too bad and the cost wasn't too high, a lot of students from the school, as well as the office workers, families, and even the city's white-collar workers, would come here to gather and barbecue when they were busy working and studying, as well as to enjoy all kinds of recreational activities such as karaoke. In particular, on weekends, there would be more people.    


Under Tang Guo's organization and arrangements, all the participants in the fraternity meeting had arrived at the Southern Lake Barbecue City through the means of a carriage. They had also brought enough ingredients, as well as beer or cola, fruits, seasoning oil, fuel charcoal, grill, and tableware.    


Other than the four boys in dorm 343, including Yun Long, all of the other girls in the party this time were girls. Other than the four beauties that appeared in dorm 343, there were also Liang Yingxue and Ye Zishan who rushed over from behind, as well as the three girls they brought from art school, Huang Chunling, Le Xiao Jin, and Yan.    


With this, he would be able to make up a dozen or so people, and he would also be able to make up for it with more than a few males. The ones who made Chu Nan and the others the happiest would be the three female students, Huang Chunling, Le Xiao Jin and Wang Yan.    


Because in the afternoon, Yun Long had revealed the "intelligence" to them.    


These three art school beauties were ownerless flowers, they could let go of this "ruthlessness".    


Go get them!    


< p > Obtained such valuable "information"    


From the start of the fraternity party, Chu Nan and the other two went over to the three girls from the art school.    


After all, according to their thoughts, the most handsome Yun Long was already Ye Zishan's boyfriend. Other than the three of them, the other beauties in the surroundings all gathered around Yun Long, one by one, they were all as beautiful as bees in a field of flowers! Yun Long was simply like a big bee in a field of flowers!    


And in this year's Alliance, out of all the women who had an intimate relationship with Yun Long, six of them were women!    


Of these six beauties, other than Mu Yingxue, Lingyueyue and Xu Yingying had not yet developed a close relationship with Yun Long, Tang Guo, Liang Yingxue and Ye Zishan were already his women!    


In fact, only he knew what was on his mind. This guy was currently fighting with his head in the head, trying to figure out how to coordinate the relationship between him and the girls.    


As the organizer of the event, as well as Yun Long's "real girlfriend"    


Tang Guo was quite tactful, she did not immediately ask about Yun Long's relationship with the other women. When everyone had gathered in a corner of the BBQ City and sat down, she started to get busy, enthusiastically greeting everyone, placing down their cooking utensils and tableware, and preparing some fuel for the charcoal and food.    


Afterwards, Xu Yingying also helped Tang Guo lay the things. Liang Yingxue and Ye Zishan also went forward to help him with a very tacit understanding. Even Mu Yingxue, who was participating in this kind of gathering for the first time, joined the group to help him out.    


However, Lingyueyue, on the other hand, had always been a little resentful towards Yun Long. Lingyueyue, who was arrogant, spoiled, and had the temper of a young lady, had a great deal of objections to Yun Long not taking the initiative to look for her. Furthermore, today, Lingyueyue had finally met Yun Long again.    


Once he thought of Yun Long's "whimsical thoughts"    


Lingyueyue was extremely uncomfortable in her heart, especially when she found out that Tang Guo had become Yun Long's "real girlfriend".    


After that, he became even more depressed, and only held it in until it exploded.    


Thus, Ling Yueyue decided to become "good friends" with Tang Guo.    


He also planned to take advantage of tonight's gathering to find a suitable opportunity to exchange pointers with Yun Long. Noticing that Lingyueyue was looking at him weirdly, Yun Long shivered on his scalp and hurriedly went over to sit together with Mu Yingxue, together they made barbecue skewers, ham sausages, fat cattle, and other ingredients and started to chat.    


After chatting with Mu Yingxue, Yun Long finally understood that Tang Guo and Mu Yingxue was actually distant cousins. Although this kind of relationship was not very close, because they were of similar age and both of them were related to the commander of the southern military region, Long Xingyun, the two of them had stayed together in the courtyard for a few years when they were young, so their relationship was naturally very good.    


Although Xu Yingying was busy, she would sneak a peek at Yun Long from time to time.    


Only now did she realize how "popular" Yun Long was.    


Other than Tang Guo who was their true girlfriend, when the other beautiful girls looked at Yun Long, their eyes were clearly filled with love, especially when they saw Yun Long and Mu Yingxue happily chatting with each other, a complicated feeling welled up in Xu Yingying's heart. After all, she had just found out that among all the beautiful girls present, whether it was their looks, temperament, or background, Mu Yingxue was definitely a beauty.    


Existence of 1!    


Compared to her, he had no advantages at all, not to mention, Tang Guo's conditions were definitely not any worse than his!    


Originally, when she thought of his close relationship with Yun Long, she felt that it was extremely sour. But now, when she saw that Yun Long had intentionally avoided her and chatted with Mu Yingxue so intimately, the jealousy in her heart that was difficult to bear anymore was about to burst out.    


She made up her mind and decided to "talk it out" with Yun Long.    


Therefore, she walked up to Yun Long and found an excuse: "Yun Long, I want to go to the toilet. Accompany me there!"    


< p > "Hm?" Yun Long is a man, for a matter of accompanying girls, let me accompany you to the toilet. "    


Mu Yingxue replied in confusion.    


< p > "No!" It's rather dark over there, I'm afraid of the dark, why don't you let Yun Long accompany me there. "    


Lingyueyue patiently said.    


< p > "Black?" It doesn't seem too dark, does it? "    


Mu Yingxue was startled. Although the toilet in the barbecue yard was a long way from here, but the lights here were bright. It did not look dark at all.    


< p > "I feel scared anyway!" Yun Long, will you accompany me there? "    


Lingyueyue stared at Yun Long and asked.    


< p > "Oh, that..." "Fine!"    


Of course, Yun Long knew that this was Lingyueyue's excuse, but since she had already "come to kill people" ?    


Since he was here, he could only accept it.    


Xue'er, play with them for a while. I'll be back with Yueyue.    


Yun Long stood up and said.    


< p > "Mmm..." "Alright!" "Then go!"    


Although Mu Yingxue thought that Lingyueyue was making a big deal out of nothing.    


But he still nodded politely.    


Yun Long accompanied Ling Yueyue to the washroom.    


After a few minutes, the two of them arrived outside the washroom. However, Lingyueyue did not go in, but pulled Yun Long's hand, pointed at a nearby grove near the lake and said: "Come, accompany me over there to chat!"    


< p > "Uh, Yue Yue, you..." You're not going to the toilet? "    


Yun Long was startled.    


If I really want to go to the toilet, I won't ask you to come with me!    


Lingyueyue rolled her eyes at Yun Long, and without saying a word, she dragged his arm and walked towards the small forest by the lake.    


Yun Long vaguely guessed Lingyueyue's intentions, but he thought that he had truly let her down, and had no choice but to follow her into the small forest.    


The little forest by the lake was rather remote, and there was even a small lush patch of grass, making it seem very quiet. It looked quite a suitable place for them to talk about love, but this time, when Lingyueyue and Yun Long entered the place, it was not to talk about love, but to ask for forgiveness.    




The two of them had just sat down on the grass when Lingyueyue directly asked them, "Why? Why didn't you wait for me and end up with Tang Guo? "    


< p > "Err..." "This ?"    


Yun Long was a little speechless. In fact, he didn't know what to say.    


< p > "Say something!"    


Lingyueyue pushed him with incomparable gloominess, and then asked: "Am I not pretty enough? Or am I bad-tempered? Or was she not as sexy as Tang Guo? Say it! "    


< p > "Err..." Yue Yue is not like this! "    


Yun Long thought for a moment, then said: "Let's put it this way, I have never understood how you treat me, so I feel very confused. When I met Tang Guo later on, we started to get along."    


As he said that, Yun Long directly added on: "At that time, I really wanted to know what it was like to be a woman, so I had some sort of relationship with Tang Guo!"    


< p > "This..." "Scoundrel!"    


Lingyueyue did not expect the reason to be so "simple".    


He started to curse gloomily.    


"That's right, I'm a hooligan!" But, Tang Guo has satisfied my dreams of being a rogue! So, I chose her! "    


Yun Long shamelessly admitted it.    


The reason why he said that, was because he hoped to have a showdown with Lingyueyue!    


Although he really wanted to go to Lingyueyue's side, he knew that this girl had a fiery temper. It would be best not to provoke her if he wasn't confident in being able to control her.    


In fact, this was one of the reasons why Yun Long had gradually turned cold towards Lingyueyue.    


"Could it be that the reason you like Tang Guo is because of her body?"    


Lingyueyue asked, unconvinced.    


"No, there's another reason why I like Tang Guo. Her personality is rather straightforward and she doesn't do many tricks. Furthermore, she's gentle and obedient to me, which is why I like simple relationships with her!"    


Yun Long said, then turned to Lingyueyue and said: "Yueyue, let me be frank with you, I am a more masculine man, a woman who likes to be obedient! If I feel that I am unable to control that woman, I would rather give up! "    


< p > "You..." "So that's how it is ?"    


Unexpectedly, Lingyueyue did not get angry, but was calm instead. She did not say anything, she just sat there quietly with her head lowered, thinking about something.    


Yun Long saw that she had quieted down, and knew that she had fallen into a state of reflection and conflict of thoughts. He did not disturb him immediately, as he knew that he had already said everything he wanted to tell her, and whether or not he accepted it would be up to her.    


Yun Long looked up at the starry sky and actually thought of a "Evil Spark."    


His heart was in a mess with the words he had said before and the incident with the Nebula Diagram. He realized that there were too many things waiting for him to do, and he couldn't fall into too much of a love affair!    


Just then, Lingyueyue suddenly raised her head and asked: "Yun Long, do you like obedient girls?"    


< p > "This..." "Yes!"    


Yun Long was startled for a moment, and then immediately nodded his head.    


< p > "If I..." If I listen to your words, will you accept me as your girlfriend? "    


Lingyueyue actually asked this.    


< p > "This..." Yue Yue Yue, if you want me to cast Tang Guo aside and continue being nice to you, that's impossible! "    


Yun Long directly said to her.    


< p > "I know, I wouldn't ask you for that!"    


Lingyueyue whispered.    


"Also, let me be frank with you. Other than Tang Guo, I have other women ?"    


Yun Long paused for a moment, before continuing: "Which is to say, the number of women that I have intimate relations with, is not few! Furthermore, it's impossible for me to abandon them. Yueyue, can you accept the reality? "    


Lingyueyue's delicate body trembled. She did not say anything, but her tears began to well up in her eyes. She finally choked with sobs and said, "I, I don't want to care about that anymore. I ? I only know that ever since I knew that you have a girlfriend, I've always wanted to force myself to forget you. But the more I want to forget you, the more I'll miss you! You bastard, you stole my heart! You're too bad! "Sob, sob, sob ?"    


Yun Long did not expect her emotions to fluctuate so much, and that he even had such a deep relationship with him. This was completely outside of Yun Long's expectations, so he could only hold her shoulders and console her in a soft voice, "Yue'er, don't cry anymore, alright? It's my fault! "    


Lingyueyue actually threw herself into his embrace, and as she pounded Yun Long's chest, she also sobbed sorrowfully, "You bastard, I'm still a virgin after all. I've already been touched and kissed by you back then, and you're only one step away from doing that.    


< p > "Err..."    


Yun Long was startled. He finally understood, so Lingyueyue's reaction actually contained a hidden bitterness that she had accumulated for a long time!    


"I don't care, anyway I want you to be my boyfriend!" Regardless of the price! I'm not even afraid! "    


Lingyueyue continued to speak as she tightly embraced Yun Long's waist.    


< p > "Yueyue, you ?" Do you really think so? "    


Yun Long never thought that she would have such a thought.    


"Why don't you believe it, bastard!    


Lingyueyue angrily patted his chest, then suddenly said: "I know what to do! I'll give myself to you now! "    


As Lingyueyue said this, she actually began to unzip Yun Long's zipper without any explanation. She reached out and grabbed onto Yun Long's words, then began to feel around.    


< p > "Ah?" Yueyue, you ? "Don't do that."    


Yun Long never thought that Lingyueyue would make such a crazy move.    


However, Lingyueyue did not care at all. She was the type of person who would follow through with the end once she made up her mind. Once, twice, three times ? And very hard.    


Yun Long originally wanted to reject her actions, but her movements were too violent. Furthermore, his soft little hands, along with his alluring body scent, created an indescribable feeling of excitement.    


As a result, Yun Long's reaction grew more and more intense!    


Ling Yueyue's beautiful face turned completely red, and then she lifted her skirt and moved it onto the Cloud Dragon's body. Waves of tearing pain spread from beneath her body.    


However, this kind of pain actually made Lingyueyue feel some pleasure of conquest. She thought to herself, "Alright, I am finally his woman! I gave him the most precious one, I gave myself to him, my pain, is pain for him! He will definitely love me dearly in the future! "    


< em > Following Lingyueyue's large movements, Yun Long's state of mind, in which he had originally been in a state of panic and helplessness, was melted in an instant.    


< p > "Phew..."    


In the next moment, Yun Long just simply lied there on the grass, his hands holding onto Lingyueyue's slender waist, breathing rapidly: "Yueyue, you, you're really too fierce!"    


< p >    


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