Beauty-accompanying Manual

C323 Here comes the unkind alien

C323 Here comes the unkind alien

"It's just that since the people of the Mi Country built many" Door of Gravity Systems "?    


In the future, they would have wanted to acquire advanced alien technology, but now big trouble came as well!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


< p > "Oh?"    


Big trouble?    


You mean, this "gravity door system."    


Was there a problem?    




Yun Long asked.    


< p > "Michaelis on the Gravity Gate System    


but it's only a little bit of understanding, so they came up with the "gravity door system."    


It already had a major flaw, and would bring a lot of trouble to humans!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


< p > "Ah?" "That serious?"    


Yun Long was shocked.    


< p > "Of course!" This possibility exists. "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He then explained, "This' gravity door system '?"    


It was built according to the principle of gravity in the universe, and the gravity in the universe was constantly changing, distortions were also constantly changing, and the "gravity door system"    


The problem was that the Mi Country user did not know how to correct the distorted value of the gravitational field, which was why the Roswell incident had occurred.    




< p > "Oh, those saucer crashes are the" gravity door system "    


It's not fixed well, right?    




Yun Long asked again.    


"Yes, the people from the Mi Country had originally created the 'Gravity Gate System'."    


It was a joyous day for aliens. It was July 4, 1947, the anniversary of the independence of the United States. It was the anniversary of humanity's first cooperation with higher life forms, so it was July 4.    


The gravity field had not been fixed properly, which resulted in a great tragedy!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


"Oh, it looks pretty serious."    


Yun Long exclaimed.    


< p > "Mi Country originally built a seven-kilometer-long runway in Area 51, not to take aircraft off or land, because this runway is empty and has no navigation or guidance system, except for the secret weirdos and radio towers around the runway, which are meant to be used by" good aliens. "    


Through the "gravity door system"    


The main purpose of landing on the runway is to ask aliens to mentor American technology.    


And the unfortunate thing is that the "gravity door system"    


The coordinate parameters were severely changed, causing the 1947 UFO to go off course and crash.    


In fact, in the years to come, not only one flying saucer crashed, but a large number of flying saucers crashed in succession. Some of them exploded in the air, and then the 7km runway in Area 51 was closed, and a number of secret towers were dismantled.    


Among the debris of crashed UFOs, many elements were unprecedented on Earth, or shockingly pure metals, and the detection of purity on Earth was an incredible 100% or even 120% bizarre situation, which produced an unprecedented effect. Although it was the same element, the effects were completely different.    


And because of that, in the space experiments later on in Mi Country, attempting to refine high purity metals was a very important task.    


Due to the help of these technology that transcended Earth, Mi Country finally completely surpassed that of the former Soviet Union, becoming the world's only super power, the tyrant of Earth.    


Because they had tasted the sweetness, the people of Mi Country were everywhere building the "Gravity Gate System".    


Now it was completely out of control!    


If this continued, all life on Earth, including humans, would be completely destroyed!    




"Evil Spark!"    


Decryption of the Pentagon's' SSS ', the secret of permanent storage.    




< p > "Ah!" What does total loss of control mean? "    


Yun Long asked.    


< p > "The reason for this is the misuse of the" gravity door system "    


It was equivalent to being on Earth and being connected to the wormholes in another latitude. These galaxies had all kinds of aliens with different intelligence levels, so it was not just "good aliens" that were brought out.    


It also includes "non-benevolent aliens."    


But if you're a "non-nice alien,"    


Once on Earth, it was possible to plunder Earth's resources and launch an attack on humans.    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


< p > "Ah!"    


Could it be that the Mi Country person was using the "Gravity Gate System"?    


Had he never thought of such a thing happening?    




Yun Long asked.    


"Of course they had thought of it, but the desire for the aliens to advance their technological prowess was enough to let the people of Mi Country have the thought of trying to get lucky!"    


And now they're building so many gravitational doors.    


It caused flying saucers all over the world.    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


< p > "Hey!" It would be best if the people from Mi Country did not cause any trouble! "    


Yun Long sighed.    


Actually, Yun Long also knew that, with the strength of their Mi Country in today's world, there was practically no other nation that could compare to them, and even more so unable to balance themselves.    


Now that he knew the truth, he felt that there was nothing he could do.    


< p > "Sigh, Master, you're wrong to think that way!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


Suddenly, he said.    


< p > "Oh?"    


Why did you say I was wrong?    


"Yun Long asked.    


< p > "There is a proverb among you Earthlings that asks God to send you away easily."    


If Mi Country people continued to do this, sooner or later, it would attract "non-kind aliens".    




"And I've already discovered that the situation is starting to get out of control ?"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


< p > "Ah?"    


You mean... The Mi Country people may have already called "non-good aliens"    


It attracted the attention of Earth?    




Yun Long asked.    


< p > "It's not a possibility, it's something that has already been drawn in!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


As he said that, he suddenly opened up a hologram in front of Yun Long. There was a series of rhombus-shaped flying discs on the picture, the pictures were extremely clear.    


< p > "These..." "What is it?"    


Yun Long quickly continued to ask.    


< p > "These are the recent gravitational gates system of the Mi Nation.    


It was an alien airship, and it was the high-level planet of Orion, the "Hickoma".    


The planetary craft, with the comet pattern on it, means that this is the "Hickoma."    


A Martian scout saucer!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


< p > "Ah!"    


Reconnaissance UFO!    


Then, what about this "Hickory Horse"?    


What kind of people are these?    




Yun Long asked.    


< p > "Of all the intelligent species in the Milky Way,"    


The aliens were at least level 8 in science and technology. Moreover, it was a planet with a strong religious cult and was composed of many warlike races.    


They controlled a large portion of the outer region of the Milky Way, and they continued to expand. It could be said that they joined together to form a huge warlike Star Empire!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


< p > "Ah, what you mean is..." This "Hickoma"    


The Star Man had the intention of invading Earth?    




Yun Long asked.    


< p > "Evil Spark"    


"Not necessarily, because according to the Interstellar Peace Convention, wars between planets with a scientific and technological level difference of 3 or more are strictly prohibited!    


Earth's Science and Technology and the "Hickory Horse"    


In comparison, the humans were still far behind, so the "Hickoma"    


The aliens could not brazenly start a war of aggression against Earth!    




< p > "Oh!" That... "That's good!"    


Yun Long heaved a sigh of relief.    


< p > "Don't be too happy yet..." "Hickoma."    


Although the aliens couldn't launch a full-scale invasion, if they knew that there were vestiges of a pioneer on Earth, they would definitely disregard the Interstellar Peace Pact and forcefully start a war!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


< p > "Ah?" What does this have to do with being a pioneer? "    


Yun Long asked.    


< p > "It's relevant because"    


The aliens have a strong religious belief, and their origin of science and technology mostly came from millions of years ago, where the pioneers left some advanced technologies between the galaxies, so their worshippers were the pioneers!    


As for "Hickory"    


The Martians had always been ambitious and believed that they were qualified to inherit the clothing of the pioneers.    


So, if they were to find the pioneer remains on Earth, they would definitely seize it at all costs, and even launch a war of aggression to seize the pioneer remains!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


< p > "Ah!" Then, if the precursor Holy Hall over at the Tibetan Plateau area is discovered by them! Isn't that terrible? "    


Yun Long was shocked.    


< p > "Yes!" Furthermore, on Earth, the remnants left behind by the predecessors were not only limited to Tibetan Plateau, but there were also many places that had the Holy Hall of pioneers! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


< p > "Ah, there are other places?" Where are they? "    


Yun Long asked.    


"These places are all hidden under the earth or deep under the sea. There's one big place in the Hundred Curtain, one in the Antarctic Circle, one in Tanzania, one in the Mi Country, and one in the bottom of the ocean. If it's a" Hickoma ", then ?"    


If they were able to find these ruins, it would definitely be a very bad thing for a reconnoitering airship.    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


"Ah, then, then what should we do?"    


Yun Long quickly continued to ask.    


< p > "Master, the only way is to be in the 'Hickory Horse'    


Before the Martians find these ruins, you will first acquire the clothing of the pioneers!    


Only then would he be able to inherit the wisdom of the pioneer and activate the "Light of Holy Hall", which was a rank 3 genetic enhancement project.    


Only then would he be able to defend against the "Hickory Horse".    


An attempt to invade the Earth.    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


< p > "Ah?" Then I ? Where are we going to finish all these things? "    


Yun Long asked.    


"Among these pioneer ruins, the one at the bottom of the ocean belonging to Mi Country Luo Shan Chicken is the base for carrying out the rank 3 genetic enhancement project, while the most important and most special one is the primordial forest in the Amazon basin of South America, where the most important clothes of the ancient pioneers are stored. So Master, you must make the arrangements to go to Mi Country first and then to South America."    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


"Oh, got it. I'll set the time!"    


Yun Long nodded.    


< p > "Those 'Hickory' horses"    


The aliens' scout flying discs are very powerful. They should be able to find ordinary pioneering remnants of Earth within a short period of time. This way, the situation will quickly go out of control.    




"Evil Spark!"    


He continued to remind him, "You are the only successor chosen by the first generations, and also the hope of humanity in the future. So you have the responsibility of protecting the human world.    


< p > "Oh, I see!" I will arrange the time immediately! "    


Yun Long nodded and said.    


Boom! * "Riiiiip!    


This sound was as if a huge object had blown through the air and then exploded!    


Soon after, all the lights in the room were extinguished, and the surroundings sunk into silence. The clock on the wall suddenly rang, and the metallic object on the table actually started to float, spinning randomly... "What is going on?    


Yun Long exclaimed.    


< p > "This is a magnetic field explosion created when a UFO flies low.    




"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


< p > "Hm?" The alien UFO really appeared? "    


Yun Long was shocked.    


At this moment, Yun Long's eyes widened, because he saw a gigantic disc-like object hovering over in midair outside the window of the villa. Yun Long could even clearly see that there was a strange comet's pattern that looked like it was burning on top of the disc.    


< p > "Ah!"    


This ? this was the 'Hickory Horse'!    


The Martian scout saucer?    




Yun Long exclaimed.    


< p > "That's right, it's them!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He answered and then said, "They have already begun openly searching!"    


< p >    


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