Beauty-accompanying Manual

C330 Alvin submarine

C330 Alvin submarine

About half an hour later, the Raider boat was nearing Nimitz.    


At the bottom of the spacecraft carrier.    


< p > At this moment, those "Hickory Horses" in the sky    


The Anti-gravity Flying Saucer s continued to shoot blue laser beams at the aircraft carrier. These powerful plasma weapons burned the entire deck of the aircraft carrier, leaving holes all over the place.    


< p > Nimitz due to heavy injuries.    


The hull of the spacecraft carrier began to seep, large amounts of sea water gushing into the hull from the hole it had made.    


The attacks from the sky continued. Half of the people on the ship had already been forced to run to the bottom of the ship to take the risk. The heavy anti-aircraft fire had suddenly decreased by quite a bit.    


What was even worse was that under the onslaught, the emergency work had been rendered useless. "Nimitz."    


The ship began to tilt to the left. From the looks of it, it would not take long for this powerful aircraft carrier to sink into the sea!    


Helpless, the captain had no choice but to give up the ship and escape. After giving the order, the soldiers on the ship immediately retreated from the danger zone.    


The lifeboats on the ship were all hoisted up and gradually thrown into the sea. The people on the ship had already lined up to evacuate.    


< p > But Hickory in the Sky    


Although they had the support of the Mi Country Air Force fighter fleet, the warriors of Mi Jun were no match for the Anti-gravity Flying Saucer. They were continuously shot down, and even in the sky as they chased, they were completely on the verge of being beaten up. This kind of terrifying result caused them to call themselves the "strongest air force in the world".    


The Mi Country Air Force was deeply afraid!    


Thus, this area had become the most dangerous region of the sea ? [P]    


The ship approached.    


Due to the chaotic situation, the crew who had retreated from the ship was too busy jumping onto the lifeboat to escape, so they didn't have time to notice the two people approaching them. Furthermore, the surface of the sea was filled with soldiers calling out to them.    


"Scholar Keyes, please come a little closer to the front."    


Yun Long said to Keyes.    


< p > "What?" We have to get closer. Can't you see that this aircraft carrier is sinking? "    


Scholar Keyes shouted in shock.    


"I know, but I need to get on the ship and find the diving equipment I need."    


Yun Long said to him.    


I can get closer, but this aircraft carrier is so tall. How are you going to climb up there?    


Scholar Keyes immediately asked.    


< p > "You can just get closer. I'll think of a way to get up there!"    


Yun Long said to him.    


< p > "Alright then ?"    


Scholar Keyes also didn't know what Yun Long was trying to do, but he still turned the boat around and slowly sank into the "Nimitz".    


The ship approached.    


< p > Near Nimitz    


On the body of the ship, suddenly, a Anti-gravity Flying Saucer flew over from the sky, and shot another bunch of plasma lasers at the body of the ship.    


< p > "Bang!"    


The powerful laser beam created a huge crater on the left side of the ship that was about 6 to 7 meters wide!    


Yun Long raised his head and looked over, to see that inside the big hole, there was actually a mini ship.    


The miniature ship's hull wasn't that big, it was obviously a miniature submarine, only about 7-8 meters in area. However, the bottom cabin was made of two thick pieces of metal, and on both sides, there were oval observation windows. However, around the submarine, there was a messy pile of steel cables that was a few centimeters thick.    


< p > "Oh!" Can this thing be used? "    


Yun Long hurriedly asked Sergeant Keyes.    


I don't know. I've never seen this before.    


Scholar Keyes hurriedly shook his head.    


"Then I'll get it out first."    


Yun Long muttered as he leapt into the air, soaring like a bird with its wings spread wide, suddenly rising 7 to 8 metres. After that, he twisted his body in the air and landed steadily on the deck of the aircraft carrier, just a few steps away from the hole.    


< p > "Oh!" God, is he really an angel sent by God to save the earth? "    


Scholar Keyes stared dumbfoundedly at Yun Long's inhuman action of flying in the air, feeling astonished.    


After jumping onto the deck, Yun Long started to walk towards the hole he had made in the ship. He wanted to take the submarine into the sea.    


Just at this time, a forty year old middle-aged soldier wearing the uniform of the Mi Country Navy suddenly came out from the hole. When he saw Yun Long coming in, he immediately asked him: "Which unit are you from? Hurry and retreat! "    


< p > "I need this submarine!"    


Yun Long immediately said.    


< p > "What do you want it to do?"    


the officer asked with a frown.    


< p > "I want to use this submarine to dive into the deep sea. Do you know how to put it into the sea?"    


Yun Long asked back.    


< p > "Dive into the deep sea?" Who the hell are you? "Why would you do that?"    


The naval officer asked Yun Long coldly.    


Before Yun Long could say anything, Sergeant Keyes, who was below, had already answered loudly, "Sir, we're going to the seabed, to save Earth!"    


The naval officer was startled by the voice. He looked down and asked, "Sergeant, what did you just say?"    


"Sir, we're going down to the bottom of the sea to save the Earth!"    


Keyes replied loudly.    


< p > "You can save the Earth by going down to the bottom of the sea? "Why is that?"    


the naval officer asked.    


"Sir, there's something under the sea that the aliens want so much, that's why they are making a move here. If they get their hands on it, Earth and humanity will be finished!"    


Yun Long explained to him.    


< p > "Oh?" Is this true? "    


The naval officer was stunned.    


"Of course it's true!"    


Yun Long answered, then asked him: "Sir, do you know how to pilot that submersible vehicle?"    


< p > "Of course I will!"    


The naval officer replied, then asked Yun Long again, "Just now, where did you hear all this from?"    


You don't need to worry about that. What I said is the truth. If you don't believe me, you can follow me to the bottom of the sea and you'll find out.    


Yun Long said to him.    


Since Yun Long didn't know how to pilot the submersible vehicle, he reckoned that even Scholar Keyes couldn't do so. Therefore, he wanted to find this officer who knew how to pilot the submersible vehicle to descend together with him.    


< p > "You..." His thoughts were the same as theirs! But they didn't tell me their purpose. They only wanted to ask me for the submarine.    


The naval officer suddenly asked Yun Long.    


< p > "They?" Who are they? "    


Yun Long did not understand what he meant.    


"So they are the people from JOSC. It is said that they are soldiers with superpowers directly under the orders of the Secretary of Defense. They were the ones who asked me for the submarine just now, so I came here."    


the naval officer said.    


< p > "Oh!" "So it's like that ?"    


Yun Long was startled, he suddenly felt that this matter had become complicated.    


At that moment, from the other side of the deck, two men in frogman diving suits approached. As they ran, they asked the naval officer, "Sir, is the submarine ready to leave the water?"    


"They are JOSC's ability warriors. Do you know them?"    


The naval officer turned to Yun Long and asked.    


Yun Long was shocked. Since the time when they were "Evil Spark"    


Furthermore, a small portion of the members of the team had even gone through a certain degree of genetic enhancement just like himself. It was just that, because of their technique, they were not able to evolve as perfectly as himself, but just as he was feeling that it was difficult to answer, another Anti-gravity Flying Saucer appeared in the sky, the blue laser beam descended from the sky and directly struck the two fleeing frogs. They did not even have the chance to scream in pain, it instantly melted away a terrifying high temperature energy and turned into two piles of charred wreckage!    


< p > "My God!" They... "It's over!"    


The naval officer was stunned.    


Just at this moment, the Anti-gravity Flying Saucer that was flying past clearly noticed the living figure on the deck. It immediately turned around and came back. With another dive, it shot down a blue light.    


< p > "Be careful!"    


Seeing that, Yun Long immediately roared out, and then leaped towards the naval officer's body, pressing onto his shoulder, he rolled on the deck to dodge the attack.    


< p > "Rumble!"    


At the spot where they had been standing on the deck, a three meter wide black hole suddenly appeared, emitting black smoke.    


That was close!    


The naval officer escaped death, and then said gratefully to Yun Long: "Thank you for saving my life!"    


"You're welcome!"    


Yun Long waved his hand and then directly said to him, "There's no time to explain so much now. Sir, please pilot the submersible vehicle and send me to the depths of the sea."    


< p > "Err..." "Fine!"    


The naval officer stopped talking and said, "I'll put down the submarine right now!"    


As he spoke, he quickly dove into the hole. After some manipulation, the miniature submarine finally slid into the sea at the side of the ship.    


The naval officer opened the cabin door and said to Yun Long: "The aircraft carrier is about to sink, we need to dive down immediately!"    


< p > "Alright!" I'll go down now. "    


Yun Long replied. With a leap, he jumped down from the tilted aircraft carrier and steadily landed on the submarine's hatch.    


The naval officer introduced, "This submarine is called the Alvin Submarine. It can carry three people and is one of the most advanced deep-sea exploration submarines in the Mi Country Navy. It has a depth of 4,500 meters."    


< p > "Oh!" You can go down 4,500 meters, that's enough! "    


Yun Long was excited, this submarine fit his requirements perfectly.    


Just as the naval officer and Yun Long were about to enter the cabin, Scholar Keyes who was sitting at the side arrived in his boat and made a request to them: "Gentlemen, bring me along!"    


Sergeant, you're a Marine!    


The naval officer was stunned.    


< p > "Oh, he..." He's my assistant. Let him come up with you. "    


Yun Long said straightforwardly.    



> "Alright then, hurry up and come up!"    


The naval officer did not ask anymore, and directly said to Senior Keyes.    


Because the aircraft carrier is about to sink, if you don't dive immediately, this Alvin miniature submarine.    


It was very likely that he would be crushed by the huge hull of the aircraft carrier.    


"Thank you, sir!"    


Sergeant Keyes saluted in excitement before jumping onto the Arwen submarine.    


The three of them entered the hatch. The naval officer had just started the submarine to dive down, and the Nimitz was floating on the surface of the sea.    


The nuclear aircraft carrier lay on its side and quickly submerged into the sea, forming a huge whirlpool.    


< p >    


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