Beauty-accompanying Manual

C325 The lost god

C325 The lost god

< p > "Human Gene Enhancement Technique"    


What was the origin of this thing?    




The five big arms bosses widened their eyes. This was their first time hearing of such a strange new concept technology.    


As early as 1943, the Air Force first used the Gravity Gate System," explained President O'Haima.    


Apparently, he wanted to establish some kind of communication with us, but he was too technically restricted to know what he was trying to convey. After the little grayman died of injuries, the Air Force shipped his body and the wreckage of his flying saucer to the National Laboratory of Physics in Arkansas for research. We studied it for nearly two decades, slowly, and then we started the Project Serpo and reactivated the "Gravity Gate System."    


to attract more aliens, and through the exchange of information with them, we've made considerable progress... "    


The President of Mi Country paused for a moment before continuing, "The biological scientists that participated in the research have made important discoveries in the past two years. The aliens can use special spirit energies to control their consciousness to carry out various activities, including controlling the power of flight of the UFO, communicating with other intelligent beings, and through adjusting their spirit energies, they can produce an unimaginably huge power, etc. It can be said that this spirit energy is the most mysterious power in the universe, as long as humans grasp this power, they can become true super human!"    


Boeing's boss, Clark, was particularly concerned about flying saucers. Boeing's projects, after all, were mostly about flying machines. "You mean, Mr. President, that alien flying saucer's power was generated and controlled by some kind of psychic energy?    


The President of Mi Country nodded and said, "That's right! Indeed! After a long period of research, our scientists have discovered that this spiritual energy is the DNA of an alien, and after a special evolution, it will produce a special energy field. The power of this energy field is unrivaled, and it will also become one of the priority projects in our future Mi Country Army. Today, we invite everyone here to give you guys a copy of the research results from the 51 region of the Air Force.    


< p > "Oh!" My God! 2 billion US dollars! It's an astronomical figure! "    


The five big arms bosses' mouths were wide open. They were completely shocked by this number!    


"But Mr. President, how could there be so much money in the budget of Congress and the government?"    


Northrop ampo 8226; Grumman's company's BOSS was shocked, but it did not lose its mind.    


"Heh heh, of course the Mi Country Congress and the Ministry of Defense don't have that much of a budget, but the 'Apostles' will."    






The President of Mi Country said with a smile.    


< p > Apostle Association    




It turned out to be the "Apostle Association".    




No wonder he possessed such strength!    




The big five had high statuses, so they naturally knew about the Apostles' Association.    


the ability to make a fuss, so don't make a fuss about it.    


< p > Right at this moment, "Beep!" "Di!"    


Minister of Defence Leon went forward and pressed the answer button. From within, the person in charge of the ground spoke out, "Reporting to Sir, the two espers in charge of the experiment, C5 and C7, have abnormal conditions in their bodies. Repeat, the two espers have abnormal conditions in their bodies!"    


< p > "Ah?" Doctor Jensen, weren't they fine just now? How did something go wrong? Didn't you say that there would definitely be no problems this time? What was going on? Say it quickly! "    


Minister of Defence Leon looked flustered and exasperated when he heard the news.    


"Sir, it's like this. After using spiritual energy, the two espers, C5 and C7, suddenly experienced an abnormal state in their brain waves and their bodies also collapsed. Right now, they have already passed out from shock, we are currently rescuing them with all our might!"    


Dr. Jesuit, on the ground, reported.    


< p > "Why would this happen?" The DNA modifications of the two espers, C5 and C7, have always been the most stable? "    


The Minister of Defence Leon asked gloomily.    


< p > "This may be due to the fact that there is a flaw in the evolution of the gene chain and the appropriate nuclear tissue when genetic modification is carried out!" "It seems like our experiment plan can only continue after we get enough research data from the aliens!"    


Jayden, who was on the ground, spoke out carefully.    


< p > "What!?" You mean we have to wait? Did you know that other than the Small Gray Men, aliens from other planets have already entered Earth? According to the intelligence reports, these newly appeared aliens are very likely to be hostile towards us! We don't have the time to wait! "    


The Minister of Defence Leon roared.    


"Uh, sir, actually, you should know that the genetic enhancements of the Small Grizzlies are not the most suitable for us humans. If we can find what they call" lost gods "on Earth ?"    


Our research will soon break through!    




Dr. Jesuit, who was standing in front of him, said.    


The little gray men only knew the 'lost gods'.    


It might be on Earth, but we don't know where it is. According to the information provided by the little grays, near the bottom of the ocean bed of our Mi Country Luo Shan chicken, there are many new species of aliens piloting Anti-gravity Flying Saucer. They seem to be searching for something in that sea, like a "lost god".    


Well, I've sent JSOC's ace agents over there to look for it.    




The Minister of Defence Leon said.    


"Oh, if the information provided by the Small Gray Man is correct, I believe that there should be some ancient ruins at the bottom of that Luo Shan chicken bed, which is also the key to our breakthrough this time!"    


"No," said Dr.    


< p > "I hope that's right!" My people should be entering that place soon! "    


The Minister of Defence Leon said.    


At this moment, a chaotic snowflake suddenly flashed on the previously clear screen.    




< p > Soon after, the only sound that could be heard was the loud exclamation of Dr. Jessen, who was on the ground. "Oh my god!" Anti-gravity Flying Saucer are coming! They are another kind of alien! "    


< p > "Ah?" Another alien? Dr. Jensen, what's going on up there? Quick, report it! "    


Minister of Defence Leon shouted nervously.    


< p > "Oh my god!" They're attacking us! Repeat, they are attacking... "Ahhh!"    


Doctor Jensen let out a blood-curdling screech on the ground, but the screen was covered by a snowflake. No one knew what was going on, but the communication was cut off.    


< p > "Oh my god!" What exactly happened on the ground? "    


The five big armoured warriors and the President of Mi Country started to panic.    


< p > "Gentlemen, we must be under attack by aliens from a new species!" They're not good aliens! "    


Minister of Defence Leon said with a darkened face. He then said to President of Mi Country, "Mr. President, I must go to the" Green Room "immediately.    


Ask the grays why these unkind aliens are attacking us!    




< p > "Alright!" We will wait here, you will go through the secret passage! "    


President of Mi Country immediately nodded.    


At this moment, Defense Minister Leon was transferred from the underground control room in Area 51 to the Green House in an electromagnetic rail car.    




< p > Enter Green House    


After that, Minister of Defence Leon quickly adjusted the spatial channel and independently contacted the small grayish person. After learning what had happened, he returned back to the control room and reminded everyone, "I know what's going on.    


Martians, they may have discovered the ancient super intelligent life form, "lost god" on Earth.    


The technological ruins left behind on Earth!    


Their goal was to seize it!    




< p > "What if we stop them?"    


The President of Mi Country asked.    


< p > "According to the information provided by the Small Gray, these" Hickory "    


The technological prowess of the aliens are two levels higher than theirs. Furthermore, they are warlike non-good aliens. If we stop them from moving, there will only be one result ? War!    




Minister of Defence Leon said with a serious face.    


< p > "Err..." Then what do we do? Are we just going to let them continue to do this on Earth? "    


President of Mi Country frowned and asked.    


< p > "No!"    


According to the information provided by the Gloomy, this "lost god"    


The relic was left behind by the most advanced super intelligent species in the Milky Way. If someone acquired the technology within, then that person could rule the entire Milky Way!    




Minister of Defence Leon's face sank, "We should be at these 'Hickory Horses'.    


Before the aliens attacked, they first found the ruins and then got it!    




< p > "Err..." That's a good idea! However, since the little grays know about this, why didn't they make a move? "    


President of Mi Country continued to ask.    


< p > "They..." They had also just obtained the information. At the same time, due to the great disparity in strength, they did not dare to provoke the 'Hickory Horse'.    






The Minister of Defence Leon explained, then said seriously: "There is another bad piece of news that I have to tell everyone: if they are allowed to use the" Hickory Horse "? ?    


The Martians received the "lost gods."    


If it was a relic, they would destroy the entire human race!    




< p > "Ah!" These non-nice aliens really did not come with good intentions! "    


President of Mi Country's face turned even darker.    


< p > "Yes!"    


So we must do everything we can to stop the "Hickoma".    


The Martians found or entered the lost gods.    


Inside the ruins, for the Mi Country!    


For Earth!    




The Minister of Defence Leon said.    


< p > "Mr. Minister, what action do you need to take?"    


The President of Mi Country asked.    


"Immediately order the troops to raise the level of security on the western coast of Mi Country to the highest level of red alert! Especially the air force and navy, all day long, make armed patrols in the airspace of the Los Angeles! "    


The Minister of Defence Leon said.    


with the kind of "Hickory Horse.    


What about the clash of aliens?    




The President of Mi Country asked again.    


< p > "I will order my troops to avoid direct conflict with them!"    


The Minister of Defence Leon said.    


< p > "If... "What if they attack us first?"    


The President of Mi Country said, and reminded him, "I do not wish to remain indifferent while sacrificing the valuable life of our Mi Country warriors!"    


< p > "If they attack first, we..." I can only counterattack! "    


Minister of Defence Leon thought for a moment, then said, "I will immediately order JSOC to send the trump card of the special ability troops.    


Before the aliens, find the "lost god".    


A relic!    




< p > "Alright then!" Let's start immediately! "    


The President of Mi Country nodded his head and said: "I will explain the situation to the Congress and give your people the greatest support!"    


< p > "Mr. Minister, if your people need the latest weapons, we can also provide them!"    


At such a critical juncture, the five major arms giants expressed their opinions one after the other.    


< p > "Thank you everyone!" I will think about it! "    


The Minister of Defence Leon nodded as he spoke, and immediately got up and went back to his work.    


< p >    


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