Beauty-accompanying Manual

C296 Mordane has an appointment

C296 Mordane has an appointment

< p > This way, he would be able to become the only inherited 'pioneer' of the human world.    


He was a human being with the clothes of an ancestor, furthermore, Yun Long was extremely curious about the origin of humans and the mysteries of the universe.    


Yun Long felt that this would be a great journey, and he himself was about to be the pioneer of this great journey ? Upon reaching this point, Yun Long's blood boiled, his heart was extremely excited.    



A truly successful person would never stop pursuing greater progress and success ?    


Furthermore, Yun Long knew that he had to speed up the pace of his construction. This way, he would be able to free up enough time to go through the third stage of Genetic Engineering as well as receive and digest the knowledge and power that surpassed modern human science and technology!    


At this time, Yun Long who had extraordinary hearing abilities suddenly heard the sound of his own phone ringing from downstairs. He looked at Ye Zishan who was on the bed, who was still immersed in sleep, so he did not disturb her, and slowly left the room and headed downstairs.    


After reaching downstairs, Yun Long picked up the phone to answer the call. It was actually from the long-lost policewoman, Mo Dandan, who had called him ? "Yun Long, where have you been these days? Why can't I find you? Is this your new cell phone number? "    


Mo Dandan asked him.    


"Yeah, Dan Dan, how did you know my number?"    


Yun Long curiously asked her.    


"Oh, I just went to your school. Your roommates told me about this number!"    


Mo Dandan explained for a bit, then said directly: "I also just finished my work, so I just solved a case, and got three days of leave. Today is the first day of leave, and it's also the weekend, so I came to find you to accompany me to play!"    


< p > "Oh!" "Oh, no problem, where do you want me to go play with you?"    


Yun Long immediately asked.    


Whatever. Anyway, I want you to accompany me today!    


Mo Dandan said with her charming voice.    


"So it's like that. Then where do you want to go to play with the pills?"    


Yun Long asked her again.    


I don't care. How about you take me with you? You can accompany me anywhere ?    


Mo Dandan said in an almost shy voice.    


< p > "Where to ?" "Everyone can..."    


Yun Long was excited, this was Mo Dandan giving him a strong hint!    


Because before this, Yun Long remembered very clearly that he had once had a "passionate interaction" with Mo Dandan on the riverbank.    


Although they didn't enter the "substantive stage", they still had their intimate relationships with each other.    


He had succeeded in capturing her heart, and now she had come to find him on her own accord, saying, "I can go anywhere I want."    


To the experienced Cloud Dragon, Mo Dandan's words could already be considered as a clear indication to her that she was at the mercy of the Cloud Dragon!    


Yun Long suddenly thought of something. He urgently wanted to break through 100 System Skill Points, and Mo Dandan was a virgin at the moment. If she took the initiative to come here, of course she would have to strike the iron while it was hot.    


If Yun Long could get his hands on the pill, his overall evaluation would definitely surpass 100 System Skill Points... Dan Dan, I ? "I'll go back and find you now!    


< p > "Wow!" "But I want to go to the central commercial bank to get a bank card. Why don't we meet at the central commercial bank on Zhongshan Road?"    


Mo Dandan said.    


< p > "Okay!" "In that case, let's meet at Zhongshan Road Commercial Bank!"    


Yun Long nodded and hung up.    


At this moment, Liang Yingxue and Ye Shan were still sleeping soundly and had yet to wake up. Yun Long also knew that his powerful "battle prowess" of the two girls.    


It was not light, and he had just broken his body, so he needed plenty of rest.    


With that in mind, Yun Long no longer bothered the two girls. He went into the bathroom to shower and change his clothes, then directly headed out the door. If there was anything between the two girls, he could directly call him.    


After exiting the district, Yun Long hailed a taxi, and immediately headed towards the city center.    


After around twenty minutes, Yun Long arrived at the intersection of the Zhongshan Road in the center of the city. Just as he got off the car, he saw that Mo Dandan was already there waiting.    


Seeing Mordane, Yun Long's eyes lit up. Mordane was very beautiful today, she had short hair cut at her ears, and she had a kawaila style, which made her look even more exquisite, with white teeth and bright eyes. She wore a fashionable striped skirt, and on her shoulder was a small pink purse, revealing her legs that were as white as jade.    


Dan Dan, you look so beautiful today!    


Yun Long praised.    


< p > "Hee hee..." "At least you know how to talk. Let's go!"    


Mo Dandan smiled flirtatiously and took the initiative to take Yun Long's arm, walking towards the commercial bank in the middle of the mountain road.    


He quickly entered the commercial bank. Just as he entered, Yun Long suddenly realized that he had unintentionally met another woman that he was rather familiar with!    


They only saw that in the bank's VIP room, the door was opened, and Yun Long happened to glance in. In that glance, he actually saw the beautiful young lady from the Wealthy Class, Bai Lanqiu!    


Bai Lanqiu was in the VIP room, chatting with a middle-aged man who looked like a manager. He didn't see what was going on outside.    


Once Mo Dandan entered the commercial bank, she immediately went to the front desk to open the card. She did not notice Yun Long's expression at all.    


Thus, as Yun Long sat in his seat, his eyes started to peek into the VIP lounge, he realized that today's Bai Lanqiu was truly beautiful, and also carried a sense of charm!    


She wore a long purple dress that accentuated her voluptuous figure, making her protruding front and back look even more mature and seductive.    


Looking from the side, Bai Lanqiu's beautiful face was exquisite, and did not lose its gentleness, like a peony in bloom. She was graceful and elegant, with a noble temperament, causing the middle-aged male manager beside her to feel unnaturally ashamed of his inferiority.    


Yun Long realized that Bai Lanqiu was a woman who found her beauty more attractive the more she looked at her. Her figure was filled with the extreme temptation of mature women, her voluptuous figure made her look like a mature young married woman, but the exquisite skin of her body made her look like a young girl with slender and supple waist. Bai Lanqiu was a woman who was refined, mature and charming as a whole.    


< em > At this time, Bai Lanqiu, who was sitting in the VIP room, suddenly stood up, and then turned her body around. She looked towards the door, just in time to meet with Yun Long's dazed gaze.    


Bai Lanqiu was stunned at first, but then she laughed, because she had already recognized Yun Long!    


Her smile was like a peony in full bloom, beautiful and alluring. As her gaze roamed about, it actually carried a sense of unparalleled charm.    


Then, with that kind of smile on her face, Bai Lanqiu walked out of the VIP lounge, leisurely walking towards Yun Long.    




< p > "Creak ?"    


A sharp sound of brakes could be heard from the entrance of the commercial bank.    


Yun Long's reaction was the fastest. He immediately looked out, and saw that it was a black van parked outside, and directly blocking the front door of the bank!    


Immediately after, the car door opened and several bandits with black hoods rushed into the bank at an extremely fast speed.    


The bank security guard standing at the door saw that something was wrong and was about to step forward to stop them, but before he could pull out the rubber rod, one of the robbers had already rushed in front of the security guard, pulled out a double-barreled hunting rifle, and shot the security guard in the chest.    


The power of the two guns at close range was very terrifying. The security guard was directly hit and sent flying a few meters back, his body crashed against the counter outside, a bloody wound the size of a bowl appeared on his chest, he didn't even have a chance to scream before dying on the spot.    


From the time the van stopped to the time the robbers broke into the bank, including the gunshot, only a few seconds had passed. It was almost as if something had happened in such a short amount of time!    


The moment they saw the security guard killed on the spot, all the employees and customers were stunned. Many of them let out terrified screams.    


At this moment, one of the robbers suddenly raised a 54 gun. "Bang bang bang bang!"    


With four shots, the cameras in the surrounding four positions were shattered into pieces. The shooting technique was shockingly good!    


At the same time, another robber raised the AK47 in his hand, fired a round of bullets at the surroundings, shattering the wall, and then shouted, "Robbing! Everyone put their hands on their heads and get down! "    


This move intimidated everyone present, and all the customers obediently held their heads and squatted on the ground.    


After that, he glanced at Mo Dandan who was sitting in front of the counter. He saw that she was also squatting amongst the customers with her head held in her hands, looking at him with an anxious expression.    


Yun Long hurriedly shook his head slightly towards Mo Dandan, indicating that he was fine for the time being. Then, he turned his head to the side and glanced at Bai Lanqiu.    


Bai Lanqiu had also squatted down, her charming face becoming pale, but Yun Long realized, although her expression was afraid, she wasn't scared to the point that she lost control, and was most likely a woman who was used to big scenes.    


As for the middle-aged man in the VIP room, because he was too afraid, and was too close to Bai Lanqiu, he had actually hidden behind her.    


At this time, among the customers squatting on the ground, many of them were already crying from fright. There was even a middle-aged female customer who peed her pants and then screamed out, "Ahh ?" "Ah ?    


A loud scream rang out. This was the first time she had encountered such a situation, just like the others!    


It was just that her performance was even worse ?    


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