Beauty-accompanying Manual

C318 Fighting simov

C318 Fighting simov

What a strong aura!    


What a sharp attack!    


This thought rose in Yun Long's mind as he hurriedly released the An Tianming who was half-dead from the torture. He twisted his body, and quickly slid a few meters before him. Only then did he turn around.    


< p > "Dong!"    


With a dull thud, the floor where Yun Long was standing on had actually been blown into a deep pit by the explosion. The broken pieces of the cement and stone were thrown outside the pit, which was shocking to behold.    


At the same time, Yun Long finally saw the person who had arrived. The expression on his face immediately froze, and then, his brows tightened, because the person who had arrived was a foreigner with golden hair and blue eyes. Furthermore, Yun Long had a very deep impression of him.    


This man was none other than the famous top-tier king of the underground boxing ring, the terrifying instructor from Siberia's death training camp, "Bone Crusher Demon King".    




The cloud dragon had no doubt about Simov's valiant fighting strength. Furthermore, he was very clear that Simov would be the strongest opponent he had ever met!    


< p > "Ah!" Mr. Simov! You... You're finally here to save me, you ? You are wonderful! "Sob, sob, sob ?"    


When the dying An Tianming saw Simov, he was so overjoyed that he started to cry.    


< p > "Mr. An, I didn't want to save you! I just don't want you to die! "    


Simov immediately revealed a look of disgust. "You still owe me $5 million in entrance fees, right?"    


< p > "Understood!" Understood! If you help me kill him, I'll give it to you immediately! "    


An Tianming immediately expressed his gratitude, and then added, "I will give you another 5 million! US Dollars! Don't worry, as long as you kill him, I'll give you the $5 million right now! "    


< p > "Okay then, it's a deal!"    


Simov's cold expression finally revealed a trace of a sneer, and he raised his head to look at Yun Long.    


< p > "Are you sure you can make that $5 million?"    


Yun Long looked at him and asked.    


< p > "Not sure!"    


Simov shook his head, then said: "But I will do my best, because I will only do this!"    


< p > "Alright then!" I'll give you a chance and see if you can earn that money! "    


As Yun Long said this, he pointed at An Tianming with a sneer. "If you can't earn that much, you can only accompany him to hell!"    


Simov did not speak anymore. He had already started to accumulate his strength, and was adjusting his fighting state. He was very clear that Yun Long was the strongest opponent he had ever seen in his entire life!    


Feeling Simov's killing intent, the fighting spirit and killing intent in Yun Long's heart were completely stirred. At this moment, this place seemed to have become the arena for the underground Black Market Fist Competition!    


When a black market boxer walked onto the ring, there were only two outcomes he had to face:    


Their gazes collided in the air, sparks flying as their murderous auras swept through the air.    


Suddenly, Simov's entire person flew up into the air. Using his left foot as a support leg, he landed on the ground as a cushion and then easily crossed a limited distance of a few meters between him and Yun Long. Then, his right foot swept violently towards Yun Long!    


Simov's attack displayed the terrifying attack power of a top-notch fighter. His sweeping kick perfectly reflected his strength, speed, and angle. Moreover, his leg technique was very simple, without any airs, and didn't have any value in spectating.    


However, it was extremely practical, and it had the power to kill with a single blow.    


And at this time, Yun Long also moved. And, the move he used, was actually the same as Simov's, and also a right sweep kick!    


< p > "Bang!" "Bang!"    


In an instant, their right legs collided in midair, and the huge force forced both of them back several steps before they could steady themselves. Then, they continued to stare at each other.    


At this moment, Simov's eyes were completely red.    


He entered a state of death, either you die or I die.    


His body started moving again, approaching Yun Long step by step like a bulldozer.    


Seeing Simov walking towards him, every hair on Yun Long's body stood up. He knew that the Death God was wandering in the air and that this was the most intense battle that he had ever experienced.    


However, it was strange that at this kind of moment where life and death was at stake, Yun Long's subconscious also surged with excitement!    


A courage and strength as strong as a mountain!    


< p > "Die!"    


Simov let out a muffled roar, his body was like a cheetah as he rushed towards Yun Long!    


While running, Simov's posture was very strange, like a ferocious cheetah pouncing towards its delicious prey!    


Every muscle in his body was already tensed.    


The explosive force that was like a flash flood would burst out in an instant!    


< p > At the same time.    


Yun Long also unexpectedly rushed straight towards Simov!    



When a black market boxer walked onto the ring, there were only two outcomes he had to face:    


Both of them knew that the final attack was about to arrive!    


Life and death were about to be revealed!    


It was like a bet that the dealer on the table was about to open his cup!    


The distance between the two grew closer and closer. 8 meters, 6 meters, 4 meters ?

Within half a second, they were already close!    


< p > "Roar!    


Simov let out a short growl, his left foot suddenly stomped on the ground, his right foot lifted, and in half a second, his sweeping kick would explode outwards!    


Just at this moment, in the time it took for a spark to fly, Yun Long's body also strangely rose to the sky!    


Yes, Yun Long's body had flown up!    


He was even sent flying sideways!    


It was almost a supernormal movement that went against the principle of motion, but it was incredibly fast.    



When a black market boxer walked onto the ring, there were only two outcomes he had to face:    


Yun Long bent his knees!    


The moment before Simov's whip kick, the Cloud Dragon's two knees smashed into Simov's body like two large hammers, one at his chest, the other at his neck!    


< p > "Ka!" "Crack!"    


Two hasty bone cracking sounds came out from Simov's body!    


In the next moment, due to his inertia, Yun Long's body could not stay in the air for too long, and thus began to fall.    


Just as Yun Long's body was falling down, the explosive strength in his waist and thighs suddenly released as his hands pushed off the ground!    


< p > "Whoosh!"    


The Cloud Dragon's waist unexpectedly emitted a muffled sound as it twisted!    


Force exertion!    


He turned around and stomped his leg!    


< p > "Peng!"    


Simov's falling body was sent flying through the air!    


It was as though a large stone had been thrown out by the catapult!    


< p > "Rumble!"    


In mid-air, Simov's body drew a parabola before" "Bang!" ""    


He crashed into the ruined Porsche and fell to the ground.    


The moment he landed on the ground, blood began to spread out like a map with his body as the center. However, Simov's body twitched a few times nervously before she finally stopped moving.    


The move that Yun Long had used was called "Soaring Knee".    


Originally, it was the finishing blow from Tai Chi, but Yun Long had changed it to both his knees at the same time, and combined all of his power, not only was it extremely fast, it was also extremely powerful!    


< p > This modified "Soaring Knee"    


His entire movement was dazzling, smooth, and smooth, and his speed was extremely fast, completely exceeding Simov's expectations. As a result, Simov was struck and sent flying ? At this very moment, Simov was lying prone on the ground, surrounded by blood that was spurting out of his body. He was not moving at all, and whether he was dead or alive was unknown!    


An Tianming tightened his grip on all of them, as he looked at Yun Long with an inconceivable gaze that made it seem as if he had seen a ghost. His eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets, and his hopes had been shattered once again!    


< p >    


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