Destined Martial Lord



Redwater City was a medium-sized city that was the size of ten Profound Heaven City and had a population of several million. It was the most prosperous city within a circumference of ten thousand kilometers and was also the center of authority for a dozen or so nearby cities.    


This was the first time Ye Fan had seen a real teleportation circle. The teleportation circle was not built in the city but outside the east gate.    


The outermost piece was over a hundred meters tall, and inside was a huge circular platform about the size of a football field. Strange runes were engraved on the platform, emitting a hazy glow.    


Hundreds of Crimson Water City guards were standing around, busily maintaining the proper operation of the teleportation formation.    


master of profound heaven Sect led the disciples of the Profound Heaven Sect to the table that was in charge of collecting the teleportation fees. He took out a medallion and whispered a few words to an officer.    


"Suspend the transmission of other people, adjust your position, and activate the transfer point of the Hegemonic Battlefield."    


The military officer said in a deep voice to the captain in charge of adjusting the transportation formation.    


The squad leader nodded his head and led the eight of them to a seemingly operating table area. Soon, the teleportation formation lit up with a white light.    


"Sect master Wu Feng, the teleportation formation has been completed. You and your sect's disciples can proceed with the teleportation. I hope that you can achieve a good result this time, and help His Highness King Qinguang to obtain the title of Overlord this time around! "    


This officer was a soldier under the command of the King Qinguang, so he was naturally very concerned about this matter.    


"We, the Profound Heaven Sect, will definitely give our all. We will not fail our mission!"    


master of profound heaven Sect Wu Feng said with a smile, but there was a trace of bitterness in his smile, only he knew how many blood tears were hidden in this seemingly glorious mission.    




The officer bowed slightly, then led Profound Heaven Sect and the rest to the teleportation circle. With a flash of white light, everyone disappeared.    


Ye Fan, who was riding the teleportation formation for the first time, was extremely excited and could not help but be astonished. Right now, the dozen or so of them were all inside a giant cocoon of light.    


The speed of the teleportation was extremely fast, but the light cocoon was flying very smoothly. It didn't feel uncomfortable at all, and was even more stable than the elevator from his previous life.    


Ye Fan could not help but marvel at the technology. If this technology were to be spread to Earth, it would definitely cause countless scientists to go crazy for it. This was the legendary technique for jumping through space.    


Before Ye Fan could think too much, he felt a light suddenly lit up in front of his eyes, and he felt like he had regained his senses. Profound Heaven Sect's group had already appeared on a teleportation formation that was tens of thousands of miles away.    


Wu Feng brought his group out of the teleportation formation, and then came to the reception area. Each of them received a special wooden token representing their status, and then, a soldier led everyone to an empty space.    


"This is the area where your Profound Heaven Sect is stationed. The materials have already been stored in your identity plate, so before the battle begins, you can move about freely. However, do not leave the area marked with the red line."    


After saying this, the soldier left, and Wu Feng would naturally be the one to explain the rest.    


"This tag contains a small storage space. It contains the tents and resources we need. Everyone, set up your tents. We'll have a small meeting after that, then I'll explain everything to you."    


Wu Feng gave a demonstration for everyone, then retrieved out a tent from his identity badge, and started erecting it skillfully. All of the tents were for army use, it was extremely convenient to set up, and was completed after a while.    


The ten disciples of the Profound Heaven Sect all looked for a place to set up their tents. Ye Fan found a place that relied on trees to stay afloat. Murong Xin'er also felt that this place was not bad, and that it had to be built together, so he naturally wouldn't refuse.    


Long Yuan glanced at the space in this place that was big enough for three tents, and also wanted to stand next to them. In the end, he was directly chased away by Ye Fan.    


"Kid from the Profound Heaven Sect, this is the place we want to go to, scram to the side!"    


Just as Ye Fan was helping to set up the tent, three young men around the age of seventeen walked over and spoke to Ye Fan coldly.    


Ye Fan looked at the few of them, he was wearing a uniform, and there was an orchid symbol embroidered on the robe. This was the symbol of the Blue Orchid Sect, the number one sect within the King Qinguang's territory!    


But Ye Fan did not care about them, and continued to help Murong Xin'er tidy up her tent.    


"Kid, are you deaf? Do you still not know the rules? "    


The young man from Blue Orchid Sect said coldly to Ye Fan, as Ye Fan's cold attitude made him extremely angry.    


"I'm not deaf, I just can't hear dogs barking!"    


Ye Fan said coldly.    


"You dare to call me a dog?"    


The Blue Orchid Sect disciple could not help but shout in anger.    


"I didn't say that. I just said that I couldn't hear a dog barking. I didn't expect that someone would try to take it from me. How funny!"    


Ye Fan laughed.    


"Kid, you are the Profound Heaven Sect, right? If you don't understand the rules here, you will die quickly! I suggest that you obediently roll away with your tail between your legs and perhaps you can live a little longer! "    


Another disciple of the Blue Orchid Sect walked over and said to Ye Fan with a haughty tone.    


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