Destined Martial Lord



"Since we're competing for hegemony, it's normal for a few people to die. What's so surprising about that?"    


Murong Xin'er looked at Long Yuan in surprise. With Long Yuan's personality, how could he say such words just because of a few people dying?    


"It's not as simple as just a few deaths. In the Conference, more than half of the participants will die!"    


Long Yuan shook his head and said.    


"What!?" So many of them had actually died! These contestants were the true elites of the various sects and powers. Would the great sects not feel the pinch after seeing them die in the competition? Just send these elites to their deaths like that? "    


Ye Fan asked Long Yuan in shock.    


There is no other way. After all, this is the decision of the four kings. These sects simply cannot defy it. "Every time before the competition, the four kings would inspect the various sects and personally choose their candidates. Therefore, there would be no chance for them to fake it, even if they wanted to.    


Long Yuan said with a sigh.    


"You know quite a lot, you actually know it so well."    


Murong Xin'er asked Long Yuan in a soft voice as he looked at him curiously.    


"Of course, I did quite a bit of homework before I came here. It's not like you guys being too casual."    


Long Yuan laughed helplessly.    


"Are the four kings this strong? All these sects have to listen to them. "    


Ye Fan asked.    


"Of course, the Flying Cloud Country was established when the current dynasty united the powers of four kings. They settled this chaotic world and took down this piece of land today. After the establishment of the Flying Cloud Country, they, who had made great contributions in the war, were bestowed with a huge feudal fiefdom, becoming four great kings with different surnames. It was the strongest power below the emperor. They have the supreme power to kill and seize everything in their fiefdom, and they are the emperors of their fief! "    


Long Yuan paused for a moment, before continuing.    


"And those who become the overlords of the four kings can have almost equal rights with the dynasty. Therefore, they would choose the most powerful warriors of the feudal fiefdom to help them achieve this goal, but how could they care about the lives of these warriors, they wouldn't even remember our names! "    


"These royal clans are truly heartless."    


Ye Fan said coldly.    


"This is the ice-cold reality. If you are not better than others, you will become a pawn in the hands of others. Small powers like us have the fewest numbers of people, so we have the greatest chance of dying on the battlefield, and we are the first cannon fodder to be sacrificed. So to us, the enemies don't just come from the enemy side, they also come from our own side. "    


Long Yuan said coldly.    


"Hearing you say this, this trip seems to be incredibly dangerous. Why don't we go back?"    


Murong Xin'er said as he rubbed his chin and blinked his pitch black eyes.    


"I think so."    


Ye Fan nodded his head in agreement. He thought this was a chance, he didn't think that it would be to become cannon fodder.    


"What are you all thinking about? We are already chosen, even if we run, we will be hunted to death, and there will even be destruction of the sect. Do you think the Sect master will allow you all to leave? I'm afraid that just as you guys wanted to leave, you've already been controlled. "    


Long Yuan helplessly looked at the two, and said while shaking his head.    


"Actually, it's nothing. With me here, I will definitely guarantee your safety. Who dares to let us be cannon fodder, I'll send them to the Shura Plaza first!"    


Ye Fan said with a gentle smile. He naturally understood that the current him could not shake the emperor's authority, and would rather fight and create a world on the battlefield than escape. He might even get a chance.    


In any case, everyone here was a heaven's pride level expert under the age of twenty. Even if there were differences in their strength, there wouldn't be too much of a difference. At that time, it was still uncertain who would be the one to kill who.    


"Alright, let's hurry up and stop chatting. We need to get to Redwater City in the Teleportation Formation before nightfall and meet up with the army outside the battlefield."    


master of profound heaven Sect shouted to everyone.    


The three of them did not speak anymore, and immediately urged their mounts to continue their journey. Redwater City was more than two thousand miles away from Profound Heaven Sect, so they were slightly nervous to arrive in a day.    


"Have you been in a teleportation circle before?"    


Ye Fan excitedly asked Murong Xin'er and Long Yuan who were beside him. As a transcender, he had read about this in countless novels and games, but it was his first time actually seeing it, so he couldn't help but feel excited.    


"What a bumpkin!"    


Murong Xin'er rolled his eyes at Ye Fan and said softly. As someone from a superior power, he had never seen anything before.    


"When I was a child, I went out with my father on business and once sat in a chair. However, the cost of this thing is too high, so unless it is very far away or if there is an emergency, we will take it. "    


Long Yuan said in a serious tone.    


"Speaking of which, why didn't Profound Heaven Sect build a teleportation circle? It's so convenient to go anywhere like this."    


Ye Fan said with a sigh.    


"Putting aside the time and energy required to build a teleportation formation, just the cost of maintenance is an extremely high number. Normal sects wouldn't be able to afford it, which is why these teleportation formations are built in cities."    


Murong Xin'er said to Ye Fan.    


"All of you are truly knowledgeable."    


Ye Fan praised the two of them.    


"This is just common sense, alright? If you're free, read more!"    


Murong Xin'er rolled his eyes at Ye Fan and said.    


When the sky turned dark, Profound Heaven Sect and his group finally reached Redwater City.    


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