Destined Martial Lord



Ding! Ding! Ding!...    


Dozens of whips landed on Ye Fan's body, leaving sparks behind on his body as they produced sounds of metal clashing.    


However, the attack of the yellow flute was evidently lacking in strength, and could not even break through Ye Fan's defense. After a series of attacks, the only thing it could leave behind was a string of white marks on Ye Fan's body.    


"This... "That's impossible!"    


Huang Di revealed a face full of shock. He truly could not believe that his attack was unable to even break Ye Fan's defense.    


This kind of defense was enough to make the flute fall into despair!    


Because the yellow flute was originally not a cultivator who was proficient in strength attacks, his attacks followed a fast and agile route. To put it bluntly, it was an assassin type of opponent, and the opponent that an assassin would be afraid of the most was a thick-skinned cultivator like Ye Fan!    


Ye Fan was like a rock, even if he stood there unmoving, he would not be able to be hit by the yellow flute. Furthermore, Ye Fan would retaliate, his speed was even faster than him!    


"To be honest, this kind of attack from you is quite powerful. It hurts quite a bit. If it was before, I might not have been able to withstand it."    


Ye Fan stroked his neck, and said to the yellow flute.    


The whip's attack power was weaker than other types of weapons. If the yellow flute's spirit was a blade shaped weapon, Ye Fan would not dare to be so arrogant.    


"You bastard! I must kill you! "    


These words, in the ears of the yellow flute, were like a thorn piercing his body. Ye Fan was clearly ridiculing him!    


Ah!" "AHH!" "Ah!...    


The yellow flute suddenly raised one hand towards the sky. The whips that had fallen to the ground all pierced toward his body before fusing into his body!    


The yellow flute's body was suddenly shrouded by a rolling black gas. Both of its eyes turned crimson in an instant!    




Ye Fan could not help but be taken aback, because the current state of the yellow flute was clearly a sign of him being bewitched. Normally, after cultivator choose to turn into a devil, their temperament would greatly change, but they would also gain extremely powerful strength.    


"You seem surprised? Haha... I can tell you now, my battle spirit is called the Black Demon Whip, and my true core ability is Demonification. The whip is just its normal appearance, and now is my real form after activating my battle spirit! "    


The black mist surrounding his body also took the shape of whips, dancing around his body like strange tentacles.    


This made Ye Fan feel a little disgusted, and made him think of a giant spider.    


"To be honest, you look really ugly right now. I can't help but want to cut off all of your tentacles!"    


Ye Fan looked at the yellow flute and shook his head.    


"If you can do it, then come at me. My attack power is not on the same level as it was before. Do you want to try?"    


Huang Di said with a ferocious expression.    


"I'm not in the mood to spar with an ugly spider. All I'm thinking about right now is how to kill you!"    


Ye Fan sneered and then unsheathed the Qilin Sword from his back!    


"If you have the ability, then come and try. I'm not afraid of you right now!" "Hahaha..."    


Huang Di laughed suddenly, the dark energy surged, all the tentacles around his body started waving, rapidly thrusting towards Ye Fan!    


Ye Fan laughed coldly, the Qilin in his hand suddenly glowed with a piercing lightning light, and behind him, a lightning qilin suddenly condensed. It stared at the yellow flute in front of him with a sinister expression!    


"You ? You have the thunder attribute! "    


When Huang Di saw this lightning qilin, his expression immediately changed. He was of the darkness attribute, and was naturally restrained by the thunder attribute. He couldn't help but feel that he was too aggrieved!    


"Do you still think you're not afraid of me?"    


Ye Fan smiled and said to Huang Di.    


"You damned bastard!"    


He discovered that Ye Fan seemed to be the nemesis of him, and was basically targeting him at every turn. No matter how he changed, Ye Fan would always come up with a new plan to deal with him, and it was always the right one, leaving him with no room to retaliate!    


"So, go to hell! "Kirin!"    


Ye Fan laughed coldly, waved the sword in his hand, and the Thunder Qilin let out a loud roar, pouncing towards the yellow flute!    


"Ye Fan, you bastard, go and die!"    


The yellow flute roared angrily as it charged towards Ye Fan as well!    


Boom!" BOOM! "Boom!    


Violent arcs of lightning collided with the billowing black fog. Powerful energy collided with each other, causing even the ground to tremble! Countless bones were instantly turned to dust and then blown away by the wind!    


It was snow-white all over the sky, as if it was snowing heavily!    


Beneath the snow-white skin was a black ball of mist that flickered with lightning. It completely surrounded Ye Fan and the yellow flute in the middle, forming a sharp contrast and giving rise to a strong visual impact.    


Yan Feng dragged Xu Jun along as he ran. Because he was still afraid of being affected by the residual energy, he ran as far away as he could.    


Xu Jun, on the other hand, had a stupefied look on his face as he stared at the center of the battle. At this moment, he finally understood that he had lost without a shred of injustice!    


Qin Changtian stood in the midst of the violent winds. His eyebrows could not help but knit together. With a slight leap, he landed on a red rock. Then, he sat down cross-legged and entered a meditative state.    


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