Destined Martial Lord



Blue Cloud Sect, Lingyun Peak.    


Ye Fan returned in the middle of the night. He bypassed all the guards and directly arrived at the top of Lingyun Peak.    


"You're back."    


When Ye Fan just arrived at the summit, he heard a familiar voice and saw a black shadow sitting on a big stone.    




Ye Fan naturally knew who it was and hurriedly cupped his hands in salute. Only the Great Master had noticed his arrival so early.    


"For the Ye Family?"    


The Great Master seemed to have seen through everything. He looked at Ye Fan with the corner of his eye and asked softly.    


"Master already knows about it?"    


Ye Fan asked in confusion. This had only happened a few days ago, the news should not have spread to the Blue Cloud Sect so quickly.    


"Although I don't go out often, there are not many things that can be hidden from me in the Flying Cloud Country. Since you've come to find me today, you must have made a decision. "    


The Grand Elder said in a deep voice.    


"That's right, I hope that Master can help me!"    


Ye Fan knelt in front of the Supreme Elder and pleaded.    


"How do you want me to help you? To kill the Qi King? Or had he killed Crown Prince Qi? Do you think I could possibly do that? "    


The Great Master asked Ye Fan.    


"Naturally, I don't expect Master to do this kind of thing. I just want Master to help me fulfill my desire for revenge at a critical moment. As for my life and death, it will be up to An Tianming to decide. "    


Ye Fan said in a deep voice.    


"Don't you want to think about it? If you really went to kill Crown Prince Qi, regardless of whether you succeeded or not, you would not be able to turn back. Once the Qi King gets angry, you will become an enemy of the Flying Cloud Country, and no one will dare defend you. Even if it's me, I can't offend the Qi King for you. After all, the Qi King is the king's right-hand man. And our Blue Cloud Sect is only the cultivation base for the talents in the Flying Cloud Country. "    


The Grand Elder said in a deep voice.    


"No matter what the consequences are, I must take revenge!" Master, you should know that not only the Ye Family, but also all the people in the city have been killed. These people all died because of me. If I chose to endure for the sake of my own life, even I would look down upon myself! "    


Ye Fan said resolutely.    


"If you are determined to kill Crown Prince Qi, then this entry in the Flying Cloud Country for the ZhongTian World is not fated to be yours. Don't you want to think about your Murong Xin'er?"    


The Grand Elder asked again.    


Ye Fan fell into silence.    


The moment he killed Crown Prince Qi, the Qi King would be furious. Ye Fan had already thought of this.    


However, now that he was suddenly mentioned by the Supreme Elder, even though he was mentally prepared, Ye Fan still felt a wave of frustration.    


Ye Fan didn't want to miss this opportunity, but he had no choice but to avenge the Ye Family and those innocent people in Dragon City!    


After a short period of silence, Ye Fan suddenly raised his head.    


"Master, even if I have to miss this opportunity, I still want to find the mastermind behind this and kill him!"    


Ye Fan said in a deep voice.    


The Grand Elder's eyes lit up when he heard this, and then he started laughing out loud.    


"Why is Master laughing?"    


Ye Fan asked the Grand Elder in confusion.    


"I'm naturally smiling for you." The Great Master stopped laughing and said to Ye Fan, "If you don't choose to take revenge today, I really think that I saw the wrong person and have to reflect on whether I have done the wrong thing in teaching you the Way of Destruction."    


Ye Fan's eyes lit up when he heard this. He looked at the Supreme Elder in surprise.    


The Grand Elder obviously had something to say.    


"Don't be surprised, do whatever you want to do. Although I cannot help you kill someone, it would not be difficult to save your life in the end. However, once you choose to take this path, you might not be able to return to the Flying Cloud Country for a short period of time, unless … "    


The Grand Elder raised his head and looked up into the sky, revealing a thoughtful expression.    


"Unless what?"    


Ye Fan asked hurriedly.    


"Unless you kill the Qi King, maybe you can still stay in Flying Cloud Country."    


The Grand Elder calmly said.    


Ye Fan was surprised. The Great Master's idea was too terrifying. Was this supposed to encourage him to kill the Qi King? And he said it so casually, as if it wasn't a big deal at all.    


Ye Fan couldn't help but suspect that the Grand Elder's words just now were all flippant. Killing a prince was so easy, was he afraid of killing a prince?    


Seemingly being able to see what Ye Fan was thinking, the Grand Elder couldn't help but smile and say: "In the Flying Cloud Country, there are indeed no people that I don't dare to kill, and there are also no people that I can't kill. But as the master of the Lingyun Peak, and the Supreme Elder of the Blue Cloud Sect, I cannot act so casually, as I still have to consider things for the Blue Cloud Sect."    


"Master, I understand."    


Ye Fan nodded. Naturally, he knew what the Grand Elder's problem was.    


The Grand Elder was not a lone wolf.    


Even though the Grand Elder was the strongest in the Flying Cloud Country and even the king had to respect him, he was still the subject of the Flying Cloud Country.    


"Go ahead, I will only make my move when you are in danger, but after I make my move, your path to revenge will be cut off. I will immediately send you out of the Flying Cloud Country, and you will not be able to return for a long time."    


The Great Master waved his hand and said to Ye Fan.    


"Yes, disciple will take his leave!"    


After Ye Fan received his answer, he left the Lingyun Peak and headed towards the direction of the capital.    


Outside the capital, Ye Fan paid a visit to the Thousand Revolution Camp's Xi Men Feng.    


"Brother Ye, why are you here? Prince Qi was looking for you everywhere, saying that you killed the deputy commander of the city guards, and was even protected by Prince Luo, all day long saying that he wanted to punish you in front of the king. "    


Xi Men Feng seemed to be very surprised by Ye Fan's arrival. According to the news that he got, Ye Fan should have disappeared without a trace.    


"This time, when I return, I want to make a decision with the Qi King. I wonder if Brother Xi Men would be willing to help?"    


Ye Fan asked in a deep voice.    


"End?" Help? What do you want me to help you with? "    


Xi Men Feng asked.    


"Brother Ximen, may I ask, under the command of the Qi King, is there a battalion of cavalry wearing red armor?"    


Ye Fan asked.    


Xi Men Feng's eyes lit up. He said to Ye Fan: "Could it be that Brother Ye is talking about the Blood Cloud Cavalry?"    


"Blood Cloud Cavalry? What kind of cavalry is this? "    


Ye Fan's eyes lit up as he asked Xi Men Feng.    


"The Blood Cloud Cavalry, is an elite troop of cavalry under the command of the Qi King. Their combat prowess is extremely strong. They were all chosen from the elite soldiers of the City Guards. It could be said that they were the personal guards of the Qi King.    


Xi Men Feng asked.    


"We naturally have to eliminate them. I wonder if Brother Ximen is willing to help us."    


Ye Fan said coldly.    


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