Destined Martial Lord



"Junior Brother Ye Fan, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want! All along, we have always treated every single disciple who comes to Blue Cloud Sect with a fair and just attitude. We would never do what you said, so don't you slander us! "    


Yue Wei said as he looked at Ye Fan with a wronged expression, but his eyes were filled with ridicule, as if he was asking Ye Fan, Even if that's the case, what can you do to us?    


"Junior Brother Ye Fan, you must be responsible for the things you said. Be careful that I may go and punish you with the crime of slander! Your friends have also complained to me time and time again, and the sect has also checked. The reason why I can stand here today is to say that everything I've done is reasonable! "    


Zhang Quansheng said to Ye Fan with a sneer on his face. His eyes were filled with pride, and his legs continuously shook in front of Ye Fan, as though he was saying to him, "If you don't agree, then come and hit me.    


"I don't care what methods you use, I advise you not to continue making mistakes, or else I won't sit idly by!"    


Ye Fan could not help but clench his fists, his eyes nearly spitting fire. Seeing the two's satisfied look, he really wanted to rush up and beat them up!    


But after looking at the disciples guarding him from afar, Ye Fan finally suppressed his impulse.    


"Are you threatening me? "Hahaha ?" Zhang Quansheng laughed as he said to Ye Fan, "Looks like Great Hero Ye still hasn't understood the situation you're in!"    


Zhang Quansheng's face suddenly became gloomy and cold, and said to Ye Fan coldly: "Since you are still so stubborn, and are so 'sincere' in pleading for your friend, then I will definitely bring your blessings to them, so that they can truly feel it!"    


"Zhang Quansheng! This is the last time I'm warning you, if you dare to go against them, even if it means risking your life to be punished, I will not let you go! "    


Ye Fan's eyes also gradually turned cold as he spoke to Zhang Quansheng.    


Zhang Quansheng walked forward a few steps to stand in front of Ye Fan, and said to him: "Right now, I am the invigilator, and you are only a pitiful person outside the tall wall! Don't you think this threat to me is ridiculous? I can tell you right now, I will take good 'care of' them when I return. You can continue to wait outside for my good news! "If you want to save them, find evidence, poor thing!"    


"You're looking for a beating!"    


Ye Fan suddenly raised one of his arms, his right fist already swinging out at an extreme speed straight towards Zhang Quansheng's face!    


"Ye Fan stop!"    


Mo Buli's voice suddenly sounded out from behind Ye Fan, causing his fist to stop in mid air, just three centimeters away from Zhang Quansheng's nose!    


You don't know what kind of place this is, so they did this on purpose to anger you. Once you beat up the examiner here, then Long Yuan and the rest's future will be truly dangerous!    


Mo Buli walked forward, pulled Ye Fan's fist and said in a low voice.    


"Why aren't we fighting?" Fight if you have the guts! Why did he suddenly submit again? She was stopped just like that by a little girl? Are you a woman? "    


Yue Wei sneered and continued to challenge Ye Fan's bottom line.    


"So it's you, if I remember correctly, you are called Mo Buli right? It seems that the one who brought the message to Ye Fan is you! Yet, a new disciple is actually so nosy and also looks so beautiful. Be careful or something might happen to him! "    


Zhang Quansheng looked at Mo Buli, and suddenly remembered something, and spoke to Mo Buli coldly.    


"So what if you're a new disciple? Are advanced disciples supposed to be bullied by you? People like you, even official disciples of the Blue Cloud Sect, are looked down upon! It is easy to use it to do evil, even if you only possess strength, it does not contain a kind heart! "    


Mo Buli did not have a good temper, and when he heard that Zhang Quansheng actually dared to threaten him, he could not help but shouted out angrily.    


"What a spicy little girl!" But let me give you a word of advice, don't cause too much trouble. In the Blue Cloud Sect, the status of disciples for further cultivation is inferior to the number of official servants in the sect. Who knows how many of them will disappear every year, especially someone with a nice and beautiful figure like yours, who knows, it might be even more miserable! "    


Yue Wei said coldly from the side. His lustful gaze lingered on Mo Buli's body, not willing to move away at all.    


"If you dare to have any ideas about her, I will make you die miserably!" "No, let's go!"    


After that, he pulled Mo Buli along as he turned around and left. He was afraid that if he continued to stay, he would not be able to hold back and make his move.    


"Were you venting my anger just now?"    


Mo Buli coldly snorted as he turned around and spoke while holding onto one of Ye Fan's arm.    




Ye Fan said resolutely, and his face instantly flushed red.    


"This little girl called Mo Buli is really interesting. I have to think of a way to get her!"    


Yue Wei greedily looked at Mo Buli's beautiful back, and couldn't help but to start imagining some indescribable scenes in his mind, revealing his pig face.    


"I can't help Brother Yue with this matter, but I will help you entertain Ye Fan's friends properly in the service room, haha ?"    


Zhang Quansheng said with a cold smile.    


"Good!" "You can go back first, I'll go check out that woman first."    


With regards to the people around Ye Fan, he was very happy to see them suffer.    


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