Destined Martial Lord



Seeing Ye Fan's gaze, the corner of Jing Wu's mouth curled up into a proud smile.    


From his point of view, Ye Fan's eyes were filled with shock and envy. Clearly, he was envious of his great power.    


"You're envious of him, right? It's a pity that this level of talent and ability can't be bought with money. Even if you're envious of him, it's useless!"    


Redbud said with a cold laugh.    


Shang Tianqi, who was standing in the distance, frowned. According to his understanding, Jing Wudi had always been cautious when doing things, and his performance today had lost some of his usual standard.    


Perhaps Jing Wuqing's death was too much of a shock to Jing Wudi, and that was also the reason why Ye Fan kept Jing Wuqing's corpse.    


Before, Shang Tianqi also thought Ye Fan was just a foppish rich second generation foppish young master. But now, Ye Fan's scheming was terrifyingly deep, he probably already made this plan when he met Jing Wuqing.    


"I just think that this is a little interesting. If you were too weak, killing you wouldn't have any sense of accomplishment."    


Ye Fan said with a smile, as he did not take Jing Wudi seriously at all.    


"Interesting! You really are an interesting person. If you hadn't killed Wuqing and passed this trial, I might have made you a friend. I'm a person who likes to make friends with crazy people! "    


Jing Wudi could not help but sneer. Then, he took a step forward, and a large amount of water suddenly appeared under his feet. It continuously revolved around him, gradually forming a small lake!    


Shang Tianqi knew that Jing Wu was almost unable to control himself. The battle was about to begin, so he directly followed the path and stopped a kilometer away. He did not dare to move too far away. Once he got out of the line of sight of Ye Fan and Ye Fan, Ye Fan and Jing Wu would probably join hands to eliminate him.    


Ye Fan did not try to stop Jing Wu. Ye Fan allowed Jing Wu to freely draw water from the surrounding space. Ye Fan wanted to see to what extent Jing Wu could reach under the most powerful posture.    


"Sea Wave Surge!"    


However, Jing Wu seemed to want to kill Ye Fan quickly. Perhaps he thought that it was unnecessary to use all of his strength to kill Ye Fan, so when the water flow condensed to a certain degree, he suddenly attacked Ye Fan!    


A large amount of water turned into waves and lashed down towards Ye Fan. It could be said that it covered the sky. On this limited width of the road, Ye Fan couldn't dodge at all. He could only face it head on and break through!    


Facing the overwhelming waves, Ye Fan took a deep breath and then smashed his fist on the ground. The ground under Ye Fan's feet suddenly split open and the ground rose up rapidly, as if a hill was blocking the front of the waves!    


Soldiers come and block, men come and go!    




The waves crashed into the hill and suddenly split in the middle, flowing down the sides of the hill.    


Then, Ye Fan quickly ran forward. With every step he took, the ground in front of him would quickly rise up, creating a path in the water that was even higher than the waves.    


"Earth element cultivator s? Humph! Water Arrow! "    


With one hand, he reached his palm into the flow of water. Suddenly, from the water flow on both sides of the hill, a stream of water arrows shot out and bombarded the hill, directly piercing through the mountain rocks. The mountain road created by Ye Fan immediately collapsed!    


Ye Fan stomped hard and broke a rock under his feet into three pieces. Then, he kicked out three pieces of rock consecutively. He landed on one of the stones and flew towards Jing Wudi while sticking close to the surface of the water.    


Jing Wudi saw Ye Fan flying towards him at an extremely fast speed, and he couldn't help but sneer, submerging both of his hands in the water. A super whirlpool suddenly appeared in front of him, and Ye Fan's stone that he kicked out was also engulfed by the whirlpool, even the stone under his feet was about to sink into the water along the trajectory of the whirlpool.    


And the moment Ye Fan sank to the bottom of the water, to cultivator who used the flow of water to attack, Jing Wu's tactic would be completely unleashed, allowing him to have the advantage in an instant.    


If Ye Fan wanted to get out of the whirlpool, there were many ways. However, Ye Fan didn't do that. Instead, he intentionally dived into the whirlpool to see how Jing Wu would deal with him.    


Seeing Ye Fan sink into the water, Jing Wudi's eyes lit up. He ran towards Ye Fan with his back against the water and stood at the edge of the whirlpool. He looked at Ye Fan with cold eyes.    


"Go die in peace!"    


Then, he raised his palm and a layer of water covered the top of the whirlpool, completely sealing Ye Fan in the whirlpool.    


Numerous water blades appeared on the surface of the whirlpool's walls. They rotated back and forth as the whirlpool spun at a rapid speed, wildly cutting at all the objects within the whirlpool!    


A lightning sword appeared in Ye Fan's palm and chopped down all the water blades. However, the water blades that were cut off would turn back into a new water blade and never dissipate!    


In this whirlpool space, these water blades had the advantage of being in the world. They could be replenished at any time and wouldn't die out; they would only become more and more numerous.    


"Give up your pointless struggle. In my vortex space, you can only be swallowed."    


Redsnow laughed coldly.    


"If it's only to this extent, you won't have the chance to kill me!"    


Ye Fan said in a deep voice.    


"Stubborn fool!" Then let me see how you are going to block my attack! "    


Jing Wudi snorted coldly and let out a low roar. The water blades in the whirlpool suddenly accelerated, and the number of water blades increased as well. It became a storm of water blades!    


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