Sovereign to Immortality

C253 remnant team

C253 remnant team

This was a quiet and secluded place. If it weren't for the corpses on the ground, it would have been a very suitable place to live in seclusion.    


However, this quiet valley was soon broken by someone. Several Martial Disciples quickly rushed into the valley. Some of them shouted loudly, "Junior Brother Tang, what's going on? Everyone is waiting for you … Be on guard!"    


After the voice stopped abruptly, there was another loud shout. Actually, he didn't need to order them around. Everyone immediately reacted when they saw the corpses outside the entrance of the valley.    


However, when everyone carefully probed a bit and discovered that there were no ambushes in the valley, they were relieved. But when everyone carefully probed a bit and discovered that there were no ambushes in the valley, they relaxed a bit.    


"What should we do?"    


"We can't stay here for long!"    


"If we don't find the culprit, Junior Brother Tang's squad could be said to have been completely wiped out. How are we going to account for it when we go back?"    


"An explanation?" If we delay it any longer, we will have to finish our own business here. To be able to bring their corpses back is already extremely benevolent. This is not the Sirius Sect's territory! "    


The people in the valley quickly disappeared, but about an hour after they left, thick smoke suddenly came out of the cave. The smoke rose up high into the sky from the cave, quickly attracting the attention of the cultivators of Mengyu County, but by the time they had arrived, the cultivation materials hidden in the cave had already been burnt down. Whether it was the Heavenly Wolf Bandit, or the border guards, they did not know that 12 large carriages of cultivation materials were missing from the cave.    


In Xishan Village, half of the 12 carts' supplies that were brought back from the cave were split between Zhang Tie and Meng Shan. Although the Yang family only had 6 carts' supplies left, the storage pouches they got from those few Heavenly Wolf Sect cultivators were all in Yang Junshan's hands.    


Seeing Yang Junshan taking his time, Yang Tian frowned and asked, "What are you going to do about that Xiong Family girl?"    


Yang Junshan shook his head and said, "I just have some idea, and I haven't thought about the details yet."    


Yang Tian fiercely sprayed out a mouthful of smoke, waved his hand and made a slashing motion, "Your idea is too risky. I think it's like what Zhang Tie said, we might as well just kill her. This way, we can save everyone the trouble of being imprisoned in the secret room in the belly of the West Mountain!"    


Yang Junshan was playing around with a strange stone in his hand with a hint of suspicion. He smiled and said, "Father, you can rest assured that since her son has already placed the Spirit Calamity Needle on her and the silver needle has yet to be pulled out of her body, her consciousness still hasn't cleared up. Furthermore, with the array formation concealing his location, even if he has some secret tracking marks from the Xiong Family, he won't be able to track us down, not to mention that you, the leader of the Sirius Sect, saw all kinds of trump cards appear on his and Liu Zhifei is a disciple of the Sky Sect."    


On the second day after the attack on Squad Three, Yang Junshan hurried over to the stronghold, but all he saw was the dejected Luo Bingkun, who was severely injured again, and Ning Zhong, who was also recovering. Liu Zhifei had indeed escaped, and he had escaped from the encirclement of the Sirius bandits unharmed.    


Seeing Yang Junshan, the three of them looked at each other and smiled bitterly with a heavy face. Thinking about how they had lost five or six familiar faces in such a short time, the three couldn't help but sigh, but none of them knew what to say first.    


After a moment, Luo Bingkun broke the silence and said with a wry smile, "Little Yang, you're quite lucky. Yesterday's battle, ah, took five or six of them all at once, and almost died!"    


Yang Junshan said sorrowfully: "I wish that I could join you in killing the enemy yesterday!" No matter what, it's a joyous occasion for Brother Luo to be able to survive a bandit's siege! "    


Ning Huo also nodded as he heard this, while Luo Bingkun continued to smile bitterly.    


Yang Junshan changed the topic and asked, "Where is Brother Liu?"    


Ning Fury spoke out, "He went to the village of Sandmount. I heard that Adept Chen Ji is there as well, and seems to be asking about the attack on him."    


Yang Junshan looked solemn as he said, "Looks like the border will soon be broken."    


Ning Xuemo agreed and said, "The situation at the border will become even more serious than before. Be prepared!"    


Luo Bingkun looked surprised, "Why, do you still want us to go? Only four of us are left in our group out of ten. Two of the four are still recovering, so you should at least give us some time to recover, right? "" No, no.    


Ning Rong smiled and said, "How about we make a bet? I'm guessing that when senior brother Liu comes back from the Sand Mountain Village, he must have brought a new member. The third squad will be full soon!"    


Yang Junshan and Luo Bingkun were stunned. They recalled the time when they had just arrived at the third squad.    


After noon, Liu Zhifei finally returned to the foothold. Along with him were six Martial Disciples. Three of them were at the second level of the Martial Disciple realm, while the other three appeared to have just opened up their dantian and entered the Martial Disciple realm.    


She winked at Yang Junshan and Luo Bingkun and heard Liu Zhifei introducing them to the newbies.    


After saying that, Liu Zhifei's expression changed, and he said sternly, "I believe everyone has heard of what happened this time, and we, Old Liu, do not bother to hide it. However, we, Old Liu, have never suffered such a huge loss in our lives, so we have to avenge this grudge, and from now on, from the moment everyone enters the third squad, we must take revenge!"    


Ning Fa was slightly surprised, "Senior brother Liu, aren't you being a little bit too hasty? After all, we've just arrived here, so we must have some time to get to know each other. We should have some mutual understanding after encountering each other!"    


Liu Zhifei suddenly turned around, and only then did Ning Fei and the rest see the sinister look on his face, and they heard him roaring at Ning Yan, "Six people, five of them died in front of my eyes, Junior Sister Xiong was kidnapped, but I am powerless. I can only use a few life-saving methods given by the sect to escape, and I can only look on helplessly as my comrades died or were kidnapped, and I deeply hate myself for my weak cultivation, but does Junior Brother Ning know what is suffering in my heart?"    


Liu Zhifei's act of camaraderie as if it was to capture who was going to be the target of the blast made the six new team members feel a stronger sense of belonging. Being on such a good team was much better than being the cannon fodder for the other team members.    


For a moment, he didn't know what to say. Seeing this, Yang Junshan quickly said, "Senior brother Liu, do you want to wait for the fifth and seventh squads to return so that we can attack together and encircle the Sirius Sect bandits who infiltrated into the territory? That way, we can take care of each other and get to know each other as soon as possible."    


Ning Zhong and Luo Bingkun agreed with what he said. Unexpectedly, Liu Zhifei said with a serious expression, "No need. This isn't a battle against the bandits that infiltrated our territory. We're launching a surprise attack at the border!"    


Yang Junshan and the other two were shocked and asked in surprise, "What about the bandits that infiltrated the kingdom?"    


Liu Zhifei suddenly smiled fiercely, and said, "It's precisely because everyone thinks that we will encircle and annihilate the infiltrating bandits, that's why we have to do the opposite. Not to mention that after yesterday's incident, most of the bandits have probably already snuck back to Ling Zhang County, and the remaining ones are all the disease caused by the scabies!"    


This time, Yang Junshan could see that Liu Zhifei was just using them as a shield to clear people's hearts and establish his authority in the team. Thus, he didn't say anything more.    


Luo Bingkun, who was standing at the side, did not notice it. Seeing that Yang Junshan did not say anything, he asked, "Then when do we start?"    


Liu Zhifei glanced at Luo Bingkun and said in a deep voice, "It's already begun. From today onwards, the twenty squads on the border will fight back against the border guards of Ling Zhang County. So don't expect Squad Five and Team Seven.    


For the first time, the Heaven Shaking Sect's border squad was ambushed. Five of the eight members of the third squad were killed, and only two managed to escape. One of them was the leader of the third squad, the inner disciple of the Heaven Shaking Sect, Liu Zhifei!    


The Heavenly Wolf Sect cultivators took advantage of this market opportunity to sneak into Mengyu County and assassinate the caravan.    


The news spread across half of Jade Province's cultivation world. It was said that when the third squad's leader, Liu Zhifei, passed the news to the magistrate, Spiritual Master Chen Ji immediately turned against Spiritual Master Lang Gu of Ling Zhang County. That day, a series of thunderclaps rang out in the sky.    


Other than Hu Yao County's Cheng Zhenren, who was present at the scene, no one else had personally witnessed the fight between the two Spiritual Masters. The so-called news of the fight between the two Spiritual Masters was mostly the speculation of the other person, but after the Spiritual Master returned to Hu Yao County, he did his best to prepare for the battle. Hu Yao County's border guards were not only on guard against Mengyu County, they were also on guard against Ling Zhang County.    


After hearing the news, they hurriedly ended the last two days of their plan to exchange markets. Fortunately, at this time, they were nearing the end of their plan to exchange markets. Although things had changed a bit in the end, overall, the exchange market could still be considered as a success.    


However, there was no need to talk about the border between Mengyu County and Ling Zhang County. When the news of the Third Squad's near total annihilation spread, the righteous and indignant Meng Yu County Border Guards unexpectedly did not encircle and annihilate the Sky Wolf Sect bandits first. Instead, they launched a large-scale attack on the border.    


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Yesterday, I had a chapter wrong in my tiredness. I'm sorry.    


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