Sovereign to Immortality

C502 ice spring

C502 ice spring

The spiritual consciousness of the four Spiritual Masters instantly arrived, some warning, some cold, some hostile. Yang Junshan, on the other hand, showed a calm and composed expression, looking down at the valley behind the mountain. After meeting the eyes of the four Spiritual Masters, he could only slightly nod in acknowledgement.    


The Ice Crystal Jade Spring in the valley had a total of five springs, forming five ponds on the ground, of which four were already occupied by the four Adepts, and among the four Adepts, besides the oldest one in the valley who was at the Qi Condensation stage, the other three had the same cultivation level as Yang Junshan.    


Looks like I'm not too late!    


Yang Junshan suppressed the joy in his heart, and slowly descended from the top of the mountain. He walked to the spring where the last group of five were, and then directly fell into the pool.    


The bone-chilling cold spring water instantly soaked the Yuan Qi on Yang Junshan's body. The cold air seeped straight into his skin and flesh and seeped into his bone marrow, almost freezing him into an ice sculpture.    


The bone chilling cold made Yang Junshan shudder involuntarily. He couldn't help but let out a "ha" sound, revealing an expression of surprise. His eyebrows were slightly creased, clearly enduring the bone-chilling cold.    


Even so, Yang Junshan didn't stop his steps. Layers of ice appeared on the surface of the water, covering his calves, then his thighs, waist, chest, and shoulders. He knew what was beneath his jaw.    


At this time, Yang Junshan's face had already turned white from the cold, but a smile appeared on his face, because at this moment, he could clearly feel that the True Essence in his body was being stimulated by the Ice Crystal Jade Spring and was speeding up its circulation. The Nine Flying True Essence was constantly resisting the invasion of the frost concept, and it took away the mysterious Essence of Cold Energy.    


At the same time, Yang Junshan could clearly feel that his body was constantly being tempered by the cold energy after resisting the freezing energy. His body, which he had been working so hard for, was rapidly increasing in strength.    


However, Yang Junshan didn't notice that when he stepped into the Ice Crystal Jade Spring, the other people who were cultivating in the other places all had the look of watching a good show, communicating with each other through eyes. They all had a playful look on their faces, and their eyes were even filled with naked greed when they looked at Yang Junshan.    


However, when Yang Junshan directly fell into the Ice Spring Water Pool and walked step by step towards the depths of the pool, the four Spiritual Masters immediately restrained their greed and looked at Yang Junshan with a trace of seriousness.    


However, when Yang Junshan only showed his head in the pond, and his pale face showed joy and pleasure, the four cultivators were not only looking at Yang Junshan seriously, but they were completely shocked.    


Only at this time, under the stimulation of the cold source, the Yuan Qi in Yang Junshan's body kept transforming into the Supreme Qi in his body at a steady rate, and the coldness in the ice crystal jade spring was also slowly getting used to it. Only then did he come back to his senses and look around him, only to find that the other four Spiritual Masters were not only looking at him, but also looking at him with a strange expression in their eyes.    


Yang Junshan didn't know what was going on, but he was secretly on alert. At this time, the Qi Condensation cultivator at the deepest part of the valley smiled and asked, "Fellow, you look quite familiar, you don't seem to be from the Pure county. How should I address you?"    


Yang Junshan heard the conversation of the few people just now, although he did not know which one of the four was a Snow Wind Sword Sect cultivator, but the moment this Astral Reaching Realm cultivator opened his mouth, he knew that it was that Mystical Scale Sect cultivator who was called the deity of the dust, and he immediately smiled and said: "Junior greets Spiritual Master Pure Dust, and I am Yang Xianshan, and also greets fellow daoists.    


Yang Junshan naturally wouldn't reveal his secret, and they didn't believe him immediately either. They were just trying to find a way to communicate and test the waters.    


"So, it's Fellow Daoist Yang. I am Pure Yuan, a Mystical Scale Sect cultivator like Senior Brother Pure Dust. The one to the right of Senior Brother Pure Dust is Fellow Daoist Liu Qiu of the Wangchun Sect in Fengxian, and the one to the right of you is a Successor Disciple of the number one sect in Liangzhou, the Snow Wind Sword Sect, Zhang Mofeng."    


Both Daoist Master Liu Qiu and Daoist Master Zhang Mo Feng greeted Yang Junshan. However, one could tell that Spiritual Master Zhang Mo Feng was an extremely arrogant person, but when he greeted Yang Junshan, the arrogance on his face was restrained. Even though his movements were stiff, the overbearing aura surrounding him was not deliberately directed at Yang Junshan.    


Perhaps it was due to Pure Dust and Pure Yuan Spirit. Yang Junshan could not help but silently speculate that this was still a clean county, the territory of the Mystic Dusty Sect, and also a Conclave Realm master.    


After everyone recognized each other, Pure Yuan Zhenren asked, "Fellow Yang's cultivation base is extremely outstanding, the source cold energy in this ice crystal spring is extremely terrifying, even the slightest mistake could cause a backlash from the cold energy, if your body is slightly weaker, you would freeze into an ice sculpture upon entering, and even if Senior Brother Pure Dust were to soak himself in the spring water, he would have to carefully soak his entire body in the spring water.    


Only now did Yang Junshan realize that his previous performance when soaking in the ice spring had been too flamboyant. Other than the other four Spiritual Masters like him, with the exception of Spiritual Master Pure Dust, who had completely immersed himself in the ice spring from the neck down, Zhang Mo Feng of the Snow Wind Sword Sect was only able to immerse herself in the ice spring from the chest down.    


At first, Yang Junshan thought it was because the Ice Spring Water of the other three was shallow and could only reach their waists or chests. At the beginning, he thought it was because the Ice Spring Water of the other three was shallow and could only reach their waists or chests.    


Only now did he understand that it wasn't that others didn't know this principle, but that the bone marrow chilling cold energy would cause harm to the essence of the cultivator if it was not resisted by the combination of his tyrannical physical body and vigorous true energy. However, Yang Junshan had unknowingly revealed his strength to everyone.    


However, Yang Junshan soon felt a chill from the bottom of his heart. These people clearly knew that they could not casually soak in the cold pond, but they did not receive any warning from him when they recklessly entered the cold pond. Fortunately, they had a strong body and were at least at the ninth level of the True Divine Spirit Realm, which allowed them to think that they were using this to display their strength and intimidate others.    


Thinking about this, Yang Junshan couldn't help but shudder, but he didn't show it on his face, instead he said modestly: "Pure Yuan Spirit master, you are too kind. I was lucky enough to eat an unknown fruit when I was young, which gave my body a strong resistance to the cold, but my physical body is not as tyrannical as what Fellow Daoist thinks."    


Seeing Yang Junshan not want to talk anymore, the Pure Yuan Spirit Master naturally wouldn't offend someone of the same cultivation level, so he changed the topic, "According to the legend, every time the Ice Crystal Jade Spring appears, there will be three or five cold ponds formed, but before and after each cold pond appears, there can only be at most two cultivators in the realms. If it was a Martial Cultivator, then at least five people would be able to absorb the cold Yuan Qi and the spring will disappear afterwards."    


Furthermore, every time a spring disappears, the Snow Region of Ice and Snow, which is formed because of the spring, will shrink as well. Until all the ice crystal jade springs return to the underground, the Snow Region of Ice and Snow will also disappear within the next hour.    


Sage Liu Qiu smiled and said, "You'll have to ask Sage Pure Dust. When I was looking for the Ice Crystal Jade Spring, Sage Pure Dust had already occupied a cold pond. As for the previous situation, I'm not aware of it."    


"There are indeed people who have come in advance, but they are two Martial Disciples who have occupied the cold pond of Fellow Zhang and Fellow Yang. When they saw this old man, the two cultivators were so scared that they left. In fact, this old man had no intention of chasing them away. At most, this old man only occupied one of the five cold pools."    


Daoist Master Liu Qiu laughed, "These two are quite lucky. If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they would have already killed them with a single sword strike!"    


Upon hearing these words, Adept Zhang Mo Feng gave a cold snort. While soaking in the cold pond, he suddenly turned around and pointed towards the exit of the valley. A streak of sword-light flashed between his fingers.    


A terrified shout suddenly came from the distant valley entrance, "Run, run!"    


The sword light circled around the mouth of the valley, causing the three heads to fly into the air.    


In fact, he had already discovered this when the three Martial Disciples were close to the entrance of the valley. However, he did not mind that they were just a few Martial Disciples, since no matter how brave these three Martial Disciples were, they would not dare to snatch the cold pond from the hands of a Martial Disciple.    


Pure Yuan Spirit looked at his senior and said with some dissatisfaction: "Fellow Zhang, you don't need to be like this. It can't be that a few martial realm cultivators would dare to snatch the cold pond from our hands, right?"    


Adept Zhang Mo Feng gave him a sideways glance, then said coldly, "They won't, but the other Adepts might be able to acquire the position of the Wintry Pond from their mouths."    


The Pure Yuan Spirit Master laughed dryly and said, "Even if two of these five cold ponds have been entered by Martial Disciples before, it's impossible for the five of us to absorb all of the cold Essence once. Everyone else can just wait!"    


Zhang Mofeng laughed, "Do you think other people will believe you or wait?"    


The other people, seeing this, also focused on absorbing and refining the cold Essence Qi. Using the pure True Divine Spirit in their bodies to consolidate the foundation of their Dantian, very quickly an hour had passed.    


At this time, the Pure Yuan cultivator smiled and said, "It seems like the other cultivators' reactions aren't too fast after all. In just an hour, they will be saturated."    


As soon as the Pure Yuan Master finished speaking, a ray of light flashed across the valley, and the target actually went straight for Yang Junshan.    


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