Sovereign to Immortality

C305 mixed fighting

C305 mixed fighting

As if Xiong Xiying's display of tyrannical strength had caused the three people surrounding him to be apprehensive, fearing that a fight would result in a thousand deaths, one of the three Great Circle Realm cultivators suddenly opened his mouth and said something. Xiong Xiying seemed to say something, and in the end, all of the three people who received the response stopped what they were doing.    


A few people were discussing something, but the three great circle cultivators were still standing in the middle of Xiong Xiying and the other two. In the end, Xiong Xiying pulled Xiong Xizhu out from behind her back and the two of them reached an agreement, only then did they relax.    


After that, everyone's main character seemed to become Xiong Xige, placing down the chessboard. From time to time, he would pick up the chessboard and put it down, and from time to time, he would even request a few Perfection cultivators to try to activate the protection restrictions of the Red Essence Fruit Tree from different directions.    


Behind the stone pillar, although Yang Junshan and Yan Qingxi could not hear their conversation, they could clearly see their movements. Yan Qingxi crept up to Yang Junshan's ear and whispered, "You really are a jinx, they really teamed up!"    


Yang Junshan turned his head abruptly. The distance between the two of them was less than three inches. Yan Qingxi was so scared that she quickly pulled back. Her pretty face was flushed red, but Yang Junshan was laughing loudly on the side.    


How could Yan Qingxi not know that he was doing this on purpose? She instantly became angry and slapped Yang Junshan's shoulder.    


"Alright, alright, let's stop this. Be serious!"    


Yang Junshan said that he wasn't going to make a ruckus, but he still had a smile on his face. Only when Yan Qingxi looked at him fiercely did he say softly, "Do you think they can break the restriction?"    


Yan Qingxi rolled her eyes at him and said, "I should be the one asking this question. He has an array master!"    


Yang Junshan shook his head and said, "I don't know either!"    


Yan Qingxi was annoyed and said, "Then what should we do next? Just wait here and wait for them to break the restriction and divide the Scarlet Essence Fruit?"    


As soon as she finished her sentence, she saw Xiong Xi Zhe suddenly jump up from the ground with an excited look on his face. Yang Junshan thought to himself, "This kid has found a way!"    


Xiong Xi Zhe excitedly stood there and talked to a few great circle cultivators, occasionally pointing at a few directions, as if he was talking to them about how to break the restriction. The few great circle cultivators would occasionally nod at a second level Martial Disciple, which was quite strange.    


Xiong Xi Zhe looked extremely confident. The four Great Perfection Stage cultivators also had excited expressions on their faces. They each headed in different directions towards the Red Essence Fruit Tree while the remaining two late stage Martial Disciples stayed by Xiong Xi Zhe's side to protect him.    


Xiong Xiiying and the other perfect Yuan Dan stage cultivators stood still in different directions, and with a loud shout from Xiong Xizhe, the four perfect Yuan Dan stage cultivators attacked at the same time. The four magic tools that flashed with spiritual light clearly carried with them four spirit arts, and simultaneously struck the four locations of the restrictions protecting the Scarlet Essence Fruit Tree.    


At this moment, Yang Junshan clearly saw a scarlet leaf fall from the Scarlet Essence Fruit Tree. Four cyan rays of light suddenly appeared from a layer of light barrier and shot back towards the direction of the four magic tools.    


The four magic tools turned around at the same time and successfully intercepted the lightning. At the same time, they circulated the spiritual energy in their bodies and constructed an obvious spirit light belt between them. It was in a stalemate with the lightning bolts that were charging back and gradually formed into a suppression barrier.    


Yang Junshan instantly understood Xiong Xijie's method of breaking the array. He wanted to use the four great circle cultivators to attack from different directions, so that the defensive array could be split apart during the counterattack.    


This method did not seem to be that difficult, but the real problem was how to split the counterattack power of the Guardian Formation. Previously, people did try this method, but they were still unable to find the right method to split the forbidden force.    


However, Xiong Xizhe was able to deduce the exact position and the running pattern of the restriction's power through the formation technique. With the help of the combined power of the four Great Perfection Cultivators, he successfully suppressed the restriction's counterattack in one fell swoop.    


After successfully suppressing the protective barrier, the four Great Perfection Stage cultivators began to slowly move forward. The protective barrier protecting the Red Essence Fruit Tree started to shrink, Xiong Xizhe nodded to the two late stage Martial Disciples beside him, and the two of them started to use their magic tools to approach the protective barrier, but they were no longer countered by the protective barrier. It was obvious that the entire protective barrier had been suppressed to the point where they had no time to think about other things.    


Although the four Great Perfection cultivators had spent most of their energy suppressing the light barrier, they were still excited when they saw the two late stage Martial Disciples successfully approach the barrier.    


At this time, the light screen had already been compressed to the point where it was close to the edge of the Scarlet Essence Fruit Tree. The two of them used their respective magic tools to cut two holes in the light screen and then used their own true essence to force the two holes open to the point where they could fit one hand inside.    


The two quickly took out a Scarlet Essence Fruit and placed it in a jade box that they had prepared beforehand. The two cracks then closed themselves, and the two had no choice but to open a tunnel on the light screen to pick the Spirit Fruit from the fruit tree.    


Just like that, the two of them had already plucked the six Scarlet Essence Fruits. However, their bodies were covered in sweat and they had consumed a great deal of their primeval essence, so they had no choice but to turn towards Xiong Xiiying and shake their heads.    


Seeing this, Xiong Xiying laughed, "My three fellow daoists, it would take too much to suppress the protective barrier in a hurry. Why don't we take a break for now?"    


One of the three sneered and grumbled, "It's only six spirit fruits and you can't hold on any longer. You'll have to suppress the protective barrier again later. This is a waste of time and energy!"    


Another Great Perfection Stage cultivator advised, "Alright, Brother Pei. Being able to break through the restrictions and take out the spirit fruit is already not an easy feat!"    


The four of them slowly retreated, and began to gradually break away from the defensive restrictions. However, at this time, something strange happened, and the two late stage Martial Disciples who were originally retreating suddenly attacked the two peak Martial Disciples who were closest to them. Xiong Xiying, who was slowly retreating, also suddenly broke away from the other three's tempo and fled out of the way, and at the same time, threw out a Ten Thousand Scale Shield.    


"What are you doing!"    


The other three Great Circle Realm cultivators evidently did not expect Xiong Xiying and her group to fall out at this time. They all shouted angrily.    


However, after losing the lightning that Xiong Xiying had suppressed, the barrier that protected them immediately recovered. At the same time, the four lightning bolts that had struck back also regained their former might. However, the other three Great Perfection Stage cultivators hadn't been prepared like Xiong Xiying.    


A clap of thunder sounded out, and the Cultivator surnamed Pei on the east let out a groan of pain. Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth as he resisted the backlash of the A Mu lightning, but his internal organs were also injured.    


While facing the backlash of the A Mu lightning, they had to take into account the sneak attack of two late stage Martial Disciples. Although they managed to survive, they were sent flying and before they could even land on the ground, they spat out blood. Their faces were pale and they were heavily injured.    


This was obviously a sneak attack that was planned long ago. After using the Red Essence Fruit Tree's protective barrier and paying the price of a mid-grade defensive magic tool, the two of them were heavily injured. One of them was slightly injured.    


However, Xiong Xiying's group's methods were obviously not limited to just that. The instant the two cultivators were sent flying, the cultivator surnamed Pei yelled out, "Careful!" When he raised his head to look, he saw Xiong Xiying purposely approach the heavily injured cultivator to his left while dodging the backlash of the Amethyst Lightning. Meanwhile, the other two cultivators at the late stage of the Martial Disciple Realm collaborated to charge towards the other heavily injured cultivator.    


The Cultivator surnamed Pei jumped over, blocking the path of the two Late Martial Cultivators. However, from the other side came a scream. Xiong Xiying had already killed the Great Perfection Stage cultivator.    


"Xiong Xiying, if you dare to kill my brother, I will definitely bury you with the Xiong Family!"    


"The Pei Clan of Yao County has such a big reputation. However, your three brothers have all fallen here today. Does the Pei Clan know who the culprit is?"    


After killing one person, Xiong Xiying immediately teamed up with two Martial Disciples to besiege the Cultivator named Pei. That Cultivator named Pei tried to defend himself from the left and at the same time, he had to deal with the injured brother beside him.    


"Haha, Boss Pei, why are you still not giving up!"    


The cultivator surnamed Pei fiercely scolded, "Pei, your father would rather die than let you die. If you want your father's life, which one do you want to die with?"    


Tens of meters away, Yang Junshan and Yan Qingxi were hiding behind a stone pillar, watching everything that happened between them with their mouths agape. Yan Qingxi suddenly realized, "Oh, I remember now, this is the Pei Family of Yao Prefecture, they are one of the famous families in Yao Prefecture. It is said that there are three cultivators at the Great Perfection Stage overseeing the clan. The three of them are obviously from the Pei Clan. This Xiong Xiying dares to kill these three people, he must have some guts."    


After Yan Qingxi had finished speaking, Yang Junshan did not react. He could not help but hit her and said unhappily, "Why aren't you saying anything?"    


Yang Junshan answered with an 'oh' and said, "I was thinking, why did we stay here for so long?"    


"What do you mean?"    


Yang Junshan swallowed his saliva and said, "You forgot the man who chased you before. He had a way to determine your approximate location in the Five Elements Array. He should be arriving soon."    


Yan Qingxi's expression immediately changed. She pulled Yang Junshan and said, "Why didn't you say so earlier? Let's go!"    


Yang Junshan didn't dare to stay any longer. He stood up and left quickly, but as he moved through the array, he changed from pulling Yan Qingxi to pulling her.    


"Why are you pulling me again?" Yan Qingxi scolded angrily in a low voice.    


"Shh!" Yang Junshan immediately shut his mouth and squatted down.    


Seeing this, Yan Qingxi's face changed. She also followed Yang Junshan and hid behind a pile of rocks. At the same time, she did not forget to pull her wrist away from Yang Junshan's hand.    


At the same time, a sharp howl tore through the air, heading straight for Xiong Xi Zhe, who had deliberately distanced himself from the battle.    


Xiong Xiiying's expression changed. He no longer had the power to fight back due to the suppression of Cultivator Pei. His flying sword drew an arc in the air and split open Xiong Xizhe's flying magic item. He also quickly flew over.    


Unexpectedly, the cultivator that suddenly appeared was trying to save Zhao. The moment the magic item was knocked away, it took the opportunity to sweep it towards the two cultivators at the late stage of the Martial Disciple Realm.    


After losing Xiong Xiying's suppression, the pressure on Cultivator Pei greatly lessened when facing the combined attacks of two Martial Disciples. He turned around and tried his best to counterattack, trying his best to restrain the two in front of him.    


At this moment, the magical equipment that had suddenly appeared had already entered one of the late stage Martial Disciple cultivators' bodies. He did not even have time to let out a cry before he had already fallen.    


"Brother Huang!"    


Xiong Xiying roared and dragged the younger brother of the family to meet up with the other late stage Martial Disciple. The flying sword circled around to protect the three of them before she turned around and shouted angrily towards the magic tool that had just flew over: "Who is it that wants to interfere with the Heaven Shaking Sect's matter?"    


"Tsk tsk." A hoarse voice came from the sky, "Do you want to bring this Scarlet Essence Fruit Tree back to the Heaven Shaking Sect? "I think you want to bring him back to the Xiong Family. With the benefits of the Xiong Family, if anything happens to the Heaven Shaking Sect, his identity as a true disciple of the Heaven Shaking Sect will be very useful!"    


Xiong Xiying blushed and said angrily, "Who is the one hiding his face and showing his tail? Come out and speak!"    


A white-clothed cultivator walked out from behind a stone pillar a few hundred feet away. His hoarse laughter was like a broken pot leaking wind. "What? You've been hit with something on your mind? Have you gotten angry out of embarrassment?"    


Xiong Xiying's expression changed and said, "The seventh true disciple of the Sirius Sect, Lust Lang Xian!"    


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