Sovereign to Immortality

C524 Frog

C524 Frog

In a split-second, Yang Junshan was able to clearly see that there were dense pustules on the wet, flat rope. These pustules kept on swallowing and spitting out some sticky green liquid, which looked extremely disgusting.    


The moment the long rope that was covered in sticky and sticky liquid missed its target, it immediately retreated. Yang Junshan was too busy dealing with the cyan poison on the light screen to bother about anything else.    


Just when Yang Junshan was afraid of poison, a few screams came from high up in the sky. Some of them were shouting along the way, but the sound kept getting lower and lower, as if they were falling down to the ice plains.    


Immediately afterwards, someone yelled out, "Ice frogs, it's a group of ice frogs!"    


Its gigantic body could be said to be second only to the giant bears of the ice plains. However, the ice frogs and the cold falcons usually appeared in groups, so whenever a group of ice frogs appeared, even the giant bears that were the overlords of the northern ice plains would have to take a few steps back.    


Although Yang Junshan had never seen an ice frog before, he had heard of this type of dire beast that had a great reputation in the ice plains. Although Yang Junshan had never seen an ice frog before, he had heard of this type of dire beast that had a great reputation in the ice plains.    


When the frogs appeared, the falcons that were flying low in the sky were their hunting targets.    


The only thing that puzzled Yang Junshan was that even if the Ice Frogs shot their tongues out after jumping, they would only hit their target at most a hundred zhang high. Yang Junshan and the others were at least more than 500 zhang high up, so how did these Ice Frogs reach such a high altitude to ambush the cultivators that were collecting the Yuangang?    


A large part of the refined treasure light was stripped away, but before the magnetic treasure light was completely refined, the ability itself could not be continuously circulated. If this piece of treasure light was stripped away, then it would be completely wasted, and this would waste at least a cup of tea from Yang Junshan.    


Yang Junshan was furious. He raised his head and saw the frog's tongue flying towards him again.    


Yang Junshan was full of hostility, so he swung his machete in front of his face.    


However, although Yang Junshan's blade was bold and unrestrained, it was weak when it hit the long tongue. It was as if his blade had cut through empty space, making him feel extremely uncomfortable.    


The tongue made a turn in midair and continued shooting towards Yang Junshan's face. Yang Junshan could clearly see that the lump on the tip of the tongue was shrinking, and a large amount of mucus was gathering on the tip of the tongue.    


Yang Junshan cursed. He instantly spread out his protective magical power, sending the mucus on the tip of his tongue flying towards his face.    


With a crisp "pa" sound, a ball of mucus actually stuck itself to the magical ability barrier. "Chi Chi" sounds could be heard, and Yang Junshan could feel that the true essence attached to the magical ability barrier was being rapidly corroded. If it wasn't for Yang Junshan relying on his vigorous true essence, this defensive technique might have been completely broken.    


The Ice Frog seemed to have sensed that it was a good opportunity for him to use its tongue to attack the blade of the machete. The thick mucus that came out of the knife stuck itself to the blade and started to corrode it.    


The damaged spiritual weapon he had nurtured in his dantian for a long time made Yang Junshan's heart ache. He suddenly raised his right hand, and a thousand-year Ice Worm Silk shot out from his fingertip.    


The long tongue continued to retract, and the Ice Worm equally pulled back. Both sides immediately tensed up, but their originally slippery tongues couldn't slip away from the entanglement of the Ice Worm silk, and the equally fine and flexible Ice Worm Silk had already sunk deep into the flesh of the long tongue. The tighter the Ice Frog pulled, the deeper the Ice Worm Silk sunk.    


The intense pain made Yang Junshan let out a strange 'quack' sound. Yang Junshan did not show mercy and tried his best to pull the Ice Worm Silk back, causing the long tongue to break from the entanglement.    


The Ice Frog was severely injured, and it dared not attack Yang Junshan. Yang Junshan looked around, although he still could not see too far, but because the Aurora Belt had shrunk again, he could vaguely sense that the range was getting bigger, and the result he sensed was not too optimistic.    


Some fought over the collection of the Yuangang Energy, some fought over the sudden appearance of the alien cultivators, some fought against the Ice Frogs, and some even tried to rob them while they were on fire. In short, the situation in the Aurora Belt was extremely chaotic right now, and the rapid contraction of the Aurora Belt was not only because of the massive collection and refinement of the Yuangang Energy, but also because of the aftermath of the battle.    


Yang Junshan didn't know when he would be caught up in the battle, so he could only try his best to refine the already thin Primary Magnetic Force.    


However, the good news didn't last long. When he had refined seventy percent of the Primary Magnetic Force, a spiritual tool finally came and interrupted Yang Junshan's progress.    


At this moment, the originally beautiful and dazzling Aurora Belt was already riddled with holes. Adding to that, with the large amount of collection and dispersal, this Aurora Belt may still cover an area of twenty to thirty miles, but it looks extremely miserable. It could smile in the clouds at any time.    


Yang Junshan sighed with regret. He casually slapped the flying spiritual qi away and then steered the flying shuttle to get away from the area.    


The cultivator who was controlling the spiritual tool seemed to feel that Yang Junshan had easily avoided it, and felt indignant. The spiritual tool easily turned a corner when it was sent flying, then it sped up and charged towards Yang Junshan's back.    


Yang Junshan's machete was corroded by the frog's venom, so Yang Junshan didn't have the mood to fight him. He directly used the Mountain Lord's Seal to suppress the spiritual tool in the air, and only after Yang Junshan had distanced himself from it, was the Seal withdrawn.    


The cultivator on top of the spirit treasure seemed to finally understand that he had met an iron plate and didn't dare to make any more provocations. He bitterly retrieved the spirit treasure.    


This place had become more and more chaotic. Yang Junshan didn't want to stay here any longer, so he kept on running away from the battle along the way. He planned to head north into the deeper parts of the ice plains, but the chaotic cloud mist suddenly spread out and towering ice mountains appeared one after another.    


However, just as he was trying his best to dissipate the Spatial Compression Technique and the Escape Light under his feet, just as he was about to receive the new might, a few tall figures suddenly jumped out from behind the ice mountain. "Gua! Gua!" They let out a weird cry as three long tongues came flying towards him from three different directions.    


Yang Junshan had no choice but to use his damaged machete again, sending two long tongues flying, while the other one avoided Yang Junshan's body falling down.    


At this moment, Yang Junshan finally knew why they were ambushed by the Ice Frogs even when they were thousands of feet high. Due to the cover of the thick clouds and the Aurora Belt, he didn't realize that there were several thousands of feet high ice mountains not far away. Meanwhile, the Ice Frogs standing on top of the ice mountains could easily shoot out their tongues and hit the cultivators who were collecting the Yuan Power in the Aurora Belt.    


Yang Junshan had just avoided the coils of the tongue when the poison shot out. He could only forcefully use his zhen yuan to step in the air and perform the Earth Withdrawal Art, making him already dozens of feet away.    


After pulling away from the Ice Frog, Yang Junshan quickly retracted his machete that was shaking along with his two long tongues. In just a short while, the blade was injured from the poison.    


When they appeared, not only were they in groups, they were also covered in poison. If one wasn't careful, the magic treasure would be damaged, and their true essence would also be depleted. Often, their attacks weren't enough, and their defenses weren't, so they could only retreat far away.    


But even so, he still had to have enough speed to escape the Ice Frog's pursuit.    


Yang Junshan had just opened up a distance of dozens of feet from the frogs on the top of the ice mountain, yet the three frogs suddenly jumped up from the top of the mountain.    


Yang Junshan cursed in his heart and could only retreat again. However, when the three frogs landed on the ice field, the surrounding ice began to shake, and the ice cracked with creaking sounds. This was actually similar to the Earth Splitting Spirit Art passed down by the Yang family.    


Yang Junshan also stomped his foot on the ground. Although most of this land was frozen, which was not good for the Earth Spirit Splitting Spell, the three frogs in front of him were only using their innate abilities.    


The smooth ice cliffs behind them were smashed out of dense craters, and huge chunks of ice even fell off from the ice mountain after they were loosened, rolling and smashing down. Along the way, they smashed quite a few huge pieces of ice, forming a small area of collapsed ice mountain.    


The shattered pieces of ice were rolling towards Yang Junshan and the other three frogs.    


As for the three frogs, their reactions slowed down a little because their backs were facing the ice mountain, and by the time they were ready to jump up and flee, Yang Junshan had already taken out the Mountain Lord's Seal. Yang Junshan saw that the situation was not looking good, and immediately flew up, and the three frogs had already started to react slowly because their backs were facing the ice mountain, and when they were ready to flee, Yang Junshan had already taken out the Mountain Lord's Seal.    


Yang Junshan let out a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to leave, he saw more ice frogs jumping out from behind the ice mountain, and at the same time, there were some spots of light on top of the half collapsed ice mountain, which were shining with a fascinating light. Behind him, there were a few cries of surprise.    


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