Sovereign to Immortality

C652 Poisoning

C652 Poisoning

The moment that Lang County cultivator saw Yang Junshan, she seemed to be relieved and immediately prepared to join hands with Yang Junshan to fight the enemy.    


Who would have thought that Yang Junshan would suddenly attack from the top of the stone pillar, and at that moment, he would go all out.    


"What are you doing?"    


However, he did not do anything to resist, as if he thought that it was a misunderstanding. At the same time, it also seemed like he was proving something to Yang Junshan.    


Yang Junshan sneered and did not restrain himself. Instead, his attacks became more ruthless as he pressed his hands against the Lang County cultivator's head.    


The cultivator didn't expect Yang Junshan to be so determined to kill him. His carelessness was suppressed by the Earth Seal and he was about to lose his life.    


However, Yang Junshan replied with an "En." He seemed slightly surprised. Soon after, he saw the Lang County cultivator that was suppressed by his sacred art suddenly reveal a strange expression. Then, his entire body cracked open from head to toe and started to fade away.    


Yang Junshan thought to himself, "Not good." Suddenly, he heard a loud and clear laugh about ten zhang away.    


Yang Junshan recognized who it was and raised his head to shoot an arrow.    


The crisp whistling sound came to an abrupt stop, immediately followed by a loud explosion. A fist-sized hole was pierced through the entire stone pillar by the snake spine bow, but no one was behind it.    


"How did you find me?"    


The clear voice was about 100 feet away from him. When Yang Junshan looked towards the direction of the voice, he saw a lady with bright eyes and white teeth standing beside a stone pillar, smiling as she asked Yang Junshan.    


Yang Junshan raised his hand to shoot again, but suddenly, he heard another voice coming from another direction, "Do you want to kill me?"    


Yang Junshan turned his head to look, and saw a girl looking at him with sparkling eyes just like the one before, standing behind another stone pillar.    


"Illusion or twins?"    


Yang Junshan's eyes turned cold. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice coming from behind him.    


"Yang Junshan, don't you recognize me?"    


Yang Junshan looked towards the direction of the voice and saw that Xu Jing was also standing in front of a stone pillar about a hundred zhang away, looking at him with a cold smile.    


"It's you, a nether cultivator!"    


Yang Junshan's heart sank. He immediately realized that he had met the transformed Xu Jing who was hiding beside Chen Ji. He had successfully assassinated him at the last moment, causing Mengyu County's city to be destroyed without a fight.    


It was rumored that after the spirit cultivator succeeded, he left and no one had seen him before, much less knew her roots.    


"Who are you?"    


Yang Junshan asked in a deep voice. At the same time, he noticed that after "Xu Jing" appeared, the two identical girls from the other two directions didn't disappear. In fact, the two of them even did different actions.    


"Hehe, my name is Liu Li, you can call me Huan Niang Liu Li!"    


The three women, including Xu Jing, suddenly opened their mouths at the same time. Their tones were surprisingly the same, but their voices were all different!    


Yang Junshan retreated backwards, trying to escape from the encirclement of these three illusions.    


But at this moment, a woman with the same face as the other two appeared from behind a stone pillar. It was as if she was about to attack Yang Junshan.    


"Found you!"    


Yang Junshan chuckled and suddenly retreated in a straight line. A huge stone pillar was knocked away by Yang Junshan. Yang Junshan kept his posture of retreat and rushed towards the last lady.    


The women in the other three directions, including Xu Jing, had their expressions changed at the same time. Then, different voices sounded out, and three women rushed at Yang Junshan from different directions. It didn't look like an illusion, but rather three cultivators that were truly valuable.    


A chuckle came from the woman who was the last to appear, "You've been tricked. Do you really think I still can't find your Boundless Cold Spirit Eye?"    


Yang Junshan felt a chill in his heart, only to see that the female cultivator's figure seemed to be attracted, instantly turning into a white light and entering "Xu Jing's" body, which was rushing over. The "Xu Jing" who was originally rushing forward suddenly stopped, and looked at Yang Junshan with a strange expression, as if he was looking at a dead person.    


Yang Junshan's heart sank. A stone pillar in the direction he was retreating towards suddenly exploded, and a black shadow rushed towards Yang Junshan's back.    


"That's not right, there's a Ghost Clan cultivator here. She can actually hide inside the stone pillar and avoid my Spiritual Sense!"    


Just as this surprising thought flashed through his mind, an invisible sharp light flashed. It instantly pierced through the distance of over a hundred zhang and went straight towards Yang Junshan's back.    


"Hehe, human formation masters, you must know that your formation masters' spiritual consciousness is different from the ones that have descended on us for so many years. Do you really think that we don't know that there's something strange about your formation masters?"    


The voice that called itself Huan Niang and Liu Li once again sounded from the three different mouths.    


The Ghost Clan cultivator who had suddenly launched an attack was out of his expectations. The formless sharp beam pierced through the mountain guarding sacred art, the defensive qi barrier, and the spirit rank magic clothing. Even though Yang Junshan had moved, at the last moment, he had cut through Yang Junshan's tyrannical body, leaving a half inch deep wound on his arm.    


The ghost cultivator's figure quickly retreated, and a slightly proud and sinister laughter came from his mouth.    


Yang Junshan suddenly felt his wound go numb. It seemed as if he had lost his consciousness, and this feeling was slowly expanding from his wound.    


"Not good, it's highly toxic!"    


Yang Junshan's heart sank, he really didn't expect that the other party would arrange such a straightforward assassination attempt. Moreover, it seemed that this assassination attempt was specifically aimed at him alone, because from the beginning to the end, the other party seemed to be extremely familiar with his methods.    


How was this possible? After entering the Ruins of Immolation, cultivators would all appear in different locations, so how could the other party be so sure that he would appear here?    


Furthermore, even if someone were to sneak in after the opening of the Buried Sky Ruins, how long had it been since then? How could he allow his opponent to have such calm plans?    


In an instant, countless thoughts filled Yang Junshan's mind, but he did not panic at all, because his body was already extremely resistant to poisons, not to mention that his physical body had already been strengthened to a level that even a cultivator at the late stage of the realms was unable to reach. In the instant he sensed the poison, although his expression was panicked, the truth was that the poison was immediately suppressed by the Nine Ruins True Divine Light, and was completely blocked by the wound without being able to spread.    


"It's no use. The Withering Wood Poison makes it so that the more true essence you use to suppress me, the faster the poison will spread out. It only takes a moment for you to become a withered statue of a wood person!" "It's useless …." "It's completely useless …." "BOO!    


The three women came from different directions, each of them had a different posture and demeanor, each of them said the same words in a delicious voice, which made them seem very strange, until the three girls approached each other, then blended in one after another, finally turning into a charming and alluring female cultivator, looking at Yang Junshan with a mocking look, but still maintaining a certain distance from him.    


This woman, on the other hand, was abnormally cautious!    


Yang Junshan's gloomy gaze swept across the shadow on the other side. Although he could not see the man's face, but after the short exchange of blows, Yang Junshan was certain that this person's cultivation base was at least at the third level of the Judge realm, which was equivalent to the human cultivators at the Profound Handle realm. Moreover, this person was obviously wielding a precious technique, the Ghost Cultivator's sacred art.    


"Thank you so much for your help, Judge Chu!" Huan Niang and Liu Li seemed to have a lot of respect for the ghost cultivator in front of them.    


"Hehe, it doesn't matter. As long as you remember our previous agreement, half of this person's belongings will belong to me!"    


In contrast to Huan Niang's caution, this Ghost Clan cultivator surnamed Chu was obviously very confident in his Withered Wood Poison. At this moment, he was actually walking towards Yang Junshan.    


"There's no need for the judge to be so anxious. This person is like meat on an anvil!"    


"The meat on the chopping block is not the meat in my mouth, nor the meat in my stomach. When I deal with you, Huan Niang, I think it's better for me to first obtain the benefits."    


Upon hearing this, Huan Niang, Liu Li, didn't try to stop them, but out of caution, she still slowly retreated a few steps to the side of a stone pillar.    


However, this flirtatious scene froze on his face. Yang Junshan, who had been deemed poisoned and froze in place, had suddenly launched an attack. This time, it was the Ghost sect cultivator's turn to be surprised.    




Although that ghost cultivator was very confident in his poison, he was also very cautious. Even though he was approaching Yang Junshan, he was still prepared. At the same time, the sharp light that had ambushed Yang Junshan earlier also circled around him and was about to behead him.    


However, just as Judge Chu was about to make his move, the motionless Yang Junshan suddenly made a move. He was very familiar with the customs of the Ghost Clan cultivators, so much so that he could accurately determine the position of Judge Chu's attack.    


The fact that a ghost cultivator had been preempted meant that half of the ghost cultivator's life had already been lost!    


Even though this ghost cultivator's cultivation seemed to be a level higher than Yang Junshan, he was also not a cultivator that could be judged by common sense!    


The Mountain Lord's Seal hung high in the sky as the magnetic treasure light enveloped a radius of 500 feet. The Heaven Seal descended and the Ghost Clan cultivator was restricted by the magnetic treasure light. She had no way of dodging, and was heavily injured with a single attack.    




That Ghost Clan cultivator spat out a mouthful of blood. Her originally staggering body was suddenly interrupted by the magnetic precious light. She instantly approached a stone pillar as long as she could hide inside.    


Yang Junshan coldly snorted, and then the ground trembled, all the stone pillars within a radius of 300 feet crumbled. The secret technique that had been activated with the blood power was broken again, and Judge Chu looked around, placing his only hope of survival on his comrade Huanniang Liu-Li, but what he saw was numerous identical figures that entered the space behind the stone pillar from different directions, and this was the last thing he saw.    


As the Mountain Lord's Seal fell, Judge Chu's head was smashed into his chest.    


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