Sovereign to Immortality

C653 heavenly fire

C653 heavenly fire

That ghost cultivator was killed by Yang Junshan, while that Huan Niang, Liu Li, seemed to have anticipated what would happen next. The moment Yang Junshan shifted his attention away from the ghost cultivator, Huan Niang, Liu Li, had split into many different illusions and disappeared into the stone forest from different directions.    


However, Yang Junshan didn't intend to chase after him from the beginning. He suddenly attacked to kill Judge Chu. In fact, his ultimate goal was to scare him off. Fortunately, he had succeeded.    


Yang Junshan stood where he was, scanning his surroundings for any potential dangers with his Spiritual Sense. When he didn't discover any more dangers, Yang Junshan's face suddenly turned green, and then he opened his mouth and spat out some green blood.    


Yang Junshan had never thought that he would suffer such a huge loss the moment he stepped into the Ruins of Immolation. The damage caused by that deadly poison was not as light as he appeared to be.    


Although his physical body and the True Divine Origin could resist and even suppress the poison extremely well, but that was only when Yang Junshan did not have any external enemies to interfere with him, and did his best to suppress it, and when he went all out to kill Judge Chu, the poison had already lost the suppression of the True Divine Spirit, and immediately began to spread, causing his internal organs to be injured.    


Fortunately, the other party had already left, and the True Divine Spirit was once again suppressing the poison in his body. Just now, the mouthful of blood was in fact caused by Yang Junshan, who was trying to force the most violent poison out of his body, causing his internal organs to be unable to endure the corrosion, but without question, the most dangerous moment had already been endured by him, the remaining part he had to do was to expel the poison out of his body bit by bit. This was also the most troublesome part, he had no choice but to hide in a place like the Buried Sky Ruins that was extremely dangerous.    


Fortunately, he was a formation master, a master of formations!    


Yang Junshan took out a green flag from his storage ring.    


The Wind Setting Flag, a Middle Grade Totem, was something Yang Junshan had obtained from the storage bag of that Purple Wind Sect cultivator.    


However, in Yang Junshan's eyes, this item was not only a Spirit Treasure used for battle, but it could also be used as a core tool for setting up the formation.    


The only pity was that Yang Junshan didn't know much about the inheritance of Wind Man Dao, so he could only use it to complement the arrangement of Yang Junshan's most proficient magnetic spirit array.    


Several array flags flew out in different directions, and a few shallow ravines on the ground, with Yang Junshan as the center, extended in all directions, quickly forming a whole, dozens of crystal coins were tossed into different locations of the array, and finally, the Wind Fixing Flag was placed in the middle, following Yang Junshan's hand seals, the entire array was activated, and first, the ground shook continuously, then a fog of array mist started to spread out in the array formation. Finally, as the fog dissipated, all the various array formations on the ground disappeared, leaving behind only the scene of the stone forest.    


Yang Junshan was forced to hide himself to force a cure for his poison, but now, the whole of the Buried Heavens Ruins was filled with murderous intent. Although the human side had organized a beautiful ambush outside of the Buried Heavens Ruins and had killed more than twenty alien cultivators, after entering the Ruins, they were all scattered and lost the advantage of a group operation. With the addition of the strange terrain inside and the support of the alien cultivators, the two sides once again began to fight each other in the Ruins of Buried Heavens.    


However, there was only one characteristic to all of this, and that was that it happened extremely briefly. There was often a cry of alarm, a few furious curses, and a burst of magical explosions, and then everything immediately came to an abrupt halt. Regardless of which side held the upper hand, if they were unable to obtain the final victory within a short period of time, they would retreat at the first possible moment, or else that place would immediately become the center of attraction for other cultivators. No one knew how many people were lurking around, nor did they know whether they were friends or enemies.    


No one was willing to let someone else pluck their peaches or watch the battle from the sidelines. Even if they had the upper hand, they would rather let their opponent escape unscathed than to let the prey in their hands.    


In fact, not long after Yang Junshan killed Judge Chu and used the array formation to conceal himself, there were three concealed auras roaming around the area. If it wasn't for Yang Junshan's sharp senses, he probably wouldn't have noticed these people spying on him. If Yang Junshan had reacted slowly at that time, these people would have rushed out immediately.    


When looking up at the starry sky in the cultivation world, one would feel that the starry sky was far too distant, and there seemed to be a great barrier separating them. In the Buried Heavens Ruins, the cultivators seemed to be stuck in a pit, and beyond that was the outer space of the starry sky.    


While he was recuperating in the array, Yang Junshan's favorite thing was to look up at the starry sky outside of the Ruins of Buried Heavens. He could even see huge meteors spinning and flying through the starry sky outside of the Ruins of Buried Heavens.    


Occasionally, there would be meteorites spinning and charging directly towards the Buried Sky Ruins, but when they approached the entrance of this huge pit, a dense network would suddenly appear around this huge meteorite. Sometimes, there would be meteorites spinning and charging directly towards the Buried Sky Ruins, but when they approached the entrance of this huge pit, a dense network would suddenly appear around this huge meteorite.    


And whenever this happened, there would always be countless cultivators chasing after the streak of light closest to them. They would attempt to find the remaining meteors, and even go so far as to engage in a great battle over the fragments of these meteors.    


These meteors that were able to survive after falling from the starry sky often consumed useless things while falling, leaving behind the final condensation of essence. Normally, they would be used to refine spirit treasure grade materials, and it wasn't strange for them to be used to refine treasures. There were even treasures here that could be used to enhance the quality of Dao artifacts.    


Of course, these were just spirit materials. Sometimes, it was even possible for them to directly form heavenly resources, which could be used to assist cultivators in cultivation, or even directly increase the power of cultivators. These things were not non-existent, and every time they appeared, it could cause a chaotic battle which could lead to a large number of casualties.    


As a result, although danger lurked in every corner of the Ruins of Buried Heavens, it was also full of opportunities. There was a Jade Province cultivator that once described the Ruins of Buried Heavens as a treasure filled with death and slaughter.    


At this moment, Yang Junshan had already completely suppressed the poison in his body. Relying on the might of the Nine Ruins of the True Handle, he began to slowly expel the poison from his body, while at the same time allowing his mind to gaze upon the starry sky that he had yearned for.    


But at this time, from different directions in the sky, a huge meteorite flew over with a violent spin, and then crashed into each other in the air above the Buried Heavens Ruins. Huge spurts of debris shot out in all directions as well as clouds and fire, but not a single sound could be heard.    


Right at this moment, an enormous ball of fire rushed straight towards the Buried Heavens Ruins from the center of the collision. The slightly dim Bury the Heavens Ruins instantly became as bright as day, and even the stars in the sky were instantly concealed by it. At the same time, the vast majority of the cultivators in the Ruins of Buried Heavens were also concealed by it.    


The fiery light that was rushing over was also shrinking rapidly. The originally faint flame was also becoming more concentrated, revealing a green and red color.    


Right at this moment, Yang Junshan's eyes suddenly opened wide, and his gaze turned into two balls of frost. Through the sudden burst of light, he could clearly see a huge palm suddenly reach out from the space outside of the Buried Heavens Ruins, grabbing towards the green-red firelight. The sky was covered by the giant hand, this was truly blocking out the sun!    


The target of the palm was obviously the ball of greenish-red flame that was rapidly shrinking. But perhaps it was because of the sudden appearance of the ball of flame, but the unknown existence of the giant hand seemed to be in a hurry, and with a grab, the ball of fire actually shot out from between his fingers. It was too late for the giant hand to catch the ball of fire this time, the greenish-red flame had lit up the sky net that had appeared once again, and the giant hand suddenly disappeared.    


But perhaps it was because the fireball had condensed to a small enough size that when it penetrated through the barrier, there was only a sliver of fire cutting out from the fireball. Then, it continued to fall towards the ground of the Buried Heavens Ruins.    


Perhaps most of the cultivators in the Ruins of Buried Heavens didn't notice the fleeting scene in the starry sky, however, none of the cultivators noticed the giant hand that was trying to grab hold of the fiery light. However, they all realized that this ball of fire was definitely a treasure!    


In almost an instant, regardless of whether it was the human cultivators or the foreign cultivators, they all began to pay attention to the direction of the descending flame.    


However, very quickly, everyone threw this thought to the back of their minds!    


"Haha, to think that there would be a lump of heavenly fire! It belongs to this Demon King!"    


A long laugh echoed in the sky above the Ruins of Buried Heavens as a gigantic and strange beast appeared in the sky above them. It opened its mouth and swallowed the flower of fire.    


This huge beast's appearance across the sky and the suffocating aura it instantly emitted extinguished the flames of greed of all the cultivators within the Bury the Heavens. Being able to fly through the Bury the Sky Ruins as usual, it seemed impossible for even a Heavenly Dipper Realm cultivator to do it!    


— —    


He whispered, "Please give me a monthly ticket! The monthly tickets of the other Gods are growing too fiercely!"    


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