Sovereign to Immortality

C693 Diagram

C693 Diagram

Everything required communication. Once an exchange was completed, there would be fusion, and at the very least, there would be unity.    


Amidst the gazes of the crowd, he slowly pulled out a thick book of diagrams from his chest and said, "Hui Guang, this book contains a total of more than 2300 different kinds of treasures in this world. There are over 1500 magic treasures, 600 spirit treasures, and also over 200 treasures, which I have meticulously compared and created from the time I arrived in this world."    


As soon as Hui Guang finished speaking, the dozens of cultivators in the hall went into an uproar, almost losing control of the situation. However, this time, the Heavenly Darkya Daoist Master did not stop them, because even she himself was feeling slightly absent-minded.    


Why would alien cultivators encounter a situation where they had to use magic treasures?    


It was also because the alien cultivators' understanding of spirit materials was completely different from that of the cultivation world in this world. After losing the support of the alien starry sky and not being able to find a perfect source of spirit materials in a short period of time, coupled with the fact that the ratio of refiners in the alien races was far lower than that of the human cultivators, this caused the alien forces to be unable to even replenish their depleted magic treasures after repeated conflicts with the cultivation world.    


Although this atlas was far from covering the countless types of spirit materials in the world of cultivation, it had already summarized a considerable portion of the commonly used spirit materials. Not only had it determined the names of some common spirit materials within the cultivation systems of both sides, but more importantly, it had discovered a large portion of the spirit materials from the foreign lands and the possibility of using them together. This could greatly facilitate the consolidation and development of forces within this region, and at the same time, it was also the crucial part of this atlas that truly killed everyone!    


One could imagine the value of this kind of atlas, which contained the blood, wisdom, and dangers from all kinds of foreign powers.    


However, someone quickly thought of a question and asked, "How can you be so sure that the diagrams in your hands are real, and not come here to sell them for a good price after you have compiled a set?"    


Hui Guang clasped his hands together and chose a Buddhist title. He said: "I am from the Mercy Faction Hui Guang. I do not know how to use words.".    


Just this simple explanation made almost everyone present believe seventy to eighty percent of it.    


"Keke, then what do you plan on asking for?" The Heavenly Darkya Adept's voice suddenly rang out.    


When everyone heard this, they went silent and looked at the front desk where Monk Hui Guang was.    


This person faintly smiled and said, "Crystal bricks, Buddhist items. This humble monk cannot avoid them either. As long as I am willing, this humble monk has put in a lot of effort to spread them throughout the years."    


The Heavenly Darkya Adept sneered, "The person who just obtained this scroll is unwilling to spread it no matter what."    


Hui Guang only smiled and said: "But as long as we don't destroy the atlas now, this atlas will ultimately go back to Liu Jing. It's just that it's a bit late.".    


It was only at this moment that the crowd finally noticed that Monk Hui Guang's cultivation was actually that of a Heavenly Dipper Sovereign!    


The Heavenly Darkya Adept continued to laugh coldly, saying, "But this demon does not believe that there is only one of this scroll!"    


Hui Guang still smiled and said, "Within three years, this humble monk will meditate in silence, and not a single word of the atlas will be leaked.".    


The Adept's gaze was fixed on Hui Guang's face for a moment. When he saw that Hui Guang was fearless, he slowly nodded his head and said, "I believe you!"    


When he said this, it was as if he had already decided that the book was under his name.    


"Let the first round of bidding begin!"    


As he spoke, the Heavenly Darkya Adept actually took out a talisman and began to write something down.    


In the corner, Yang Junshan looked at the scroll floating above the front desk with a dark and uncertain expression. Yang Junshan knew that this scroll did not only have a value as it had caused a huge disturbance, although he did not know who had obtained it in the end, he knew that this scroll was widely circulated in the end. Not only alien cultivators, but even the martial cultivators like Yang Junshan had received a copy of this scroll.    


Of course, with the passage of time, regardless of whether they were from the foreign lands or the natives, both of them had a deeper understanding of each other. This book was also constantly being deleted and revised by both parties, but no one could deny the contributions made after this book appeared.    


What Yang Junshan was considering right now was whether he should use all his strength to bid, so that he could keep this book in his hands. Although he had at least sixty to seventy percent of his memories of the contents in the book, and there was even a part of it that was even more detailed and accurate than this book.    


However, looking at the weird atmosphere in the room, Yang Junshan could imagine what would happen once he got hold of this book. This book was not something he could get his hands on.    


In the first round of bids, the number of crystal bricks had already exceeded eighty, which had already surpassed the price of some middle grade spirit artifacts. In the first round of bids, the number of crystal bricks had already exceeded eighty, which had already surpassed the price of some middle grade spirit artifacts, but in reality, the price had already been considered to be extremely low compared to this inheritance record.    


This was because everyone knew that no matter who got the book, it was impossible for them to keep the secret within. Even though Hui Guang swore to cultivate in closed doors meditation for three years, and no one would doubt the words of a compassionate Heavenly Dipper Sovereign, even someone as strong as the Twelve True Demon Peaks might not have the strength to keep the book secret for three years under the oppression of many foreign forces.    


In fact, what the people of the Heavenly Darkya Realm wanted to fight for was only an opportunity.    


Yang Junshan heard the Heavenly Darkya Adept announce the start of the second round of bidding, and he even gave up on the idea of continuing the bidding. However, his expression turned more and more serious, because he suddenly realized one thing: If the Twelve True Demonic Peaks were to obtain this scroll, and especially that portion of it was applicable to both sides' cultivation systems, would the Sunset Mountains face a great calamity?    


At this time, the second round of bids had already begun. Amidst the exclamations of the crowd, the Heavenly Darkya Zhenren raised the bid for a high-grade buddhist spirit artifact, the crystal brick being freely used by the Hui Guang Monk in the Twelve True Demon Peaks.    


Although he had sacrificed a high-grade buddhist spirit artifact, he still wanted to leave such a Heavenly Dipper Sovereign behind on the 12 Demonic Peaks. Of course, this all depended on Hui Guang and his own wishes, but according to Yang Junshan's understanding of compassionate buddha cultivators, the 12 Demonic Peaks' plans would probably come to naught.    


It was clear that the other foreign powers couldn't afford to cause a ruckus in the headquarters of the 12 true demon peaks. However, after this tome appeared, it immediately caused the enthusiasm of the cultivators in the auction hall to drop, and many of the cultivators in the meeting hall became somewhat absent-minded. It was obvious that they were thinking of how to spread the news as far as possible to the factions behind them.    


In his heart, he admired this person's cleverness. He did not take out this volume of diagrams at the start of the trade fair, but rather only went up on stage during the middle to late stage of the trade fair. Otherwise, this kind of direct action, even if he directly gave the diagrams to the Twelve True Demon Peaks, would still greatly offend the two great elites behind this force.    


The trade fair continued, but most of the Heavenly Dipper Sovereigns present were already the main stars. Although the value of the trading items were much higher, with the participation of a few cultivators of the Xuan Core Realm, and with the occasional appearance of the Heavenly Darkya Realm, Yang Junshan was not willing to participate in it at this time.    


He had already received enough benefits from this trade fair, but more importantly, he had received two priceless pieces of information. One, the Yuzhou Yuzhou Yuzhou Yuzhou Yuwai faction was preparing to destroy a sect with the help of an organization behind the scenes; the other, they were planning to destroy the barrier of cultivation civilization on both sides. Perhaps both sides were preparing, but this time, the Yuzhou Yuzhou Yuwai faction was planning to take the first place.    


Yang Junshan also left with the crowd a moment later. However, the instant they stood up, he could clearly feel the Heavenly Darkya Zhenren's gaze once again. Even though it was only for a short instant, it caused Yang Junshan to unconsciously increase his pace.    


The marketplace outside the trading center was still bustling with activity. There were many martial arts cultivators that followed the other powers to the 12 True Demon Peaks excitedly searching for items in the marketplace. At the same time, they hoped that their good luck would come and pick up a big loophole, but they did not know that there was someone that was truly suitable to pick up loopholes in the marketplace that had just left.    


Because Fishy was still in a chaotic state, even though she knew that she had to follow them and leave Qu Wushan, she was still completely immersed in her own world. As a result, the three of them had to protect her while they walked, while greatly slowing down their speed of escape.    


After the four of them had traveled through the forest for more than half a day, Yang Junshan suddenly made a gesture to stop. Yang Junxiu and Wu Shuo seemed not to be surprised by this.    


Yang Junshan said to the empty forest behind him, "Follow me all the way, come out now!"    


As soon as Yang Junshan finished speaking, a tiny beehive came out from behind a giant tree. It floated on the ground and said pitifully to Yang Junshan: "Senior, please save my life!"    


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This chapter is yesterday's.    


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