Sovereign to Immortality

C697 forbiddance

C697 forbiddance

After the Ouyang Family declined and the Rogue Cultivator Alliance rose to prominence, about seventy percent of the power in Yu City was under the control of the Rogue Cultivator Alliance. After all, the Ouyang Family was an established family.    


The Ouyang Family and Heaven Shaking Sect had joined forces and entered Yu Cheng together, causing the Rogue Cultivator Alliance to instantly feel an unprecedented pressure. It was said that the secret passageway leading to Heaven Shaking Peak was currently guarded by Sage Lin Canghai himself.    


Amongst the various sects' questions, Sage Lin Canghai had only one reason. Only when the five great formation masters of the Jade Province agreed to work together to break through the array, would he be able to open up a path. Just this alone, the Heaven Shaking Sect's Sage Zhu would not agree.    


Secondly, as the controller and guardian of this path, Lin Canghai represented the Rogue Cultivator Alliance and requested to obtain an additional ten percent of the harvest. In other words, other than giving ten percent to the Rogue Cultivator Alliance, the remaining ninety percent would still be allocated to them.    


What kind of channel controller and guardian was that, a thing that the Rogue Cultivator Alliance would put money on his face. If not for the fact that he was afraid that Sage Lin Canghai would destroy the underground passage in a desperate situation and allow the grand forbidden array to once again submerge the cave at the top of the mountain, Sage Tiangang from various sects would have already entered Yu City to argue with him.    


Due to the lack of progress on the agreement between the sects to divide the Heaven Shaking Peak, many cultivators from the other sects who were already outside the Yu City became interested in the Heaven Shaking Peak due to boredom.    


After so many years of exploration, countless Martial Disciples broke into the formation, one after the other. They had already opened up a few relatively safe tunnels, these tunnels seemed to go deep into the interior of the Heaven Shaking Peak, but in reality, they did not even reach the mountainside of the collapsed mountain. Although there were occasionally rumors of treasures being obtained from the formation, the true essence of the Heaven Shaking Peak had yet to be obtained.    


The various sects sent their more powerful late stage Martial Disciples to enter the forbidden formation. Not only did they do this to gain experience, but they also did so to gather more information on the situation within the forbidden formation to provide support for the formation masters of the various sects. Of course, it would be even better if they were lucky enough to obtain one or two treasures, after all, this was a large sect that had dominated the entire Yuzhou region for many years.    


Within the past few days, at least two pieces of information had been leaked about finding the Spirit Treasures. At the same time, there were rumors that a cultivator of the Mortal Realm had sealed his own cultivation and entered the formation with the strength of a Great Perfection of the Martial Disciple. The news about the two Spirit Treasures seemed to have been obtained because of the participation of these people.    


Master Yan naturally wouldn't be willing, but Senior Yan said that she had entered the array with Daoist Master Jun Shan several times before. In terms of understanding about this formation, I'm afraid that the array masters in the sect may not even be able to match her, and right now, our Tan Xi Sect's understanding and calculation of the formation is far behind that of the Heaven Shaking Sect, Zhuge Family, Jade Xiao Sect, Jade Sword Sect, and the Rogue Cultivator Alliance.    


In addition, there are also other sects that have cultivators sealing their cultivation and risking their lives to enter the formation. As a result, they used the cultivation sealing talisman to seal a portion of Senior Yan's cultivation and allowed her to lead a portion of their elite disciples into the formation.    


In order to save the other disciples of our sect, Senior Yan had risked her life to break through the seal and forcefully activate the light barrier, allowing more than ten of our sect's elite disciples to escape. However, she and a few other disciples who did not manage to escape in time were swept away by the light barrier, and before that, Senior Yan only had the time to say a few words to those who managed to escape, 'Daoist Master Jun Shan, come and save her.'    


Daoist Master Qingfeng finally understood why Lu Yizhen had been so hostile when he first saw him. In his opinion, if it wasn't for the fact that the Rogue Cultivator Alliance had always been keeping the entrances from the various factions and engaged in a war of words with the various factions, no cultivator from the various factions would have sealed their cultivation and charged into the grand forbidden formation from the periphery of the Heaven Shaking Peak.    


Lu Yizhen sighed and said, "Speaking of which, I'm ashamed. My Tan Xi Sect is not very good at array formations. Not to mention the Heaven Shaking Sect and the Zhuge Family, we are even inferior to the Faction and the Jade Sword Sect. Senior Yan was caught in it, but we are helpless."    


Yang Junshan's face was as dark as water, but his eyes were flashing rapidly. After a while, he asked in a deep voice, "Can she confirm that he is still alive?"    


Lu Yizhen nodded his head, "Actually, I came here after receiving the news from Xi'an. After I received the news, the sect immediately investigated the Soul Hall, but Senior Yan's Soul Lamp was still lit, although it's much weaker than before. I don't know if it's because my cultivation is still sealed, or because I've been seriously injured, but I'm sure I'm still alive."    


Yang Junhao had only heard of the relationship between Yang Junshan and Yan Qingxi. Hearing this, he couldn't help but ask, "Didn't you just say that she took the risk to break the seal?"    


Lu Yizhen glanced at Yang Junhao, "Martial Uncle Yan is a talisman crafting master, and Senior Yan is his own daughter. What methods do you have to reseal his cultivation?"    


Yang Junhao didn't even pay attention to Lu Yizhen's tone. Instead, he sighed, "A master level Symbol Master, what a guy. He's almost catching up to my fourth brother."    


Yang Junshan nodded. His gloomy face looked better, but he still asked, "When you got the news, the other four grandmasters had already arrived. Did they go to the Heaven Shaking Peak?"    


"Yes." Lu Yizhen nodded, "Not to mention the four great formation masters, in truth, most of the array masters of the various families were gathered near the Heaven Shaking Peak because they could not pass through the secret passage of Yu City. It is said that many of the formation masters were caught up in the explosion of the forbidden array because they were too deep or too close to the edge of the forbidden array."    


Yang Junshan immediately asked, "Then what do the four array masters say? What exactly caused this flood of restrictions?"    


Lu Yizhen shook his head, "At that time, I was already on my way to Xishan Village, so I'm not sure about what happened in the last two days."    


Yang Junshan then looked at Daoist Master Qingfeng, only to see him say with a wry smile, "I was also sent out by Alliance Head Lin to support you. According to our agreement, you and I did not need to go to Yu City so early."    


Regarding the explosion of the restriction torrent, most of the formation masters think that someone activated the restriction torrent. There are also people who suspect that it was caused by the Heaven Shaking Sect, and there are people who suspect that it was the Mortal Realm cultivators who sealed their cultivation outside the formation. There are also people who suspect that it was caused by some formation masters, and there are also people who suspect that the problem was caused by one of the four formation masters or even some of the other formation masters.    


"Looks like I got rid of my doubts when I went there late this time around!"    


Yang Junshan forced a smile and blamed himself in his heart. If it weren't for the delay in Qu Wushan's trip, perhaps he would have arrived at Yu City in advance, and if he was here, Yan Qingxi might not have risked exploring the forbidden array. He might have even discussed with him in advance.    


With the four of them flying at full speed, they arrived outside of Yu City in less than a day.    


The moment the four of them arrived, they had already attracted the attention of all sorts of high-level cultivators who were lingering around the city. However, the most puzzling thing was that these auras only came into contact with each other for a short period of time. Even Yang Junshan's arrival only drew the attention of the four of them for a moment before they continued to travel towards the city.    


"This situation doesn't seem right!"    


Yang Junhao recklessly guessed, "Could it be that Lin Canghai can no longer hold on, and the various factions have already begun to enter the summit's cave?"    


Both Daoist Master Qingfeng and Lu Yizhen's faces changed. Yang Junshan said with a grave expression, "No, someone is fighting in the direction of Yu City. Come, let's go take a look!"    


Even when Daoist Master Qingfeng was close to him, he could feel a heavy pressure pressing down on him. Lu Yizhen had even intentionally distanced himself to prevent himself from being oppressed by his aura to the point that he couldn't even use his flying abilities. Even the carefree Yang Junhao didn't dare to spout nonsense, and at the same time was shocked by the strength Yang Junshan had displayed.    


Hearing Yang Junshan's words, the other three unknowingly followed Yang Junshan's footsteps. When they were one or two miles away from Yu City, their Spiritual Sense sensed the faint Spiritual Energy fluctuations coming from Yu City. Indeed, someone was fighting.    


Was it really like what Yang Junhao said, that someone was fighting with Sage Lin Canghai?    


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