Sovereign to Immortality



"It seems like you need to worry about the matters of the family!"    


Yang Junshan looked at Yan Qinxi with a hint of guilt in his eyes.    


Yan Qinxi, who was initially dissatisfied, had already calmed down. She asked worriedly, "Is it dangerous?"    


Yang Junshan smiled and said, "Don't worry. It's just that it will take a long time. Although there are risks, it's nothing to me."    


Yang Junshan understood that he would be in no danger, but Yan Qinxi was even more worried. Now that she said it, although she looked worried, she looked calmer than before and said, "Anyway, be careful. Xiu Er was also becoming more and more restless. Previously, when Jiang Xin came out of seclusion and was urgently summoned by the Flying Sword Sect, she had also followed him for some reason. Even now, she still had not returned, so she did not know what she was doing outside. Ever since Lan'er had unshackled her formation clothes, she had also gone to the The Kunlun Star Palace's little star field. "Zhen'er and Yao'er also went to travel in the Star Palace, and Tenth Sister Jun Qi is now in the Lang County. Now that you're leaving, the only people left in the clan that are in the Immortal Realm are a few of the reverends. After a long time, I'm just worried that the Western Mountain guards are all empty, so I'm a bit unsure."    


Yang Junshan seemed to have expected this and smiled, "Don't worry, Zhe'er should be back soon. Maybe by then, he will have reached the remodeling of the immortal body and caught up to his father."    


Yan Qinxi froze for a moment before sighing, "Fine, fine!"    




Where is the Feng Tian Star Realm?    


Within the The Starry Sky major world, many people knew that the Feng Tian Star Realm was about to be born, but very few actually knew the position of the Feng Tian Star Realm in the starry sky!    


After all, the stars were so big, and after the plane world was formed, the entrance to the stars was very small. Wanting to find the entrance to the Abundant Heaven World in the boundless stars was even harder than finding a needle in a haystack.    


In reality, Yang Junshan did not know the location of the Feng Tian Star Realm, but he had his ways of finding the Feng Tian Star Realm. It was just that not only could he not reveal that he had the Absolute Beginning profound entrance, he had to do his best to act as if he was at a loss.    


"Senior Daoyuan, are we currently heading towards the entrance of the Feng Tian Star Realm?" Yang Junshan sounded very humble.    


Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan, who was leading the way, laughed when he heard this: "Fellow Xiao Yang has been wandering around all these years, and he really knows nothing about Feng Tian Star Realm?"    


Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan's words were meant to mean something, but Yang Junshan pretended not to hear it. He smiled and said, "I'm ashamed. Please advise me, senior."    


Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan did not answer directly upon hearing this. Instead, he pondered for a moment as if he was considering something. Then, he said, "The cultivation world often says that the starry sky is boundless. Then, does Fellow Xiao Yang really think that the starry sky has no boundaries?"    


Yang Junshan was stunned when he heard this. Seeing Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan looking at him, he scratched his head and said, "I am ashamed to say that. I had not thought about the question that senior asked."    


Hearing this, Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan no longer bothered with this issue and instead said, "It's also because Fellow Xiao Yang's ascension period is too short and he has too little experience in the universe."    


He was almost the first person to break free from the constraints of the Circulatory World's plane of existence before the Circulatory World's transformation. Since even he had too little reason within the starry sky, how many people in the Circulatory World could be considered as experienced and knowledgeable?    


However, this thought only flashed through his mind, after all, Yang Junshan was only able to compare with the circumference star realm's native monk, compared to the few years old monsters in the sky, he was indeed 'ignorant and ill-informed'.    


Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan didn't care about what Yang Junshan was thinking about and continued, "In fact, there are some old monsters in space that have lived for who knows how many years. When they were extremely bored, they had a detailed observation of the entire sky, and this also allowed them to discover an interesting phenomenon …"    


Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan paused for a second before Yang Junshan followed up, "I wonder what this is all about. Does it have anything to do with the size of the starry sky?"    


Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan nodded slightly and said, "They aren't sure if there is a boundary to the starry sky, but they found out that the distribution of the various great astral realm s in the starry sky seemed to be extremely interesting."    


This time, there was no need for Yang Junshan to comment on this. Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan continued to speak, "They discovered that every astral realm seemed to appear in an irregular pattern, but in reality, they are distributed in a sphere in the starry sky. After every plane world has successfully materialized, they can be seen as covering this sphere a little more perfectly."    


Yang Junshan thought for a moment and said, "There is a rumor in the sky that the appearance of the twenty-eighth astral realm meant that he had attained the Great Circle of the starry sky. Could it be that the appearance of the Feng Tian Star Realm meant that the last piece of the sphere formed by the astral realm was added on?"    


Unexpectedly, Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan shook his head and said: "No, this sphere of stars formed by the astral realm was actually complete after successfully transforming the Nine Heavens."    


"Then …" Yang Junshan was confused.    


Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan did not let this doubt last for too long and said straightforwardly: "Because the formation of the Feng Tian Star Realm is at the center of the sphere formed by the other twenty-seven astral realm s in the starry sky!"    


"Central? at the very center of all the astral realm? " Yang Junshan was deep in thought.    


Wu Tie nodded his head and said, "That's right. In fact, existences whose cultivation has reached the Merging Stage, they were all vaguely aware of the distribution of the various astral realm s in the starry sky. However, if they did not pay any attention to it, they might not be able to truly discover the truth of the distribution of the astral realm s. However, to the real Immortal Supreme Sovereign, this is not really anything. "    


Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan looked at Yang Junshan and continued, "Because of this, the only people who can accurately determine the location of the Feng Tian Star Realm are those sects and powerhouses that have existed for a long time and have had Immortal Supreme Sovereign's appearance in the past."    


When Yang Junshan heard that, he quickly said respectfully, "Now that Sky Sovereign knows where the Feng Tian Star Realm is, doesn't that mean that Sky Sovereign is not weaker than those Immortal Supreme Sovereign?"    


This is also the reason why I wanted to push circumference star realm to expel the foreign forces from the other realms. Only by doing this can I use the Taoism and the astral realm's own strength to the maximum, in order to prepare to break the last layer of barrier between us, Immortal Supreme Sovereign. "    


Yang Junshan pretended to ponder and said: "The twenty-seven astral realm s formed a whole, and the last one appeared at the center of the whole body, is there any special meaning to the last one that appeared?"    


Yang Junshan's doubts were not baseless. It was not only because the Abundant Heaven World was formed right in the middle of the Celestial astral realm, but also because he could tell from Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan's tone that the various powers in the sky were paying special attention to the birth of the Feng Tian Star Realm.    


Yang Junshan had never seen the plane world's birth, but he had personally experienced the process of the two great plane world's, Zhou Tian and Tian Jiu, dissolving into a new world. He had also heard people say that the Sector lord's competition back then was only held with a few Golden Immortal s.    


If it was said that the transformation of the plane world was different from the formation of the plane world and the Nine Heavens was also only a small-scale plane back then, then the circumference star realm was still a large scale plane world before the transformation.    


However, that year, Heavenly Sovereign Pu Yuan had continued to be domineering and ultimately suppressed all the contenders for Sector lord. It seemed that he had not received too much interference from the big powers of the starry sky.    


Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan's next words seemed to confirm Yang Junshan's guess, "In the starry sky, no one has ever been determined by their location before plane world was formed. Feng Tian Star Realm was the first, and also the last!"    


Yang Junshan nodded slightly. This might be a reason, but it might be the most insignificant reason.    


He was silent for a moment, as if he was communicating with Heavenly Sovereign Pu Yuan's true body. Then, he opened his mouth and said, "As the last of the jigsaw puzzles of the Celestial astral realm, the Abundant Heaven World is probably much larger than the average large-scale plane world. Perhaps, we can even call it the super large-scale plane world."    


Yang Junshan's heart moved when he heard that, and said: "Extra large plane world? In other words, this was a plane world that was rich in resources to the extreme? "No wonder it would cause the various factions to salivate."    


"However," Yang Junshan said in confusion, "But no matter how good a plane world is, there is ultimately only one Sector lord. The moment the Sector lord returns, all the other cultivators that enter the Abundant Heaven World will be expelled, and the entire plane world will be sealed for thousands of years, until it becomes a new Heaven. Could it be that the reason the forces in the sky were so bold, was it just to snatch the one and only Sector lord position? Isn't that making a big fuss out of nothing? "    


Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan was slightly shocked and didn't know how to respond to Yang Junshan's question.    


"Let the old me answer this question. Otherwise, if you have any doubts, I'm afraid that you will not be willing to help me!"    


At this time, Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan's figure suddenly paused, but the light in his eyes shone brightly. A vigorous voice different from Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan's came out of his mouth.    


Yang Junshan was stunned for a moment, and immediately realised what had happened. He hurriedly bowed towards "Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan" and said: "Taoism junior Yang Junshan greets Sky Sovereign."    


"No need to stand on ceremony!"    


Heavenly Sovereign Pu Yuan's voice still came out from Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan's mouth, "What I can tell you is, with the appearance of the Abundant Heaven World, there will be no more competition for the Sector lord, which is why the various powers drooled over it."    


Hearing this, Yang Junshan frowned. Naturally, he didn't doubt Heavenly Sovereign Pu Yuan's words. It was just that Heavenly Sovereign Pu Yuan's question not only answered his question, but also gave him more questions.    


Heavenly Sovereign Pu Yuan also seemed to understand this point, so Immortal Sovereign Dao Yuan continued, "It is not convenient to talk with the help of the Dao Yuan. Fortunately, you are not far from this old man, and when we meet, I can answer your doubts by talking more in detail."    


Yang Junshan quickly said: "I would not dare!"    


However, it was clear that Heavenly Sovereign Pu Yuan's spiritual consciousness had already left. The luster in Empyrean Daoyuan's eyes suddenly dimmed, but his eyes seemed to become more intelligent: "Hu … since it has alarmed this sovereign, then this old man will not overstep my authority. After seeing this sovereign, Fellow Xiao Yang can voice out all the doubts in his heart, I believe this sovereign will give you a satisfactory answer."    


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