Sovereign to Immortality

C1740 Path of Harmony Barrier Acceptance of Heaven and Earth

C1740 Path of Harmony Barrier Acceptance of Heaven and Earth

Yang Junshan was still being rejected by this plane of existence. However, because Yang Junshan's soul consciousness was powerful enough, he could still forcibly absorb and refine the heaven and earth origin energy that was gushing out from the space barrier.    


When Yang Junshan was crossing the void passage into the abundances world, although he came in contact with the source energy of chaos which was much denser than now, the process of crossing the void passage was very short. And secondly, under those circumstances, Yang Junshan couldn't possibly calm down and cultivate, he could only passively receive the nourishment of the source energy, so he didn't notice the increase in his cultivation level.    


In this situation, Yang Junshan could clearly feel that his cultivation base had improved a lot.    


Therefore, Yang Junshan continuously used his spiritual sense to request for Yang Ting to destroy the spatial barrier and gather more heaven and earth essences.    


That's right, it could only be a collection.    


After experiencing the attack from the Heaven and Earth Source Energy, Yang Junshan soon realized that his source energy was weak.    


This made him realize that the origin energy did not come from the space behind the barrier, but from the space directly connecting to the origin energy of the world, causing it to leak out the moment it was shattered.    


However, when the shattered space barrier disappeared, the space between the two sides began to merge together. The leaked world essence also disappeared with the return of the calm space.    


In such a situation, if Yang Junshan wanted to cultivate with the help of more Heaven and Earth, he would have to keep destroying the space barrier. At the same time, the space on both sides of the barrier would also keep melting.    


During this process, Yang Ting could not help but curiously jump over the other side of the broken barrier. However, other than the world behind the barrier being slightly dry and the vegetation not as lush as the one Yang Junshan was exploring, the rest of the world did not seem any different.    


As the destroyed spatial barrier grew longer and longer, Yang Ting noticed that the originally well-preserved spatial barrier had become more and more fragile. It even seemed to be on the verge of collapse.    


Yang Ting's discovery was quickly known to Yang Junshan. This made him realize that this opportunity was coming to an end.    


There was naturally a limit to the standing space barrier. As Yang Ting continued to destroy it, it would definitely trigger a chain reaction and ultimately, the space barrier would completely collapse. The scattered heaven and earth essences would automatically dissipate in this world because it was too late to collect them.    


However, Yang Junshan didn't have the time to regret over the loss of his Heaven and Earth Source Energy, because as the space barrier crumbled, Yang Junshan realized that the Earth's rejection towards him seemed to be weakening.    


The most obvious part was that while he was collecting and absorbing the Heaven and Earth Source Energy, some of the Heaven and Earth Source Energy that he had been forcefully absorbing already needed to be channeled into his body through his spiritual sense.    


Was it because this space barrier had been removed?    


A thought suddenly appeared in Yang Junshan's mind.    


At this moment, the standing space barrier finally reached its limit. Along with violent space fluctuations, a large area of space barrier started to collapse and extend from both sides of the space barrier to the far distance, until the end of what Yang Junshan's soul could sense.    


At this moment, Yang Junshan could no longer feel the rejection of this world. It was as if Yang Junshan had been acknowledged by this world.    


In this situation, because of the collapse of the space barrier, the source of the world suddenly leaked out. Although this leakage wouldn't last long, under the guidance of Yang Junshan's spiritual sense, a huge amount of the source of the world rushed into Yang Junshan's body, causing the source immortal energy in his body to surge and crash against some mysterious barrier.    


This mysterious feeling made Yang Junshan realize that he had touched the barrier of the Dao Seeking stage!    


However, not long after Yang Junshan was immersed in this mysterious feeling, he heard Yang Ting's exclamation, "Quick, look!"    


Actually, even without Yang Ting's reminder, Yang Junshan's perception had already detected the change that happened after the space barrier disappeared. And this change seemed to be confirming his conjecture.    


Touching the He Dao Barrier's mysteries did not help him in increasing his cultivation level at all. Yang Junshan woke up from his cultivation and was surprised to see a drastic change in front of him.    


Following the general trajectory of the spatial barrier, a series of hills began to rise from the ground. However, the hills continued to rise unceasingly, gradually forming the shape of a mountain range.    


Strangely, the ground didn't change at all when the space barrier was broken. As the mountains on both sides grew taller, the two men gradually formed a gap between two mountains, connecting the two sides of the mountain.    


At this moment, Yang Ting said thoughtfully, "After the spatial barrier was broken through, the terrain changed and formed a mountain range. It seems like the boundary between the two sides of the barrier from before."    


Yang Junshan's heart skipped a beat and said, "Let's take a look along this mountain range."    


The two headed in opposite directions from the mountain range.    


After escaping for a thousand miles, Yang Junshan seemed to have reached the end of this mountain range. However, because the mountain range changed its route, a new river could be seen at the end of the mountain, and this river was coincidentally following the direction of the barrier.    


Yang Junshan escaped along the river for another thousand miles. Suddenly, a large rift appeared at the end of the river, which formed a spectacular waterfall.    


At the bottom of the fissure, the river formed by the waterfall became narrower and narrower until it gradually stopped flowing. It was as if the river water had already seeped into the ground and formed a underground channel.    


Yang Junshan was about to land at the bottom of the crack to check it out, but just as he was about to descend from the sky, a cold light suddenly shot out from the depths of the rift towards him.    


"There's someone here!"    


Yang Junshan immediately found the assailant who had ambushed him using his spiritual sense. It was a Great Rudra, who had also come from outside the Feng Tian world!    


The cold light was quick and fierce, without any warning, Yang Junshan also sensed the presence of the attacker the moment the cold light closed in on him.    


How did this person enter the Mighty Heaven world?    


Was it because of the Primordial Profound Light, or was it because they had entered the Burning Heaven World from the Void Passage just like him?    


What was worse was that Yang Junshan no longer had any of the immortal treasures he had, which would definitely affect his battle prowess.    


The attacker was obviously determined to take this hit!    


However, he had obviously underestimated Yang Junshan's ability. Or perhaps, his attack was more than enough to kill the Great Rudra Immortal. Unfortunately, Yang Junshan was not an ordinary cultivator at the peak of the Great Rudra Realm.    


Facing the imminent attack, Yang Junshan suddenly stretched out his hand to grab forward!    


Seeing this, the ambusher still had a smile on his face. Grabbing the magic treasure with his bare hands was already an act of helplessness in his panic. The other party's hand, along with his entire arm, would surely be crippled!    


However, before the attacker could appreciate his masterpiece, what happened before his eyes caused his complacency to completely freeze on his face.    


"Wh, what …"    


In Yang Junshan's hand, a golden and silver glow could be seen flashing from time to time. In his hand, a diamond-shaped silver shuttle could be seen, struggling like a fish.    


In fact, Yang Junshan was also slightly glad that he didn't know about the sneak attack. Luckily, he still had the silver space on his hands, otherwise, the explosive power of this silver shuttle would have been enough to shatter his metacarpal bone with his bare hands.    


Although the metacarpal bone had been shattered, it was only a small matter for Yang Junshan's physical body to be healed in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea. However, no one wanted to be injured for no reason.    


As for the attacker …    


This person reacted quickly. The moment the magic treasure was grabbed by Yang Junshan, this person decisively turned around and ran.    


"Middle stage of the Grand Luo Empire, Double Flower Gatherer!"    


Yang Junshan harrumphed coldly. Being ambushed by someone for no reason, he naturally wouldn't let that person go.    


However, Yang Junshan's decisiveness was out of his expectation. Just as Yang Junshan was about to give chase, the silver shuttle in his hand suddenly vibrated violently. Along with a series of violent cracking sounds, cracks appeared on the surface of the magic treasure.    


Magic treasure self-detonation!    


Yang Junshan frowned. He had no choice but to cut open the space and throw the silver shuttle in.    


Even though this silver shuttle was only a high-grade Dao weapon, it was still powerful enough to deal with the explosion of a Great Rudra Immortal. Even Yang Junshan didn't dare underestimate it.    


An explosion sound came from thousands of feet away in the sky. The sky first caved in, then a huge shockwave exploded out, leaving a hole in the ground that was more than three hundred feet deep. A large amount of underground water was seeping out, and soon a lake would be formed.    


He opened his mouth and spat a mouthful of blood at the light beneath his feet. His original speed had actually increased by thirty percent, and at the same time, he turned around and threw out an object from behind. The place he landed appeared to be at the place where he previously hid.    


Yang Junshan was about to give chase, but he suddenly had an idea. He quickly got rid of the light under his feet, then pointed his finger towards the sky and destroyed the item thrown by the attacker.    


However, the attacker took advantage of Yang Junshan's pause to travel more than thousands of feet away. Finally, the attacker escaped from Yang Junshan's pursuit and disappeared into his spiritual sense.    


He looked in the direction the attacker fled to. Although this person had successfully escaped from him, Yang Junshan had already remembered his presence. If they ever met again, he naturally wouldn't give him the chance to escape.    


However, at this time, Yang Junshan had already arrived at the place where the ambusher had hidden himself. The ambusher's cultivation base was obviously not as high as Yang Junshan's, but he still brazenly attacked. Besides the fact that Yang Junshan was very confident in his own strength, there was another reason, which was probably because there was something that forced him to do this.    


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Fellow Daoists, five days is a day of joy!    


A new month has come. I beg the various dao friends for the monthly tickets.    


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