Sovereign to Immortality

C1741 Pearl of the Milky Way quasi-immortal

C1741 Pearl of the Milky Way quasi-immortal

Without a doubt, the Da Luo cultivator who ambushed Yang Junshan had left a deep impression on him.    


Whether it was the ruthlessness of the person exploding his own life treasure or his determination to destroy the treasure and buy time for him to escape when he couldn't get the treasure in front of him, they all showed how extraordinary this person was.    


Although this person's cultivation base was not as high as Yang Junshan's, and the gap between their abilities was huge, Yang Junshan had already made this man his potential opponent.    


However, these things had to be taken care of in the future, and there was an opportunity waiting for Yang Junshan to uncover it.    


The ambusher did not forget to destroy the place where he was hiding just now. It was clear that there was an extraordinary opportunity there. That was the reason why, in a situation where he could not get his hands on it, he would rather destroy it than let others have it.    


It was also because of this reason that the ambusher chose to ambush Yang Junshan when he noticed him approaching.    


Fortunately, Yang Junshan saw the opportunity and intercepted the man's magic treasure. Although this gave him time to escape, it also gave him the opportunity to land in Yang Junshan's hands.    


Yang Junshan came to the place where the attacker had hidden. He discovered that there was an exquisite concealing array, no wonder Yang Junshan didn't discover any clues when he came here.    


However, as a top master of array dao, Yang Junshan subconsciously investigated this small array. He found that this portable array was actually filled with the style of the He Luo Star Palace.    


"Hmm, this is quite interesting. Could it be that the He Luo Star Palace is also participating in this grand feast?" Or could it be that this person is related to a high level immortal master in the Heluo Star Palace? "    


Yang Junshan rubbed his chin and thought for a moment. Then, he stopped thinking about this question and started to activate the array.    


That's right, it was to open the formation, not to completely destroy it!    


As the former Star Lord of the He Luo Star Palace, Yang Junshan was also very familiar with the inheritance system of the He Luo Star Palace. As former Star Lord of the He Luo Star Palace, Yang Junshan was also very familiar with the inheritance system of the He Luo Star Palace.    


That was right. When the meticulous sneak attack laid the formation, they already thought of the worst case scenario. Once the formation was forcefully broken through, it would cause space to shatter and destroy the lucky chance that the formation protected.    


Unfortunately, this ambusher's luck was really bad. Not only did he encounter a peak Great Luo cultivator who was so strong that it caused him to despair, but he was also the top array immortal master in the entire universe!    


Yang Junshan could take control of the array and use it for himself without losing any of it. This way, he could prevent the aura of opportunity protected by the array from leaking and attract unnecessary trouble.    


Yang Junshan's caution was right. The moment he entered the array, the water elemental essence wrapped around him.    


The immortal elemental energy in Yang Junshan's body started to circulate by itself, absorbing and refining the water elemental energy around him, and slowly merging it into the immortal elemental energy within him.    


"Could it be a water-attributed treasure?"    


Yang Junshan's eyes lit up. Judging from the density of the Water Elemental Essence here, perhaps this Water Elemental Treasure was of a rather high quality!    


Yang Junshan came to a cliff behind the array. With a glance, a clear spring rose from the middle of a naturally formed stone basin at the base of the cliff.    


"What a good look at the Spirit Spring Water!" Just by this spirit spring, it is comparable to the river on the western mountain! "    


Yang Junshan cupped a handful of spring water and gulped it down. The sweet and cold stream water was really refreshing.    


"Just this spirit spring alone is not enough to attract the coveting of an almighty Celestial sovereign. Furthermore, such a spirit spring is not enough to nurture such a dense source of water!"    


Yang Junshan's eyes flashed as he looked at the spring. He then bent over and reached his hand into the spring.    


The spring water that was originally gurgling was suddenly filled with a series of huge bubbles. White steam was emitted from the bubbles as if the water in the pot was boiling.    


Of course, this was not because of the boiling hot steam, but because the water elemental essence was so dense that it was almost solid.    


At this time, Yang Junshan's face suddenly changed. He smiled and said, "Indeed!"    


Afterward, he retracted his hand and did not bring anything out from the spring. However, his gaze was tightly fixed at the spring that seemed to be filled with water.    


Suddenly, with the appearance of an even larger splash of water, a fist-sized sparkling and translucent dark blue bead emerged from the spring. It rose and fell on the surface of the water along with the splashing of the splash.    


As the dark blue crystal bead emerged from the water, the water elemental energy became denser and began to permeate the confined space.    


At this moment, Yang Junshan's eyes flashed and he swiped his hand behind him. A door appeared on top of the small and exquisite concealing array, and Immortal Elder Yang Ting entered in a flash.    


"I just noticed that this senior seemed to be in a battle with someone. However, I encountered some trouble …"    


Before Yang Tingxian could finish his words, his gaze fell upon the floating crystal pearl that carried a dense blue mist and he was unable to move his gaze away.    


"This looks like … the Pearl of the Milky Way?"    


Yang Ting asked uncertainly.    


Yang Junshan heard this and laughed. Apparently, he was very happy and he said, "That's right, it is the Sky River Pearl!" The assailant whom I have met earlier must be hiding at this place in order to wait for this' Astral River Pearl '! "    


Previously, this Astral River Pearl had not fully matured, and this is also why the ambusher has been waiting here the entire time. But now, this Astral River Pearl will be able to completely retract the water element source that had dissipated after a short period of time. Yang Junshan smiled.    


"Haha, my luck is not bad. Although this Pearl of the Milky Way is not an Origin treasure, it is said that it is a quasi-immortal equipment that was naturally nurtured. When the time comes, as long as I refine it a little, it will be a low-grade immortal equipment with extremely deep reserves, maybe it can even become a middle-grade immortal weapon!" Immortal Yang Ting laughed loudly.    


However, Yang Junshan said: "I somewhat sympathize and understand the ambusher. Although an immortal equipment is rare in space, as a Great Rudra Immortal, his personal treasure is actually a high-grade Dao Artifact, which is somewhat inconsistent with his cultivation level and status. It is probably because of this, that when the existence of the Astral River Bead was discovered here, he could not even bother to look for the Primordial Purple Clouds, and instead concentrated on waiting here in order to obtain this Natural Spiritual Treasure that could easily be converted into a celestial item."    


"Presumably, this is also the reason why he didn't hesitate to self-destruct his life treasure when I create it. As long as he can repel me like this, he will immediately obtain a celestial item as compensation. He won't lose out no matter what."    


"Unfortunately, he still underestimated this sovereign's strength!" Yang Ting smiled.    


Yang Junshan smiled and asked, "How was your investigation from the other direction?"    


Speaking of proper business, Yang Ting restrained the smile on his face and replied, "My original body wishes to explore along the other side of the mountain range. This mountain range indeed follows the general trajectory of the spatial barrier from before, but the mountain range extended for more than a thousand miles before reaching its end. However, the trajectory of the spatial barrier still exists between a distinct forest and a prairie. "    


I continued to fly along this boundary line, but very quickly, I encountered a spatial barrier, and this spatial barrier was extended in a different direction than the barrier that collapsed earlier. I was supposed to investigate it myself, but then I noticed that I was being attacked, so I hurried back.    


Yang Ting told Yang Junshan in detail about his investigation.    


Yang Junshan's eyes lit up, "You've discovered the spatial barrier again?"    


The leakage of the Heaven and Earth Source Energy from the broken space barrier had brought Yang Junshan's cultivation base with it, and he still had a vivid memory of the mysterious feeling of touching the He Dao Barrier. Now that he heard about the existence of such a lucky chance, he was not willing to give it up.    


"After the space barrier is broken, the opportunity to divulge the origin of the world can be discovered by others at any time. We need to hurry there." Yang Junshan said.    


"But …"    


Yang Ting looked at the Astral River Pearl that was still floating in the Spirit Spring Water, and said: "How about I rush over first, and stay here until this Astral River Pearl matures?"    


Yang Junshan heard this and laughed: "No worries, although the Sky River Pearl is rare, it is not as good as the Myriad Realm Void Spirit Root that Fellow Yang Hua is protecting. Wait a moment Fellow Taoist, please see my skill!"    


After he had finished speaking, Yang Jun stomped on the ground at the foot of the mountain, causing the earth to shake violently. Yang Lord then lowered his hands, and slowly raised his palms, causing the ground to shake even more violently.    


With a loud rumbling sound, the cliffs on both sides of the rift began to collapse from the trembling of the ground.    


"This is …" "Mountain Shifting Art?" The Immortal Yang Ting was a little puzzled as he said: "Does this sovereign want to move this area that is extended by the spiritual spring water vein?"    


While Yang Junshan was casting his supernatural powers, he even had time to laugh and say, "Of course I don't really want to move the mountain. I want to extract the essence of the entire spiritual spring, and then mature this Sky River Pearl in advance."    


Yang Ting opened his mouth but didn't say anything.    


To forcefully extract the water essence from the Spirit Spring Water by force, it would definitely cause a great deal of damage to the region of this generation. However, thinking about how they were only passersby in the Feng Tian World, there was no need to think too much about it.    


As the entire spirit spring water vein was drawn into the Sky River Pearl, the water that was gushing out of the spring became even more intense. The Sky River Pearl began to spin rapidly in the water before slowly rising into the air.    


The water elemental energy that had been emanating outwards was being absorbed rapidly by the Milky Way Bead, and the crystal ball that originally carried a deep blue color had now completely lost its last bit of color.    


"Let's go!"    


Yang Junshan waved his sleeve and the Sky River Pearl immediately disappeared. At the same time, the two of them also disappeared into the crack.    


Not long after the two of them left, the cliff where the spring was originally at began to collapse. The water from the waterfall continued to rise, forming a new river in the long and narrow rift.    


In the air above the rift, Yang Junshan and Yang Ting were looking down at the changes occurring within the rift, as if they had realized something, "The great river that formed this waterfall was the source of the spirit spring vein, and the Sky River Pearl was formed from the essence of this great river. Now that the Sky River Pearl has been formed, the water in this great river can continue flowing."    


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