Sovereign to Immortality

C1923 Immortal Road Sovereign continued 3

C1923 Immortal Road Sovereign continued 3

This was clearly a trap!    


Yang Junxiu and Yang Lizhao stepped forward without hesitation.    


He saw Yang Lizhao and the Western Mountain Great Boat unable to dodge in time, as if they had walked right into a trap, and crashed into the chaotic giant claw.    


In the nick of time, Yang Junxiu turned back and looked at the giant claw that was about to close. He saw her point at her forehead.    


An endless platinum colored light gushed out from the back of her head and condensed into a white tiger that was thousands of feet long in the starry sky. Its enormous body even far surpassed the Western Mountain great boat.    


An earth-shaking roar rippled through the starry sky. When it spread to the surrounding starry sky, countless stars and land were obliterated. The moment it touched the chaotic giant claw, even the twisting space could slow the speed of the giant claw by a little.    


Taking advantage of this moment, Yang Lizhao, who had finally recovered from his panicked state, had finally completed his turn on the Western Mountain ship.    


Soon after, the giant golden tiger fell from the sky onto one of the claws. It bore the corrosion from the primal chaos and actually forcefully bit a hole in the claw. The huge body of the tiger was also almost completely destroyed.    


"Quick!" Fast! What are you waiting for? "    


Yang Junxiu's voice came from the tiger's mouth.    


Yang Lizhao continuously poured his immortal elemental energy into the ship, and without even using his immortal source, a huge Heavenly Fox Constellation rose from the west mountain ship. Nine huge fox tails swayed in the starry sky, pushing the speed of the west mountain ship to its limits.    


In the instant that the giant chaos claw was completely closed, Yang Junxiu had already torn open the gap in the chaos origin of the chaos and rushed out.    


Fortunately, Yang Junshan had steered the western ship into and out of the Bedlam Lands several times, which had greatly improved the quality of the boat. At the very least, it would be able to endure for a long time under the erosion of the primal chaos.    


As a result, the moment the Western Mountain ship squeezed out from the primal chaos on both sides of the gap, the ship itself wasn't seriously injured.    


However, Yang Lizhao, who had just escaped, didn't even have time to celebrate before hearing his great-aunt's scream.    


"Be careful!"    


Yang Lizhao didn't know what to do. He didn't even know what to be careful of.    


However, his grandaunt's warning was always correct. In a situation where he didn't know where the danger came from, Yang Lizhao could only urge his immortal elemental energy to increase his speed as much as possible.    


It was at this time that Yang Lizhao finally had time to look around, trying to find the source of the danger that his aunt had warned him about.    


At the same time, the giant chaos claw that was already closed suddenly opened. The claw that was torn apart by Yang Junxiu bounced up, the tip of the claw just happened to graze the side of the ship.    


Accompanied by an ear-piercing sound and the violent shaking of the western boat, a huge scratch was made on the left side of the boat amidst the splashing wood.    


Fortunately, at this time, Yang Lizhao promptly pulled the bow of the ship, allowing it to fly in the opposite direction from the giant claw. After dodging the claw's grasp, it finally escaped the danger.    


Yang Lizhao had a lingering fear in his heart. He couldn't be bothered with the damaged starship, so he decided to stay as far away from the chaotic entrance as possible.    


Unexpectedly, Yang Junxiu was already standing on the bow of the ship before Yang Lizhao was ready to leave.    


Yang Junxiu's white tiger origin law had been quite damaged previously in order to save Yang Lizhao. However, no damage could be seen on her body. Instead, her aura had become sharper and more murderous.    


"Did you submit?"    


Yang Junxiu seemed to see through her thoughts with a single glance, and immediately revealed a look of disdain.    


"Ugh …"    


Yang Lizhao's expression froze. He had indeed wanted to temporarily leave, but being looked down upon by his aunt, he couldn't say anything as he wanted to temporarily evade her gaze.    


"Your ship has been damaged quite a bit. I, your aunt, have also consumed a lot of my source energy. I didn't earn much from all of this. If you have any guts, then charge at me a few more times!"    


Under Yang Junxiu's gaze, Yang Lizhao had no room to refuse.    


Helpless, he had no choice but to brace himself and follow behind Yang Junxiu. He turned around and attacked the claw with his lance.    


However, this time, the two of them were much more careful than before. Everything depended on safety, and after avoiding several threats from the huge claw, both Yang Junxiu and Yang Lizhao were able to obtain the essences of good fortune, allowing them to travel a thousand miles in the future on their path of cultivation.    


However, regardless of whether it was Yang Junxiu or Yang Lizhao, the two of them did not know that after the two of them had jointly extracted the source of origin energy bit by bit from the chaos claw, even though a small portion of it had been obtained by them, in reality, most of it had returned to the Nine Heavens Star World.    


Although their actions could be considered as a personal adventure due to the need for cultivation, it greatly reduced the damage done to the Nine Heavens Star Realm by the chaos claws. To a certain extent, their colleagues also destroyed the plans of some of the supreme chaos beasts in the Bedlam Lands regarding the Nine Heavens Star Realm.    


And it was because of this that Yang Junxiu and Yang Lizhao were slowly accumulating the fortune of the Nine Heavenly Star Realms to take care of them.    


Until one time when Yang Junxiu and Yang Liquor, after successfully obtaining a wisp of the essence of Creation, once again steered the Western Mountain Ark through the gaps between the chaotic giant claws.    


The giant chaos claw seemed to understand that it was extremely difficult to catch the two of them without holding back, so it no longer reacted to their actions. Instead, it quickly pulled back towards the entrance of the primal chaos along with the rest of its harvest.    


At this time, Yang Junxiu and Yang Lizhao's ancestors also stopped, ready to wait for the next appearance of the chaos claw.    


However, just as the two of them were recovering their immortal elemental energy, a huge chaotic claw was suddenly pushed out from the entrance of the primal chaos by a huge torrent. It was soon shattered by the torrent of chaos and turned back into a primal chaos.    


Yang Junxiu and Yang Lizhao, who were recovering from the shock, saw the Essence of Chaos scatter like a torrent. As for that giant chaos claw, it had disappeared long ago.    


The grandfather and grandson looked at each other in shock, not knowing what had happened.    


After a long while, Yang Jun spoke up, "Stay here. I'll go take a look around!"    


"Aunt, this could be another plot by that giant chaos claw to lure us in!" Yang Lizhao hurriedly advised.    


Yang Junxiu shook her head. "I don't think so."    


Yang Lizhao was about to speak, but Yang Junxiu waved her hand and said, "No need to say anymore. The change in the origin of chaos is very strange. I need to figure it out, and I suspect that this might have something to do with your grandfather!"    


Yang Lizhao looked startled when he heard that. Yang Junxiu's figure flashed, and arrived near the source of chaos that was spreading.    


Although Yang Junxiu's body forging cultivation couldn't compare to that of her sworn brother, she believed that her mortal body's toughness was still over 90% of that of Empyrean He Daozi's.    


It was unlikely that he would be able to enter and leave the Primal Chaos like Yang Junshan, but it wasn't difficult for him to survive the corrosion of the primal chaos for a period of time.    


Moreover, once the primal chaos leaked out from the Bedlam Lands, it began to dilute. As time passed, it might even degenerate into chaos energy, which would only cause further damage to the cultivator's body.    


As Yang Junxiu got closer and closer to the entrance of the primal chaos, the corrosion of the primal chaos increased, but she was able to sense the change in the primal chaos more clearly.    


Under the scattered streams of primal chaos, countless streams of chaotic energy were consciously clashing against each other.    


Of course, the origin of primal chaos did not have consciousness, but after being controlled by someone and forming a chaotic current, the origin of primal chaos had consciousness.    


However, only a Paragon of the Chaos Realm could control the Essence of primordial chaos!    


The reason why Yang Junxiu had insisted on approaching the Chaos entrance was because she had felt a familiar aura from the chaos source.    


However, this strand of aura was quickly weakened following the collapse of the giant chaos claw, and then it disappeared amidst the scattered primordial chaos.    


If that familiar aura was as she thought, then it meant that her sworn brother Yang Junshan had successfully crossed the threshold and reached the Sovereign Realm that all cultivators dreamed of!    


Because of this, Yang Jun was more eager to confirm her conjecture.    


However, the countless criss-crossing streams of chaotic energy left her at a loss on what to do. For a moment, she also did not know which wisp of familiar energy was hidden within that chaotic energy.    


Just then, a sound came from behind him, making Yang Junxiu a little unhappy.    


When she turned around, she saw that the Western Mountain ship was passing through the chaotic streams of chaos and was approaching her.    


On the bow of the boat, Yang Lizhao stood and waved to her.    


Returning to the ship, Yang Junxiu's face darkened. "What happened? Didn't I tell you not to come in?"    


Yang Lizhao chuckled and said, "I've seen grandma come in for so long. If it was a trap, I wouldn't have waited until now. So grandchild followed her in hoping to help."    


Noticing Yang Junxiu's unsightly expression, Yang Lizhao quickly added, "Grandfather once said that the galactic ship could enter and leave the Bedlam Lands. Moreover, this is only the leaked Essence of Primal Chaos, it won't be dangerous."    


Yang Junxiu was about to scold him, but then she suddenly thought of something and said, "Fine, since we're already inside, let's look around. I suspect that your grandfather has already entered the Bedlam Lands. I could vaguely sense his source energy."    


Yang Lizhao couldn't help but click his tongue when he heard this. The Essence of Primal Chaos was a type of source that could assimilate everything, and it could even make the Essence of Primal Chaos touch with its own energy for a period of time.    


However, he soon realized what Yang Junxiu was talking about. His expression immediately became excited, and he even became incoherent with his emotions, "Wh, what? "Aunt, you mean, grandpa has …"    


Without waiting for him to finish, Yang Junxiu nodded and said, "If there's no surprise, Brother Yi has already crossed that threshold. If so, we might as well stay here for a longer time." It has to be said that once the source of chaos left the Bedlam Lands, although it will still be dangerous, it will be a rare lucky chance! "    


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