Mysterious Son-in-law

C34 Explosive News

C34 Explosive News

"Did you guys hear? Just now, our CEO Su Qing was confessed to!"    


"What? Which bastard has the heart of a bear and the heart of a leopard that dares to have ideas about the goddesses of the older generation?! Let's go and beat him up!"    


"I heard that he is the president of East Star Entertainment Company, Tao Kun!"    


"Er... forget it..."    


When they heard this news, they were just about to go downstairs and beat up the bastard who stole their goddess. When they heard that the bastard was Tao Kun, the group of male colleagues in the office stopped.    


Tao Kun was not only the president of the East Star Entertainment Company, but also a member of the Tao family in Jianghai.    


Ordinary people would not dare to offend Tao Kun, or else they would have a miserable ending.    


"Did you guys hear about it again? Our president was hugged by a bastard. Come down with me and beat him up!"    


Hearing this news, the men from the Qingyun Group were heartbroken. However, they did not make any moves.    


"You guys, why are you still unmoved when you heard that the CEO was molested by a man?"    


"Then what else can we do? Tao Kun is not someone we can afford to offend. It's just that we pity our goddess..."    


"The person hugging the president isn't Tao Kun. He is..."    


"What?! Not Tao Kun... Then what are we waiting for?! Brothers, come down with me and beat him up... "    


Thus, a large group of people rushed downstairs while gnashing their teeth in anger...    




At the entrance of the Qingyun Group.    


"My woman, you think you can do anything to her? You're courting death..."    


Lin Yun used his true essence when he said this. The sound of thunder rolled in all directions. Everyone present could hear it clearly.    


Su Qing, who was in his arms, tried to break free from Lin Yun's embrace. She found that she was of no use, so she could only watch Lin Yun mess around.    


She sighed in her heart. "Forget it. The matter between me and him will be known sooner or later. There is not much difference between a day earlier and a day later..."    


The Qingyun Group employees who rushed down saw their goddess CEO being held in a man's arms from afar. Moreover, the CEO did not resist too much and her face was flushed red.    


"What's going on? The CEO is actually shy? Am I dreaming?"    


Not only him, but the large group of employees who rushed down were also unable to believe their eyes.    


When did they ever see the president of the Qingyun Group in someone's arms? Not only did he not resist, he even showed a little bit of happiness on his face...    


What the hell is going on?    


If Su Qing being held in someone's arms and not resisting made them shocked, then Tao Kun's next action made everyone petrified.    


Tao Kun looked at Lin Yun and knelt down. Not only that, he kept begging loudly, "Master, please spare my life. I did not know he was your woman. Please let me go. I can give me money. 100 million, no, 200 million..."    


Tao Kun's heart was full of grief. He wondered if he did not look at the calendar when he went out today. Why did he meet this malefic again?    


If it was anyone else, Tao Kun wouldn't be afraid. But he knew in his heart that this man in front of him was a genuine high-level martial artist. His cultivation was at least at the Profound Rank.    


If one day he accidentally made him unhappy, then his life would be gone.    


Tao Kun clearly remembered that when this person went to the East Star Entertainment Company to collect the debt, not only did he bump into him, but he also injured him.    


What was even more terrifying was that this man wasn't afraid of a pistol. Regular weapons couldn't hurt him at all.    


Tao Kun looked at Lin Yun, and the more he looked, the more shocked he became. Suddenly, he discovered an even more terrifying fact.    


"You... That night at the bar, the person who beat up Zhao Hao... is it you?"    


"Oh? How did you know about that?"    


Lin Yun looked at Tao Kun with a little doubt when he heard Tao Kun ask him that question.    


Hearing Lin Yun's answer, Tao Kun's cold sweat became more and more. Soon, his whole body was wet.    


The man in front of him was definitely a madman. Calling him a devil was not an exaggeration.    


It turned out that after experiencing Lin Yun's extortion, Tao Kun had been in a bad mood for a period of time.    


He used the family's ancestral plaster to almost treat the wound on his hand. After that, he spent the entire night in the bar to find excitement to vent his unhappiness.    


That night, Tao Kun and a few friends went to the Night Bar to continue fooling around. However, they cleverly ran into Lin Yun, who came out to drink and was in a bad mood.    


After seeing Lin Yun from afar, Tao Kun was so scared that he hid in a private room in a corner and did not dare to come out. Seeing that Lin Yun did not notice him, Tao Kun could not help but let out a sigh of relief.    


However, Lin Yun's next move that night almost made his eyes pop out.    


What he did not expect was that that night, not only did this malefic not give the pub owner Zhao Yan any face, he even humiliated her fiercely.    


The most terrifying thing was that in the end, this guy even beat up the underground emperor of Jianghai, Zhao Yuanchang's son, Zhao Hao, to become a eunuch, making him lose the ability to become a man in the future.    


When he heard that Zhao Yuanchang knew about this, he was furious. That night, he put a bounty of 500 million on the dark net, and swore to let the person who hurt his son pay the price!    


It was just that someone who knew that the person who injured Zhao Hao was very likely a middle level Profound Rank martial artist. Because Master Wu, who was in charge of protecting Zhao Hao, could not withstand a single punch from him, so in the face of such a high bounty, no killer dared to take this order for the time being.    


However, after Zhao Yuanchang understood Lin Yun's strength, he doubled the reward. This time, the killers on the dark net could not remain calm.    


As the saying goes, "people die for money, birds die for food." As long as there was an employer who could afford it, there would naturally be those who were willing to risk their lives.    


On the night Zhao Yuanchang doubled the reward, a top assassin from overseas named "Poison Spikes" accepted the mission. These few days, he was quietly rushing to the Longxia Country.    


When the people on the dark net heard that the 'Venomous Stinger' had made a move, the entire dark net erupted that night. There were even people who made a special bet that Lin Yun or the 'Venomous Stinger' would kill the other party first.    


However, when the people in the dark net were paying close attention to the bet nervously, Lin Yun, who was involved in the bet, still had a carefree look on his face.    


Because until now, he had no idea that he was on the assassination list!    


Tao Kun kowtowed and begged loudly, hoping that the devil in front of him would let him go. He even dared to kill Zhao Yuanchang's son, not to mention that he was only one of the young masters of Tao family.    


When Tao Kun saw Lin Yun, he saw Lin Yun. Su Qing frowned like a mouse seeing a cat.    


She had some doubts about how Lin Yun took back the debt from Planet East. Now that she saw Tao Kun kneeling down and begging for forgiveness from Lin Yun, she was even more confused about Lin Yun.    


Lin Yun was indifferent to Tao Kun's pleas. A cold light flashed across his eyes, and he walked towards Tao Kun step by step with a cold killing intent.    


Although Su Qing had yet to officially acknowledge their relationship, Lin Yun had already regarded her as someone more important to him.    


Especially after what happened to Gu Anran, Lin Yun would not tolerate the women around him being bullied and hurt.    


Seeing this malefic ignoring his pleas for mercy, Tao Kun's heart was filled with panic.    


"Master, please don't kill me... I will give you one billion yuan, please let me go..."    


Su Qing frowned slightly when she saw Tao Kun crying. She could not bear to see him cry. She quickly advised him, "Lin Yun, forget it. Don't make a big deal out of this. Otherwise, it will not do you any good."    


"Right, right, right..."    


Seeing Su Qing plead for him, Tao Kun hurriedly looked at her and replied.    


"Is that so?"    


Lin Yun's face was full of disdain. He slowly continued to speak. "Tao Dongcheng is nothing to me. What's more, you're just a mere Tao Kun!"    


"Tao... Dong... Cheng..."    


When he heard this name, Tao Kun's pupils shrunk. Astonishing waves surged in his heart -    


"Could it be that the death of Second Uncle Tao and the present... This man has something to do with it!    


However, at this moment, he could only act as if he did not know anything. Otherwise, Tao Kun could not guarantee that this madman would do something out of line to him at this moment.    


"Master, please let me go. I can tell you some insider news. It's about the Zhao siblings!"    


Lin Yun was a little slow when he heard Tao Kun's words. He stopped and stared at Tao Kun expressionlessly.    


"Alright, I'll give you one minute. If your news doesn't satisfy me, you know the consequences..."    


"Yes... yes..."    


Tao Kun stood up in a hurry. After clearing away some unimportant people around him, he told Lin Yun everything he knew.    


After listening to Tao Kun's narration, Lin Yun frowned slightly. He thought to himself, No wonder there are always some strangers around me who pay attention to me.    


At that time, Lin Yun did not care. He only understood when he heard the news.    


Unlike Lin Yun's calm expression, Su Qing was already scared pale after listening to Tao Kun's narration.    


"Lin Yun, what kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into? Do you know?"    


Su Qing did not dare to listen to the rest of the content. The more she listened, the more scared she felt.    


In the end, she forcefully pushed Lin Yun away and wrapped her arms around her. She grabbed one of his arms and dragged him into the company, leaving the stunned audience in a mess in the wind. ...    


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